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Ключевые слова
development program / strategic analysis / economic factors / political factors / technological factors / social factors / strategic plan. / программа развития / стратегический анализ / экономические факторы / политические факторы / технологические факторы / социальные факторы / стратегический план.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Babaeva, Nargiza Muzaffarovna, Khanbabaev, Shokhrukhbek Dilshojon

The development program is a strategic plan for the implementation of major innovations in an educational institution. The development program is aimed at the future not only at real, but also at promising, expected, predictable educational needs, social order for education.

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Программа развития это стратегический план внедрения основных инноваций в образовательном учреждении. Программа развития нацелена на будущее не только на реальные, но и на перспективные, ожидаемые, предсказуемые образовательные потребности, социальный заказ на образование


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Babaeva Nargiza Muzaffarovna Kokand State Pedagogical Institute Head of Education Quality Control Department PhD in Economics,Associate Professor Khanbabaev Shokhrukhbek Dilshojon Kokand State Pedagogical Institute Education Management Specialty 2nd year master's student

Abstract: The development program is a strategic plan for the implementation of major innovations in an educational institution. The development program is aimed at the future not only at real, but also at promising, expected, predictable educational needs, social order for education.

Key words: development program, strategic analysis, economic factors, political factors, technological factors, social factors, strategic plan.

Аннотация: Программа развития - это стратегический план внедрения основных инноваций в образовательном учреждении. Программа развития нацелена на будущее не только на реальные, но и на перспективные, ожидаемые, предсказуемые образовательные потребности, социальный заказ на образование.

Ключевые слова: программа развития, стратегический анализ, экономические факторы, политические факторы, технологические факторы, социальные факторы, стратегический план.

Development programs for educational institutions in our country (road maps) were approved by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on 20.04.2017. PQ-2909 "Resolution" On measures for the further development of the higher education system ", Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 27, 2017. PQ-3151 was developed on the basis of the Decree "On measures to further expand the participation of industries and sectors of the economy in improving the quality of higher education."

The development program of an educational organization is a management document that ensures the achievement of strategic and tactical goals for the development of an educational organization, taking into account the priorities and goals of state and regional policy in the field of education, the content of innovation


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 5

educational, natural and social sciences O ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423

and mechanisms for its financing. problem analysis of the state of education on the basis of planning systemic positive changes, describing the criteria for assessing the achievement of planned results in terms of quantity and quality.

REFERENCES AND METHODS This article uses the logical, historical, coherent, and objective methods of scientific knowledge, and uses descriptive, comparative methods to cover the topic. In the course of the research, the pedagogical conditions for the development of healthy thinking in students were objectively covered, and the decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan were taken as a methodological source, stating the relevance of the topic.

DISCUSSION AND RESULTS The stage of strategic analysis is described in detail in the process of developing a strategy and allows you to interpret the strategic position of the organization based on the analysis of the internal and external environment of the educational organization (Table 1). The main purpose of strategic analysis is to assess the impact of an organization on its current and future position.

Table 1 - Using the methods of strategic analysis in developing the strategy of an educational organization.

Strategic analysis methods Stages of strategy development

Vision and mission development Develop strategic goals Choosing a strategy Implement a strategy Assess your strategy

PEST analysis + + +

SWOT-analysis + + +

Competitor analysis + + + + +

Product analysis + + +

Positional Analysis + + + + +

Resource analysis + + + +

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 5

educational, natural and social sciences O ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423

Control system diagnostics + + +

Diagnostics of organizational culture + + + + +

Strategic analysis provides an information basis for forming the mission of an educational organization, determining its strategic goals and indicators, developing programs and measures to implement the strategy. The external and internal environment of an educational institution is the object of strategic analysis.

Analysis of the external environment is the process of identifying and assessing non-organizational factors to determine the current and future impact of the developers of a strategic plan on the development of an educational organization. Analysis of the external environment includes the study of trends in economic development, legal regulation and management, political processes, the impact of the natural environment and resources, culture and science, technology and technology, infrastructure and others.

