Научная статья на тему 'Methodical approaches to evaluation of the creative potential of Ukraine'

Methodical approaches to evaluation of the creative potential of Ukraine Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
creative potential / creativity / human development index / Global Creativity Index / Global Innovation Index. / креативный потенциал / креативность индекс человеческого развития / глобальный индекс креативности / глоба- льный инновационный индекс.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Kychko Irуna, Kholodnytska Alla

Within the article, methodological approaches to the definition of the creativity and the creative potential of Ukraine are investigated. The main factors, influencing them, are determined. The methodology on the evaluation of the creative potential of the society by the indicators is generalized, namely: technologies, talent, tolerance and the Ukrainian methodology on the assessment of the creative potential. The Human Development Index of Ukraine is analyzed. Rating position of Ukraine by the main indicators of the social progress are estimated. Measures on increasing the efficient use of the creative resources of Ukraine are proposed.

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Исследованы теоретические подходы к определению креативности и креативного потенциала Украины. Определены основные факторы, на них влияющие. Обобщена методика оценки креативного потенциала общества по индикаторам: технология, талант, толерантность и украинская методика оценки креативного потенциала. Проведен анализ индекса человеческого развития Украины. Оценены рейтинговые позиции Украины по основным показателям социального прогресса. Предложены меры по повышению эффективности использования креативного потенциала Украины.

Текст научной работы на тему «Methodical approaches to evaluation of the creative potential of Ukraine»

14. Morgulets O.B., Grigorevska O.O. (2016) Methodical approaches to analysis of management in higher school [Metodichni pidhody do analizu efectivnosti upravlinnia VNZ]. // Aktualni problemy ekonomiki. No 8 (162). P. 323-333.

15. Bogolib T.M. (2006) System and methods of financial analysis of financial activity of higher schools [systema i metodi finansovogo analizu finansovo-gospodarskoyi diyalnosti VNZ] // Finansy Ukraini. No 5. P. 50-62.

16. Vinyukov-Proschenko A.S. (2006) Providing economic stability of higher school by optimizing management of resources [Zabezpechennya economichnoyi stiykosti vischogo navchalnogo zakladu shlyakhom optimizatsii upravlinnia resursami]: dis kand. econ nauk: 08.06.01 [Doctoral thesis]. Kyiv. 173 p.

17. Rybak M.P. (2014) Evaluating efficiency of financial support of activity of higher education institutions [otsinka efektivnosti finansovogo zabezpechennia diyalnosti vischikh navchalnikh zakladiv] //Zb. nauk prats' universitetu Derzhavnoyi podatkovoyi sluzhbi Ukraini. No 1. P. 172-179.

18. Avksentiev M.Y. (2015) Analysis of effectiveness of state expenditures on higher education [analiz efectivnosti byudjetnikh vytrat na vischu osvitu // Efectivna economika. No 1 http://www.economy.nayka.com.ua/?op=1&z=3719

19. Varnalij Z.S. Krasilnyk O.V., L.P. Xmelevska (2017) Finance of state higher schools in Ukraine [Finansuvannya derzhavny'x vy'shhy'x navchal'ny'x zakladiv Ukrayiny' : monografiya] - Kyyv : Znannya Ukrayiny.

20. Varnalij Z.S. Krasilnyk O.V. (2017), Optimization of financing state higher schools in Ukraine [Optymizaciya finansuvannya derzhavnykh vyschykh navchalnykh zakladiv Ukrayiny] / Visnyk KNU imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. No 5(194). Pp. C. 6-13. DOI: 10.17721/17282667.2017/194-5/1

21. Law of Ukraine "About education" [Zakon Ukraini "Pro osvitu"] from 5.09.2017 № 2145-VIII // Vidomosti Verkhovnoy Rady Ukraini from 29.09.2017. No 38-39. P. 5, art 380.

22. Law of Ukraine "About higher education" [Zakon Ukraini "Pro vischu osvitu"] from 1.07.2017 №1556-VII // Vidomosti Verkhovkoy Rady Ukraini from 19.09.2014. No 37-38. P. 2716, art. 2004.

23. Report about results of analysis of forming, relocating and using state order for preparing specialists with higher education [Zvit pro resultaty analisu formuvannia, rozmishchennya i vikorystannya derzhavnogo zamovlennia na pidgotovku fakhivtsiv iz vyshchoyu osvitoyu] (2015). Kyyv: Accounting chamber of Ukraine. 46 p.

