Научная статья на тему 'Место здорового образа жизни в современной жизни'

Место здорового образа жизни в современной жизни Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Фатеева Н.Ю., Звягин А.А., Медведева А.В.

В статье рассмотрены основные причины, оказывающие влияние на состояние здоровья людей в разном возрасте. Учитывая широкое распространение патологий со стороны различных систем организма, актуальным становиться вопрос профилактики и ведения здорового образа жизни. В настоящее время существует множество способов для контроля показателей здоровья, которые могут использоваться в любом возрасте и при любых условиях.

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The article concerns the main factors influencing people’s health at different ages. Pathologies of various body systems, the issue of prevention and maintaining a healthy lifestyle should be taken into consideration. Currently, there are many ways to monitor health indicators that can be used at any age and under any conditions.

Текст научной работы на тему «Место здорового образа жизни в современной жизни»


N.Y. Fateeva, Postgraduate Student

A.A. Zvyagin, Doctor of Sciences in Medicine, Professor

A.V. Medvedeva, Associate Professor

Voronezh N.N. Burdenko State Medical University

(Russia, Voronezh)

DOI: 10.24411/2500-1000-2020-10811

Abstract. The article concerns the main factors influencing people's health at different ages. Pathologies of various body systems, the issue of prevention and maintaining a healthy lifestyle should be taken into consideration. Currently, there are many ways to monitor health indicators that can be used at any age and under any conditions. Keywords: health, healthy lifestyle, prevention, medicine.

Nowadays more and more people are involved in taking care of their health. Healthy lifestyle is a new trend in the modern life. Information is received from all possible sources. TV, gadgets, the Internet, and smartphone apps help people track and improve their health indicators on a daily basis. But each of us makes different interpretations of the definition of "a healthy lifestyle".

In order to start a conversation about a healthy lifestyle, you need to understand what health is for medicine. The world health organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not just the clear of disease or infirmity [1]. So a healthy lifestyle means taking care not only of the physical conditionand psychological and social environment, as well as observing the principles of daily prevention. Health promotion and diseases prevention are among most essential priorities of global community and medical practitioners [2].

Nowadays in the conditions of active promotion of a healthy lifestyle, bad habits still remain in the daily routine of people. One of the most popular bad habits today is smoking. According to the World Health Organization, about 6 million people die from tobacco every year, including passive smokers. It is important to remember that today there are different ways to smoke, the most common of them are cigarettes, electric cigarettes, hookah. Hookah is considered as a dangerous source of tobacco and chemicals that can provoke pathological reactions in the form of allergic reactions, intolerance, and also have a

carcinogenic effect. Smoking has the most damaging effect on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The heart rate increases and tissue saturation with oxygen decrease even after 1 cigarette smoked [3]. The number of red blood cells and hemoglobin increase in response to increasing hypoxia [4]. Tobacco is based on nicotine, a substance that causes drug dependence and can lead to intoxication in large doses. But it is no less harmful to be in the same room with smoking people, it also affects the state of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

In recent years, hookah smoking has become very popular. You can see hookahs in youth cafes and clubs. It is wrong to believe that the water that fills the hookah filters removes all the harmful substances of the smoking mixture. It's not true. During hookah smoking, a person inhales 100-200 times more smoke than during smoking 1 cigarette. The risk of various forms of cancer from hookah is not lower than from cigarettes and nicotine. In studies conducted among medical students, the half of the respondents decided that smoking hookah is less harmful than smoking cigarettes [5]. Some of the respondents indicated stress and adaptation to new conditions as the reason for starting smoking. Thus, smoking cigarettes and hookahs remains one of the main health hazards nowadays.

