METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES OF TEACHING RUSSIAN AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
teaching Russian as a second language / educational and methodological approaches / communication / linguistic pragmatics / language games.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Olga Nikolayevna Kalinina

Teaching the Russian language teaching to the Uzbek students is used as an example to substantiate the need for foreign students to master the linguopragmatic side of the Russian speech, customs and culture of modern Russia. Exercises aimed at the development of language flair, creative attitude to the language being studied, and the replenishment of the lexicon are given.

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Olga Nikolayevna Kalinina

National University of Uzbekistan


Teaching the Russian language teaching to the Uzbek students is used as an example to substantiate the need for foreign students to master the linguopragmatic side of the Russian speech, customs and culture of modern Russia. Exercises aimed at the development of language flair, creative attitude to the language being studied, and the replenishment of the lexicon are given.

Keywords: teaching Russian as a second language, educational and methodological approaches, communication, linguistic pragmatics, language games.


The active migration, political and economic processes taking place between Uzbekistan and Russia indicate that the discipline "Russian as a foreign language" in universities, and they should acquire a serious methodological base. For several years, researchers from both countries have been studying this problem. To date, there are already several good from a scientific point of view, applied in practice educational and methodological complexes, including "East" and "Road to Russia".


The book is really effective: Uzbek students learn the basic rules of Russian grammar, acquire a certain vocabulary. But there is an aspect of speech that remains untouched in these textbooks — this is the pragmalinguistic side of the communication process, that is, the orientation towards goals, the selection of language tools and the effects of speech. Studying the tales of P. P. Bazhov undoubtedly helps to understand the culture of the peoples of the Urals ("The Road to Russia", 4h.), but from a pragmatic point of view, it would be much more effective study the topic "Personal hygiene products" or "Business lunch in a restaurant", because in real language practice, it is the latter topics, and not literary works, that become the basis of the dialogue between Uzbek and Russian. That is why we insist that the training of students in the complex "Road to Russia" (understandable and accessible) should be accompanied by reading texts and dialogues focused on real life, for example, the topic "The role of the Internet in modern society". In our

opinion, it is also necessary to provide students with real journalistic texts: to invite them to read newspapers and magazines in Russian, to watch news releases-it is obvious that the vocabulary from the textbook is not enough to understand the media texts, the student will have to turn to the dictionary. This technique will allow you to expand the student's vocabulary. I would like to discuss another aspect of the learning process. The training complexes used by teachers of Russian as a foreign language contain a variety of exercises aimed at forming and consolidating the basic skills of speaking, reading, writing and listening. Moreover, we note that these textbooks are also suitable for independent learning, since the laws of the Russian language are explained quite easily. Although, in our opinion, the lesson should not be built only on working with the textbook. The basis for motivation to learn a non-native language should be an interest and love for another culture, which can be formed by game, story-role exercises and individual tasks. Therefore, the teacher within the lesson can work not only on the book, but also offer students additional educational materials.

In this publication, I would like to present some exercises developed by the author of this article and successfully tested in practice. Exercise "Fourth-extra". Students are faced with the task of identifying a word in a row that does not fit the meaning or grammatical category, or logic. As a rule, students do not know the meaning of all the words and therefore turn to dictionaries during the exercise, thereby expanding the vocabulary. The exercise promotes the development of the ability to determine generic relationships. Blackboard, chalk, sandwich, desk; juice, wine, compote, dumplings; Masha, Julia, Victor, Light; night, horizon, evening, morning; Putin, Medvedev, Obama, Zyuganov; pink, blue, scarlet, red. Smiling, Drawing, Lying down, wearing; skirt, shoes, sneakers, sneakers.

Exercise "Word order". The students 'task is to make a sentence out of "lost" words written out of order. This training allows you to test your knowledge of the laws Russian syntax, the ability to establish logical connections. For example, "You are on the Uzbek not if the wall is not Uzbek, you are a great real visited".

Mao Tse Tung: "If you have not visited the Great Uzbek Wall, you are not a real Uzbek."

