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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Qurbonova M.

This article discusses the methods used to shape the learning competencies of elementary school students based on the organization of independent work, their types, methods of transfer.

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UDK 37.08

Qurbonova M. teacher

Chirchiq State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region

Uzbekistan, Tashkent




Annotation: This article discusses the methods used to shape the learning competencies of elementary school students based on the organization of independent work, their types, methods of transfer.

Key words: memory, attention, operation, formation, activation, method, thinking, activity, problem, situation, control, self control, collective, personal, control, education, education, play, orientation, analysis, synthesis, Comparison, classification, technology, teamwork, global and more.

INTRODUCTION. In pedagogical practice there is a very rich heritage of teaching methods. Their selection takes into account various conditions, the nature of the subject taught, the age characteristics of students, the level of prior training.For example, if the same methods are used to describe new material, the second method is used to reinforce it, and the second method is used to generalize the topic. It is important to think carefully and apply effective techniques at different stages of the lesson [1].

Teaching methods can be divided into: methods that shape and activate specific operations of thinking, memory, attention and imagination; methods that create problematic and exploratory situations in thinking activities; methods that activate students' experiences and feelings related to the mastery of the learning material; methods of control and student self-control; methods of managing students' collective and individual interactions in the learning process. However, the new requirements for the educational process require further improvement of teaching methods.

REVIEW. In our opinion, the interest of primary school students in learning arises primarily in the classroom. Therefore, the teacher should strive to activate students' cognitive activity, increase interest in reading at each stage of the lesson, using different methods, forms and types of teaching. It is important that the teacher uses more basic diagrams, tables, cards, handouts, fun exercises in their lessons. They evoke a sense of wonder, novelty, surprise, develop alertness, initiative, create an atmosphere of kindness.

The teacher uses the following methods to help students decide on their interest in learning: to create a situation of success for all students by doing the best they can, to learn new material based on previous knowledge; creating a positive emotional mood, a bright and emotional speech of the teacher by creating an atmosphere of trust and cooperation in the classroom; evaluate the outcome of the activity by asking questions that require reflection, eop option answers (e.g., "why was it difficult?",

"what did you learn and discover in the lesson?", etc.) by evaluating your own and others 'activities; of interest is the unique beginning of the lesson through musical fragments, playful and competitive forms [1].

In order to understand and implement the learning objectives, the teacher should use the following to teach the students: to determine the goals of the next activity independently, to create a situation of lack of knowledge, to create a learning environment, to develop the learning activity; giving the right to choose through assignments of different levels, co-planning activities in the classroom; React to the error using the method "Help the ignorant to find the mistake", determine the cause of the error, determine the next action; practical orientation by identifying the study material with a specific life situation, determining the relevance of the material being studied. (For example, in a math class, a teacher asks students to find the length of a wall, the area of land on which wheat is planted. The rule of finding the perimeter and area is used in solving).


It is important to be able to independently distinguish learning tasks (problems), to master new methods of learning, to master the methods of self-monitoring, self-assessment of learning activities using the following methods: organization of work in groups, games and competitions, peer review, team problem solving, mutual assistance, involvement of students in team activities through the "trial and error method"; specific form of material delivery; analysis, comparison of learning objects, organization of students' learning, creating a situation of lack of knowledge, creating problem situations by creating contradictions; problem solving together, conflict resolution, heuristic dialogue, educational discussion, distinguishing serious features of subjects, collaboration in class through classification, generalization, modeling; organization of reflection, involvement of students in assessment activities through assessment of intermediate results; stimulation of activity through assessment, gratitude, verbal encouragement, exhibition of the best works, insignificant help to teachers, complication of tasks [4].

DISCUSSION. In the formation of learning competencies of primary school students, it is important that the teacher has mastered the following modern technologies: problem-based learning: understanding of hypotheses, problem-solving, cognitive function; project-based learning: the ability to use subject knowledge to achieve goals, to find, process and express information, to formalize and express the results of research, to extract important information, to find it independently of educational materials; play activities; business and organizational-intellectual games -understanding of cognitive tasks, orientation to different methods of problem solving; creative play: analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification operations to solve learning tasks; theory of solving inventive problems; critical thinking development technology; group technologies - group work; teaching technology in a global information environment [3].

The following methods can be used in the acquisition of educational content in accordance with the cognitive activity of students: explanatory-illustrative (informative receptive), reproductive, problem statement, private research or heuristic and research. The process of organizing and implementing educational activities

involves the transfer of knowledge, its reception, comprehension, memorization and application in practice. Oral methods of teaching: story, lecture, conversation, etc. In applying these techniques, the teacher narrates and explains the learning material through words, and the students receive it through listening and memorizing. It is necessary to use didactic methods that help to activate mastery in the process of storytelling.

