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Science and innovation
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creative research / in-depth training / psychological / psychophysiological / physical and scientific-theoretical and practical training

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — S. Kanatbayev, G. Kuralova

Currently, due to the achievements in the field of physical science, new laws and their application in practice, it occupies an important place in the development of industry and technology. The achievements of physics are widely used not only in industry and technical fields, but also in energy, medicine, material science and our daily life. This, in turn, creates the need to train experts in various fields who have perfectly mastered the laws of physics and their fields of application. On the other hand, taking into account the formation of the skills and qualifications of future specialists for all fields in general secondary schools, it seems that it is at this stage that serious attention should be paid to the teaching of physics. This situation, in turn, places a great responsibility on pedagogical higher education institutions that train future physics teachers. This article analyzes the nature and structure of physical experiments, processing results in physical experiments and the importance of developing research skills in students in laboratory classes in physics.

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1Kanatbayev S.S., 2Kuralova G.J.

1Associate Professor of Department of Physics and Astronomy, NavDPI 2Teacher of Physics and Astronomy Department of NavDPI https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12598426

Abstract. Currently, due to the achievements in the field of physical science, new laws and their application in practice, it occupies an important place in the development of industry and technology. The achievements ofphysics are widely used not only in industry and technical fields, but also in energy, medicine, material science and our daily life. This, in turn, creates the need to train experts in various fields who have perfectly mastered the laws of physics and their fields of application. On the other hand, taking into account the formation of the skills and qualifications of future specialists for all fields in general secondary schools, it seems that it is at this stage that serious attention should be paid to the teaching of physics. This situation, in turn, places a great responsibility on pedagogical higher education institutions that train future physics teachers. This article analyzes the nature and structure of physical experiments, processing results in physical experiments and the importance of developing research skills in students in laboratory classes in physics.

Keywords: creative research, in-depth training, psychological, psychophysiological, physical and scientific-theoretical and practical training.

It is known from history that man changes the world on the basis of his creative research, and manifests himself as a creator, discoverer, that is, man sets and solves various problems, their o finds its own solutions. Sometimes unique approaches and methods are used for such solutions. In the same sense, a creative person means a high ability, based on life experience, a deep understanding, a commonality of truth, justice and honesty, a state of intellectual and moral perfection, a new perspective on any thing and phenomenon, is understandable.

In the Address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis on December 22, 2017: "... it should be said that, unfortunately, we did not pay enough attention to the issue of educating mature people who will be worthy successors of our great grandfathers. However, we do not have the right to forget that the intellectual and cultural potential is a unique wealth, and that it is of crucial importance to educate and bring to maturity the owners of rare talents. It is the fact that developed countries have reached today's high level of development precisely because of this - this is also true" [1].

It is one of the most important tasks to provide education and training to students in the process of education in general education schools based on the requirements of the time, and to educate them as leading experts, professionals, scientists, researchers, and researchers. In this sense, it is important to prepare specialists of this category for research activities. Research activity is one of the main issues in the professional activity of a pedagogue, and in this process, it is possible to implement educational work on a new basis. According to pedagogic scientists,

research activity is a set of desires of a person to use his spiritual and mental powers, strive for a specific goal, and solve a problem with determination.

Professional training is the process of psychological, psychophysiological, physical and scientific-theoretical and practical training of a future specialist.

Article 36 of the Law "On Education" states that experimental and innovative activities in the field of education are carried out for the purpose of modernization of education and development of new educational technologies and resources, their testing and training. The task of focusing on the implementation of the lim process is defined [2].

At the same time, in the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to further develop the activities of secondary vocational education institutions":

- selection of the most talented students of general education schools, further development of their intellectual abilities and purposeful in-depth training to continue their studies at HEIs;

- to create an educational environment that supports the manifestation and activation of students' creative potential, forms and develops independent activity skills in the process of acquiring knowledge, taking into account individual talents and the abilities and characteristics of each student, and others are defined [3].

