METHODOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL APPROACHES FOR GRAMMAR INSTRUCTION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
grammar / teaching / method / translated / structure. / грамматика / преподавание / метод / перевод / структура.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kakharova, Nafisa

This article describes methodological approaches and systematic analysis in teaching grammar. Nowadays we try not to do grammar translation method. Often each unit has a paragraph to be translated into the target language and one to be translated into native one.

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В данной статье описаны методические подходы и системный анализ в обучении грамматике. Сейчас мы стараемся не использовать метод грамматического перевода. Часто в каждом разделе есть абзац, который нужно перевести на целевой язык, и один абзац, который нужно перевести на родной язык.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

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Kakharova Nafisa

Interfaculty department of the English language National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, senior teacher


This article describes methodological approaches and systematic analysis in teaching grammar. Nowadays we try not to do grammar translation method. Often each unit has a paragraph to be translated into the target language and one to be translated into native one.

Keywords: grammar, teaching, method, translated, structure.


В данной статье описаны методические подходы и системный анализ в обучении грамматике. Сейчас мы стараемся не использовать метод грамматического перевода. Часто в каждом разделе есть абзац, который нужно перевести на целевой язык, и один абзац, который нужно перевести на родной язык.

Ключевые слова: грамматика, преподавание, метод, перевод, структура.


The physique1 of rules which underlie a language is called its grammar. Grammar consists of regulations which govern structure of words and regulations which govern the shape of phrases to form clauses and sentences that are desirable to trained native speakers. Most teachers see grammar as a body of expertise that they themselves want as professional linguists, expertise they can use judiciously2 to help inexperienced people attain insights into the workings of the language. Some teachers see no want to educate and practice grammar at all. Some even regard structure practice and other types of grammar instructing as harmful. Their view is that learners will pick up the regularities intuitively, supplied they, meet adequate3 samples of herbal language. The teacher's role, as they see it, is to grant a language -prosperous environment in which the newcomers meet comprehensible language as they interact in things to do of various kinds.

Many methods have been proposed for the teaching of foreign language. Ad they have met with varying degrees of success and failure. We should know that the

1 Physique - bodily make-up (Merriam-Webster Dictionary.1828).

2 Judiciously - showing intelligence and good judgment (Macmillan English Dictionary.2020)

3 Adequate - barely sufficient or suitable (Dictionary.com)

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method by which children are taught must have some effect on their motivation.If learners think that rules monotonous they would be demoralized.If they have assurance in the method if would be encouraged.


Nowadays we try not to do grammar translation method. Often each unit has a paragraph to be translated into the target language and one to be translated into native one.

Paragraphs display grammar rules, in the units where we learned rules.The student is expected to apply the rules on his own. This involves a complicated mental manipulation of the conjugations and declensions in the order memorized, down to the form that might fir the translation. As a result, students are unable to use the language, and they sometimes develop an inferiority complex about languages in general. "Exceptionally bright and diligent students do learn languages by this method, or in spite of, but they would learn with any method".

"Each method is realized in techniques. By a technique we mean an individual way in doing something, in gaining a certain goal in teaching learning process. In teaching grammar, teachers must use some approaches and these approaches can be divided into two types: the deductive approach and the inductive approach"4 An inductive approach is one in which students infer the rule or generalization from a set of examples.

An inductive approach is one in which students infer the rule or generalization from a set of examples.

In a deductive approach activity, on the other hand, the students are given the rule and they apply it to examples. For instance, when practicing an inductive approach to the mass/count noun distinction in English, students could be presented with a language sample, such as a grocery advertising circular.They reinforced to say their own monitoring about the form of nouns. The teacher might listen to their observations and then might summarize by generalizing about the two categories of nouns. If practicing a deductive approach, the teacher would present the generalization and then ask students to apply it to the language sample.

As we see, if a teacher has chosen an inductive approach in a given lesson, a further option exists - whether or not to give or have students articulate an easily understandable that what it means to teach grammar.

