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Science and innovation
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logical competence / development / credit-module system / professional personnel / ability to think.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — B. Olimov

This article is devoted to the method of developing the logical competence of future elementary school teachers in the credit module system. Effective methods of developing logical competences of future elementary school teachers are described

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Bakhriddin Olimov

Doctoral student of Gulistan State University https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8200487

Abstract. This article is devoted to the method of developing the logical competence of future elementary school teachers in the credit module system. Effective methods of developing logical competences of future elementary school teachers are described.

Keywords: logical competence, development, credit-module system, professional personnel, ability to think.

INTRODUCTION. In recent years, in our republic, the concept of developing the public education system until 2030 has been approved, five initiatives have been put into practice, which include comprehensive measures aimed at creating additional conditions for the education of young people, improving the teaching methodology, as well as the gradual implementation of the principles of individualization in the educational process, as well as the training, retraining and upgrading of professional personnel, the introduction of modern information and communication technologies and innovative projects in the field of public education, the international conference on the evaluation of the quality of education normative bases for participation in research are being created." This will expand the possibilities of improving the methodical training of future primary school teachers on the basis of new pedagogical technologies and international evaluation programs.

The future elementary school teacher is responsible for the formation of logical thinking capacity, basic competences and mental development, worldview, communicative literacy and self-awareness potential of primary education students, material existence is good. to teach to feel the beauty, to expand the competence activities, to form the students' independent thinking, to understand the thoughts of others, to express their personal thoughts orally and in writing.

It is necessary to start reforming the education sector, first of all, from primary education. However, the most mature and experienced teachers should be attached to the primary classes where the child's outlook, taste, and potential are formed. Therefore, it is planned to fundamentally reform school education, the system of secondary special education, as well as higher education.

LITERATURE ANALYSIS AND METHODS. A.K.Markova stated that didactic competence is the ability to explain the main pedagogical aspects of a teacher's work based on analysis and can arise as a result of self-work and acquired knowledge, skills, qualifications and practical activities passed.

The issue of students' independent learning, development of logical thinking, and their orientation to the profession should be the focus of the teacher's attention. The teacher, first of all, should carry out differential training, taking into account the training specialty of the educational institution where he is engaged in pedagogical activities. Differentiation of the content of teaching means the role of knowledge acquired by the student in the future activity, the unity of theory and practice, and ensuring the perfection of the individual by implementing the unity of education.

Today, issues aimed at organizing the content of education based on international standards and developing general, special, professional and personal competence of specialists are gaining special relevance and importance. The quality of educational activities of educational institutions is determined not by the content of the educational process planning, its implementation, curriculum, programs, but by the requirements of the SES (State educational standard) of the acquired knowledge, skills and qualifications of the students and the quality of the educational results provided for in the National Program. Therefore, increasing the intellectual level of future physics teachers in higher educational institutions by improving the methodology of developing logical thinking competence is considered an important step in their absorption into the educational system.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. In general, based on the conducted research, it is important to approach the development of logical competences of future elementary school teachers in the Credit module system based on the requirements of the time. First of all, in improving the methodological training of teachers, they should have objective necessary pedagogical knowledge (teacher's work, features of his pedagogical activity, communication, personality, mental development of students, psychology of their age characteristics , information from pedagogy), skills (behavior performed at a sufficiently high level), didactic psychological situations (determining the teacher's behavior, his self-esteem, expressing the level of didactic interests and the teacher's motivation, z is directly related to the understanding of the meaning of work, a stable system of his relations to the student, colleagues, himself), his cognitive sphere (pedagogical thinking, reflection, self-evaluation, observation) and motivational sphere ( a set of psychological characteristics (attributes) covering goal formation, personal motives, interests) should be formed.

Today, the interest and attention to the use of innovative technologies, pedagogical and information technologies in the educational process is growing day by day. One of the main reasons for this is that in traditional education, students are taught to acquire only ready-made knowledge, but in primary education, modern technologies allow them to search for the acquired knowledge, independently study and analyze it, even teaches them to make their own conclusions. In this process, the teacher creates conditions for the development, formation, learning and upbringing of the individual. Improving the quality and effectiveness of primary education in all general education schools requires the implementation of modern pedagogical, innovative and information technologies in the educational process, popularization of advanced work practices.

You can learn several methods to develop the logical competence of elementary school teachers who are in the credit module system. These are techniques that help students develop their reasoning, reasoning, reasoning, problem solving, and basic logical skills. Some of the methods are shown below:

Reasoning Problems and Questions: Preparation helps teachers develop students' logical understanding. The teacher develops real-life problems or logical questions that students can use in the future. These questions will help to improve students' logical thinking and discussion skills.

Explaining and teaching students: It is important to explain and teach students the basic rules of logic and the concepts of logic. Explaining logic rules through graphs, examples, or reallife events can help students improve their comprehension and transfer skills.

Logical games and exercises: It is useful to prepare interesting games and exercises for students in the process of logical finding and discussion. These games and exercises help students

develop their thinking and problem-solving skills. For example, methods such as designing, logical puzzles, and question-and-answer games can be useful.

Logic Books and Tools: Books, articles, and textbooks on the topic of reasoning and reasoning can help students. These resources help students explore different forms of logic reasoning.

Student group work: Student group work can be very useful for developing logical thinking and discussion skills. Working in a group provides an opportunity for students to ask logical questions to each other and solve them with a team or group.

Student Thinking and Writing on Logic Puzzles: Asking students questions about logic puzzles and requiring them to respond in writing or verbally helps to increase their ability to present and discuss their thinking with others.

Logical competencies involve students learning to think logically, reason, reason, and problem-solve in a variety of domains. These methods help students to develop their own thinking and understanding skills that create logical reasoning and discussion.

You can also use the following methods to develop logical competences: Logical thinking: It is very useful to approach students' thinking by taking into account different aspects of logical reasoning. Logical thinking leads students to analyze, discuss and find useful solutions to problems.

Critical Analysis: Allows students to analyze logical concepts and learn how to counter these important student issues. In this way, students will grow to show their solutions in logic puzzles and find advanced concepts. Analyzing and providing students: In reasoning, it is useful to prepare exercises to explore students' levels of analysis and understanding, to provide them with logical reasoning, and to make predictions and account for the results.

Comparison and Practice: Practicing reasoning and reasoning helps students develop these skills. It is useful to give students opportunities to apply logical solutions to a problem, to give advice, to make logical inquiries, and to participate in various discussion processes. It will also be useful to organize ways to improve the experience of the provider. This method helps to improve students' logical thinking and discussion skills.

CONCLUSION. In reasoning and discussion processes, it is important to encourage students to express their opinions, apply logical solutions, discuss, think logically, and give advice. Accordingly, it is useful to use several different methods to develop their logical competence. These methods provide wide opportunities for students in terms of logical concepts and solutions and increase their thinking and solving skills.

These considerations will certainly be effective in training future primary school teachers to develop their logical competence in the future Credit module system.


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