METHODOLOGICAL BASES OF CONSTRUCTIONAL SHIP SAFETY MANAGEMENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Moskalenko Mikhail

Accidents at sea with the exhausting of ship’s hull bearing capacity and subsequent breaking are becoming an actual problem for safety of navigation and environment within the last decades. Problems of assessment and management of constructional safety are critical both for ships being built and for ships operating for a long period of time. We suggest a methodological approach to assessment and rating of constructional hull safety level in the form of residual resources depending on the ship’s operating period.

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Критерий Х1 Х 2 Х 3 Y

1 2 3 4 5

0.14 0.23 0.25 21.362

0.14 0.24 0.26 21.362

0.13 0.23 0.24 21.362

0.13 0.24 0.24 21.362

0.13 0.25 0.26 21.362

Y1 = 22,470 + 0,414Х1 + 0,367Х2 + 0,500Х3 - 1,724Х12 - 0,538Х| - 0,911Х

^ max (7)

Y2 = 21,243 + 0,380Х1 + 0,357Х2 + 0,412Х3 + 0,463Х2Х3 - 1,440Х 1,000Х| - 1,034Х32

^ max (8)

в раскодированной форме:



N = 8,973 - 0,279С - 0,110t - 0,050T - 0,0004tT + 0,004С^ + 0,000бГ + 0,0005T


^ max (9)

N2' = -1,252 - 0,235С - 0,247t - 0,067T - 0,0004fT + 0,0036C2 +

+ 0,0011t2 + 0,0006T2

^ max (10)

Адекватность полученных моделей подтвержда-F > Fr

ется неравенством


, согласно таблице 8.

После получения математических моделей процессов определялись координаты оптимума и изучались по-

верхности откликов (критериев оптимизации -



Y Y,

) в окрестностях оптимума.

В результате решения задачи, получены следующие оптимальные концентрации соевых белково-мине-ральных компонентов:

- для фаршевых комбинированных композиций, коли-

чество СБМК:

С = 30 - 33%;

- для паштетных комбинированных композиций, ко-

личество СБМП:

С = 30 - 33%.




Moskalenko Mikhail

Maritime State University named after G. I. Nevelskoy, Vladivostok, Russia


Accidents at sea with the exhausting of ship's hull bearing capacity and subsequent breaking are becoming an actual problem for safety of navigation and environment within the last decades.

Problems of assessment and management of constructional safety are critical both for ships being built and for ships operating for a long period of time.

We suggest a methodological approach to assessment and rating of constructional hull safety level in the form of residual resources depending on the ship's operating period.

KEY WORDS: ship, accidents, constructional safety

Accidents at sea with the exhausting of bearing capacity of ship's hull and subsequent breaking have become actual since the start of development of all-welded hull shipbuilding, for example, it was typical for "Liberty" type ships.

As a rule, the accidents took place during ballast voyages in rough sea in cold season. Subsequent scientific analysis allowed to make a conclusion about constructional

deficiency in the project because of insufficient awareness of "constructional stress" in the hull structure. According to Howard, during 10 years (1943-1953) there were 1450 tears or breakings of hulls of ships more than 100 metres long. 231 accidents were to be classified as serious and connected with the threat of breaking. In 19 accidents there was a real breaking.

Much-talked-of ecological disasters with the hull breaking of the tankers "Erica" on the 12th of December, 1999 and "Prestige" on the 19th of December, 2002, set up problems of securing "constructional safety" of ships (as the systems of "noneconomic responsibility") on a new scale. It caused the appropriate political response on the part of IMO and EC connected with the exclusion of single-hull tankers from operation.

In December 2013, the Board of International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) adopted new regulations on construction of oil tankers, bulk carriers and "Post-Panamax" ships.

But there is not any experience of operating ships built under the new requirements, and the shipping industry will have to operate a sufficient number of relatively old ships for a long time. That's why the problem of assessment and securing operational constructional safety level will be actual.

In addition, it should be taken into consideration that from the point of view of the ship owner, any ship should be seen as "an instrument for gaining profit". So, none of the ship owners will reject the profit in favour of carrying "baseless strength capability" in the form of excessive weight of the hull instead of carrying useful cargo.

Classification societies, for their part, are forced to lower the rate of strength capability with the development of shipbuilding in order to attract the potential customers under their supervision. Therefore, modern ships remain and will remain to be relatively "flexible" and capable to lose their bearing capacity of the hull even at their moorings under the incorrect loading/discharging (independent of single-hull or double-hull construction).

In our opinion, the world association hopes for control of the constructional safety on the part of the government port in accordance with F.787(19) IMO Resolution are not justified, as the "constructional safety" refers to the passive (or latent) safety and can be effectively controlled solely while inspecting the quick work in the dock.

With this, we suppose that for assessment and management of constructional safety (in particular for introduction of restrictions on operational range, cargo capacity, draught, etc.) it's possible to use calculations on the basis of the theory of limited equilibrium. The limited meaning of the parameter of load Pnp is defined by the bearing capacity of the construction at its plastic destruction and is considered to be known up to the middle of its period of operation.

So, the hull of the ship at the given time of the operational period cannot (in theory) be outside the

Probability of con-

boundaries of the limited condition. This state can be put down as:

Y1 > Y2, (1.1),

where Y1 is a potential capacity of the ship to resist the external actions; Y2 is the external action.