We talked about it to try to teach in the learner is behavior that conforms to the rules, not knowledge of the rules as means to this end except perhaps if one is working with young children. Usually, students request rules and report that they find

4Tanya Cotter. 'Planning a grammar lesson'. Article, 2012.

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them helpful. Moreover, stating a rule explicitly can often bring about linguistic insights in amore efficacious manner, as long as the rule is not oversimplified or so meta-linguistically obtuse that students to know better the rule put in completely. By dividing foreign language learners into levels, the topics and rules they are taught are divided accordingly. The grammatical rules and methods studied by elementary and intermediate learners are radically different. The students we choose are intermediate students. Why intermediate learners? This is because mid-level learners tend to be more attentive to everything to follow every rule and method they teach. Of course, this also depends on the skills of the teacher.

The grammar rules for intermediate learners are a bit more complex and difficult. This is because they will be able to master all the necessary aspects through difficult grammatical rules and information. Intermediate and elementary students may have the same name for the topic, but the methods used to explain the topic are more complex than at the elementary level. An example of the same topic for intermediate and elementary learners is 'Present Continuous Tense'. At the elementary level, they are only told about the structure of time when to use it, and what words to use. For example, Present Continuous Tense's plus structure is: Subject + to be verbs (am/is/are) + Verb + ing. Jim (S) + is (to be) + watch (V) + ing television5

And the elementary level teachers must explain rules in their own mother tongue. Intermediate learners use slightly more complex rules. All rules, explanations are explained in as much foreign language as possible. The structure tense is no longer explained to students in detail. They are given ready- made sentences, which are explained based on analysis and now the keywords of the time are explained in detail. For example:

"Please don^t make so much noise. Fm studying (not "Istudy ")" I'm studying (not "I study") - in this cases author give explaining that this action is happening at the time of speaking, and we can't use Present Simple.

An important aspect of grammar for intermediate learners is that they can improve their listening, speaking, and writing skills through a thorough study of grammar. Teachers will be able to teach learners grammar in clear and simple way during this time, which will help them to improve their other aspects. As grammar students are taught more tests, puzzles, and questions and answers, their grammar knowledge will increase. This will make them more successful in writing. For example, if they want to write a simple essay they will immediately understand when

5 Raymond Murphy. Essential Grammar in Use. 2018. - P. 16.

6Raymond Murphy. Essential Grammar in Use. 2018. - P. 16.

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to use which tense, which pronoun to use correctly, and which noun phrase is appropriate or inconsistent.

Furthermore, the primary rationale for teaching intermediate school students' grammar in-depth is to enable them to utilize the grammar exercises they have learned in their speaking abilities. Simultaneously, they should be instructed on how to present their grammatical knowledge and apply it in practical situations. For instance, a student may be given a speaking activity centered around the topic of "Dream City". In such a scenario, the student needs to demonstrate proficiency in using tenses correctly, employing prepositions of time and place accurately, and having a solid grasp of word formation. By effectively employing and applying this knowledge across various contexts, students can be considered to have achieved a high level of grammatical proficiency, allowing them to navigate different situations with ease.

1.2. The significance of employing an integrated approach in delivering efficient language instruction

According to Ellis, teaching grammar involves instructional techniques that direct learners' attention to specific grammatical forms, aiding their comprehension and production of those forms for internalization . This highlights the complexity of teaching grammar. Essentially, teaching grammar requires teachers to have a deep understanding of grammar concepts and the ability to effectively apply them.

Several factors contribute to the difficulties students face in learning grammar. One factor is the method of grammar instruction employed by teachers. Some teachers may struggle with teaching grammar, leading to misunderstandings among students. Another factor is how students themselves approach grammar learning.

Al-Mekhlafi and Nagaratnam argue that teachers often use theoretically recommended methods without considering the potential difficulties faced by their learners. Teachers may be unaware of serious obstacles that hinder students' grammar learning and may not choose instructional methods that minimize difficulties and challenges for their learners . Petraki and Hill also state that students' diverse backgrounds, language learning experiences, and teaching experiences influence their understanding of grammar . Hence, students' abilities to grasp grammar knowledge can vary due to their individual backgrounds. This discrepancy in background, language learning experiences, and teaching experiences can become problematic, especially for students who lack experience in grammar. Although teachers strive to find appropriate methods that suit their students, there are instances where these methods may still fall short.

