Shugalei Elena Viktorovna, Master of Psychological Sciences Senior Lecturer at the Scientific and Methodological Center Foundation for Intellectual Initiatives, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. The subject of research is the method of implementation a cognitive model for active perception and memory development, and its effectiveness.
The model based on Leonardo da Vinci's cognitive strategies was previously constructed, and the method has been worked out for its application.
The relevance of the method was confirmed: the participants increased the speed and depth of their perception, improved short-term, operational and long-term memory. The final measurements showed high dynamic of general intellectual processes and soft skills development, most important for the concept of education in the 21st century.
The study detected the main parameters that increase the perception accuracy and durability of durability of memorization. The methodology, based on model of Leonardo's strategies, helps to develop cognitive and sensory mechanisms, the general dynamics of psychological processes, critical and creative thinking skills, and systematization of information. The application of the method engages the neurophysiological mechanisms of perception.
Keywords: cognitive psychology, cognitive strategies, memory, perception, creativity, neuropsychology, soft skills, Leonardo da Vinci.
The relevance of the research stems from the strengthening of information pressure and the development of the instrumental base of artificial intelligence, as opposed to rote of traditional educational programs. In the beginning of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2016 defined social needs for universal skills of the 21st century (Soft Skills) and the development of higher-order competencies [1]. UNESCO research defined creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, adaptability, collaboration and communications, curiosity and imagination as 21st-century skills [2]. A prominent bearer of the universal skills set was Leonardo da Vinci, who is honored by the whole world this year, 500 years after his death. Today, the interest to the system of individual strategies of Leonardo da Vinci is caused by their relevance in modern conditions. Skills and features of the genius are naturally become the virtues that are strived for. The basis of the study was the Leonardo da Vinci's model of cognitive strategies for the development of active perception, memory strengthening and systematization of information. This model has established itself as an effective method for the practical acquisition of these skills based on individual neurophysiological characteristics and social needs of the individual. The method develops individual cognitive and sensory mechanisms, qualitatively enhances the overall
dynamics of psychological processes. The active process of self-analysis develops the criteria for self-assessment of the quality of information perception, individual perception filters and strategies of durable memorization based on neurophysiological characteristics.
The purpose of this article is the analysis of effectiveness of the method based on cognitive strategies of Leonardo da Vinci for developing a personal system of competencies. The most important goal of the education using the developed method is the development of universal competencies related to the increasing informatization of the society, the ability for continuous learning and developed skills of systemic cognitive performance. In the European Definition and Selection of Competencies project (DeSeCo), key competencies are defined as important "in many areas of life and serving as a guarantee of life success and effective functioning of society" [3]. The results of independent use of the method and the possibility of applying personal skills in various life spheres based on the development of individual cognitive neurophysi-ological strategies were studied.
Subject and methods of research. The subject of research is the effectiveness of the methodology in enhancing the perception and expansion of the parameters of the working memory according to the model of Leonardo da Vinci's cognitive strategies.
The following techniques and methods were used in the research:
1. Theoretical methods:
1.1. Analysis of the sources that reveal the system of cognitive strategies of Leonardo da Vinci and his works.
1.2. Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the development of memory and perception.
1.3. Modeling. The system of Leonardo da Vinci's competences in the field of cognitive strategies is modeled.
1.4. Abstraction. On the basis of observations, collection of statistical data of measurements, the key parameters of the training methodological process on the strategy of Leonardo da Vinci in various contexts and information arrays (visual, auditory, semantic perception of objects and texts) were formulated.
2. Empirical methods:
1.1. Experiment. In the course of practical training for 12 years, the author used the Leonardo da Vinci model of cognitive strategies for the development of active perception and memory. The total number of trained participants in the courses is more than 1200 people.
1.2. Measurement and testing. Changes in perception speed and memorization speed of different object before and after application of method in different time intervals. The number of memorized objects was compared (see Fig.2).
1.3. Observation and survey. To study the personal assessment of changes in perception and quality of memorization, automatic use of the method, surveys were conducted and personal reflection material was collected.
As a part of the research, the testing was performed based on the following methods: "Study of visual arbitrary memory", assessment of a sequence of an increasing number of elements by the method of A. R. Luria. Methods of indirect memorization, developed by L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev and L. V. Zankov were used to understand the depth of available semantic organization of memory. Wilcoxon T-test was used for statistical processing of the results.
Research basis: the data obtained in the training 100 students of the data processing course using Leonardo da Vinci's cognitive strategy to enhance perception and memory.
Description of a pre-selected model of Leonardo da Vinci's cognitive strategies for improvement of perception and memory.
Leonardo da Vinci left a great number of sources for studying his own models of learning and working with information. The original texts of Leonardo da Vinci and the works of other researchers of his work were studied. In this article, citations are given by sources [5; 6].