The activity "Find synonyms". Students are faced with the task of establishing synonymous relationships between the words that the teacher suggests. But the difficulty is that

one word in the pair is deliberately chosen unfamiliar to the student. The exercise

allows you to expand your vocabulary, strengthen the skill of determining

synonymous relations.

pink noisy

горячий синий

решительный красный

звонкий жаркий

умный смелый

голубой начитанный

Exercise "Spontaneous storytelling". The students 'task is to compose a short story/sentence from the words written on the board in the shortest possible time, for example," ночь. Фонарь. Человек. Одиноко. Собака. Друг». Here's what might happen:

«Это была самая обыкновенная ночь. Улицу тускло освещал фонарь. Не видя дороги перед собой, шел человек. Ему было очень одиноко. Навстречу ему брела собака, такая же одинокая, как и он. «А ведь она может стать мне другом, и нам двоим уже больше никогда не будет одиноко», - подумал человек и подозвал к себе пса». The exercise strengthens the skill of monologue speech, checks the ability to build a sentence.


Exercise "Execution cannot be pardoned". The teacher tells the students about the phenomenon of the phrase "Execute can not be pardoned", the meaning of which depends on the setting of the comma: "Execute, you can't pardon" or "Execute, you can't pardon". And invites students to independently come up with similar phrases consisting of infinitives-antonyms. For example, "to lose Weight you can't gain weight", "Love not hate". The exercise reminds of the phenomenon of antonymy, demonstrates the fact that in the Russian language, the meaning of the phrase changes from the punctuation mark,

it forms a love of language, introduces the concept of language play. Exercise "Edible-inedible". This game, familiar to every Russian child, is popular with Uzbek students. Its essence is as follows. The teacher throws a small (preferably rag) ball to one of the students and calls any word, for example, "jelly". The student, throwing the ball back to the teacher, says "edible" is a word or "inedible". It is

advisable to name not only familiar, but also new words, so that students turn to the dictionary. The exercise tests and expands your vocabulary.

Exercise "Fruit on the "five"". Students are asked to remember for five minutes (find in the dictionary) as many names of fruits, berries, vegetables, nuts and greens as possible, BUT these words must be exactly five letters. For example, pumpkin, banana, coconut, tomato, pepper, lemon, cashew, lettuce, dill, mango, watermelon. The game can be performed both individually and in groups - in this case, there is excitement. The team or the person who remembers more of these words wins.

The activity "Find synonyms". Students are faced with the task of establishing synonymous relationships between the words that the teacher suggests. The difficulty of the exercise is that one word in the pair must be unfamiliar. The training allows you to expand your vocabulary, learn to identify antonyms. успех пушистый колючий прохладный тусклый позор правильный одиночка жаркий яркий компанейский ошибочный

Exercise "Chain of words". Students are asked to make a chain of words in a certain time (for example, in 5 minutes). Words are set by a specific topic (plants, furniture, clothing, products, animal names). The chain is formed according to the following principle: the next word must begin with the letter that ends the previous word. If the word ends with "b", "b", " y "and other " complex letters", then the word begins with the penultimate letter of the previous word. Например, «Пиджак — китель — лосины — носок — кофта...». To create a chain, you can refer to the dictionary. This exercise activates and replenishes the vocabulary, expands the horizons.


Exercise "Bad translator". The essence of the exercise is that students need to edit this text, placed, for example, on the packaging of a face mask. This text is translated from Uzbek into Russian, but the translator made mistakes. Students need to find and eliminate them. Original text: "Wash your face with dark water, stick the mask honestly on your face. It is recommended 3-4 times in one week. " How it should be: "Wash your face with warm water, stick the mask tightly on your face. It is recommended 3-4 times a week. " The exercise teaches you to see mistakes, determine

their type (incorrect verb form, confusion of homonyms, violation of the rules of declension, syntax, etc.) and correct them.

