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group blog / written academic discourse / foreign language teaching / foreign language communicative competence / stages of teaching

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Zhaubasarova Karakoz Danebaevna, Naran Balnur Bakytkalievna

The methodology for teaching written academic discourse to students through a study group blog integrates digital learning tools with traditional academic writing practices. The primary objective of this approach is to enhance students' academic writing, critical thinking, and argumentation skills by using an interactive blog as a collaborative learning environment. The result of scientific works analysis is the development of stages of teaching Master’s Degree Students written academic discourse with group blog using. This stages includes the following steps and the corresponding stages: 1) introductory stage (Step 1 – The process of introducing project activities in the context of using the study group blog is carried out – description of the project, setting goals, defining tasks, and deadlines); 2) technical stage (Step 2 – Registration on one of the Internet platform related to blog technology and its subspecies – the blog of the study group; Step 3 – Discussion of information security on the Internet when working with the study group blog); 3) educational and training stage (Step 4 – Explanation of the structure of writing a specific scientific document (theoretical and practical aspect); Step 5 – Testing the theoretical component of the structure of writing a specific scientific document; Step 6 – Testing a practical component of writing a specific scientific document); 4) presentation stage (Step 7 – Finding information on a given topic of the project and its further use in fulfilling the task; Step 8 – Publishing material on the study group blog; Step 9 – Acquaintance and assessment materials published by other students with their subsequent commenting; Step 10 – Re-publication of the material taking into account the correction and error correction or publication of responses to comments of other users); 5) Final stage (Step 11 – Evaluation of the work done by students with subsequent reflection and identification of strengths and weaknesses at work, as well as identification of recommendations for further improvement; Step 12 – Evaluation of the work done by the teacher based on the indicated criteria).

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Second year master's student at Miras University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan


English teacher at school named after Y.Altynsarin №65, Shymkent, Kazakhstan

Annotation. The methodology for teaching written academic discourse to students through a study group blog integrates digital learning tools with traditional academic writing practices. The primary objective of this approach is to enhance students' academic writing, critical thinking, and argumentation skills by using an interactive blog as a collaborative learning environment. The result of scientific works analysis is the development of stages of teaching Master's Degree Students written academic discourse with group blog using. This stages includes the following steps and the corresponding stages: 1) introductory stage (Step 1 - The process of introducing project activities in the context of using the study group blog is carried out - description of the project, setting goals, defining tasks, and deadlines); 2) technical stage (Step 2 - Registration on one of the Internet platform related to blog technology and its subspecies - the blog of the study group; Step 3 -Discussion of information security on the Internet when working with the study group blog); 3) educational and training stage (Step 4 - Explanation of the structure of writing a specific scientific document (theoretical and practical aspect); Step 5 - Testing the theoretical component of the structure of writing a specific scientific document; Step 6 - Testing a practical component of writing a specific scientific document); 4) presentation stage (Step 7 - Finding information on a given topic of the project and its further use in fulfilling the task; Step 8 - Publishing material on the study group blog; Step 9 - Acquaintance and assessment materials published by other students with their subsequent commenting; Step 10 - Re-publication of the material taking into account the correction and error correction or publication of responses to comments of other users); 5) Final stage (Step 11 - Evaluation of the work done by students with subsequent reflection and identification of strengths and weaknesses at work, as well as identification of recommendations for further improvement; Step 12 - Evaluation of the work done by the teacher based on the indicated criteria).

Keywords: group blog; written academic discourse; foreign language teaching; foreign language communicative competence; stages of teaching.

The general trend in the formation of competencies necessary for the successful implementation of modern educational tasks process, directly depends on the available funds. In the context of the dynamically developing Internet, the blog of the study group appears to be one of the most optimized and promising means of achieving the goals of scientific communication. The main goal of our work is the development of writing skills in students' degree, namely, written academic discourse. In addition, wide range of didactic possibilities properties and methodological functions of the blog educational group allows you to form a series components of foreign language communicative competencies.

Most scientists believe that that any methodological teaching system structurally consists of several components block components. Based on the experience of research conducted in field of pedagogy, we chose a variation of the methodological system, consisting of four consecutive blocks:

1) "target definition block" (goals and learning objectives);

2) "block of theoretical justification" (list of teaching principles written academic discourse, approaches to teaching written academic discourse);

3) "functional block" (methods and organizational forms of training, teaching aids and organizational and pedagogical conditions);

4) "work results assessment block systems."

Target Definition Block

The first block of the system includes purpose and objectives of training. The goal is to teach students written academic discourse through the use of an educational blog groups. The goal is broken down into a number of typical tasks for a foreign language, corresponding to specific skills written academic discourse among undergraduates - "practical, general educational, educational, developmental and strategic" [6, p. 106]. Theoretical justification block

The second block of the system consists of approaches and corresponding principles of teaching a foreign language.

In this scientific research, the development of a methodological system for teaching written academic speech to students through a blog of a study group will be implemented using didactic and educational methodological materials for teaching a foreign language, as well as known approaches and principles.

1) Competence-based approach.

2) Systematic approach.

3) Personal-activity approach.

4) Cognitive approach.

5) Project approach.

The principle of phased formation writing skills lies in the systematic following the stages of skill formation written speech. It consists of components of three components - technology development writing, using writing to master language material, application of skills and skills in the communication process. All of them are interconnected and are in a certain sequence. Function block

The third block of the training system seems to us to be the most variable in terms of the quantitative content of its components. It includes: methods and organizational forms of training, teaching aids and organizational and pedagogical conditions. In didactic terms, the teaching method determines the type of relationship between teacher and student. Directly influencing the choice of method of action, methods determine not only the teaching model in a specific situation, but also the nature of the functional rational action of a teacher solving a given problem. System performance evaluation block

The fourth block of the system of teaching written academic discourse is presented components such as components assessment of educational and cognitive activity of students, as well as the result learning process, which consists of development of writing skills academic discourse at the second level higher education.


The focus of this work was development of a methodological training system written academic discourse of students based on the blog of the study group. Using a study group blog to teach academic writing not only makes the learning process more engaging but also equips students with practical experience in producing and critiquing academic discourse. Through structured assignments, peer feedback, and continuous revision, students learn to refine their academic writing in a supportive, collaborative environment. This methodology encourages the development of essential academic skills that students can carry forward into their future studies and professional work.


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