METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF BLOOM'S TAXONOMY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
pedagogy / goal / education / taxonomy / innovation / method / modernization / educational process. / педагогика / цель / образование / таксономия / инновация / метод / модернизация / образовательный процесс.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Akhrarova, Shoira Batirovna

This article discusses the types and classification of education in pedagogy, the goals of education. Giving an overview of taxonomy, it provides information about its use in pedagogy.

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В данной статье рассматриваются виды и классификация образования в педагогике, цели воспитания. Давая общее представление о таксономии, она предоставляет информацию о ее использовании в педагогике.



AKHRAROVA Shoira Batirovna

Asian International University, 1st year student of master's degree in pedagogy and psychology

d https://doi.org/10.24412/2181-2993-2023-2-160-167

This article discusses the types and classification of education in ABSTRACT pedagogy, the goals of education. Giving an overview of taxonomy, it provides information about its use in pedagogy.

Keywords: pedagogy, goal, education, taxonomy, innovation, method, modernization, educational process.

В данной статье рассматриваются виды и классификация образования в педагогике, цели воспитания. Давая общее АННОТАЦИЯ представление о таксономии, она предоставляет информацию о ее

использовании в педагогике.

Ключевые слова. педагогика, цель, образование, таксономия, инновация, метод, модернизация, образовательный процесс.

Ushbu maqolada pedagogikada ta'lim turlari va tasnifi, ta'lim ANNOTATSIYA maqsadlari muhokama qiladi. Taksonomiyaga umumiy tushuncha berish

orqali uningpedagogikada qo'llash usullari haqida ma'lumot beradi.

Kalit so'zlar: pedagogika, maqsad, ta'lim, taksonomiyasi, innovatsiya, metod, modernizatsiya, ta'limjarayoni.


Modernization of education is aimed at improving its quality, achieving new educational results that are adequate to the requirements of modern society. At present, the pace of development of science and technology, the speed of the introduction of scientific discoveries, the development of new technologies in leading industries is becoming commensurate with the duration of study at a university. This requires the modeling of such an educational environment, which will reduce the distance between the achievements of science, industrial practice and the content of education.

It is necessary to more actively introduce new pedagogical technologies and curricula into the system of public education, as well as to consistently improve the professional skills of teachers.



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In the process of research, the National Program of Personnel Training, the Law on Education, literature on the subject and Internet resources were used. During the writing of the article, the principles of theoretical-deductive conclusion, analysis and synthesis, logicality were used.


Improving the quality of education should be carried out through the modernization of all components of the pedagogical system. And here a significant role is given to the use of innovative approaches to solving the problems of education and innovative technologies. The concept of "innovation" in foreign literature is defined differently depending on the differences in methodological approaches, among which two main ones can be distinguished: - innovation as a result of the creative process; - innovation as a process of introducing innovations. Recently, when developing the regulatory framework and developing concepts, programs, and other strategic documents on innovation, a kind of international standard has been taken as the basis: innovation (innovation) is the end result of creative activity, embodied in the form of a new or improved product, or a new or an improved technological process used in practice. The concept of "innovation" refers not just to the creation and dissemination of innovations, but to such changes that are significant, accompanied by changes in the way of activity, style of thinking. In other words, innovation is the result of the implementation of new ideas and knowledge for the purpose of their practical use to meet certain consumer needs, in this case, in the interests of providing high-quality professional training for students.At present, an innovative approach to the organization of educational activities at the university is relevant and necessary. An innovative approach as a result of the creative process and as a process of introducing innovations should be implemented at all stages of the educational activities of the university: from target to evaluative results. Traditionally, the goals of higher professional education were determined by the set of knowledge, skills and abilities that a graduate should possess.

Today, this approach has proved insufficient. The society and, first of all, the employer needs graduates who are ready to be included in further life activities, able to practically solve the life and professional problems that confront them. In modern conditions, education in higher education should be focused not only on the training of a specialist-executor, but also on the development of a creatively thinking, active personality, capable of independently and continuously replenishing and updating knowledge and skills, responsibly making non-standard decisions.In this regard, a number of problematic issues have been identified that require a comprehensive solution. This is the organizational reorganization of the educational process, taking


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into account both the individual psychological characteristics of an individual student and the specific characteristics of the educational group as a whole; and improvement of methodological principles related to the introduction of variable learning content, individualization of knowledge acquisition, development of cognitive interests, realization of the creative potential of students; and rationalization of the procedural foundations of training and education, which makes it possible to prioritize the development of the personality of the trainees.