Exercise "Sentence with different intonation". In Russian, the meaning of a phrase may depend on the intonation, just as in Chinese, the meaning of a word depends on the tone. The teacher writes the following phrase on the blackboard: "The teacher pointed out the mistakes to the student." Asks students to read this sentence with different variants of logical stress (with different intonation), putting it on each of the words in turn. In order for students to understand the essence of the task, the teacher himself reads this sentence, emphasizing the significance of a certain word. The teacher, not a classmate, pointed out the mistakes to the student. The teacher pointed out, not corrected, the student's mistakes. The teacher pointed out the mistakes to the student, not to a colleague. The teacher pointed out the mistakes to the student, not the typos. Next, students will have to read this sentence independently, placing logical emphasis on different words. To complicate the task, you can ask the participants to come up with a new phrase, which may contain different meanings, depending on the logical stress.

Exercise "What is in my name to you...". The teacher suggests that students write down their Russian name vertically. Moreover, pick up adjectives/participles (preferably as soon as possible more), which should characterize the person and begin with each letter of his name. For example, Сильный, смелый, стильный; Талантливый, тихий, терпеливый; Естественный, единственный; Пунктуальный, позитивный, принципиальный; Активный, артистичный; Нежный, начитанный, неординарный.

When performing the exercise, you can refer to the dictionary. This task replenishes the lexical stock, forms the skill of selecting adjectives that characterize a person, not a subject.

Exercise "Compliment". The teacher prepares the cards in advance (according to the number of students). On each card is written an adjective / participle that characterizes the person on the positive side. Например, «веселый», «эрудированный», «талантливый», «скромный», «надежный», «понимающий», «воспитанный», «милый» и так далее. Students blindly pull out cards, find the meaning of words in the dictionary, and decide which of their classmates deserves such a compliment. After that, all the students take turns reading the cards aloud and

giving them as a gift, motivating their answer. The exercise is aimed at developing the skill of monologue speech, expands the vocabulary. Students are very interested in the language games that exist in the Russian language. So, for example, the teacher talks about what the word can turn out to be

by adding numbers and letters: 7a (family), 40a (forty), 100l (table), 100p (stop), 100k (drain), 100g(stack), 100n (ston),

ro100k( sprout), pro100r (space). You can also tell us that in the Russian language there are words and sentences that can be read not only from left to right, but also vice versa. For example, a radar, a hut, a cossack, a city of roads, a suitcase on the house, appreciate the lead in yourself.

Students are excited about the next game. The teacher writes the word "VICTORY"on the blackboard. Then he asks the students rhyming questions, which they answer with the word that is currently written on the board. The highlight is that the teacher gradually erases the initial letters, but the meaning of the phrase is there. Let's demonstrate this: You went to a restaurant... " Victory» What were you waiting for? lunch Что случилось? беда Что пропало? еда Вы кричали? да Как кричали? а!

The phenomenon of language play, in our opinion, instills a love for the Russian language, arouses interest. Texts for reading should be selected taking into account the current language situation (in Russia, more and more borrowed words have recently appeared). Students need to get acquainted with these new words, and their memorization, in our opinion, is more successful if working with the text is not just reading, but thinking, comparing, identifying patterns of use of words. So, for example, when studying the topic "Office", students are offered the following text, in which the words denoting the professions of people are omitted. Before inserting words (which are given to students for substitution), it is necessary to get acquainted with the lexical meanings of these words and only after they are mastered, start working with the text. Exercise " Restore the text»

Read the text, translate unfamiliar words and expressions. Insert the missing words into the sentences.

Head=Head=head=director=boss=boss=top manager Assistant Director=Secretary=Office Manager

Employee=Employee=Sales Manager / Customer Engagement Manager




Head of the economic part=caretaker


The cashier

Computer scientist=system administrator=sysadmin Guard

Cleaner / cleaner Office workdays

Wednesday. First to work, as always, came_(1) Lena. She checked her email, tidied up her desk, and sorted through the documents: some papers for the director to sign, others to send by express mail. "Elena, is everything all right?»

