Научная статья на тему 'Method of conducting work on learning a new material on speciality in a foreign language'

Method of conducting work on learning a new material on speciality in a foreign language Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Method of conducting work on learning a new material on speciality in a foreign language»

Mamedova M.V.

Candidate for a degree, English lecturer, Department of Linguistics, School of Theology, Baku State University, Azerbaijan


In the process of a foreign language teaching students must learn to become proficient in texts on speciality. An English lesson in a national class ought to be a single whole, where each next task arises from the last, where a student clearly understands the aim of the lesson and its separate components. Generally, students are in such a language speaking stage that their own work acquires an important meaning. The main target of each lesson is teaching students to understand English speech, to speak and to write in English.

Thus, a teacher's task is not only to determine and to content the requirements of a class, to give them a new material demanding explanation, but also, systematically to lead their own work on language. Most depends on thoroughly and deeply considered planning the class and students' own work by a teacher. The application of English teaching methods in a national class depends on such various factors, as terms and means of teaching, aims, teacher's mastering, students' language proficiency, educational materials and correct choice of either methods in a given situation. Only by skilful devising the methods which provide students with mastering the appropriateness of language units and speech one can attain efficient English teaching to national students on conditions of active bilingualism.

The value of English teaching methods is defined by how it promotes the students' mastering on constructing complete sentences and coherent texts, the development of monologue and dialogue. It's necessary to take into account the characteristics of a text, its grammatical forms and lexis, analysis of its acquiring, work methods (various reading forms and translation). The plan must envisage the gradual growth of size, also the increasing of its difficulty and the revision.

The frequent English speaking means satisfaction of one's vital spiritual demands. Teachers ought to seek that students will be able not only simply to read and to lead everyday conversations, but also frequently to speak in English. So, a lesson is freely to be led in a high-level methods imperceptibly turning students' attention from one level of the lesson into another, from collective work into individual and vice versa. A new material has to be stated in integral correlation and the repetition, the checking -up of students' knowledge, skills and abilities should be conducted. A teacher must simultaneously work with all students and individually with each student. Students have to understand a teacher from semi-sight, half-gesture and take a hint.

On choosing a material on speciality in a foreign language we are guided by considerations that students on the one hand should learn to investigate a text in detail, give an exact translation of either passage, on the other hand are able fluently to read a text on

speciality, to understand the common course of debate and bringing facts. The work is conducted by students either on difficult texts interesting for detailed analysis, or on much simpler, accessible for translating without and anyway not demanding complex explanations.

It's important constantly to enrich students' glossary stock, to activate it, to bring a certain minimum of new words into students' turn of speech in every level, to impart monologue and dialogue skills. The texts for individual work are selected by students and usually connected with their particular speciality.

The material for a common task is usually chosen by a teacher from social-political literature, but it's advisable to select the texts on a given speciality of a broad profile. The latter is interesting, as it maintains a more various lexical material, not always presented on a particular speciality which a student reads individually. The material for a class reading without preliminary preparation may be easier, if it's intended to verify the interpretation, or on the contrary, a more difficult intended for analysis and explanation.

The programme material should basically be learn by students at the lesson. So, on learning a new material it's urgent not only to expose the essence of either language phenomenon, to give its primary conception, but also to strengthen the learning material by specially selected tasks. In order firmly and consciously to learn the study at the lesson and to change the gained knowledge into skills and habits, the considered system of various practices ensuring durable mastering and playing a basic role at the lesson is required.

For years, in pedagogy and teaching there was a standpoint about the responsibility of a certain order of settling lesson elements, their constancy in different kinds of lessons and the importance of time dosage for conducting lesson's each element. Thus, to start a lesson with questioning which took most time was considered compulsory. The schemes constructing different types of lessons distinguishing from the other, just by either time dosage of lesson elements were created. A new approach in constructing a training process affected on lesson's structure, too. Evidently, there was not any common or compulsory scheme. Any sorts of structural elements combination and succession of their realization are natural. They are determined by a material context, tasks erected on lesson and students' training of a given group.

However, at the lesson of any type the time is taken for strengthening the material in the most various forms, for eliciting knowledge and homework. But, at the lesson for learning a new material the work should be carried on a new material, primary training of which includes the basic task of this lesson type.

