UDC 81-139
Islamov D. senior lecturer "Air navigation Systems" Department "Aviation Transport Engineering" Faculty Tashkent State Transport University Uzbekistan, Tashkent
An example from life: when a person first learns to ride a bike for the first time, while the brain is practicing actions, it will be difficult, as soon as the brain learns and adapts, all this happens automatically.
Keywords: example from life, development of actions, unfamiliar language, memorizing, automatically.
An example from life: when a person first learns to ride a bike for the first time, while the brain is practicing actions, it will be difficult, as soon as the brain learns, it adapts, given all this happens automatically. Learned to do other work, for example, with one hand holding the steering wheel and with the other maybe some drinks. Another example, when an inexperienced person drives a car and he wants to overtake a car when an oncoming car is driving, the brain must calculate whether it will have time to overtake the cars in front, but because of the fact that they have worked out the actions of the brain while this is all the calculations. Time passes and in the end does not have time to overtake. This is how the development of actions continues when the brain is already working out the actions of the calculation for overtaking the previous car. When a person already has learned how to overtake a car, he drives a car automatically and He can do other work, for example, can drink coffee, listens music, talk to next passengers, and so on. Here you can see how the brain works before any actions are done. The brain works out the actions or memorizes action. This gradually passes to the spinal cord, the opinion of psychologists, or you can say this action takes place as an automatic work. In conclusion or learning how our brain works, we can use these abilities to effectively learn any language using templates. For example, if some unfamiliar language should be learnt, first it is recommended by others to study the most used of word formations and word expressions, then use this sentences for practice. Then change the words in sentences according to the situation. The first step is memorizing the templates; second step is use the templates changing the words in the templates. In practice here, you need to pay attention to second step. If the first step is memorizing templates and not deals second step, it will be a waste exercise. Therefore, it is very important after memorizing some templates, practitioners changing to own
Теория и практика современной науки" №6(72) 2021
words must use it, and otherwise they become useless. This technique is possible using to study phraseology for air traffic controllers. We all know in time phraseology applies a standard expression standard to study the standard phraseology of radio communication between the controller and the pilot. You can apply standard instructions to memorize it and after you have memorized some simple expression and you need to practice it, changing the name of the call sign or flight level or point on the map or command verbs. For example, climb, maintain, descend and so on, I practicing in this way, the first step means memorizing the templates the second step using this template as necessary. This method gives us a gain in time and controllers and pilots work out this action more effectively. They can use it in simulators and very quickly learn standard and non-standard phraseology. This method is universal and based on understanding how our brain works, memorizing some kind of templates and working out practicing them. The actions are translated into automatic doing. This can be observed somehow in our daily life, for example: being a child you started learning how to eat and then do it all automatically, we also breathe automatically, a lot of things are done automatically in our life. This is a lifestyle or the principle of our brain operation. I believe this can be used to learn languages or some other actions saving time, effectively. It is recommended after using templates immediately start the second step, practicing the templates using them depending on the situation, respectively, change the verb, names or names of objects. In conclusion, I can say this method is very necessary at this moment when there is a lot of job and time is critical. We also need to consider for studying other things or actions using this technique.
1. "Default mode contributions to automated information processing" Deniz Vatansevera, David K. Menona, and Emmanuel A. Stamatakisa, Edited by Marcus E. Raichle, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, and approved September 28, 2017 (received for review June 13, 2017)
Теория и практика современной науки" №6(72) 2021