It is possible to distinguish the micro- and macro-environment of the organization. The microenvironment is part of the external environment in which this organization operates directly. The microenvironment is individual for each organization and includes the following factors:

The main features of education as a direction of study. The size and growth rate of the market for educational services and research, the scale of competition, the number of educational institutions, their relative size, the conditions for entering and exiting the industry and the level of technological changes in production and research, the competitiveness of the degree of standardization or individualization of educational programs of educational institutions, etc.

Consumers of educational and research services of an educational organization. Their geographic location, demographic characteristics, socio-psychological characteristics, attitude to the educational organization, etc. are analyzed. Awareness, effective demand, the level of loyalty to the educational organization, etc. are assessed.

- Competitors - educational organizations are organizations competing in the field of education in the region. When analyzing competition in an industry, it is

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necessary to assess each factor affecting competition, determine the level of competition pressure, and develop a competition strategy.

- The main factors of the success of an educational institution are competitive opportunities, results of activities that determine the success of an educational institution. Key success factors are of great importance for the formation of an educational organization's strategy. A clear understanding of the factors that are critical to achieving long-term competitive advantage will help you develop a successful strategy.

- Regional labor market and employers hiring graduates of educational institutions.

The external environment includes all macroeconomic, social, legal, international and technological factors that can affect an organization. The external environment is the same for all organizations working in it. Macro environment components:

- Economic factors. The current and projected state of the economy is important for educational institutions that perform personnel functions and provide scientific support for economic processes. Consequently, it is necessary to constantly assess the main factors of the economic environment.

- Political factors. In order to develop a long-term strategy for an educational organization, it is necessary to have an idea of the intentions of public authorities and administration in relation to the development of higher education and how the state plans to implement its policy.

- Technological factors. In the field of using modern teaching and research technologies, it is important to timely see the opportunities that open up for educational institutions.

- Social factors. People's attitude to education, traditions in this area, demographic structure, social value of knowledge, level of knowledge, etc.

Choosing and developing a strategy for an educational institution begins with an analysis of the external environment. The external environment of an organization is a set of active participants and forces that are directly outside the management and can influence its strategy. A wide range of tools can be used to analyze an organization's external environment.

The development strategy of an educational institution can be presented in the form of a strategic plan. A strategic plan is a concise document that focuses on the key points to improve the competitiveness of an institution. The strategic plan includes ideas that guide management and employees, potential investors, authorities

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and the public in making operational decisions based on their vision of the future. The strategic plan does not cancel or replace other types of plans, it only sets out the development in the most important, priority areas for the educational institution. The strategic plan is developed and implemented in large quantities.

The main content of the strategic plan:

- the main goal of the development of the educational institution at this stage;

- the main strategic directions for achieving the main goal;

- goals within the strategic directions;

- indicators of the implementation of planned activities, cost estimates, specific activities for the implementation of the selected strategies with the participants in the events.

The strategic plan (roadmap) determines the general direction (strategy) of the development of an educational institution for up to 10 years. The emphasis will be placed on the main promising areas identified on the basis of an analysis of the potential, strengths and weaknesses of the educational institution and possible scenarios for the development of the outside world. Revision and revision of the strategic plan is carried out every 3-5 years.

Below we will consider the features of program management in the development of an educational organization:

The educational organization is responsible for the development and approval of the development program. The structure of the development program, the procedure for development, approval and adjustment, as well as other organizational issues are determined by the local act of the educational organization. The development program is approved by the head of the educational institution based on the results of consideration and approval by the collegial management body of the educational organization and is submitted for approval to the founder. An educational institution has the right to conduct an independent professional and (or) public expertise of its development program.

The development program is strategic in nature and puts at the forefront the solution of the most important, strategic tasks that predetermine the general direction of the life of the organization and the educational community.

Development and implementation of state educational standards, development of a support system for gifted children; preservation and strengthening of students' health, the transition to new organizational and legal forms, the development of the independence of the educational institution, reorganization, career guidance, etc. are the main innovative directions in the development of strategic programs.