Laboratory work is an exercise related to the use of mental and physical efforts to find previously unknown ways and means of solving scientific and everyday problems.

It is possible to form and develop the research abilities of schoolchildren by performing laboratory activities. Many modern researchers believe that it is necessary to develop not only experimental skills and competencies, but also the process of activating the research potential of students with the help of laboratory training. In the research works of many scientists, the role of educational tools to increase the experimental knowledge of students in laboratory classes, the need for a competence approach in organizing classes, and the practical application of theoretical knowledge acquired in physics teaching are devoted to increasing the skills and qualifications. Scientific solutions to the problems are described.

According to S. Arkhangelsky, the main task of laboratory training is to establish the relationship between theory and practice based on experimental research in specially equipped rooms - laboratories [4; p. 200].

Students can express the results of their research not only in writing, but also through drawings, tables, and scales. This, in turn, serves to form the elements of research skills and qualifications of schoolchildren in laboratory sessions.

Taking into account modern principles, special attention is paid to the organization of systematic work on improving the conduct of laboratory work in the continuous education system. To carry out laboratory work, first of all, laboratory equipment is necessary. With the help of these tools, an experience related to a specific topic is set. The correctness of the experimental result depends on the accuracy of the instruments, the working skills and qualifications of the experimenter, the order of laboratory work, as well as other parameters [5; p. 15].

The following appendix analyzes the importance of laboratory work in the formation of research skills and qualifications of schoolchildren and their use in the professional activities of representatives of various fields.

It is a great responsibility of the physics teacher to provide information about the relevance of the laboratory activities to the sciences and their use in professional activities in each laboratory session.

It is worth noting that integration is the teaching of various subjects used in interdisciplinarity by moving from the mutually agreed teaching to the level of their strong interaction. Exposure to subjects is carried out at different stages in education. Such connection is covered to a certain extent in methodical literature, and in its first stage, concepts, ideas and images related to other disciplines are involved in the lessons of certain subjects. In other words, the knowledge of other disciplines is effectively used at the core of a certain science [6; p. 49]. Basically, a physics teacher should be puzzled over problems such as "Chemistry in physics classes", "Biology in physics classes", "Mathematics in physics classes" and so on.


Using research skills and competencies in professional activities during the performance of laboratory work in physics in general secondary schools

Topics of laboratory work Use of research skills and qualifications in professional activity

Determination of densities of bodies of different shapes It is used in professional activities of the mining industry and geology

Determination of spring integrity It is used in professional activities in the field of metallurgy

Determination of sliding friction coefficient It is used in professional activities in the field of road construction

Determination of the useful work coefficient of the inclined plane

Measurement of current and voltage in an electric circuit It is used in professional activities in the field of electric energy

Studying Ohm's law

Study of series and parallel connection of conductors

Determining the power of the consumer (bulb).

Learn how to assemble the simplest electromagnet and how it works

Determination of EIKI and internal resistance of the current source It is used professionally in the field of power plants

Studying the volt-ampere characteristic of a semiconductor diode It is used in professional activity in the field of electric energy, multimedia technologies

Study of the phenomenon of resonance in an alternating current circuit It is used professionally in the field of power plants

Determination of specific heat capacity of solid bodies It is used in professional activities of the mining industry and geology

Determination of the surface tension coefficient of the liquid It is used in professional activities in the field of chemical industry

Determination of relative air humidity It is used in professional activity in the field of hydrometeorology

Determining the refractive index of glass It is used in professional activities in the field of production, glass-glass industry

Determination of optical power of lenses It is used in professional practice in the field of ophthalmology

Determining the wavelength of light using a diffraction grating It is used in professional activities in the field of multimedia technologies

In conclusion, it is worth saying that research, as a unique form of human activity, shows the signs of innovation, social significance and progress. These signs are often ignored or unrecognized. But the research activity, in terms of its nature, contributes to the development of man and society, and reveals a new meaning and essence of the world. In this sense, research work is manifested in human activity and affects the development of society and individual by solving problem situations.


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