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Ключевые слова
professional metacompetence / knowledge management / means of education / LMS MOODLE / engineering uni-versity / foreign language teaching. / професійна метакомпетенція / управління знаннями / засоби навчання / освітня платформа MOODLE / інженерний університет / навчання іноземної мови.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Olena Bryntseva, Alina Podorozhna

In the article, the authors discuss the issue of introducing a metaconcept approach in the context of for-eign language teaching of future engineering specialists in the context of higher professional education. The relevance of the study is determined by the necessity of developing a holistic worldview of future engineers on the basis of meta-subject integration, defined as a condition for the development of the student's personality and achievement of high-quality learning outcomes. The paper provides a thorough review of national and foreign psychological, pedagogical and linguistic literature, covering the practical experience of applying the metaconcept approach in foreign language teach-ing at an engineering university; the authors emphasise that the competence-based training in the context of higher engineering education involves the forming a set of professional and supra-professional, soft skills or metacompetencies in future specialists. Metacompetence is considered as the ability to manage information, knowledge, personal qualities for further self-development in professional activities. The study analyses the teaching tools providing the development of metacompetence in future engineers and the pedagogical condi-tions for implementing the metaconcept approach in the process of foreign language teaching at an engineer-ing university based on the MOODLE platform.

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У статті авторки розглядають питання запровадження метапредметного підходу у контексті навчання іноземної мови майбутніх фахівців інженерного профілю в умовах вищого професійного навчан-ня. Нагальність дослідження обумовлюється потребою розвитку цілісного світогляду майбутніх інженерів на засадах метапредметної інтеграції, яка визначається як умова розвитку особистості студента та досягнення ним високо якісних результатів навчання. У роботі здійснено ґрунтовний розгляд вітчизняної та зарубіжної психолого-педагогічної та лінгводидактичної літератури, яка висвітлює практичний досвід застосування метапредметного підходу у викладанні іноземної мови у технічному університеті; авторки підкреслюють, що компетентнісна основа професійної підготовки у контексті вищої інженерної освіти передбачає формування у майбутніх фахівців сукупності професійних та надпрофесійних, м'яких навичок або метакомпетенцій. Метакомпетенція розглядається як здатність управляти інформацією, знаннями, особистісними якостями для подальшого саморозвитку у професійній діяльності. У дослідженні аналізуються засоби навчання, що забезпечують формування метакомпетенції у майбутніх інженерів та педагогічні умови реалізації метапредметного підходу у процесі викладання іноземної мови у вищому закладі професійної освіти на платформі MOODLE.



skills; the ability for interpersonal contacts; problematic thinking; constructiveness [2].

Conclusion. The use of the case method in the preparation of future nurses for professional activity is particularly significant, since its application in the educational process requires students to get as close as possible to real situations of professional activity and make adequate decisions. With the help of the case method, future nursing specialists have the opportunity to study complex professional issues, develop the ability to identify problems, analyze and develop action programs, which will allow them to act wisely in a real situation in the future.

List of references:

1. Demianchuk M. Methodology of updating vocational training of future junior specialists of nursing // The Scientific Issues of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University. Series: Pedagogy. 2020;1:92-97. https://doi.org/10.25128/2415-3605.20.L13

2. Kozak L. V. Case method in training future teachers for innovative professional activity //


Educational discourse. 2015;3 (11):153-161. http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/osdys_2015_3_17

3. Samura I. B. Methodical toolkit of innovative technologies in higher medical education using the case method example / I. B. Samura // Medicines - people. Modern problems of pharmacotherapy and prescription of medicines. - Kh.: National Academy of Sciences. 2020;1: 443-448. http://dspace.zsmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/15534

4. Application of the Case Study Method in Medical Education / O.Y. Korniichuk, L. M. Bambyzov, V M. Kosenko, A. M. Spaska, Ya. V. Tsekhmister // International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research Vol. 20, № 7, pp. 175-191, July 2021 https://doi.org/10.26803/ijlter.20.7.10

5. Zheng, Y., Li, J., Wu, Q., Wu. Y., Guo, M. and Yu, T. (2018) Study on the Application of Case Teaching Method in the Cultivation of Master of Professional Clinical Surgery. Creative Education, 9, 272-279. doi: 10.4236/ce.2018.92017.