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The main functions of the educational organization development program:

- regulatory: this is a document that must be filled out in full;

- goal setting: values and goals inherent in the educational organization are set to achieve it;

- procedural: determines the logical sequence of measures for the development of an educational organization, forms and methods of organization, means and conditions for the process of its development;

- Evaluator: identifies qualitative changes in the learning process by tracking and tracking the progress and results of the program.

An educational institution roadmap is a document that includes plans to change the infrastructure for the optimal delivery of educational activities.

A distinction should be made between the curriculum of the educational institution and the development plan. A program is document that is seen and needed as a tool for the governing body to mobilize resources to address an important issue. A plan is a description of the implementation of a program in a specific context and within a specific time frame. The plan coordinates the activities of different actors, allocating resources according to activities, times and persons in charge. In this case, the program includes a motivational analysis of an important problem, legal support for the concept of the desired result and an agreed action plan for all actors to solve the problem.

Finally, from the point of view of management, the program is the basis for the rapid adoption of managerial decisions in the daily activities of an educational institution. The process of developing a program is actually a process of making strategic management decisions. Thus, the process of making managerial decisions and the structure of making managerial decisions can be considered as a methodology for developing a program for the development of an educational institution. In the process of developing the program, the leader determines his position on changing social conditions, analyzes the development potential of his educational institution in new conditions and takes responsibility for new development goals and ways to achieve them.

Management of the implementation of the strategy is the most important condition for the effectiveness of the implementation of the strategic plan and includes: tasks and stages of implementation, management of changes in the organization, strategic changes.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 5

educational, natural and social sciences O ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423

Strategy implementation is an action-oriented management activity that tests the ability of top management to manage organizational change, motivate people, and achieve strategic goals.

The stages and results of the implementation of the strategic plan can be presented as follows (table 2).

Table 2 - Stages of implementation of the development strategy of an educational institution.

Stages of implementation Strategic results

Concentrate resources on strategically important areas l.Allocation of resources for financial analysis and strategy implementation. 2. Selection of the final useful product and its financing in the planned volume. 3. Regulate the economy of the organization based on incentives and incentives. 4. Sustainable economic growth and selected market segments. 5. Motivation of the staff of the educational institution. 6. Link the incentive system to the achievement of strategic goals. 7. Analysis of the implementation of the strategic plan.

Creation of a viable educational institution management system 1. Formation of strategic views of top management. 2. Introduce a new management structure for the organization. 3. Development and implementation of a new Regulation on the management of educational institutions. 4. To realize the main advantages based on the competitive advantages of the organization. 5. Selection of leaders and formation of an effective team in key positions. 6. Formation of a corporate culture of

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 5

educational, natural and social sciences O ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423

management. 7. Adaptation of the management system to changes in the external and internal environment.

Achievement of goals based on management criteria 1. The educational center. 2. Methodological center. 3. Science Center. 4. Cultural center. 5. Business center. 6. Center for Innovation and Technology. 7. Marketing center.

Strategy implementation includes the following important elements:

1. Explain the philosophy of the educational institution, its existence, social status, external environment and the essence of relationships with staff.

2. Dignity and ethics, which are guided by the administration of the educational institution and the majority of employees when making managerial decisions.

3. Norms and rules of conduct that an educational institution follows in its relationship with the environment and personnel. These norms, shared by all employees, allow the organization to constantly achieve its goals, and certain features of relationships within the organization form its moral and psychological climate.

4. Expectation of expected changes in the results of the educational institution as a whole. Waiting affects the interests of both individual employees and different groups.

When developing an action plan to implement and control the strategy, it is necessary to distribute responsibilities evenly among all levels of management in the organization.


Concentration of responsibility for all actions to implement the plan only at the management level or, conversely, at one of the lower levels, contradicts the need for teamwork and the involvement of all departments in the development, implementation and control of the organization's strategy.

Modern management is not about error correction, but error prevention, which significantly reduces the cost of the process. Therefore, it is an integral part of the planning process at all stages.

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