WITHOUT CUTTING THEM 1 2 Mirsaatov R.M. , Khudoyberganov S.B. (Republic of Uzbekistan)
1Mirsaatov Ravshanbek Muminovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;
Abstract: a non-destructive method and a mathematical model are proposed for determining the silkiness of cocoons in the delivered batch, which is the most important from the point of view of determining the quality indicators of raw silk. The developed method provides higher accuracy in determining the silkiness in the delivered batch of cocoons by taking into account the thickness of their shells. The results of determining the silkiness of live silkworm cocoons are also presented. The standard error of the silkiness determined by the proposed method relative to the cutting is 0.4%.
Keywords: cocoon, silkiness, shell thickness, non-destructive method, mathematical model, correction coefficient, relative error.
Мирсаатов Р.М. , Худойберанов С.Б. (Республика Узбекистан)
1Мирсаатов Равшанбек Муминович - доктор технических наук, профессор;
2Худойберганов Сардорбек Баходирович - старший преподаватель, кафедра естественных наук, Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: предложены неразрушающий метод и математическая модель для определения шелконосности коконов в сдаваемой партии, который является наиболее важным с точки зрения определения качественных показателей шелка-сырца. Разработанный способ обеспечивает более высокую точность при определении шелконосности в сдаваемую партию коконов за счет учета толщины их оболочек. Также приведены результаты определения шелконосности живых шелковичных коконов. Среднеквадратическая погрешность шелконосности, определенной по предлагаемому способу, относительно взрезки составляет 0,4%. Ключевые слова: кокон, шелконосность, толщина оболочки, неразрушающий метод, математическая модель, коэффициент поправки, относительная погрешность.
It is extremely important to develop and implement new effective methods for determining and controlling the quality indicators of silkworm cocoons, which is a great reserve for increasing the profitability of sericulture. Quality control of silk raw materials, at all stages of its production, is necessary and mandatory, especially at the stage of primary processing of cocoons.
Improving the quality of cocoons significantly determines the degree of unwinding of the silk mass of their shells, the yield of raw silk, the productivity of cocoon-making
equipment and labor, and ultimately will increase the incomes of Sen culturists and the profitability of the industry.
With the existing method of accepting live cocoons from sericulturists by their total mass and determining the quality of raw cocoons by organoleptic characteristics of the shell, it is difficult to fight against the collection and delivery of immature and low-quality cocoons [1, 2].
Silkiness, degree of maturity, shell thickness and shell density are the main quality indicators of silkworm cocoons. their precise definition determines the main technological indicators of cocoon products - raw silk yield, unwinding capacity, and silk products yield.
To date, silkiness is determined by the weight of the shells of the incised sample selected
from the batch of live cocoons at the procurement points of primary processing of cocoons [1]. The main disadvantage of this method is the rejection of a large number of varietal cocoons selected for the sample.
There is a known method for determining the silkiness of cocoons, which consists in the fact that pre-weighed cocoons are poured into a cylindrical container, and their silkiness is found by the volume occupied by the cocoons, on a scale printed on the wallcapacity [2].
However, in this method, with free filling, it is impossible to ensure the uniformity of the packaging. The inhomogeneity of cocoon packing in a cylindrical container causes a variation in the values of the silkiness value.
There is also a known method for determining the silkiness of cocoons, which consists in weighing, determining the total volume of the shell and pupa by the drop, pressure in two tanks, one of which contains cocoons, and then calculating the silkiness [3].
The disadvantage of this method is low accuracy, due to the fact that its implementation does not take into account changes in temperature and humidity in the tanks, which affect the results obtained.
A method of determining the silkiness of living cocoons is known, based on a direct proportional dependence of silkiness on the specific volume of cocoons [4, 5]:
Sh = K0 — + A = K1 — + A, (1) m m
where K1- is the correction coefficient, Ki= Ko S;
S - is the cross section of the measuring capacity of the instrument IPT-1 (Institute of Physics and Technology );
H- height of the cocoon layer;
m - is the mass of the sample cocoons;
A- free member.
However, according to this method, the silkiness is determined with a large error and the thickness of the cocoon shell is not taken into account.
We have proposed a method that aims to increase the accuracy in determining the silkiness of living cocoons by taking into account the thickness of their shells.
The silkiness of cocoons in the delivered batch is calculated by the following formula:
Sh=KT+ b, (2)
where K - is the proportionality coefficient showing the tangent of the slope of the straight line on the graph;
T - is the thickness of the cocoon shell;
b - term showing which part of the ordinate the straight line cuts off from the ordinate axis.