24. Report about results of audit of efficiency of using funds of State budget of Ukraine that were assigned to Ministry of education and science of Ukraine for making external evaluating and monitoring of quality of education [Zvit pro resultaty auditu efectivnosti vikorystannia koshtiv derzhavnogo byudjetu Ukraini, vydylenikh Ministerstvu osvyti i nauki Ukraini na zdiysnennya zovnishnyogo otsinyuvannia ta monitoringu yakosti osvity] (2009). Kyyv: Accounting chamber of Ukraine. 43 p.

25. Report about results of audit of efficiency of using funds of State budget that were assigned to implementation of state order for preparing specialists with higher education by higher schools in medicine and pharmacy in Ukraine [Zvit pro resultaty auditu efectivnosti vikorystannia koshtiv derzhavnogo byudjetu, peredbachenikh na vykonannia derzhavnogo zamovlennia na pidgotovku fakhivtsiv iz vishchoyu osvitoyu vischimi medychnimi ta farmatsevtychnimi navchalnimi zakladamy Ukraini] (2016). Kyyv: Accounting chamber of Ukraine. 41 p.

26. Maksimov S.I. Phenomenological approach to comprehend legal reality [Fenomenologichniy pidhid do rozuminnia pravovoyi realnosti] (2009) // Visnyk Natsionalnoyi yuridichnoyi akademii Ukraini im. Yaroslava Mudrogo. Ser. Filosofiya, filosofiya prava, politologiya, sotsiologiya. No 2. P. 54-60.

27. Golovko M., Kraynova L. (2016) Using abilities of phenomenological approach to teach pedagogical disciplines [Vykorystannia mozhlivostey phenomenologichnogo pidhodu do vikladannia pedagogichnikh distsiplin] / Pedagogichni nauki: teoriya, istoriya, innovaciyni tekhnologii. No 4(58). Pp. 220-228.

28. Decree of Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine "About approving of license conditions of making educational activity" [Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukraini "Pro zatverdzhennia litsenziynykh umov vprovadzhennia osvitnyoyi dialnosti"] from 30.12.2015 №1187 with additions and changes // Uryadoviy kurier from 10.02.2016 № 26.

29. Decree of Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine "About changes to Decree of Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine from 30 of December of 2015 №1187" [Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukraini "Pro vnesennia zmin do postanovy Kabinetu Ministriv Ukraini vid 30 grudnya 2015 r. № 1187"] from 10.05.2018 №347 // Ofitsiyniy visnyk Ukraini from 01.06.2018. No 42. P. 54, art. 1482.

Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Economics, 2019; 1(202): 28-34 УДК 330.3

JEL classification: J 24

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2019/202-1/4

I. Kychko, Dr. of Sci. (Economics), Assoc. Prof.

ORCID ID 0000-0002-1110-4177, A. №olodnytska, Ph. D. in Economics, Assoc. Prof.

ORCID ID 0000-0001-5563-3591 Chernihiv National University of Technology, Chernihiv, Ukraine


Within the article, methodological approaches to the definition of the creativity and the creative potential of Ukraine are investigated. The main factors, influencing them, are determined. The methodology on the evaluation of the creative potential of the society by the indicators is generalized, namely: technologies, talent, tolerance and the Ukrainian methodology on the assessment of the creative potential. The Human Development Index of Ukraine is analyzed. Rating position of Ukraine by the main indicators of the social progress are estimated. Measures on increasing the efficient use of the creative resources of Ukraine are proposed.

Keywords: creative potential; creativity; human development index; Global Creativity Index; Global Innovation Index.

Target setting. Information, technological, managerial, organizational and social innovations, which appearance is impossible without the creative staff potential, can be considered as the main determinants of the modern economy development. It is possible to interpret the creative potential as an opportunity of an individual to generate new ideas, concepts, methodologies; the desire to develop creatively in its and related professions; the ability to put into

practice its own ideas through developing innovative processes and their implementation in conditions of the business environments uncertainty [1]. A team that is endowed with the creative potential contributes to the formation of a unique organization, capable to overcome obstacles easily by implementing a competitive strategy, to adapt quickly to the latest economic requirements. In current economic conditions, the creativity has to become a key

© Kychko I., №olodnytska A., 2019

feature of the leaders and organizations, allows not only adapting to changes quickly, but creating new ideas, products, brands actively, entering new markets [2].

Under such conditions, it is important to elaborate the assessment criteria of the creative potential and mechanisms of their implementation in the indicators system of the assessment of the business entities efficiency, as well in the system of the macroeconomic indicators. Nowadays, the domestic scientists do not include the creativity into the list of the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the labor potential assessment. The issue of the theoretical and methodological approaches to the estimation of this indicator is left to be unsolved.