6. Teachmemedicine.org. Case Studies https://teachmemedicine.org/case-studies/

УДК 378.147:811

Olena Bryntseva

Senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Language Training, European Integration and International

Cooperation, Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy

Alina Podorozhna

Senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Language Training, European Integration and International


Олена Бринцева

Старший викладач кафедри тшомовно'1 пiдготовки, европейсъко'1' ттеграцИ та мiжнародного

спiвробiтництва, Укратсъко!Iнженерно-ПедагогiчноiАкадемП

Алша Подорожна

Старший викладач кафедри iншoмoвнoi niдготовки, европейсъKoi iнтеграцii та мiжнародного cnie-

робтництва, Укра'1'нсъко'1'Iнженернo-ПедагoгiчнoiАкадемП



In the article, the authors discuss the issue of introducing a metaconcept approach in the context offoreign language teaching of future engineering specialists in the context of higher professional education. The relevance of the study is determined by the necessity of developing a holistic worldview offuture engineers on the basis of meta-subject integration, defined as a condition for the development of the student's personality and achievement of high-quality learning outcomes.

The paper provides a thorough review of national and foreign psychological, pedagogical and linguistic literature, covering the practical experience of applying the metaconcept approach in foreign language teaching at an engineering university; the authors emphasise that the competence-based training in the context of higher engineering education involves the forming a set ofprofessional and supra-professional, soft skills or metacompe-tencies in future specialists. Metacompetence is considered as the ability to manage information, knowledge, personal qualities for further self-development in professional activities. The study analyses the teaching tools providing the development of metacompetence in future engineers and the pedagogical conditions for implementing the metaconcept approach in the process of foreign language teaching at an engineering university based on the MOODLE platform.


У статтi авторки розглядаютъ питання запровадження метапредметного niдхoдуу кoнтекстi нав-чання то.земно'1' мови майбуттх фахiвцiв iнженернoгo профшю в умовах вищого профестного навчання.


Нагальт^ь до^дження обyмовлюeтьcя потребою розвuткy цттого cвiтоглядy майбyтнix iнженерiв на заcадаx метапредметно'1 ттеграци, яка вuзначаeтьcя як yмова розвuткy оcобucтоcтi cтyдента та доcягнення нuм вжоко якicнux резyльтатiв навчання.

У роботi здтенено Тр^товн^ розгляд вiтчuзняноï та зарyбiжноï пcuxолого-педагогiчноï та лiнгводuдактuчноï лiтератyрu, яка вucвiтлюe практтнш доcвiд заcтоcyвання метапредметного пiдxодy y вuкладаннi iноземноï мовu y теxнiчномy yнiверcuтетi; авторш пiдкреcлюють, що компетентш^а о^ова профе^йног пiдготовкu y контекcтi вuщоï iнженерноï оcвiтu передбачаe формyвання y майбyтнix фаxiвцiв cyкyпноcтi профеЫйнш та надпрофе^йнт, м'якux навuчок або метакомпетенцт. Метакомпетенця розглядаeтьcя як здатнкть yправлятu iнформацieю, знаннямu, оcобucтicнuмu якоcтямu для подальшого cаморозвuткy y профе^Ый дiяльноcтi. У доcлiдженнi аналiзy-ютьcя заcобu навчання, що забезпечyють формyвання метакомпетенци y майбyтнix iнженерiв та педа-гогiчнi yмовu реалгзаци метапредметного пiдxодy y процеci вuкладання iноземноï мовu y вuщомy закладi профе^йног оcвiтu на платформi MOODLE.

Keywords: professional metacompetence, knowledge management, means of education, LMS MOODLE, engineering university, foreign language teaching.

Ключовi слова: профеййна метакомпетенцiя, yправлiння знаннямu, заcобu навчання, оcвiтня платформа MOODLE, iнженернuй yнiверcuтет, навчання iноземноï мовu.

Problem statement. The quality of educational process at an engineering university is impossible to achieve unless innovative educational approaches and corresponding pedagogical technologies are applied. One of the educational innovations in recent years has been the introduction of the metacompetence approach in the system of professional training in higher education aimed at developing a comprehensive worldview of specialists through the promotion of supraprofessional metacompetences based on practice-oriented orientation of the educational process and interdisciplinary integration.

The last decade has been marked by the transformation of a foreign language from an academic subject into one of the basic elements of the modern higher engineering education. It is expected that as such, the discipline has a positive impact on the process of professional realization of a graduate's personality. Nowadays, we can observe the higher engineering education reform, which is caused by the process of expanding the Ukrainian business environment, establishing cooperation with multinational companies, participation of Ukrainian engineers in international conferences and symposia, establishing scientific contacts with foreign colleagues, etc. Graduates of higher engineering institutions should not only have knowledge in their professional sphere, but also have a foreign language proficiency that would help them integrate into the international community.