So the next bad habit for many young people is considered to be dependence on fast food. Due to the content of various food additives and preservatives, fast food products are

attractive for all ages. But such food is high-calorie, unbalanced of protein, fat and carbohydrates, and also contains low level of vitamins and dietary fiber. For one serving of fast food, a person eats up to 2500 kcal, which is the daily norm of kilocalories for a healthy person. This energy value contributes to weight gain and can lead to obesity. Also, fast food products contain a large amount of sugar, fat and preservatives, leading to dependence on these components. Unfortunately, more and more children are becoming attached to fast food products. This trend contributes to the spread of overweight and obesity in childhood. In a study of Russian scientists explored the components and nature of nutrition in young children, it was found that the principles of balanced nutrition were observed to a minimum. The study showed that the diet of many children is unbalanced by food components, such as meat, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and products for children [7].

The problem of overweight and obesity is becoming more and more important year by year. There is more and more information about the negative impact of obesity, but despite the availability of information, statistics on the incidence of diseases demonstrates a negative trend. The world health organization classifies obesity as a global non-infectional epidemic. The part of overweight children reaches almost 12% of the entire population. [7] Overweight has a lot of aggravating and complicating factors, which include a damaging of carbohydrate metabolism in the form of insulin resistance, increased blood pressure, changes in hormonal status, diseases of the muscular and bone systems, problems of macro - and micronutrients deficiency. The degree of overweight is estimated by the Body Mass Index (BMI) - an indicator calculated as the ratio of the square of weight (in kg) to height (in meters). Standards for normal values range from 18.5 to 24.9.

Stress is too destructive for the body. Of course, stress refers to the body's physiological responses to external or internal stimulation [9]. Physiological stimulation can be an unbalanced diet, lack of sleep, exhaustion, chronic diseases, and some infections. Psychological stimulation is characterized by a

strong emotional surge due to experiences, external environment, and life situations. It is important to remember that a negative psychological impact can lead to deregulation of the body's systems and provoke a physiological reflection of the problem in the form of pathology of a particular organ.

These problems are the most important ones that affect a person's health. If this lifestyle is maintained for a long time, all organs and systems suffer significantly, changing their regulation and functions to less effective ones. The principles of a healthy lifestyle allow to neutralize the negative consequences of these factors.

How can people contribute to their health? There are many ways to stay healthy. All of them are easy to use and can be used on a daily basis. One of these methods is counting steps and calories. It is known that to preserve the health of the cardiovascular system, as well as to prevent hypodynamia, you need to take at least 10,000 steps a day. This amount is easy to control with your smartphone or fitness wristbands. Currently, there are many applications that allow you to follow your health status - control weight, quantitative and qualitative composition of food consumed, physical activity, and basic health indicators (pulse, blood pressure, sleep mode). Proper maintenance of such an electronic diary allows you to assess the rhythm of life, as well as make adjustments to improve your health. By analyzing the daily diet, you can clearly see the composition of food, assess the correspondence of the number of calories consumed to the number of calories expended, thus it is possible to adjust the body weight and avoid many complications. Quitting smoking will immediately change the state of the body in a positive way. The use of physical methods to maintain health (for example, hardening) will increase the overall resistance of the body to external infectious agents, develop endurance and resistance.

In conclusion, it is important to emphasize that the main principle of modern medicine is prevention, which should begin at an early age and continue throughout life. Undoubtedly, it is important to pay attention to the problems of the body in a timely manner. Adhering to the principles of a healthy lifestyle, it is

possible to avoid many problems that affect logical balance of people. both the physiological state and the psycho-


1. World health organization. - URL: https://www.who.int/topics/tobacco/ru/ (accessed 09.04.2020).

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Н.Ю. Фатеева, аспирант

А.А. Звягин, д-р мед. наук, доцент

А.В. Медведева, доцент

Воронежский государственный медицинский университет им. Н.Н. Бурденко (Россия, г. Воронеж)

Аннотация. В статье рассмотрены основные причины, оказывающие влияние на состояние здоровья людей в разном возрасте. Учитывая широкое распространение патологий со стороны различных систем организма, актуальным становиться вопрос профилактики и ведения здорового образа жизни. В настоящее время существует множество способов для контроля показателей здоровья, которые могут использоваться в любом возрасте и при любых условиях.

Ключевые слова: здоровье, здоровый образ жизни, профилактика, медицина.

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