Actual scientific research and issues analysis. In their works, domestic scholars start paying considerable attention to the creative potential of the society, in particular, a significant contribution in the research of this issue was made by L. Antonyuk [5], O. Arzamasova [1], О. Vartanova [4], О. Gumenna, О. Zhylinska, О. Melnychuk [5], S. Sysoyeva [3], G.Kharlamova [11], О. Yatsun [6] and others.

In scientific literature, significant attention is paid to complex research of the labor potential of the society; a disadvantage of the vast majority of the methodologies of its estimation is the lack of the indicators for the level of creativity determination. However, modernity dictates new requirements for the estimation of this indicator, since in the whole world, the staff creativity is reasonably justified as an integral part of the labor potential, which requires its detailed research, determining the role and place in the system of the indicators of the labor potential assessment, as well elaboration of the methodological approaches to the assessment and analysis of this indicator.

Methodology: When formulating the main theoretical and practical results of the study, a set of general scientific research methods is applied, in particular, methods of comparative analysis and synthesis (for comparison of the human development index of Ukraine with the countries of the world economic space, complex assessment of the level of the creative potential development), systematization (for systematized reflection of the research results), induction and deduction (by studying the system of the indicators of the labor potential assessment and share of creativity in their structure), table and graphic methods (for visualization of the research results).

Purpose of the article: To find out the main reasons that influence the creative potential forming of the society, to estimate the creative potential of Ukraine by the method "Technology, talent, tolerance", to develop the methodology of assessing the creative potential on the basis of systematization of theoretical and methodological approaches and define the place of the creative potential in the indicators system of the assessment criteria of the business entities efficiency as well in the system of the macroeconomic indicators.

Results. A society is an environment in which an individual can fully realize its abilities, constantly increase its own potential. We support S. Sysoyeva that the present-day society requires the innovative thinking from people. The human capital becomes a decisive factor of the social development, an ability of a person to innovation takes on special significance. A capability of an individual to be responsible, make decision independently, possession of the art of persuasion, following the ethical standards, knowledge of foreign languages and the latest information technologies are characteristic features of a modern professional personality. Personal qualities in conditions of the transformational society have long become the key to a

successful professional career. However, the highest level of the creative activity is ability to innovation activity [3]. It's a pity to recognize that fact that it is difficult "to find" creative employees in the labor market; they need to be constantly created, developed and only afterwards, there will arise an opportunity to use them efficiently. That can be achieved due to the implementation of the special individual abilities of the staff-knowledge, skills, experience, mode of behavior, employee morale, leadership, mania for wok which is performed, and creativity.

Theoretical and practical researches in the management field prove that qualification; experience and spacious intellect do not guarantee the efficient work of the staff, since they determine only general professional features of an employee and do not allow determining how they will be manifested in the specific production conditions, on a particular post, at a definite enterprise.

In this context, a concept for assessing the competencies of the staff arose, under which, key qualities of the staff must correspond to requirements of the employers, specified post, strategy of the enterprise development. Scientists and practitioners believe that key features of the creative employees are intellectual abilities, professional competence, ingenuity, commitment, independence, ability to creative search and generation of ideas [4].

In the Doctrine of the balanced development "Ukraine-2030", the term "creative work (creativity)" is interpreted as an ability for generation of new ideas and their application by creation of original works of art, cultural product, innovative production activity, scientific discoveries, technical inventions and technological innovations [5].

The ability to be creative and express your own ides is one of the decisive features of the present-day personality. Creativity in an organic combination with knowledge and skills creates the nature of the intellectual capital, which in set with the human capital form the social capital, and the level of its development characterizes the level of the society development. Each society creates also own cultural capital which revolves around the identity and national values, that is why it is considered in set with the intellectual one, which is a prerequisite to form the creative potential.

Economic result of the creative potential development is manifested in its influence on the business development, generating and stimulating the innovations, increasing the labor productivity, which ultimately will contribute to stable economic growth. Creative economy will favor to increase the income of the employees, the entrepreneurs and the state, the creation of the working places, increase in export earnings, which will promote social integration into the world community, cultural diversity and development of the social creative potential.

In order that the human resources of Ukraine will be competitive in the international labor market, they have to correspond to the following criteria:

1. Have a high level of training in fundamental natural sciences.

2. Have a high professional competency for the relevant specialty.

3. Be an experienced PC user and know the latest software.

4. Be fluent in English.

5. Know and understand international documents and standards.

6. Have basic managerial, legal and economic knowledge.

By first three criteria, Ukraine demonstrates a high level of the human resources competitiveness almost in all age

groups, but by the criteria 4-6, it is demonstrated only by the representatives aged 25-35 years.