The purpose of the article - to consider theoretical and practical issues of implementing a metacompetence approach; to highlight methods and technologies for the development of metacompetences of future engineers in the context of teaching a foreign language at an engineering university based on the MOODLE educational platform.

The statement of the main material. Foreign researchers use the concept "meta-competencies" as well as "soft skills" to refer to the meta-skills of specialists [1]. The concept of meta-competences includes "management skills" and "leadership meta-competences", "cognitive meta-competence", "motivational metacompetence", etc. [2] According to M. T. Morpurgo, the competence model of a modern specialist includes

a set of supraprofessional metacompetences such as: communication skills, teamwork skills, persuasive skills, ability to "see a wide context", ability to innovative activity, readiness to solve problems, analytical and critical thinking, creativity, readiness to take risks, learnability, reflexivity, ethnic tolerance, etc. [3].

The development of metacompetences in foreign universities is based on the experimental training, modernization of curricula and programs, implementation of innovative methods and technologies, as well as in various situations of academic, professional and scientific communication (situational learning). The great importance is given to the research and consideration of employers' and customers' requests for educational services in order to prevent the gap (the so-called "expectation gap") between the actual requirements of the labor market and the real practice of training specialists at the university [3].

Western models of metacompetence include the following types of metacompetencies:

- Cognitive, personal and interpersonal skills -ability to persuade; teamwork and relationship building; critical and analytical thinking; self-organization and time management skills; leadership skills; communication skills; ability to present one's point of view.

- Soft (flexible) skills - critical thinking; sensitivity in interpersonal communication; team management; purposefulness [4].

- Superficial competence, mixed competence, metacompetence (cognitive competence; emotional stability; personal qualities; behavioral and social competence) [5].

The analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature on the research topic allows us to determine that one of the integral components of the metacompetence of a graduate of a higher engineering educational institution is the supra-professional skills: critical thinking, sensitivity in the sphere of interpersonal communication, team leadership, determination, responsibility, creativity, collaboration (ability to cooperate). Supra-professional skills are related to the emotional and communication qualities of university graduates,



and also determine their potential, success and marketability, as well as their desire for self-improvement and progressive development.

Due to its general humanitarian, communicative and sociocultural orientation, foreign language training in an engineering university has wide opportunities for achieving meta-disciplinary learning outcomes and developing certain metacompetencies. Language is, on the one hand, a goal and, on the other hand, a means of learning, being a communicative and pragmatic tool for expressing notions from different fields of disciplinary knowledge.

Moreover, the process of foreign language learning is largely cognitive and discursive. It is through foreign language that "perception (cognition), acquisition, processing, structuring, keeping and using knowledge". Learning a foreign language offers various opportunities for meta-disciplinary integration, and the ontologi-cal connection between language and culture contributes to the humanization and humanization of the educational process in technical and technological disciplines at an engineering university.

A survey of the linguistic and didactic literature over the past few years allows us to identify the following kinds of future engineers' metacompetencies to be successfully formed and developed in the process of foreign language training at an engineering university: intercultural communicative competence (a complex combination of knowledge, skills, qualities and abilities of a personality ensuring the choice of adequate means and strategies of communicative activity and communicator's behavior in intercultural interaction), information and search competence (activities aimed at finding, structuring and storing information focusing on its comprehension, processing and transformation for further application in a particular situation), cognitive competence (readiness to constantly improve one's educational level, ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills), critical and analytical thinking, academic reading and writing skills, self-learning competence (an integrated characteristic of personal qualities expressed in the need, general readiness and ability to engage in independent educational activities), regulatory competence (ability to self-organize), project competence, ethno-cultural tolerance and empathy, heuristic (creative) competence, etc.

Based on the analysis of scientific literature related to the research subject and practical experience of teaching foreign language at an engineering university on the basis of MOODLE educational platform (Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy, Kharkiv) we can determine the following stages of developing a certain complex of knowledge, skills and competences of future engineers:

Monitoring - at the beginning of the foreign language course, the teacher should define the students' skills in the MOODLE system, familiarize them with the course navigation system on the example of independent enrollment in the course, writing a short message on the topic in a foreign language in the forum, participation in a survey, performing a preliminary test, etc. If students have the necessary technical skills, the teacher focuses on the content of the course. So, the

main tasks of this stage are to identify students' expectations from the topic study, to realize the problem discussed, to identify students' readiness to process information. The group form in the forum discussing individual questions; participation in the survey and choosing the answer from the proposed options contributes to the solution of these tasks. Preliminary discussion in the forum or survey allows you to adapt the block content, take into consideration the students' interests, to consider the students' interests, to refer to their experience and available knowledge, to increase students' interest in the problem.