In the proposed method, "K" and "b" depend on the breed of cocoons and are set using calibration in comparison with the silkiness of the Shcut % (Fig. 1). The free term for the Asaka breed was b = 12.26%. The Graphs of the dependence of "Sh" (Silkiness) on "7" (Thickness) were processed by the least squares method. The purpose of "b", as well as "K"
- is to give the smallest deviation of the determined silkiness from the experimentally found functional dependence.
According to the results of grading using the least squares method, K=44.94%/mm, b=12.26 % for the "Asaka" breed. For each breed, the coefficients "K" and "b" must be set based on the results of grading at the beginning of the season of harvesting live cocoons, since breeds differ not only in size, but also in the shape of the cocoon. This empirical formula for the Asaka breed:
Sh = 44.94 %/ mm-T + 12.26 % (3) entered into a computer and the silkiness of live cocoons is determined individually for each cocoon sensor.
Fig. 1. Calibration straight line for determining the correction factor K
The results of determining silkiness by the thickness of the shell are presented in table 1. as can be seen from the tables, the average value of the absolute error of silkiness of live cocoons, determined relative to the incision measured using the proposed method, is 0.32%.
Table 1. Results of determining silkiness
№ Shcut % ShjpT %% T A cov, MM Sh prop, % AShIPT, % ' AShprop Aipt, % ^prop, %
1 20.36 19.9 0.17 20.1 0.46 0.26
2 19.3 19.55 0.16 19.4 0.25 0.1
3 21.14 19.9 0.19 20.8 1.24 0.34
4 21.15 21.5 0.21 21.75 0.35 0.6
5 21.64 22.1 0.21 21.9 0.46 0.26
6 18.22 17.9 0.13 18.0 0.32 0.22
7 22.31 22.1 0.22 22.25 0.21 0.06
8 21.85 22.7 0.22 22.2 0.85 0.35 0.57 0.40
9 21.98 22.3 0.23 22.6 0.32 0.62
10 19.1 17.95 0.14 18.5 1.15 0.6
11 23.33 24.1 0.26 23.8 0.77 0.47
12 20.94 20.45 0.18 20.45 0.49 0.49
13 22.31 22.8 0.23 22.8 0.49 0.44
14 21.84 21.6 0.21 21.6 0.24 0.04
15 19.78 19.3 0.16 19.3 0.45 0.18
Aver. 0.556 0.32
In the table, 5ipT and 5s are the root-mean-square error of determining silkiness using the IPT-1 device and the proposed method in comparison with cutting, respectively.
As can be seen from the table, the silkiness obtained by both methods was compared with the silkiness of the sample cut taken from the container of the IPT-1 device after measurements (Sh,ut=20.36%). Absolute error ASFTI=| Swsr - SPTI |= 0,46% and the proposed method is AShprop= |Shcut-Shprop |=0,26% are shown in table 1 in the first row. In addition, the table shows data on the average absolute error and the standard error of both methods.
Thus, a method for determining the silkiness of live cocoons has been developed. At the same time, an increase in the accuracy of determining the silkiness of living cocoons is achieved by taking into account the thickness of their shells. The standard error of the silkiness determined by the proposed method relative to the cutting is 0.4%.
References in English / Список литературы на английском языке
1. Akhmedov N. A. et al. The basics of sericulture. Tashkent: Fan, 2010. 274 p.
2. Rubinov Z.B., Mukhamedov M.M., Osipova L.X., Burnashev I.Z. Shelkosyrya and kokonomotanie. M.: Legprombytizdat, 2006. 200 S.
3. Reference book on silk raw materials and cocoon-making. Ed. Rubinova E.B. M.: Light industry, 1986. 375 p.
4. Asimov S.A. et al. Method for determining the silkiness of cocoons/ [Electronic Resource]. URL: (date of access: 14.12.2020).
5. Burkhanov Sh.D., Mirsaatov R.M., Yusupov A.Yu. А Modernized device for determining the silkiness of live cocoons without cutting them. Natural and technical Sciences. Moscow, 2015. № 6. Pp. 366-368.
6. Burkhanov Sh.D., Mirsaatov R.M., Khapizov U.Zh. Method for determining the silkiness of cocoons // Patent for the invention of the Republic of Uzbekistan UZ IAP 05014 dated 19.01.2015.
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