World experts prove that contributions in the human capital are the most profitable investments both for an individual and for a society in a whole, income from such investments directly depends on term left before the end of the working age.

We agree with the thought of Yatsun O.M. that in the event if the Ukrainian society cannot consciously and purposefully invest in the development of the human potential, then it will lag behind in economic development from other countries. Investments in the human capital are the most profitable comparing to other types of

investments as well because they determine the integral economic and social effect.

Nowadays, the primary task of education is not only knowledge and skills transfer, but also forming a creative personality [6]. To assess more objectively the creative potential and its influence on the economic development is possible by using the global creativity index, the basis of which is the concept "Technology, talent, tolerance". Each component of the concept is a required prerequisite for prosperity. Availability of all three factors allows providing the innovations and the stable economic development.

Methodology on the assessment of the creative potential of the society




- investments in R&D;

- metric of innovations;

- global index of technologies.

- global creative class;

- global level of education;

-global level of talent.

- global tolerance to ethnic and racial minorities;

- global tolerance towards members of sexual minorities;

- global index of tolerance.

Fig.1. Methodology on the assessment of the creative potential of the society

Source: compiled by the authors based on the estimation approaches of Martin Prosperity Institute.

Mentioned key elements contribute to the formation of a creative society. They emphasize the need to invest in the human resources, disclosure and use of talents, as well as openness of the society, where diversity is welcomed, and creative potential in cultural sense is implemented without obstacles. It is proved by the authors of the theory that opportunities of the economic growth depend namely on the combination of these three key elements, absence or lack of development of any of them constrains economic development and reduces the value of the global index of creativity.

In order to assess the creative potential, the domestic scientists have proposed the methodology, which includes three main indicators:

1. Global Creativity Index. In 2017 comparing to 2015, a decrease in the rating position of Ukraine from the 45th to the 50th place among 127 countries, where the index was calculated, was observed.

In 2015, Australia became the most creative; it is followed by the USA and New Zealand. Ten, the most creative countries of the world, include Canada, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Singapore and the Netherlands. Ukraine in this list takes the 45th place out of 139. Ukraine is followed by Poland, Montenegro and Bulgaria.

2. Global Innovation Index: in 2017 Ukraine had a score of 37,62 points, which put it on the 50th place among

127 countries. By the way, in 2016 it took the 56th place with index 35,7. The leaders in this rating included Switzerland, Sweden, the Netherlands, the USA, Great Britain, Denmark, Singapore, Finland, Germany, and Ireland.

3. Patent activity: a decrease of the position from the 27th place to the 37th in the world is observed [7].

In order to calculate the human development index, expected life expectancy at birth, average and expected duration of training, gross national income per capita are considered. It is 0,743 in Ukraine that puts it on the 84th place among 188 countries and territories. In 2015, Ukraine was in the 81st place. The highest level of the human development in the world was formed by five countries: Norway, Australia, Switzerland, Germany and Denmark, This value reflects the actual state of affairs in the country, on which territory an armed conflict continues and which works hard on modernization of its economic, political and social institutions.

It is also advisable to take into consideration additionally the level of social security, health indicators, cultural development of the population, state of crime, environmental protection, participation of people in decision making.

The values of the mentioned key indicators are given in Table 1.

Table 1. Comparison value of the human development index of Ukraine and neighboring countries according to the results of 2016

Country Value of the human development index Rating of the country Expected life expectancy Expected number of years for training GNI per capita by PPP

Ukraine 0,743 84 71,1 15,3 7,361

Poland 0,855 36 77,6 16,4 24,117

Russia 0,804 49 70,3 15,0 23,286

Belarus 0,796 52 71,5 15,7 15,629

Georgia 0,769 70 75,0 13,9 8,856

Turkey 0,767 71 75,5 14,6 18,705

Moldova 0,699 107 71,7 11,8 5,026

Armenia 0,743 84 74,9 12,7 8,189

Source: systematized by the authors based on [8].

As we can see, average life expectancy in Ukraine is noticeably lower than in the neighboring countries (71,1 years), that is lower than in Turkey for 4,4 years. In addition, the indicator of the gross national income per capita is lower - 7,361, at the same time it is 24,117 in Poland. In addition to the above indicators, the analysis should be added with the key indicators of the social

progress. By this indicator, in 2017 Ukraine took the 64th place in the world among 128 countries, and in 2016 it took the 63rd place in the rating with 133 countries of the world. Some data of the rating positions of Ukraine by individual components of the system of the social progress indicators we'll give in table 2.