Key parameters are given:
1. Reliance on visual perception, continues nature of which allows unlimited use of memory reserves. This situa-
tion was proved by the experiments of Ralph Haber in the 70s of 20th century [4].
Leonardo da Vinci considered vision as the main channel for receiving information. "We clearly know that vision is one of the fastest actions that exist; and at one point it sees infinitely many forms, and yet understands only one. Let's imagine that you, the reader, cast a single glance over this entire written page, and you will immediately express the opinion that it is full of different letters, but you will not know during this time what particular letters they are or what they express; therefore, you need to trace word by word, line by line, if you want to gain knowledge about these letters" [5].
2. Active perception of a natural object. "A piece by a painter will not be perfect enough if he finds inspiration in the paintings of others, if he studies in the objects of nature, he will reap the fruits of labor" [5].
3. Recalling when the object is not in sight. Leonardo da Vinci draws from memory. Leonardo da Vinci developed his observation to such a high degree that he could sketch moving turbulent flows of water and air (Fig. 2). "All our knowledge has its origins in our perception" [5].
4. Clarification of the information omitted when the object is re-perceived before the formation of a "common feeling" based on feedback loops forming the cognitive map of the perceived object. "The general feeling makes judgments about perceptions received from other senses. And these sense organs are controlled by objects, and objects send their images to our five senses, with the help of which they are transmitted to the organ of perception (imprensiva) and from there - to the general feeling; and there they are judged, after which they are passed on to memory, where they are more or less clearly preserved depending on their strength" [6].
5. Compulsive comprehension, the formation of a "judgment" about the perceived and memorized object. Records of own observations, as did Leonardo da Vinci in his notebooks. "Good judgment comes from a good understanding".
Elena Shugalei created her own method of applying Leonardo da Vinci's model of cognitive strategies in practice.
The main points of Elena Shugalei's method:
1. Leonardo da Vinci's model of cognitive strategies for the development of active perception and memory.
2. The system of complex speed exercises using the Leonardo strategy, multiplicative perception strategies and high dynamics of the analysis of information arrays called "Leonardo memory skills" method.
3. The complex of dynamic exercises based on the collections of visual cards of various types ("Leonardo memory skills").
4. Usage of the "Black dot" - method developed by author to activate mechanisms of neuroregulation through activation
of the frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex (using the results of research by A. R. Luria and E. D. Chomsky [11]).
5. The system of self-analysis and consolidation of conscious cognitive strategies based on individual neurophysiological patterns.
"Leonardo memory skills" method. Method has been developed and tested by author for more than 10 years of training in groups for development ofactive perception and memory, dynamic reading, intelligence and creativity. More than 1.200 people underwent this training and achieved steady results.
1. Preparation and materials. Getting to know the facts of life, illustrations and original sources for creating a model of cognitive strategies of Leonardo da Vinci.
2. Methodological rationale. The following should be prepared for training: natural materials (stone, shell, plants, etc.), slides with natural objects (Fig. 1) and a set of cards with art by Leonardo da Vinci, attributes are shown on the reverse side for memorization (Fig. 2).
3. Instruction-request of relaxation with simultaneous maximum concentration of attention. The "single glance" skill. The perception of the object is limited to 1-2 seconds. In the case of slides - 2-5 seconds. When using a set of cards, training is first carried out on 1 card, and then a matrix alignment of 16 or more cards is used (a total of 64 cards).
4. Active recollection (2-10 seconds) without looking on the object. Eyes of participants are retracted.
5. The second glance on a object with a focus on the omitted information. Retrieving information. Focusing only on what was not perceived - 1-2 seconds.
6. The third glance with a focus on omitted information. Retrieving information. The focus is only on what has not been perceived, details and new information - 1-3 seconds. At the same time, using the example slide (Fig. 1), features of own perception filters are noted: which parameters characterize poorly perceived objects: expressiveness of color, associative component, color preferences, size and position on the slide.
Figure 1. Example slide with objects of nature
7. Active recollection of new parameters - 2-5 seconds.
8. Holistic perception of the object and active recollection, consolidation. A holistic impression is made freely and the accuracy of memorization is checked.
9. Analysis of individual features and perception filters. Understanding of personal sequence, memorization strategies, which are recorded in the notebook for results and conclusions.
10. Recollection after 20 minutes and after 1.5 hours with the appropriate analysis. Evaluation of filters and strategies for operational (working) memory.
11. Checking the quality of memorization and evaluation of own filters of long-term memory after 3 days.
Conscious analysis and the formation of structural relationships help to capture information more holistically. In accordance with the research and conclusions of Hermann Ebbinghaus, the necessity of interval repetitions, the unproductiveness of rote training was confirmed [7]. The speed and number of memorized objects increase significantly due to the use of this method.