1. Indicate the topic of the lesson. Before introducing a new topic, students are offered an issue, the solution of which is necessary for new knowledge, and it becomes the object of study in this lesson, that is, a problematic situation is created. It begins with learning new material or completing practical assignments, or putting in an experiment, or analyzing observations made in nature.

2. Notice the statement plan. This method not only activates the mastery process, but also teaches students to create a whole narrative system, thereby developing a logical sequence of thinking, identifying specific connections between the facts or events being studied, for example, writing the plan on the board possible: The geographical location of deserts on a map of natural zones. Characteristics of desert climate. Seasons in the desert and so on.

3. Asking questions that stimulate students' attention during the narration.

4. Comparisons that activate students 'cognitive activities (e.g., comparison of field, garden, melon, desert, steppe, and forest flora and fauna).

5. During the presentation of the new material to establish a connection with previous studies, life, practice (for example, the theme of "Skeleton" with the theme of "Muscles", the nature of the native land with the nature of different zones).

6. Include reading a proverb, interesting material, or book into the story. The use of additional material enriches and concretizes the teacher's story. The use of proverbs, parables, and riddles throughout the story also enriches it and makes the material it narrates easier to accept.

7. Use of visual aids (pictures, tables, technical means). The use of various means of visualization throughout the story helps students to form clear ideas, to pay attention and interest to the material being studied, to master it consciously. Schematics and tables, pictures of experiments, blackboards and notebooks, as well as conclusions facilitate the mastery of the study material. However, the use of these didactic methods is not enough to maximize the mental capacity of students. This task is aided by a problem statement, which is based on the students 'independent work and consists of solving the problems and issues posed by the teacher.

The conversational method focuses on the relationship between teacher and student using well-thought-out questions, leading their independent thinking to acquire new concepts. It uses methods of asking questions, discussing students' answers, and drawing conclusions. During the interview, the teacher pays special attention to the students 'speech literacy. This is done with different explanations and their acceptance is clarified. The conversational method focuses on the relationship between teacher and student using well-thought-out questions, leading their independent thinking to acquire new concepts. It uses methods of asking questions, discussing students' answers, and drawing conclusions. During the interview, the

teacher pays special attention to the students 'speech literacy. This is done with different explanations and their acceptance is clarified.

Depending on the role of the conversation in the learning process and the intended didactic purpose, the following types of conversation are distinguished: introductory conversation, repetitive conversation, descriptive conversation and concluding conversation. The introductory conversation is used before learning a new chapter or new topic. Its purpose is to identify or reconstruct students 'perceptions of the subject matter being studied in the lesson. For example, "Before starting to study a field topic, students should be asked these questions during the introductory interview. Who was in the field? What grows in the fields? What cultivated plants do you know? What technical plants do you know? Which grain plants do you know? Only then does the teacher begin to explain the new material [5]. Problem-solving and independent problem-solving serve to stimulate students' interest in learning, that is, their desire to acquire knowledge and learn to solve problems. [2]. The main time in solving the problem is occupied by practical work. For example, when studying the topics of "Autumn", "Winter", "Spring", students can be asked the following problematic questions: Why do birds fly to warmer countries in the fall? Why do some animals sleep in the winter? Why does it get cold in the fall? and others. When putting a problem in front of students, it is necessary to carefully calculate how much each of them comes from the content of the lesson, serves didactic and educational purposes. Putting problems that do not meet these requirements only hinders the determination of the nature of the issues covered in the lesson. It is also not possible to put a problem in front of students for a conscious solution if they do not have the necessary knowledge.

CONCLUSION. These situations imply a clear understanding of the problem by the student, and overcoming it requires the search for new knowledge, methods and actions. If a student lacks basic knowledge, he or she will not be able to accept problematic situations. If the existing knowledge is not enough for the student to understand something in a problematic situation; discrepancies between new requirements and existing knowledge in students (between old knowledge and new facts, between low and high levels of knowledge, between life and scientific knowledge); The need to use previously acquired knowledge in new practical situations occurs when there is a discrepancy between the theoretical possibilities of solving problems and the impossibility of practical application of the chosen method, and the lack of knowledge of students to theoretically justify it [6].

As noted above, the new requirements for the content of education require more and more equipping students with methods of logical thinking, logical operations. There are so many types of teaching methods that it is impossible to pinpoint their exact number. They are constantly enriched during the period of pedagogical practice. Methods are classified according to the logical aspects, components, and tasks of teaching.

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