Table 2. Rating positions of Ukraine by the indicators of social progress in 2017

Indicators Rating position

Life expectancy at birth 80

Health 114

Access to information 57

Access to basic knowledge 36

Accessibility of advanced education 23

Opportunities for human development 52

Years of higher education 6

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Welfare 86

Nutrition 40

Personal security 105

Quality of environment 111

Tolerance 101

Source: systematized by the authors based on [9].

In order to assess the human development index at the regional level in Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers has produced "The procedure for calculating of the index of the regional human development", which determines the procedure of its calculation. Main indicators of the assessment are:

1. Long and healthy life which includes the following indicators:

- Average life expectancy at birth, years;

- General coefficient of growth (reduction) of the population per 1000 people of the existing population, permille;

- Mortality rate caused by intentional self-harm per 100 thous of people of the existing population, procantimille.

2. Welfare and decent working conditions, in particular:

- Expenditures of local budgets (taking considerations intergovernmental transfers) per one person, UAH;

- Ratio of the average wages to the minimal one, times;

- Employment level of the registered unemployed.

3. Education which involves the calculation of the following indicators as:

- Net coverage of children aged three-five years by pre-school institutions in percent to the total number of children of the same age;

- Number of graduates of the higher educational institutions of the I-IV accreditation level in percent to the total population aged 25-70 ages [10].

It should be noted that in current conditions, education itself plays a decisive role in the human capital development, since it does not allow it moral aging and encourages

intellectual enrichment through the development of new knowledge, development of qualification, skills in accordance with the requirements of the present. Education has to not only transfer accumulated knowledge, but encourage forming of a creative personality.

It's a pity to recognize the fact that at the present moment, development of the creativity in Ukraine is performed mainly in the form of trainings conducted by various companies. Short-term trainings and courses for the development of the managers' creative abilities have become popular. However, they are nor capable to solve the problem, because the development of creative skills is possible only on the continuous base within long period of time.

Application of this technology will allow timely finding out the tendencies of the indicators change of the human development in regions in order to use on time the measures concerning their improvement. In addition, the results of the assessment have to be taken into consideration by planning the economic strategy on the development of Ukraine in conditions of decentralization.

Growth of the competitiveness of the national economy through activation of the activity on the innovation grounds with predominance of not only high technologies, but also increasing the knowledge intensity by production of material and spiritual good, maximal involving of the highly qualified labor staff to economic processes and elaboration of the mechanisms of their capitalization in the innovative and creative activity have to become the main task of the balanced development.

In order to improve the efficient use of the creative potential, it is advisable to take the following measures:

1. Develop an ongoing plan focusing on the following aspects:

- increase in research and development costs up to 1,5 % of GDP;

- establishment of the national system of innovations with the market mechanism;

- creation of the sectored innovation system for agriculture;

- creation of hi-tech zones;

- stimulation of the development of universities to the world level.

2. State medium-term strategies by the following directions:

- increase in research and development costs up to 22,5 % of GDP;

- integration of the national innovation system into the world one;

- establishment and development of the sectoral national innovation systems in all sectors of economy

- creation of hi-tech clusters.

3. Development of the long-term strategy of the innovation development up to 2030 taking into consideration main provisions of the Doctrine "Ukraine-2030", in particular:

- envisage the increase in research and development costs up to 3-3,5 % of GDPn;

- stimulate development of the clusters of the world level [5].

In view of the things mentioned, we offer to use the

following method of estimating the creative potential of Ukraine (Fig. 2).

Creative potential: knowledge + skills + innovativeness

Knowledge: education, qualification, experience of a person, fluency in foreign languages, Skills of a person: to be responsible, to make decisions by themselves, to be good at persuading, to keep to ethic rules.

Innovativeness: the ability to generate new ideas, concepts, methodologies, readiness to develop in a creative way In relevant specialty, realize own Ideas.

