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Ключевые слова
approach / competence / sports managers / managerial competence / teaching methods

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kovalenko J.

The present paper describes main methodological approaches when forming managerial competence of future managers of sports activities. The research shows key characteristics of the chosen approaches: competence-based, activity-based, integration and interdisciplinary one and also personality-oriented.

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ром може ствпрацювати не б№ше трьох студен-пв. Магiстранти отримують практичнi поради i де-тальний аналiз професiйних управлiнських ситуа-цш, натомiсть ментори отримують ще! для сво!х освiтнiх проектiв. З часом мент i самi зможуть спробувати себе в ролi ментора, i пiд контролем ви-кладача передавати сво! знання студентам, тим самим напрацьовуючи навики професшно! управлш-сько! дiяльностi. Важливим аспектом у формуванш готовностi до професшно! мобшьносп майбутнiх керiвникiв закладiв освiти за таких умов е сввдома сформована професшна мобiльнiсть викладачiв.

Працюючи у формат менторингу, менторам важливо усвщомлювати його основнi теоретичнi засади, адже саме вони допомагають перетворити неорганiзованi процеси передачi досввду i неформального супроводу в повноцiнний менторинг.

Висновки. Органiзована цiлеспрямована iмп-лементацiя менторства у тдготовку менеджерiв освiти сприяе позитивним зрушенням в системi ви-що! освiти, пiднiмае його на яюсно новий щабель. При належнш пiдтримцi такий тип наставництва суттево пiдвищуе освiтнiй ефект. Вплив системи менторингу на формування готовностi до професшно! мобiльностi майбутнiх керiвникiв закладiв освiти в умовах мапстратури здiйснюеться через глибиннi уявлення i цiннiснi орiентацi! майбутнiх фахiвцiв, що дозволяють досягти бажаного рiвня компетентносп в майбутнiй професiйнiй дiяльно-сп. Сво! подальшi сво! науковi розвщки спрямуемо на добiр дiевого штерактивного iнструментарiю для менторiв, спрямованого на формування готов-ностi до професшно! мобiльностi майбутнiх керiв-ник1в заклащв освiти в умовах магiстратури.


1. Великий тлумачний словник сучасно1 украшсько! мови / Уклад. i голов. ред. В. Т. Бусел. -К.; 1ртнь: ВТФ «Перун», 2001. - С. 1440.

2. Менеджмент керiвникiв закладiв дошшль-но1 i початково! освiти: Навчально методичний посiбник / Кол. авторiв: Шоутен Т., Даниленко Л. I., Зайченко О. I., Софiй Н. З. — К.: , 2008. — с. 112.

3. Полiщук I. В. Менторство як ефективний мехашзм розвитку професшного потенцiалу дер-жавних службовцiв в Украïнi / I. В. Полiщук // Держава та репони : науково-виробничий журнал. Серiя : державне управлшня. - Запоргжжя : КПУ, 2017. - № 1 (57). - С. 16-20..

4. Сидорук I.I. Теорiя i методика формування сощально! компетентносп майбутшх соцiальних працiвникiв у процеа фаховоï пiдготовки: дис. ... докт. пед. наук: 13.00.05/ П.Сидорук - Луцьк-Тер-нопiль, 2021 - 699 с.

5. Bung P. Collaborative Mentoring Models in Higher Educational Institutions: A Win-WinWin Strategy for Mentor, Mentee, and the Institution / P. Bung // Journal of Advances in Business Management. - Vol. 1. - Issue 3, July-September 2015 - Р. 197-203. DOI: 10.14260/jadbm/2015/23

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Kovalenko J.

senior lecturer, Ukrainian and Foreign Languages Department, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture


The present paper describes main methodological approaches when forming managerial competence of future managers of sports activities. The research shows key characteristics of the chosen approaches: competence-based, activity-based, integration and interdisciplinary one and also personality-oriented.

Keywords: approach, competence, sports managers, managerial competence, teaching methods.

The transformation of the modern educational context of training future professionals of sports branch in higher education, the need to improve the quality of sports education and its compliance with modern realities encourage theoretical generalization, namely, to find conceptual foundations and approaches for the formation of managerial competence of future sports managers.

Thus, under the conceptual foundations of the formation of managerial competence of future managers of sports, we understand the theoretical basis, various

methods and forms of theoretical knowledge, principles, research methods, scientific approaches, conceptual and categorical apparatus that provides an objective understanding of this phenomenon, separation and an explanation of its significant features and helps to determine the prospects and conditions for its further development.

First of all, these are methodological approaches that are interpreted in modern science as certain basic principles, positions, and beliefs that determine the strategy and direction of the study of a particular phenomenon [3].

The research methodology reflects the connection and interaction of fundamental scientific approaches and methods to the study of managerial competence of future managers of the sports industry. According to O. Ratsul, we can say that general scientific approaches are a link that combines philosophy and basic sciences because they combine in their content the individual properties of general scientific concepts and philosophical categories. Methods, principles of cognition are formed on their basis, which provides a connection and interaction of philosophy with special scientific knowledge and methods [15].

