Abstract: one of the important tasks in a variety singing lesson is to teach singing. The functions of singing are versatile and useful for every student. Singing, being the most accessible form of performance, actively involves children in the creative process. Therefore, in the process of teaching music is seen as an effective means of educating the tastes of students, increasing their overall musical culture.
Learning to sing is not only the acquisition of certain skills. In the process of teaching singing develops the voice, as
well as solving educational objectives related to the formation of a pop singer.
Keywords: teaching, education, music, singing, skills, hearing, voice, breathing, range, sound.
Джалилова Камилла Исламовна - преподаватель, кафедра эстрадного пения, Государственная консерватория Узбекистана, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: одной из важных задач на уроке эстрадного пения является обучение пению. Функции пения многогранны и полезны каждому ученику. Пение, являясь наиболее доступным видом исполнительства, активно вовлекает детей в творческий процесс. Поэтому процесс обучения музыке рассматривается как эффективное средство воспитания вкусов учащихся, повышения их общей музыкальной культуры. Обучение пению - это не только приобретение определенных навыков. В процессе обучения пению развивается голос, а также решаются воспитательные задачи, связанные с формированием эстрадного певца. Ключевые слова: обучение, воспитание, музыка, пение, навыки, слух, голос, дыхание, диапазон, звук.
The teacher is required to know the peculiarities of the development of the student's voice, as because the requirements that he puts, should always comply with their vocal abilities. Interest in the singing lessons causes students a response to the music. It creates an emotional mood in which their auditory attention is sharpened, a conscious creative "hearing", that is, the ability to imagine and reproduce the correct sound. In young children being taught to sing (up to 10-11 years old), the voice has a special childlike sound. The growth of a child of this age goes smoothly, and in the voice of the child does not change much. The vocal organs (pharynx, pharynx, soft palate, oral cavity and nasal cavity where the sound is staining) and respiratory organs (lungs, diaphragm, intercostal musculature, the muscles of the trachea and bronchi) are all one complex singing mechanism. There is a close relationship between the parts of this mechanism.
The mechanism of the vocal apparatus changes as you get older. The larynx develops a very important muscle - the vocal muscles. Its structure gradually complicated, and by the age of 12-13 years, it begins to manage the entire work of the vocal ligaments, which become elastic, respectively, and the voice becomes stronger and more compact ("tighter", "fuller"). This is the period in which the child's voices are divided into the descants and the alto. The descant is the high voice of a child voice. His range: "C" of the first octave - "B" of the second. This voice is agile and flexible, and is able to expressively perform a variety of melodic refrains 92 drawings. The alto is a low children's voice. His range: "G" of the low octave - "F" of the second octave. The alto is characterized by a thick, strong sound, mobile than the descant. It can sound bright and expressive.
The development of the voice in students goes through three main stages: pre-mutational, mutational, and post-mutational. Changes in the voice appear in both boys and girls, but boys' development is more intensive and uneven. When the structure of the vocal apparatus is still purely childlike the vocal cords are reddened, swollen, giving the voice sometimes a raspy tinge.
Signs of the coming mutation (change in the child's voice) associated with the growth and formation of not only larynx, but also the whole body, appear at different times, individually, and therefore, it is difficult to notice them. It is important to be aware of their existence and carefully monitor your teenager's development so you don't miss these changes in your voice and to build lessons properly. Thus, significant and rapid changes in the students' vocal apparatus require a music teacher a thorough knowledge of physiology and an individualized approach in lessons to each child.
Mastery of vocal technique enables young singers to better understand the artistic image and penetrate into the depths of music. Vocal technique refers to a set of scientifically sound rules and techniques that accompany the process of singing. The study and application of these rules forms the skills, and repeated repetition allows you to master the skills. to perform these actions.
Basic vocal skills include: sound formation, singing, breathing, articulation, listening skills, diction, emotional expressiveness of performance.
Sound formation is a holistic process, conditioned at any given moment by the way the respiratory and articulatory organs interact with the larynx. The first requirement in fostering students' singing sound formation is to develop a melodious, extended sound of the voice.
The development of the singing breath is one of the main tasks in learning to sing. In singing practice, there are four basic types clavicular or upper-thoracic, thoracic external respiratory movements are reduced to the active movements of the chest; diaphragm when inhaling raises and the abdomen retracts; the abdominal or diaphragmatic breathing is carried out through active contractions of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles; mixed - chest and abdominal breathing, carried out with the active work of the muscles of both the thoracic and abdominal cavity, as well as the lower back. Proper singing breathing significantly affects the purity and beauty of sound and expressiveness of performance. The development of vocal breathing depends on the repertoire, vocal exercises, organization and dosage singing practice. Articulation- work of the organs of speech: lips, tongue, soft palate, the vocal cords. It is closely connected to breathing, sound formation and intonation etc. It is only by good articulation during the singing that the text reaches the listener. The articulating apparatus of children, especially young children need to be developed. It is necessary to carry out special work on his activation. The skill of articulation includes: a clear, phonetically well-defined and competent pronunciation, moderate rounding of the vowels singing on a hidden yawn; finding a high vocal position; the ability to stretch the vowels as much as possible, and to pronounce consonants very briefly sounds in any rhythm and tempo. Diction (Greek) - pronunciation. The main task achievement of good diction in singing - it is a full assimilation of the content performed work. Melody in the song is inextricably linked to the text.
The main point in the work on the vowels - their reproduction in pure form, without distortion. In singing, vowels are not always pronounced clearly and distinctly.
The degree of brightness of a vowel sound depends on the construction of the musical phrase. The formation of consonants, unlike vowels, involves a barrier to air movement in the vocal tract. At the heart of each skill is a set of singing actions, which must be performed accurately by all students. The teacher needs to have a good knowledge of his students, the peculiarities of the musical development of each. You should stimulate the development of their hearing, encouraging every success. The development of vocal skills is achieved through exercises that are given in a certain sequence, along the lines of gradual complication tasks. At the beginning of training, the exercises are performed in a quiet, slow tempo, and then the tempo can vary depending on the methodical goals. By developing the mobility of the voice, as the skills are mastered, the tempo exercises become more difficult. The development of vocal skills is deeply interconnected with the development of thinking, observation, memory, imagination, attention, will, and other properties of personality; contributes to the education of children the best human qualities, and strengthens health through the respiratory and cardiovascular system of the child. The growth of a child of this age goes smoothly, and there are no major changes in his or her voice. What is needed here an individual approach to each student. Articulation - the work of the organs of speech: lips, tongue, soft palate, the vocal cords.
Diction is pronunciation. The main task of achieving good diction in chorus is a full assimilation of the content of the performed work audience.
Sound formation is a holistic process, conditioned at each the way the respiratory and articulatory organs with the work of the larynx.
Skills are actions, the individual components of which, as a result of repetition have become automated.
References / Список литературы
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