Indicators of the assessment the key competencies of the staff:

1. Intellectual abilities

2. Professional competency

3. Inventiveness

4. Activeness

5. Independence

6. Ability to creative search and generating new Ideas

Indicators of the assessment the competitiveness of human resources:

1. Level of training In fundamental natural

2. Professional competency

3. Level of knowledge and skills In using PC and the latest software

4. Fluency In foreign languages

5. Knowledge of International documents

6. Basic managerial, legal and economic

Indicators of the assessment the creative potential of the society:

1. Investment in scientific researches

2. Amount of innovations

3. Global Index of technologies

4. Global creative class

5. Global level of education

6. Global level of talent

7. Global tolerance

8. Global tolerance index

Influence of the creative potential on macro- and microeconomic indicators


- development of business;

- generating and stimulating the innovations;

- increasing the productivity;

- economic growth;

- workers' and businessmen's income growth/ Macro-level

- GDP and state budget growth;

- Investment attractiveness growth; -job creation/

Fig. 2. Methodology of assessment the creative potential

Source: is formed by the author.

Conclusions and discussion. Based on the performed researches we can realize the urgency of the creative potential development in Ukraine, taking into consideration its rating positions in the world. We've stated that positive dynamics can be observed by such indicators as education,

nutrition, access to information. However, the braking factors prevail: population decline, outflow of the highly qualified specialists abroad, and insufficient tolerant attitude to the representatives of other cultures and sexual minorities, weak economic development, insufficient

investment attractiveness, inappropriate state of ecologic safety, health status of population, personal safety. Under such conditions, it is difficult to form the creative abilities and increase the creative potential of the society. Thus, at the state and regional levels, conditions for the legislative, organizational and financial contribution of the initiatives of citizens and enterprises by forming and implementation the creative ideas should be formed.

The suggested methodology of the assessing the creative potential enables to define its role and place in the enterprises' functioning indicators more objectively since the ability to generate innovative ideas and to realize them in practice is the key factor of business success in strongly competitive conditions. It has been proved that the position of the country in the world market is also determined by the increasing the creative potential of economically active population, because it promotes the improvement of situation in the labor market, opens new possibilities for export, favors integration into the world community.

An urgent need in critical thinking of the creative potential, determining its place in the Ukrainian society, economic and political support by development of the creative skills has arisen. In addition, it is necessary to elaborate the strategic and ongoing plan on the implementation of the innovation strategy taking into consideration the world experience and applying in maximal extent all opportunities of the domestic economic, educational and cultural sphere, which is a key to development of the creative society.

Despite considerable scientific achievements of the domestic scholars and practitioners concerning development of the creative potential of the society, the issues relating priority directions of the creative potential development need to be discussed, methodology on its determination has to be improved, as well it is necessary to elaborate the strategic priority tasks as for improvement of the rating positions of

Ukraine by global indexes of the creativity and innovations, and the human development index.

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8. 1ндекс людського розвитку: Укра'ша падае, що робити. [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: https://www.epravda.com.ua/columns/ 2017/04/13/623821/

9. Позицп Укра'ни в рейтингу за шдексом со^ального прогресу 2017. [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http://edclub.com.ua/ analityka/pozyciyi-ukrayiny-v-reytyngu-za-indeksom-socialnogo-progresu-2017.

10. Порядок проведення розрахунку шдексу регюнального людського розвитку затверджений Постановою КабЫету Мiнiстрiв Укра'ни вщ 20.12.2017. № 1029. [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http://zakon5.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1029-2017- %D0 %BF/page2.

11. Харламова Г. Креативнють врятуе: уроки для Укра'ни / Г. Харламова, О. Гуменна // Вюн. Ки'в. нац. ун-ту iменi Тараса Шевченка. - 2018. - №1. - С. 76-84. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2018/196-1/11.

Received: 13/07/2018 1st Revision: 18/11/2018 Accepted: 07/12/2018

Author's declaration on the sources of funding of research presented in the scientific article or of the preparation of the scientific article: budget of university's scientific project

I. Кичко, д-р екон. наук, доц., А. Холодницька, канд. екон. наук, доц.

Чержпвський нацюнальний технолопчний утверситет, Чершпв, Укра'ша

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До^/'джено теоретичш пiдходи до визначення креаmивноcmi та креативного поmенцiалy УкраУни. Визначено оcновнi чинники, що на них впливають. Узагальнено методик оцнки креативного поmенцiалy cycпiльcmва за iндикаmорами: mехнологiя, талант, толерант-нicmь та украУн^ка методика оцнки креативного поmенцiалy. Проведено аналiз iндекcy людского розвитку УкраУни. Оцнено рейтин-говi позицП УкраУни за о^овними показниками ального прогреcy. Запропоновано заходи щодо пiдвищення ефекmивноcmi викориc-тання креативного потенцалу УкраУни.

Ключовi cnова: креативний потенцал; креативн/'апь; iндекc людского розвитку; глобальний iндекc креативноат'; глобальний iнновацiйний iндекc.

