Научная статья на тему 'MEDICINAL PROPERTIES OF WEEDS'

MEDICINAL PROPERTIES OF WEEDS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Teshabaev Sh.A., Turgunbaev Kh.B.

Weeds cause damage to agricultural crops, ie they are a source of moisture and nutrients for cultivated plants, as well as a source of disease and pests, as well as their role in human health.

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Текст научной работы на тему «MEDICINAL PROPERTIES OF WEEDS»

Teshabaev Sh.A. senior lecturer

department of agriculture and forest reclamation Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies

Uzbekistan, Andijan Turgunbaev Kh.B.


Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology

Uzbekistan, Andijan


Annotation: Weeds cause damage to agricultural crops, ie they are a source of moisture and nutrients for cultivated plants, as well as a source of disease and pests, as well as their role in human health.

Key words: Weed, cultivated plants, vegetation, moisture, nutrients, disease, pest, folk medicine, medicine, pharmaceuticals, medicine, medicinal, therapeutic, medicinal.

Introduction. Scientific research on weeds has been going on for a long time. As a result of joint botanical, chemical and pharmaceutical research, the medicinal properties of many weeds have been identified and medicinal preparations are being developed. They are widely used in folk medicine and modern medicine for therapeutic purposes.

Temirtikan-Tribulus terrestris L. Temirtikan is a medicinal weed belonging to the family Zygophyllaseae. It grows in the deserts, plains, along roads and railways, on the banks of rivers and streams, and in crops in Central Asia, the Caucasus, the Altai, and Eastern Siberia. In Uzbekistan, temirtikan is more common on railways, on the banks of rivers and streams, on gravelly areas. It is not sensitive to moisture and grows well in dry conditions. Temirtikan plant has been used in folk medicine for many years. At present, its aspects are being demonstrated in scientific medicine, and the necessary drugs are being prepared in the pharmaceutical industry.

Hemorrhoids - Portulasa oleraseae L. Representatives of the family Hemorrhoids (Portulasa) are one of the most widespread plants on Earth and have many species. Fenugreek is common as a weed in fields where cultivated plants are grown, especially in areas where melons are grown. The warm rains of spring make it easy for them to sprout. Semizot is an annual plant that belongs to the family of Portulasa and grows around 30-35 cm in height. The stems are fleshy, hairless, the stems are branched or semi-lying. The leaves at the base of the stem are in series, while the leaves at the top are opposite. Semizoot contains large amounts of vitamin C (300 mg%), vitamin K, glucose, alkaloids, glycosides, phosphorus, calcium, trace elements. Semizot plant has

been used in folk medicine since ancient times as a medicinal plant. Abu Ali Ibn Sina used the juice of semizoot to stop bleeding from the abdomen, to treat spitting blood, as well as to cure the ailment of a patient suffering from eye and liver diseases. The great scientist reported that fat mixed with wine can remove head wounds, and a tincture made from it can stop kidney and bladder pain, colic, and bleeding from the uterus. In folk medicine, fat is recommended as a means of suppressing fever, and powder is recommended as a means of stopping intestinal ulcers, bloody diarrhea. The juice of the leaves of semolina is used to treat hemorrhoids. As mentioned above, semizoot contains vitamins C and K, as well as phosphorus and calcium elements, so it is consumed by the people in various salads and soups, as well as in various stews. Consumption of this plant can continue throughout the year.

Solanum nigrum L. Solanum nigrum L. is an annual medicinal weed common in natural and cultivated areas. The genus Ituzum is one of the largest generations of flowering plants, encompassing more than 1,300 species throughout the globe. Its representatives grow mainly in Central America, South America, Africa, partly in Eurasia and the temperate regions of America. There are 7 types of ituzum in Uzbekistan. Several types of them are widely used in agriculture of the Republic. There are also representatives of this generation that are found as weeds. Solanum nigrum (Solanum nigrum L.) is one such species. Ituzum is a medicinal plant that has been used in folk medicine for a long time. The plant is a weed found in almost all irrigated areas of Uzbekistan. In folk medicine, the stem, leaves and fruits of the plant are used. The above-ground part of the dog vine, as well as the leaves, are harvested when the plant is in bloom and the fruit is ripe. In the shade the surface is dried, and in the open air the fruits are dried. The unripe fruit and surface of ituzum contain glycoalkaloids, vitamins, organic acids, additives and other substances. In folk medicine, tincture or ripe fruit made from the leaves and fruits of ituzum is used to relieve vomiting in children, treat sore throats, sore throats.

Bangidevona - Datura stramonium L.Bangidevona is an annual or perennial herbal plant containing alkaloids belonging to the family Solanaseae. The plant is distributed in almost all regions of Uzbekistan. Bangidevona plant is found mainly on roadsides, along canals, near residential areas, as a weed in fields, gardens and other crops. Bangidevona is found as a weed in abandoned lands, around residential areas, along roadsides and ditches, and in crops and gardens. All parts of Bangidevona are poisonous, so the plant is also used for various medicinal purposes. The leaves and fruits of the plant are widely used for medicinal purposes. Its leaves are collected from the time the plant blooms until the autumn frosts. Collected leaves are dried in a shady and dry place in a cool place. The fruits are harvested after ripening. The harvested fruits are dried, crushed and sifted and separated from the seeds. Bangidevona is one of the most important alkaloid plants. Several alkaloids such as giostsiamine, atropine, scopolamine are found in various organs of the plant. In addition, the plant,

especially the leaves, contains some essential oils, carotene, astringents and other undetectable substances.

Jaw-jaw- Sapsella bursa pastoris L. Jaw-jaw plant is an annual, ephemeral herb with vitamins and medicine belonging to the family of cabbage (Brassisaseae L.). This is the only species of jaw-jaw generation in Uzbekistan. Jaw plant contains choline, acetylcholine, vitamins C and K, inositol, hysopine glycoside, saponin flavonoids, essential oil, organic acids, additives and other substances. In folk medicine, herbal infusions are used to stop bleeding from various levels of bleeding - from the uterus, lungs, stomach, kidneys and wounds, and in the treatment of diarrhea, kidney, urinary tract diseases. A tincture of the jaw-jaw plant is prepared as follows: pour boiling water into a pot, put a tablespoon of crushed ground part of the plant on it, then close the lid of the pot and infuse for 2 hours. It is sailed through the dock. If necessary, drink one tablespoon 4 times a day.

In conclusion, we know that weeds cause damage to agricultural crops, that is, they contribute to the moisture and nutrient sources of cultivated plants, as well as the shade of cultivated plants during the growing season, as well as their role in human health.


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"Экономика и социум" №6(97)-1 2022



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