The new goals of education can be successfully implemented with the help of contextual learning, within the framework of which the subject and social content of the future professional activity of students is purposefully and consistently modeled. This theory is initially focused on mastering professional activity. Modern teaching methods within the framework of a fundamentally new (in terms of goals, content, forms, methods and means, and the process itself) educational activity. In contextual learning, with the direct and active participation of the student himself, two interrelated goals are achieved: humanistic - the development of a self-actualizing personality of the future specialist and pragmatic - the formation of his social and professional competencies. Orientation towards new educational goals entails significant changes in the content of education by strengthening the practical, interdisciplinary and applied aspects of education. A reorientation is needed from declarative knowledge (knowing "what") and procedures (knowing "how") and value-semantic knowledge (knowing "why").In the first place is not the awareness of the student, but the ability to solve problems that arise in the knowledge and explanation of the phenomena of reality; in the development of modern technology and technology; in practical life when performing social roles; in mastering professional skills and abilities; when reflecting on their own life problems, self-organization, choosing a style and way of life, resolving conflicts. To implement these changes, it is necessary to move from a set of abstract theoretical concepts scattered across many academic disciplines to systemic, interdisciplinary, supra-subject, meta-subject, practice-oriented ideas about the world and methods of socially normalized practical action in it. And this means the transfer of the organization of the educational process from the "disciplinary" to the "interdisciplinary" principle, the creation of which will allow a comprehensive approach to the training of a specialist.

The training of future specialists on an interdisciplinary basis will allow not only to activate the knowledge and skills gained in the study of individual disciplines, but also to generalize and systematize general professional and special knowledge, skills and abilities. To achieve these goals, it is necessary to introduce modern


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educational technologies into the educational process. In modern higher education, student-centered learning technologies are widely used, which, on the one hand, satisfy the educational needs of each student in accordance with his individual characteristics, on the other hand, contribute to the formation of a specialist. Another promising educational technology is the implementation of problem-based learning.It makes it possible in the process of training sessions to create special conditions in which students, relying on acquired knowledge, independently discover and comprehend a professional educational problem, mentally and practically act in order to find and justify the most optimal options for resolving it.

The activity approach contributes to the simultaneous assimilation of theoretical knowledge and methods of human activity, and also forms its relationship with other subjects, society, and the environment. Here, first of all, the task of forming the skills of independent cognitive and practical activities of students is actualized. With this approach, in the educational process, not only the assimilation of a system of knowledge occurs, but also the mastery of methods of activity in variable situations, the development of cognitive needs, initiative, independence and creative potential of students.

When implementing the activity approach, the emphasis is on developing, problem-module, game, design and research technologies; rating systems of assessment; organization of various forms of testing. In accordance with the goals and activity type of the content of education, the requirements for teaching technologies are determined: strengthening the search or problem-research orientation of the educational process; activation of independent work of trainees; their involvement in socially significant work based on the principle of self-government. The main types of training sessions are lectures and seminars. During the course, best practices are used.

When conducting these classes, it is necessary to apply active methods and forms of teaching students. When giving lectures, conducting seminars and group classes, it is advisable to use individual and group forms of knowledge control and learning, problematic, dialogue, and other methods. Control of progress and assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities of trainees are carried out in the form of current control, carried out in all types of classes, as well as in the form of final control, carried out during the test with an assessment. To carry out the test, the department develops: reference material, a list of questions, objects of the educational and material base. When preparing students for the test, it is advisable to organize individual and group consultations. You can also talk about the intermediate and final


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goals of learning within a certain period of time, about the purpose of each lesson, topic and stage of learning.

In the literature of recent years, we also talk about the strategic (or global) goal of education, which is a reflection of the social order of society in relation to the content of education.