A significant contribution to the substantiation of methodological problems of formation of managerial competence of future managers was made by many scientists, such as M. Asumeng (2014), A. Bhardwaj and B. Punia (2013), C. Bitencourt (2004), I. Bucur (2013), P. Freitas and C. Odelius (2017), N. Hogan and R. War-renfeltz (2003), K. Lawicka and A. Sitko-Lutek (2016), J.Kovalenko (2020) and many others.

So, is the teacher the center of the educational universe or the student? Does strong reliance on the wonders of technology offer a more productive educational experience or is a more traditional, lower-tech approach the best way to help students thrive? What are the greatest methodological approaches when training future specialists in physical culture and sports? What is the worthiest method to chose and apply to form the managerial competence of future sports managers nowadays?

Questions such as these are food for thought for educators everywhere, in part because they inspire ongoing reflection on how to make a meaningful difference in the lives of one's students.

Whether you come by your preferred teaching methods organically or by actively studying educational theory and pedagogy, it can be helpful to have a comprehensive working knowledge of the various teaching methods at your disposal.

In the course of our research, we considered and analyzed several methodological approaches, which, in our opinion, demonstrate in many ways the defining properties of the formation of managerial competence of future sports managers and allow to find ways to transform under the tasks to be solved in this process: competence-based, activity-based, integration and interdisciplinary one and also personality-closely-oriented.

Let's move on to the scientific substantiation of the chosen approaches.

1. Competence-based approach is leading in the formation of managerial competence of future managers of sports activities in the process of professional training. This approach "sets the basis for the analysis of professional activity and focuses on the final result of professional training of future professionals" [11, p.79] creates conditions for the practical implementation of accumulated knowledge, skills and abilities, develops the ability to act in different professional situations and apply the practical experience gained during this training.

Analyzing the works of scientists and practitioners (J. Kovalenko, K. Gnatenko, O. Fedorenko, L. Karpets

and R. Kovalenko, 2021) in the field of professional training and competence approach in education give us grounds to claim that the implementation of the competence-based approach in higher educational institutions provides: not only the usual transition of knowledge, skills, and abilities from teacher to student but the formation of a future specialist of professional competence; development of curricula and programs according to the necessary standards of competencies; mul-ticriteria assessment of knowledge and competencies acquired by students; opportunity to operate with the acquired knowledge, skills; outlining a strategy of action, choosing alternatives, etc. [14, p. 226].

The content of the competence-based approach to the formation of managerial competence of future managers of sports activities is based on the understanding of two main terms "competence" and "competency". Thus, the concept of "competence" is traditionally used in the sense of "scope of authority", and "competency" scientists associate with awareness, skills, authority.

In our opinion, competence-based approach to the formation of managerial competence of the future sports manager assumes that the graduate of a higher educational institution, who studied in the specialty 017 "Physical Culture and Sports" in the field of knowledge - 01 Education, specialization "Manager of Sports Activities", after completing the educational program of knowledge, skills and abilities, professional competence, but also to have formed managerial competence as one of its important components for the successful implementation of professional activities in modern society. It should also be noted that the main element of the competency approach is the harmonization of training programs with the needs of the labor market in the sports industry.

Thus, the competence-based approach strengthens the practical orientation of professional and pedagogical training of future managers of sports activities, emphasizing the need to gain experience in management, the ability to implement their knowledge of management in practice: to solve management tasks and situations, perform functions, related to the management of educational and training activities.

2. Activity-based approach is important in the system of professional training of managers in higher educational institutions. Well-known psychologist Lev Vygotsky is believed to be the founder. Analysis of the scientific achievements of E. Fallon, S. Walsh and T. Prendergast (2013), T.Sarpong, F. Sarpong, and A. Asor (2020), and many other researchers allows us to state that today the activity-based approach is the basis of the system of professional training of any specialty in many countries.

To our mind, the activity-based approach as a basis for the formation of the personality of future professionals focuses on the practice-oriented component of the training of sports managers. It is aimed at organizing differentiated pedagogical support to organize the student's activity as an active subject of cognition, communication, work, interaction, own professional development as a future sports specialist, by forming a conceptual apparatus, mastering cognitive algorithms of professional activity, development problem-solving,

creative, situational tasks, development of reflexivity; dynamics and self-realization of profile-differentiated interests of the student as a competent specialist in the field of sports.

Undoubtedly, future sports managers must master not only practical skills of management; control, organization, communication skills; skills of interaction, cooperation; knowledge of how to resolve conflicts, various professional situations, but also build a solid knowledge base underpinned by these skills.

Summing up, we note that the formulation of managerial competence of future managers of sports activities is two-sided: on the one hand, student learning is an activity, and on the other - it is a preparation for further professional activity of students.