It is possible to comply with the condition (1.1) under the optimal designing of the constructions solely by operating statistical characteristics of changeableness of the values Y1 and Y2 given by the laws of their distribution. In that case the criterion of "constructional safety" assessment will be the probability of limited condition in action (in particular, for transverse section of the hull).

In that way, with the deterministic approach to the designing of constructions, their strength is ensured by introduction of the reserve factors reducing the designed geometrical and physical-mechanical criteria of operating reliability of the constructions by three standards. It means that such numerical criterion values, the probability of appearance of which in real conditions does not exceed 1.53 x 10—3, are introduced into the rated dependences.

As for the external forces, their meaning is increasing in the same limits.

Therefore, the final result of the deterministic calculation of constructions contains the resource reserve which can be revealed with setting calculation values Y1 and Y2 in the form of distributions with the laws Y1(y) and Y2(y). In that case the index of operating reliability H of the constructions may be the probability of not approaching of limited conditions, i. e.

H = P(Y = Y1 - Y2 > 0).

In details:

0 0 H = J9(7)dy = J )dy — J )dy = 1 - J 9(r)dy.

0 —<» —<» —<»


J 9(7)dy

In that formula the integral ™ defines the

probability of value of risk function or unreliability of the construction. If function 0(y) has the normal law of distribution, graphically the part of the area of the shaded figure situated to the left of the axis of ordinates on fig. 1 defined the probability of values of the function Y < 0.

With the known values of mathematical expectation


function of reliability H can be easily found by the values of the parameter Z = my/ay in table 1.

Table 1

jction reliability

Z 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5

H 0.500 0.692 0.841 0.933 0.977 0.994 0.998 0.999

It should be noted that if the area of ship's navigation does not change, the changeableness of the external load will

a /m = 0 Z = (m„ - m )/a„

be table aand then v y . in that case

it is obvious that the set task of management of the

constructional safety level (owing to the resources ensured in the time of designing of the ship hull constructions) can be solved solely on the basis of studying the process of the corrosive wear of the construction (according to the data of inspection for likely defects in the dock).

<¡>Cv) 1 <ЫУ) / Л ф|(к>

,......*Л"......, my¡

: ту '

Fig. 1. Density curves of probabilities distribution of the functions Y1, and the generalized function Y

That is why, in our opinion, the conception of a residual resource of the "constructional safety" level should be introduced into the practice of assessment of technical condition of ship's hull in the form of probability of the exhausting of the bearing capacity of the ship's hull at a definite period of the operation. It in essence requires to

consider ship' hull from the position of operation of the system with noneconomic responsibility (i. e. the damage from breaking and subsequent environment pollution in scale is not comparable with the cost of the ship and can exceed it substantially).


Николаенко Виктория Григорьевна, Васенёва Валерия Андреевна Зубарева Елена Валерьевна, Рудикова Мария Николаевна

Студенты Волгоградского государственного университета, г.Волгоград


Nikolaenko Victoria, Student of Volgograd State University, Volgograd Vasenyova Valeria, Student of Volgograd State University, Volgograd Zubareva Elena, Student of Volgograd State University, Volgograd Rudikova Maria, Student of Volgograd State University, Volgograd АННОТАЦИЯ

В настоящее время в значительной мере растет количество атак на операционную систему, приводящих к какому-либо неблагоприятному для пользователя событию. В связи с этим определена необходимость отслеживать и анализировать все происходящие в операционной системе события. Для автоматизации мониторинга событий был разработан программный комплекс, а также проведены исследования и анализ по полученным результатам.


Nowadays the number of attacks on the operating system are greatly increased, resulting in any disadvantageous event to user. That's why the needness to monitor and analyse all occurring os's events is identified. The software package was developed for automating of event's monitoring and research and analysis of the results were also carried out. Ключевые слова: операционная система; мониторинг; событие; System.Diagnostics. Key words: operating system; monitoring; event; System.Diagnostics.

В современном мире в век информационных технологий, когда все существующие компьютеры, за редким исключением, имеют доступ в интернет, очень сложно защитить систему от злоумышленных воздействий, вовремя заметить и предотвратить деятельность вредоносных программ, а также максимально снизить возможность проведения атак на систему.

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Можно выделить наиболее распространенные атаки на операционную систему:

1. Сканирование файловой системы. Действия, при которых злоумышленник просматривает файловую систему компьютера, пытаясь прочесть, скопировать или удалить все файлы подряд.

2. Подбор пароля. Многократное предъявление злоумышленником аутентификационных данных в попытке пройти процедуру идентификации и аутентификации.

3. Кража ключевой информации. Простейшим примером подобной атаки является получение злоумышленником пароля, набираемого пользователем, способом визуального наблюдения.

4. Сборка мусора. Злоумышленник восстанавливает информацию, ранее уничтоженную пользователем, просматривает ее и копирует интересующие его фрагменты. По окончании просмотра и копирования вся эта информация вновь "уничтожается".

5. Превышение полномочий. Получение злоумышленником полномочий, превышающих те, которые ему предоставлены в соответствии с политикой безопасности за счет использования ошибок в программном обеспечении и/или политики безопасности.

6. Программные закладки - это внесенные в программное обеспечение функциональные объекты,

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