И. Кичко, д-р экон. наук, доц., А. Холодницкая, канд. экон. наук, доц.

Черниговский национальный технологический университет, Чернигов, Украина


Иccледованы теоретиче^ие подходы к определению креативно^и и креативного потенциала Украины. Определены оcновные факторы, на них влияющие. Обобщена методика оценки креативного потенциала обще^ва по индикаторам: технология, талант, толерантно^ь и yкраинcкая методика оценки креативного потенциала. Проведен анализ инде^а человече^ого развития Украины. Оценены рейтинговые позиции Украины по о^овным показателям œциального прогрева. Предложены меры по повышению эффек-тивноапи и^ользования креативного потенциала Украины.

Ключевые ^ова: креативный потенциал; креаmивноcmь инде^ человече^ого развития; глобальный инде^ креативно^и; глобальный инновационный инде

References (in Latin): Translation / Transliteration / Transcription

1. Arzamasova, O.V., 2016. Metodolohichni pidkhody do otsinky kreatyvnosti kadrovoho potentsialu suspilstva. Ternopilskyi natsionalnyi ekonomichnyi universytet; redkol. : O.V. Yaroshchuk (holov. red.) ta in. Ternopil: Vydavnycho-polihrafichnyi tsentr Ternopilskoho natsionalnoho ekonomichnoho universytetu "Ekonomichna dumka", V. 25, 1, pp. 95-99.

2. Voitushenko, A.A. Bushuiev, S.D., 2017. Rozvytok kreatyvnoho potentsialu kolektyvu yak faktor vplyvu na efektyvnu robotu pidpryiemstva. Upravlinnia rozvytkom skladnykh system, 29S, pp. 34-39.

3. Sysoieva S., 2012. Suspilstvo i osobystist: harmonizatsiia rozvytku. Ridna shkola,12, pp. 8-12.

4. Vartanova O.V., Shester I.V., 2013. Kreatyvnyi menedzhment yak pidhruntia rozvytku kreatyvnykh pratsivnykiv pidpryiemstva [Elektronnyi resurs]. - Rezhym dostupu: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/32608741

5. Melnychuk O., Antoniuk L., Humenna O., Zhylinska O., 2017. Ukraina-2030. Doktryna zbalansovanoho rozvytku/ kolektyv avtoriv. -Lviv: Kalvariia, 164 p.

6. Yatsun O.M., 2014. Kreatyvnyi liudskyi kapital v prostori suspilstva znan: ekonomichnyi aspect. Sotsialno-trudovi vidnosyny: teoriia ta praktyka, 2, pp. 55-60.

7. Soumitra Dutta, Bruno Lanvin and Sacha Wunsch-Vincent, 2017. The Global Innovation Index 2017 Innovation Feeding the World Tenth Edition. - Geneva, 463 p.

8. Indeks liudskoho rozvytku: Ukraina padaie, shcho robyty, 2017. Available at: https://www.epravda.com.ua/columns/ 2017/04/13/623821/

9. Pozytsii Ukrainy v reitynhu za indeksom sotsialnoho prohresu 2017, 1.04.2017. Available at: http://edclub.com.ua/analityka/pozyciyi-ukrayiny-v-reytyngu-za-indeksom-socialnogo-progresu-2017

10. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (20.12.2017). Postanova KMU vid 20.12.2017№ 1029 "Poriadok provedennia rozrakhunku indeksu rehionalnoho liudskoho rozvytku zatverdzhenyi". Available at: http://zakon5.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1029-2017- %D0 %BF/page2

11. Kharlamova, G., Humenna O., 2018. Kreatyvnist vriatuie: uroky dlia Ukrainy. Visnyk Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka, 1(196), pp.. 76-84. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2018/196-1/11

Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Economics, 2019; 1(202): 34-42

УДК 336.64+336.66+658.152+519.23

JEL classification: C100, G300, G320, L660

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2019/202-1/5

Г. Роганова, канд. екон. наук, стар. викл.

ORCID iD 0000-0003-3758-9675 Нацюнальний ужверситет харчових технологш, КиТв, УкраТна


Проведено анал'з класичних методiв оцнки ефективностi управлння грошовими потоками пiдприeмств. Визна-чено характеристики статистичних показникв грошових потоке на етап аналiзу ефективностi управлiння ними. У процеа /хньо/реалiзацu запропоновано пiдвищити яксть оцнки за рахунок впровадження показникв статистичного аналiзу. Завдяки цьому забезпечуеться отримання яшсно)' та всебiчноl оцнки синхронностi формування (витрачання) грошових потокв у час.