3. Integration and interdisciplinary approach to the formation of managerial competence of future managers of sports activities is considered as the need to introduce into the training of future managers of the new generation. When training future professionals, it is important to ensure that the organization of learning, during which students have the opportunity to think independently, analyze and synthesize educational material, using basic knowledge and experience, scientific information from various sources, and a variety of professional situations. In this regard, for our study reasoning of G. Dutka is valuable regarding the integration of knowledge, the completeness of its assimilation, because integrated knowledge, in our opinion, is didactically more complete than the subject. The scientist states that the efficiency of integrated knowledge is manifested in its readiness in "similar and variable situations", and also characterizes "accurate knowledge of methods of application for certain cases." The author believes that integrated knowledge is easier to apply in new conditions. Thus, the integrative approach prepares students from the very beginning for the "need to go beyond situations" and is therefore closely related to the situational scientific approach [6, p. 30]. So, in the presence of integrated knowledge, the specialist has the opportunity to more optimally address professional production issues, situations, and/or get positive results. Note that the ability to integrate knowledge and use it in professional activities is evidence of high professionalism of the specialist, the flexibility of his thinking. Therefore, in our opinion, more general, by its nature, integrated knowledge has greater opportunities than subject matter.

Continuing this idea, pedagogically expedient and relevant, according to many researchers, is the synthesis of integration and interdisciplinary approaches in the training of freelancers, including future managers of sports activities in a wide range of professions - integrated, related, cross-cutting with sports. Thus, it allows future professionals to use knowledge, ideas from related disciplines to solve practical problems in their work and complement them.

The principles of interdisciplinary learning have been discussed in the United States since the 1980s. Analysis of research by N. Smith (1985) and other scientists suggests that this approach allows us to get to the heart of complex phenomena, evaluate or analyze the information obtained. Many researchers at that time

believed that a characteristic feature of interdisciplinary learning is to improve the mastery of the material of individual disciplines. Thus, one of the main tasks of freelance teachers is to make a high-quality selection of links between disciplines to improve the quality of vocational education, a deeper understanding of the problem, as well as more effective application of acquired knowledge in practice.

Summarizing, it can be argued that the use of integration and interdisciplinary approach in the training of future managers of sports activities is a justified and effective mechanism for deepening the acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities of the future specialist. The implementation of cooperation of various scientific disciplines (sports, economics, philology, socio-hu-manitarian, etc.), the study of general concepts to understand the phenomena, tasks, is the basis of integrated interdisciplinary links.

Thus, the integration and interdisciplinary approach involves the integration of knowledge, the ability to reproduce, summarize and apply the knowledge gained in the study of various disciplines to solve specific professional problems, apply in practice the experience gained, highlight the knowledge needed for a problem, situation.

4. Personality-oriented approach to the formation of managerial competence of future managers of sports activities in the process of professional training, the essence of which is the fact that management is seen as a personality-oriented work in which future professionals create, shape, and develop their managerial competence and at the same time are formed in it as individuals. Thus, this approach orients the professional and pedagogical training of future managers of sports activities on the development of their personality as subjects of future management and active participants in educational and cognitive activities. Thus, the personality-oriented approach involves the creation of such an educational environment in which the student becomes a motivated person, which is realized during management activities. The use of various forms of cognitive activity, independent work of students, active teaching methods, considering the individual characteristics, capabilities, and needs of the student [12, p. 76].

Socio-economic changes in the country, the development of market relations have led to the formation of personality-oriented learning. The new economic situation requires modern competent professionals, with some personal qualities that can be formed by implementing the following principles of learning: the priority of individuality, self-worth of the student, who is the subject of the educational process; advanced nature of education, which ensures the formation of the competence of future specialist; taking into account the individual experience of the student, his needs for self-realization, self-determination, and self-development.

Note that the signs of a personality-oriented approach to the formation of managerial competence in the process of professional training in higher education institutions are: focusing on the professional needs of the individual; giving priority to individuality, self-worth; cooperation between students and teachers, de-

velopment of empathy, spiritual and moral unity; creating a situation of choice and responsibility in the learning process; adaptation of methods to educational and potential opportunities of the student (his personal growth and self-development).

Thus, there is every reason to believe that today the competitive labor market can be not so much an excellent theorist as a practice-oriented specialist. Traditional education is evolving, transforming into practice-oriented by strengthening the practical orientation while maintaining its fundamentality. Thus, there is every reason to talk about the formation of a paradigm of personality-oriented education in higher education. So, we strongly believe that the result of a personality-oriented approach to the formation of managerial competence of future managers of sports activities is a highly moral and individual personality of the student who seeks effective management.

Thus, the system-structured analysis allowed us to generalize theoretically methodological approaches -competence-based, activity-based, integration and interdisciplinary, and personality-oriented to the formation of managerial competence of future managers of sports activities in the process of professional training.

Future theoretical substantiation of pedagogical conditions of formation of managerial competence of future managers of sports activity in the course of professional preparation is based on essential characteristics of the methodological approaches stated by us above.


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