All difficulties met as in common, so in individual texts are taken into account by the teacher who prepares an additional material chosen from original literature in forms of separate examples. This is firstly intended for repeating and strengthening the come across material in audience's memory and secondly for explaining new lexical conceptions difficult on learning. At comparatively limited hour number the texts studied by the students can't provide the language material without teacher's explanation.

The learning of a new material takes a major place at the lesson, as the most grammatical and lexical problems unknown to students or partially acquainted from school and required deep opening and comprehension.

The work on a text starts from reading. Learning to read consists of skills elaboration in expressive reading. As a correct reading facilitates the text comprehension, so we attach particular importance to this aspect of learning.

The efficiency of reading solution is in a direct depending on work types and methods utilized in a lesson. At the lesson a textual material is the basic usage for practical tasks in English learning and the work on a text assumes special significance. Work is organized by appropriate questions and tasks given in textbooks. It's demandable to ask these questions, as a deliberate reading. The questions and tasks should be closer to analytical ones.

It's important to read separate sentences aloud. It helps better to understand them, mark out significant and auxiliary words, to elicit syntactic links caused logical articulation of the sentences. For better understanding the context of separate sentences and the whole text, the re-reading of the sentence, then the text after translating and analysis has great importance. A systematic reading of a text with a teacher favours the development of correct habits. Such reading should be conducted either on a new or on a home-prepared material. It'll take on special significance if a student makes the mistake caused by right understanding of links in a sentence. Re-reading either sentence gradually reveals subject-matter expressed in a given sentence.

I recommend students to read aloud home-prepared text for forming correct pronunciation. In this respect reading special literature offers some difficulties. For example, a lot of international words are met in scientific text in English, which also are in the Azerbaijan language, but they are pronounced different. The shortage of time doesn't allow us to work through the pronunciation of separate sounds.

However, I require from students, first of to read with a correct word stress, then with correct all phrasal intonation marking out significant words, indicating subordinate meaning of auxiliary words. Usually, two weeks of certain planned persistent work gives appreciable results. A student starts critically to concern his pronunciation, feel the made mistakes, try to correct them.

In our terms main means of text comprehension is translation. The process of translation consists of two stages, consecutively and inseparably linked with each other. It is the realization of reading context and its expression in a form of a complete idea.

A particular struggle is conducted with either literally-"word for word" or with a natural translation. As a scientific text needs absolutely exact transmission of an idea, in translating the text on speciality just some insignificant departure from a grammatically exact translation may be justified. A student has to know a foreign language so better that he/she can correctly explain and substantiate offered digression.

The translation of a text on speciality prepared by students may be written or oral. The advantage of a written translation consists of demanding great consider, determination, completeness and allows better to control a text comprehension down to the smallest details. And an oral translation makes a student give more attention on learning a lexical material. In both cases a translation is accompanied by copying the words which promotes their better remembering.

As a rule the reading of a difficult text and its translating in a class is accompanied by the analysis when grammatical forms presented difficulty in comprehension, the attention is paid on appropriateness of these phenomena in foreign and native languages.

The grammatical analysis of the text ought to be done from a concrete form given in the text and it spontaneously leads us to the checking of translation correctness and to explanation why we recommend just such a translation. This analysis may precede or follow it. First of all, it comes easily to students as independent work on the text. In class it is applied on the translation of an unprepared difficult text and when reading a teacher demonstrates any new language phenomenon. The analysis following the translation is important for controlling the correct comprehension of reading material. For exact translation of the sentence not only a grammatical form is important, but also a lexical context in which it's used.

My aim is to teach students frequently to read literature on speciality. It determines a volume of lexis including special terminology and phraseology typical for a scientific text in general and in particular for the text on a given particular speciality.

The comprehension and memorizing lexis on a particular speciality isn't very difficult, as they are usually used in a conceptual context, listed in special dictionaries. A great difficult is in comprehension and memorizing lexis unlimited only by some usage sphere, necessary for reading any scientific text.

One of the main and the most difficult aims of a teacher is stocking students' vocabulary with words of such a type. Special terms including international roots may be rather a great material for stocking of vocabulary. The more various is the work on lexis, the greater interest and wish it challenges in students to learn it.


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