At the planning stage the following tasks are carried out: predicting the results of the students' activities in the learning process, selecting informational resources to complete a project or create a group presentation, developing an effective action program, and determining the sequence of actions. An extensive MOODLE platform toolbox allows the teachers to plan and organize both individual and group forms of students' work. At this stage students plan their mode of work on the subject block, the sequence of assignments. This is due to the technical features of MOODLE allowing the teacher to regulate access to the resources, limit the deadlines for individual assignments.

The main goals of the organizational-executive stage are the development of students' abilities to find and analyze information from different foreign language sources for educational purposes, the ability to navigate in the foreign-language information space, the ability to structure and process information, as well as the development of students' responsibility and creativity. Various additional services can be integrated into the MOODLE course in order to create new personal educational products, for example, to create a productive vocabulary in the form of a word cloud or a collaborative digital presentation. It should be noted that personal educational product in linguodidactics is considered as a personal innovation, new in terms of subjective experience created by students in the course of mastering and comprehending cognitive reality, both in material form (for example, information-text product of research, creative, practice-oriented, learning-reference character) and in form of non-material product (new knowledge, skills, experience of reflection activity, including mastering the methodology of learning-cognitive activity, etc.).

At the controlling stage the results of studying the unit (or the module as a whole) are determined. And namely - the accumulation of linguistic means, methods of communicative activity, the acquisition of linguocul-tural knowledge, the development of students' independence, is determined by reflexive self-assessment. Basic tools of MOODLE knowledge control are used here: quizzes, assignments, question banks, and tests. Our practical experience of developing the courses on the disciplines "Foreign language", "Foreign language", "Foreign language of professional and professional communication" on the basis of the MOODLE educational platform at the Department of Foreign Language Training, European Integration and International Cooperation of Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics



Academy (Kharkiv) demonstrates the great possibilities of methodological organization in managing student's intellectual-personal potential. Such management forms the basis of metacompetence and includes diagnosing abilities, skills, knowledge; planning one's activity on the basis of readiness to work with new foreign-language information and abilities to orient in a stream of information; transformation of information; estimation and correction of strategies for performing activity [6]. At the same time, it should be noted that in e-courses in the MOODLE environment the controlling function mostly belongs to the teacher, determining the strategic goal of the course, structure and content, developing didactic material, etc. If the idea of meta-competence is the student's self-management of information, knowledge, personal qualities, then the next means to facilitate its development can be the students' creation of personal educational products using a foreign language. The next step in using learning tools, in our opinion, can be a joint design and development of a corporate learning and educational portal as part of the basic educational program of a particular profile. The idea of developing a corporate educational portal together with students implements such modern requirements for higher education as modularity, multilevel, variability, ensuring dynamic content, interdisci-plinarity.

Based on the above methods and technologies for the development of future specialists' metacompeten-cies, it is advisable to highlight the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of students' metacompetencies in the context of teaching a foreign language at an engineering university:

- availability of a multilingual information and educational environment at an engineering university,

- application of innovative educational technologies providing conditions for meta-subject integration,

- creation of educational and methodological support for foreign language training based on the principle of meta-subjects,

- extracurricular activities aimed at creating conditions for the development of social and communication skills, tolerance, empathy, etc.

Conclusions. Summarizing the above, we conclude that the sequence of using foreign language teaching aids is carried out from traditional printed textbooks through electronic multimedia textbooks, educational platforms and Internet learning services to open e-textbooks, corporate learning and educational portals

as collaborative educational products. All these ultimately contribute to the independent acquisition of knowledge, its flexible application, and self-development of the student's personality. The results of our study allow us to emphasize the relevance and key areas of the program of metaconcept educational strategies and technologies in the context of foreign language training at an engineering university. The analysis of international and national educational practices shows that the development of metacompetence in higher engineering education can be effectively carried out on the basis of current educational standards both in academic disciplines based on general university modules of specialized training and in extracurricular activities in the system of lifelong learning.


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2. Mathews, J. A Meta Competency Analysis. Bhutan. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?ab-stract_id=2363301. last accessed 2023/05/25.

3. Morpurgo, M. T. Beyond Competency: The role of professional accounting education in the development of meta-competencies. Athabasca University. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Business Administration. 346 p. (2015)

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