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Overall, teaching grammar is a multifaceted task that requires effective instructional techniques, consideration of students' difficulties, and recognition of individual differences in background and experience.

Teaching grammar is indeed different for learners at different levels, and teachers face various challenges in the process. Here is a breakdown of the problems teachers encounter when teaching grammar:

Students' inability to apply previous grammar knowledge: Some students struggle to apply the grammar rules they have previously learned, which poses a challenge for teachers when building upon those foundations in subsequent topics.

Age differences among middle school students: In some contexts, middle school students of different ages may be grouped together for language learning. This age variation requires teachers to consider the different developmental stages and adapt their teaching approaches accordingly.

Diverse learning styles of students: Students have different learning styles, with some grasping grammar rules immediately upon hearing them, while others require practical application to understand them effectively. Teachers must accommodate these diverse learning preferences to ensure all students can comprehend and apply the grammar concepts.

Variations in students' thinking and perceptual abilities: Students have diverse thinking and perceptual abilities, which can pose challenges for teachers when explaining grammar topics. Not all students will respond in the same way, and this can lead to a decline in interest for some students if they struggle to grasp the concepts.

Now let's discuss the challenges grammar learners face when learning grammar:

Difficulty in understanding the teacher's explanations: Some learners find it challenging to fully comprehend the subject matter explained by the teacher, resulting in fragmented understanding. This difficulty is more common among beginners than intermediate learners who have developed better language comprehension skills.

Ineffective methods and directions from teachers: Improper teaching methods and unclear instructions can hinder learners' ability to grasp grammar concepts accurately. Teachers need to ensure they use appropriate teaching strategies and provide clear directions to facilitate effective learning. Use of scientific language by teachers: Teachers sometimes present grammar topics using complex scientific language, which can be challenging for learners to understand. Learners tend to find it easier to comprehend and accept the topics when explained in simpler language, regardless of the difficulty of the concept.

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Teaching grammar requires teachers to take on additional responsibility compared to other aspects of language learning. They need to have a high level of expertise in each grammatical field and be capable of observing students' understanding and employing suitable teaching approaches. Teachers need to be observant in choosing the most appropriate method for explaining a grammatical topic and anticipate how students will respond. Striving for a balance between different teaching styles is important.

Regular practice is crucial for middle school students to overcome their slower learning pace in grammar. After explaining a grammatical topic, repetition through exercises, puzzles, word games, and various activities is necessary to help students apply their understanding orally and in writing.

For intermediate learners, continuous monitoring is necessary to identify the difficulties they face in learning grammar. These learners have developed thinking skills, and teachers should observe and address their requirements whenever possible . It is important for intermediate learners to understand the relevance of each topic studied. Teachers should strive to convey lessons in clear and straightforward language, avoiding overly scientific terms. Intermediate students can be more critical, so teachers should be careful to avoid mistakes that may undermine their perceived knowledge.


When explaining grammatical topics, using vivid and imaginative examples can help engage students. Incorporating different types of exercises, involving students in the learning process, and encouraging independent practice can make grammar lessons more enjoyable. Instilling the idea that grammar is not difficult but just a set of rules is essential for students to develop a positive attitude towards learning grammar.

Teachers can enhance their teaching methods by creating a relaxed and confident atmosphere. Being creative and incorporating games and interactive activities can make the class more engaging and prevent boredom. Exploring new ideas, activities, and materials that improve teaching style can also be beneficial. Lastly, effective time management is crucial for maximizing the learning experience.


1. Kuzmina N. V. Professionalism of the activity of a teacher and a master of industrial training at a vocational school. M.: Higher School, 1989. 168 p.

2. Yakovleva A. N., Dmitrieva S. A., Savinova V. I. Definition of pedagogical competencies of a foreign language teacher // Bulletin of the ChSPU. 2016. No. 10. pp. 130-135.

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