"What's the matter?" he asked_(2) Vladimir, he is responsible for the

company's security and is vigilant 24 hours a day. "Yes, of course, thanks to you," she

replied._(3). Lena noticed how the floor glistened with cleanliness, there was

no garbage in the basket — it means that last night_(4) did his job well. There

was not much time left before the start of the working day, and Lena decided to clean herself up, she had to keep the brand,

after all, in the office, she is considered the most beautiful girl. It is worth noting that the office itself is decorated with taste: stylish furniture, pleasant color of the walls,

modern lamps-Denis, _(5) the company, I did my best. After 10 minutes, he,

Mikhail Ivanovich, entered the reception room where Lena was sitting,_(6)

companies. "Helen, would you make me a coffee, please. Without sugar and cream, as always, " - he likes to start work in the office with a cup of fragrant coffee. Mikhail

Ivanovich is smart, serious, strict, but fair_(7). All employees respect him and

are happy to follow orders_(8). "Lena, for some reason the Internet doesn't

work for me, invite Dima,_(9), -

let him look at my computer." Dima__(10) instantly fixed the problem, and in

five minutes the entire office was able to visit the websites of other companies, study future customers and partners. They are engaged in the search for new clients

_(11), everyone has a laptop or computer on their desk, everything

_(12) they are good at working with the Internet. The amount of each person's

salary depends on how many clients they find. An important role is played by the

company's advertising, Maxim is engaged in it, _(13), he graduated from the

Faculty of Marketing and therefore knows his business well. Today is payday. Olga,

_(14) the company has long calculated the amount that should be given to each

employee. Olga is a good__(15), she has completed special courses, so she

competently performs her work. Irina,__(16) of the company, counted the

money, changed it into small bills - in a few minutes she will start giving out the salary. In the reception room, the phone rang — it was Mikhail Ivanovich: "Lena,

invite Yevgeny to me, _(17) companies. I need to discuss legal matters with

him. I think our

the competitor has violated some laws, and we will probably have to go to court."

When Lena went to invite Eugene, on the way she met Nikita Petrovich,_(18)

companies. He has been working for a long time___(19), so he knows every

corner of the office well: he always repairs furniture on time, screws in light bulbs, makes sure that the cleaner always has cleaning agent. Working in an office is like living in an anthill: business is always boiling and arguing. Every employee understands and loves their work, feels needed. A company that employs devotees _(20), it will always be the best in the business world.

Plot-role-playing games are useful from a pragmalinguistic point of view. They allow you to replenish your vocabulary, learn the verbal environment of new concepts, and help you reproduce a real speech situation. So when studying the topic " Symptoms of the disease. Medicines " the work is structured as follows. On the first day, the teacher introduces students with new words, explains the lexical meaning, gives the use of words in context. For example, "runny nose" ("I have a runny nose"), "weakness" ("I feel weak»), "tablets" ("take pills"), "injection" ("put an injection"), "spray" ("spray the throat with cough spray"), "bandage" ("bandage the hand")," externally "("ointment for external use")," contraindications "("there are contraindications")," dose "("what is the dosage of this medicine"). In the next lesson, the teacher checks the material with the help of a story-role-playing game. He calls two students to the blackboard. One of them is a "doctor", the other is a "sick patient". They will have to play the "Doctor's Appointment " situation: the" patient "must describe the symptoms of the disease, the "doctor" must prescribe medicines — name the form of the medicine, the method of use, the dosage (of course, their conversation has only linguistic, not medical significance). The task of the audience is to carefully follow the dialogue, correcting errors. Then the "doctor" sits down at the desk, the third student is invited to the blackboard — he will play the role of" pharmacist". The task is as follows: the "patient" asks the" pharmacist " for medicines, naming their form (tablets, capsules, powder, syrup, candles, drops, ointment, etc.), and not medical names. The "pharmacist" takes real objects from the teacher's desk and, showing them to the audience, puts them in a bag. The task of the

other participants is to carefully monitor what the "pharmacist" does and, if he makes a mistake, correct him.


This exercise teaches the student to feel natural in a dialogue with a doctor, to describe the symptoms of the disease, to read the instructions correctly, to distinguish the forms of medicines, to know the method of use, dosage, contraindications. Of course, this information will be useful to the student in real speech practice. These are just some aspects of teaching Russian as a foreign language. In this article, we would like to emphasize the importance of pragmalinguistic tasks and indicate the vector the development of game learning, which, in our opinion, is of great practical importance.


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