According to the main didactic principle that regulates the student-centered educational process, each student's education should take place on the basis of and taking into account his personal learning goals. This principle is based on the innate quality of a person - the ability to set goals for their activities. The great Russian scientist I.P. Pavlov in his work "Reflex of the goal" calls the act of a person striving for a goal one of the main conditions of his life, and considers the presence of tension in the form of certain obstacles as a condition for the fruitful manifestation of the reflex of the goal: "If each of us cherishes this a reflex in oneself as the most precious part of one's being, if parents and all teachers of all ranks make it their main task to strengthen and develop this reflex in the guarded mass, if our society and statehood open wide opportunities for the practice of this reflex, then we will become what we must and we can be, judging by the many episodes of our historical life and by some swings of our creative power.

Before considering the problems of educational goal-setting, let us define the concept of goal. There are at least three interpretations of this concept.


1) expected result of activity;

2) subject projection of the future;

3) a subjective image of the desired, ahead of the reflection of events in the mind of a person.

In what follows, under the goal in education, we will understand the anticipated result - an educational product that can be internal or external, but it must be created within a certain period of time and it can be diagnosed, i.e. the target must be verifiable.

Note also that the goal is distinguished from the task. The task is part of the goal. Each goal is a task in relation to the higher goal. Goals are not the initial element of education design. They are preceded by values and meanings. The complexity of their consideration lies not so much in determining the values and meanings of education, although this is a separate scientific problem. The main difficulty lies in the consolidation of various subjects of education in relation to the values chosen as basic. For example, two opposite meanings of education are known:


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"to have" and "to be". Educators and philosophers are explo ring these and other meanings, but their work is far from over.

It might seem that, ideally, public education policy should be such that goals do not need to be changed often enough. However, the goals change due to the changes that are continuously taking place in the world and humanity. These are slow changes, but they are there. For example, such a global process as informatization brings no less global changes to goal setting.

There is a science of goal-setting - mathematics, which proves the necessity of the initial stage of any activity with a discussion of the final goals, that is, the expected fruits of the activity.

Scientists develop taxonomies of learning goals - systematized banks of subgoals (tasks) corresponding to certain educational areas or a specific course of study. Formulated in terms of learning and arranged in order of accomplishment, subgoals help the teacher achieve the overall objectives of the course. Let us give an example of a taxonomy of learning goals, the author of which is a generally recognized specialist in this field, an American teacher and psychologist B.S. Bloom:

• Knowledge "involves the recall of specifics and universals, the recall of methods and processes, or the recall of a pattern, structure, or setting."

• Comprehension "refers to a type of understanding or apprehension such that the individual knows what is being communicated and can make use of the material or idea being communicated without necessarily relating it to other material or seeing its fullest implications."

• Application refers to the "use of abstractions in particular and concrete situations."

• Analysis represents the "breakdown of a communication into its constituent elements or parts such that the relative hierarchy of ideas is made clear and/or the relations between ideas expressed are made explicit."

• Synthesis involves the "putting together of elements and parts so as to form a whole."

• Evaluation engenders "judgments about the value of material and methods for given purposes."

Goal-setting in learning is the setting by students and the teacher of the goals and objectives of learning at certain stages.

It is necessary for designing educational actions of students and is associated with external social order, educational standards, with the specifics of internal learning conditions - the level of development of children, the motives for their learning, the


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characteristics of the topic being studied, the available teaching aids, the pedagogical views of the teacher, etc.

In student-centered learning, goal setting goes through the entire process of education, performing the functions of motivating students' activities, structural stabilization of the educational process, and diagnosing learning outcomes.

Goal-setting determines the structural basis of the activity programs not only for the student, but also for the teacher, as well as for the entire school, making it possible to determine an adequate teaching technology and a system of criteria for evaluating the results obtained.


At the same time, insufficient consideration of the goals of students, the lack of work on the development of goal-setting skills, can be the cause of negative educational results.

The ability to set goals is equally important for both the teacher and the student. The teacher seeks, formulates and redefines goals throughout the educational process, changing both the target global settings for learning and the goals of specific educational situations. The student is faced with the need to set or choose goals whenever personal self-determination and specific actions are required of him, both in the study of individual subjects and in general educational terms. Therefore, one of the sources of goals are situations of educational tension or emerging problems, identified contradictions. Goal-setting in such cases is a consequence of reflexive awareness of emerging situations.

Creative understanding of pedagogical theory in the individual practice of organizing the educational process contributes to the teacher's awareness of his personal professional mission, inspires confidence in his own pedagogical actions, and strengthens devotion to his work in the performance of professional duty.


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