For training to provide continuous results, an increase in the number of objects used, their diversity and complexity is recommended. For self-training, you can use art and view albums.
When using card the task is complicated not only quantitatively but also qualitatively: memorization of names, creation time and location of sources (attributes) on the back of the card is added.
Леонардо да Винчи
«Рисунок водных препятствий и падений»
1508 вод Частная коллекция
Leonardo da Vinci «Studies of Water passing» Obstacles and falling 1508
by Priuate Collection.
Figure 2. "Studies of Water passing". Leonardo da Vinci, 1508 by Private Collection
The effectiveness of the method is derived from the results of measurements of the number of memorized objects (100 course participants, 2 groups of 47 and 53 people).
All participants of the course showed a high growth of memorization parameters for a short time of presentation
about 2-3 minutes for 36-64 objects. When using "Leonardo memory skills" cards and setting an additional goal of memorizing names, piece data, the time for physical location of cards on the surface increased to 10-15 minutes, including the process of memorization. Measurements were taken
of about 20 seconds for the number of objects up to 25 and within 3 weeks.
Number of shown objects Number of recollected objects Number of formulated strategy and filter parameters Diagram 1. Results of diagnostics of memory development by the number of recollected objects
Mandatory analysis of neurophysiologically determined strategies contributed to the effectiveness. The mechanisms personal characteristics of perceptual filters and memory of involuntary memorization intensified due to the conscious
formulation of tasks. As confirmed by experimental studies A. A. Smirnova and P. I. Zinchenko, goal-setting in cognitive activity increases its effectiveness [8].
The listeners have noted an increase in the speed of perception, its fullness and rapid learning. Subjectively, all participants noted an increased level of vigor at high speed exercises, an increased level of concentration. At the same time, manifestations of the neurophysiological mechanism of error detection and auto-correction of memory strategies with an emphasis on insufficiently developed personal positions were noted.
In the process of training, cognitive abilities are automatically activated: perceptual speed, ability to operate with spatial relationships, the induction process, i.e. the ability to derive rules that govern a particular set of incentives. Catego-
rization and systematization of memorization objects form a conscious part of a personal memorization strategy.
The reduction in the number of formulations is explained by the generalization and compression of the conclusions in the formulations themselves. Semantic memory based on dynamic perception becomes the dominant form of cognitive behavior.
The effectiveness of the method, derived from a survey of 250 participants after completion of the course.
Respondents in an arbitrary manner answered the questions of the questionnaire "Personal changes in the quality of perception and memory after training". The survey participants participated in courses that completed the training more than 3 months ago.
Diagram 2. Results of survey on personal results after training by "Leonardo memory skills" method
All formulations were proposed by the respondents themselves, 10 of them were chosen as general by the overwhelming majority of respondents. The diagram shows the percentage of the results formulations chosen by the participants. Subjectively, all participants note a rise in mood, vigor, pleasure from the achievement of the results and from changes in the perception of the world as a whole. Conscious management of personal cognitive processes provides a powerful incentive for continuous learning and development. "The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding" [6].
Conclusion. The research found main parameters that increase the perception speed and information memorization. The method based on strategy model of Leonardo da Vinci develops individual cognitive and sensory mechanisms, the overall dynamics of psychological processes. It actively involves neurophysiological resources of perception are actively involved, the speed and strength of memorization increases, skills of systematization of information, critical and creative thinking develop. Concurrently, conscious criteria for
self-assessment of the quality of information perception are obtained, individual perceptual filters and durable memorization strategies based on neurophysiological features.
Personal cognitive strategies are used and consolidated in various informational situations. The method develops individual cognitive and sensory mechanisms, natural skills and consolidates them using cognitive strategies acquired in the learning process.
The effectiveness of the method is confirmed by the obtained data: an increase in the speed and quality of perception, increase in short-term, operational, long-term memory, higher dynamics of intellectual processes in general. A skill is formed in the regulation of cognitive activity and the analysis of own strategies for perceiving and memorizing various types of information in different contexts (meta-memory or knowledge of the very process of thinking and memorization). These results contribute to the development of flexible skills, higherorder competencies (Soft Skills), demanded in the education of the 21st century.
The methods allows you to form sustainable skills (4 C-s): The social significance of the method stems from the in-
the main universal (key) competencies necessary for learning fluence of active perception and conscious use of individual in the modern world. They include: creativity, critical think- memory strategies on the development of communicative ing, communication, cooperation. Flexible cognitive skills competences [10]. The method is relevant in modern flex-are considered components of the 21st century skills model ible forms of continuing education. developed by Partnership for 21st Century Learning, (or P21) in 2002 [9].
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