Ключовi слова: статистика, метод, анал'з, ефективнсть управлння, грошовi потоки.

Вступ. В сучасних умовах пщприемницькоТ дiяльно-ст втизняш пщприемства можуть мати гарн перспек-тиви подальшого розвитку лише у випадку, якщо належ-ним чином контролюють своТ грошовi потоки, щоб бути в змозi здмснювати платежi за кредитами та податками, сплачувати зароб^ну плату пра^вникам, розраховува-тися з постачальниками, мати втьш ресурси на Ывесту-вання. Наявнють достатнього та своечасно обсягу грошових кош^в дозволить керiвництву ефективно реагу-вати на всю невизначенють зовнiшнього середовища для забезпечення поточноТ та перспективно!' платоспро-можностi пщприемства. 1накше, навiть маючi вигiдну бiз-нес-модель, пiдприемство може оказатися на межi банк-рутства у зв'язку з неефективним мехаызмом аналiзу та подальшого управлЫня грошовими потоками [1; 2, 319].

Достовiрнi та своечаснi даннi щодо руху грошових по-токiв пiдприемств необхiднi для здшснення Тх якiсного аналiзу з метою формування мехаызму ефективного управляя ними. Такий механiзм передбачае синхрошза-цiю та збалансування обсягiв надходжень i витрат пото-кiв, пщтримку достатнього рiвня лiквiдностi та плато-спроможностi та рацiональне використанням грошових потогав пiдприемств. Класичнi методи фЫансового ана-лiзу (горизонтальний, вертикальний, порiвняльний, кое-фiцiентний, iнтегральнiй) е у комплекс досить Ыформа-тивними, але Тм притаманнi деякi недолiки. Одним з про-блемних мiсць класичних методiв аналiзу е неможли-вють отримання всебiчно якiсного та достг^рного ана-лiзу стану та руху грошових потогав у зв'язку з вщмЫнос-тями в кiнцевих результатах. Таким чином, мехаызм аналiзу ефективност управлiння грошовими потоками вимагае додаткових Ыструмет1в оцiнки.

Огляд лiтератури. Найбтьш повним, на нашу думку, е визначення грошових потогав, яке надае автор ро-боти [3, с. 16]: грошовi потоки - основний чинник впливу на фЫансову стабтьнють та стiйкiсть пiдприемства, вну-

трiшне джерело фiнансування, iндикатор кредитоспро-можностi та платоспроможностi пiдприемств, зааб взае-моузгодженостi потенцiйних потреб iз можливостями пiдприемства. Необхiднiсть та доцтьнють постiйного контролю обсягiв та руху грошових потогав, Тх оптимiзацiТ обфунтовано у роботi [4]. Автори роботи [5] наголошуе на важливост дослщження спiввiдношень мiж змiнами грошових потогав та змiнами фiнансових показнигав пщ-приемств та напрямами взаемовщносин мiж кварталь-ними змiнами позицм грошового потоку та твердими фь нансовими показниками. Значний внесок до аналiзу грошових потокiв украТнських пiдприемств зроблено авторами монографи [6], де всебiчно дослiджуються фшан-совi коефiцiенти ефективностi грошових потогав. Пи-таннями формалiзацiТ взаемозв'язку мiж розмiром грошових потокiв, яга спрямовуються у фонд вщшкоду-вання, нормою економiчноТ амортизацiТ i ставкою дохщ-ностi на капiтал займалися автори [7] шляхом викорис-тання методiв прямоТ капiталiзацiТ i дисконтування грошових потогав. Дослiдження механiзмiв управлiння грошовими потоками в умовах ризигав та невизначеностi розглядаються здебiльшого у контекстi аналiзу грошових потогав iнвестицiйних проектiв [8-10].

Перелiченi працi вчених-фiнансистiв дослiджують проблеми управлЫня грошовими потоками в теоретичному та узагальнюючому аспектах, деяга мiстять розро-бку механiзмiв або моделей впливу рiзних факторiв на формування та ефективнють управлiння грошовими потоками. Серед них привертають увагу роботи, де вико-ристовуеться багаторiвнева модель чуттевостi грошових потогав до кризи лквщност [11] або вплив нерацюналь-ноТ структури катталу на формування грошових потокiв [12] та Ывестицм пiдприемств з визначенням рiвня Тх чут-тевостi [13]. Навпаки вщ останнього, автор статт [14] до-слiджуе вплив грошового потоку на швидгасть формування оптимальноТ структури капiталу, де зазначений

© Роганова Г., 2019

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