Научная статья на тему 'Media as a means of developing a sports culture of adolescents'

Media as a means of developing a sports culture of adolescents Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Pevneva M.V., Maximets S.V., Toupchi N.V.

We have defined the importance of influence of physical education and sports activities on the development of personality of a young individual. Sports culture is taken to refer to the positive value attitudes towards sport, activity and outputs that should reflect assimilation, preservation, realization and development of the most important and significant personality component. Developed physical culture is geared towards the resolution of contradictions between work and leisure, as well as mental and physical aspects. The necessary capacity lays in the modern domestic media products aimed at creating a positive image of a sportsman, such as movies about legendary athletes, series of shows about famous trainers and athletes’ lives and achievements. Based on modern educational standards, we have developed a thematic plan for students in the framework of the "ArtPedagogy in physical culture of personality" course, integrating media education technologies The implementation of this thematic plan will allow University students: to get acquainted with the basic concepts and qualitative characteristics of the discipline; to get acquainted with the key concepts of media; to determine the characteristics and codes of expression in the films of a particular type of sports culture; to develop independent, critical thinking as well as creativity etc.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Media as a means of developing a sports culture of adolescents»

Copyright © 2019 by Academic Publishing House Researcher s.r.o.

K " *


Published in the Slovak Republic Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie) Has been issued since 2005 ISSN 1994-4160 E-ISSN 1994-4195 2019, 59(3): 425-432

DOI: 10.13187Zme.2019.3425 www.ejournal53.com

Media as a Means of Developing a Sports Culture of Adolescents

M.V. Pevneva a , * , S.V. Maximets a , N.V. Toupchi b

a Rostov Don State Technical University, Russian Federation b Southern Federal University, Russian Federation


We have defined the importance of influence of physical education and sports activities on the development of personality of a young individual. Sports culture is taken to refer to the positive value attitudes towards sport, activity and outputs that should reflect assimilation, preservation, realization and development of the most important and significant personality component. Developed physical culture is geared towards the resolution of contradictions between work and leisure, as well as mental and physical aspects. The necessary capacity lays in the modern domestic media products aimed at creating a positive image of a sportsman, such as movies about legendary athletes, series of shows about famous trainers and athletes' lives and achievements. Based on modern educational standards, we have developed a thematic plan for students in the framework of the "ArtPedagogy in physical culture of personality" course, integrating media education technologies The implementation of this thematic plan will allow University students: to get acquainted with the basic concepts and qualitative characteristics of the discipline; to get acquainted with the key concepts of media; to determine the characteristics and codes of expression in the films of a particular type of sports culture; to develop independent, critical thinking as well as creativity etc.

Keywords: physical, sports culture, students, media content, volition, media education, media literacy.

1. Introduction

Young people are daily active users of information from different media sources. A two decade ago games were the main youth occupation, including active games, those types of games which are associated with physical activity. Today, hypodynamia (physical inactivity) is one of the most disturbing diseases. It is reasonable that physical culture and sport should become a way of life for a person from early childhood. But the youth also has to turn to the media. You can simply combine the education of a young people physical and sports culture and the potential that is laid down (for this field) in many media texts (movies, Internet, press, television, etc.).

Based on modern educational standards, we have developed a thematic plan for students in the framework of the "ArtPedagogy in physical culture of personality" course, integrating media education technologies

In the article we will consider the possibilities of using the media potential in the education of the physical and sports culture of University students.

* Corresponding author

E-mail addresses: mpevneva63@mail.ru (M.V. Pevneva), smaksimets@gmail.com (S.V. Maximets), nvtulupch@sdedu.ru (N.V. Toupchi)

2. Materials and methods

We rely on the following methodological principles activity orientated principle. A.N. Leontiev wrote that in order to master the achievements of human culture, each new generation must carry out activities similar to those behind these achievements.

We have classified the following methods: analysis of scientific literature on the subject matter for this study; a comparative potential analysis of cinematography in the physical and sport education of University students.

3. Discussion

The different aspects of the problem of interaction between youth and media texts (audiovisual, printed, etc.) are reflected in the pedagogical, psychological, cultural, sociological works of many Russian and foreign researchers (Bondarenko, 2005; Fedorov, 2004; 2007; 2011; 2015; 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019; Fedorov et al., 2017; 2018; Fedorov, Friesem, 2015; Fedorov, Levitskaya, 2015; Galik, 2017; Galik, Galikova Tolnaiova, 2015; Levitskaya, Seliverstova, 2019; Kubey, 2011; Masterman, 1993; Muryukina, 2014; Petranova et al., 2017; Solik, Minarikova, 2014; Supsakova, 2016 and others).

In the works of E.A. Bondarenko (Bondarenko, 2005) the rehabilitation opportunities prospects are outlined for media literacy education of adolescents. A.V. Fedorov (Fedorov, 2004) presented a comprehensive impact description of contacts with violence on the screen and a minor audience, considering the educational, pedagogical and developing opportunities for media education. E.V. Muryukina (Muryukina, 2014) defined historical pedagogical, methodological principles and approaches to the media literacy education problem of schoolchildren and students.

The problem of the potential media literacy education opportunities in education of younger generation is reflected in works of foreign researchers. In L. Masterman's article 'Training in language of mass media: the theory and practice' (Masterman, 1993) the basic principles of the critical analysis of media texts were offered.

Some researchers consider problem of personalized recommender system for e-Learning environment: "Traditional e-Learning environments are based on static contents considering that all learners are similar, so they are not able to respond to each learner's needs. These systems are less adaptive and once a system that supports a particular strategy has been designed and implemented, it is less likely to change according to student's interactions and preferences. New educational systems should appear to ensure the personalization of learning contents. This work aims to develop a new personalization approach that provides to students the best learning materials according to their preferences, interests, background knowledge, and their memory capacity to store information" (Benhamdi et al., 2017). Some scientists pay attention to the problem of research methods teaching in vocational Media Education environments and developing critical engagement of students (Gray et al., 2015).

In the USA in the 1990s, 12 states included the sections of media literacy education in their educational standards. In 2007, the National Association for Media Literacy Education formulated the basic principles of media education (NAMLE, 2007):

1. Media education requires the active study and critical reflection of all the messages we receive and create. Media education is designed to teach the younger generation to ask special questions that will allow it to achieve a deeper understanding of the messages transmitted by the media. The simple use of media in the classroom cannot be considered media education.

2. Media education expands the boundaries of the concept of 'literacy', including all forms of media. Media education includes analysis, allowing students to express their own ideas through various forms of media. Media education is carried out not only at school, but also in extracurricular programs, as well as at universities and colleges, at home and on the Internet.

3. Media education is designed to form and consolidate the media competence of students of all ages in the course of a comprehensive, coherent and continuous practice. Media education cannot be limited to one lesson, a day or even a week of classes. Media educators should provide students with diverse and multiple opportunities to develop their level of media competence.

4. Media education contributes to the training of competent, intelligent and concerned members of a democratic society.

5. Since media act in a sociocultural context, media education includes texts representing different points of view and communities, and also provides opportunities to explore an alternative perspective on media culture and international perspectives.

6. Media education requires students to use individual skills, beliefs, and experience when creating their own media texts. Media education teaches the audience to make their own choices in accordance with individual values. Media education recognizes that the student's interpretation of a media text may differ from the same text interpretation of a teacher, but it will not be erroneous' (NAMLE, 2007).

In the USA, various interpretations of the concept of "media literacy" still exist, which are based on ideological theory, cultural theory, injection theory, theory of the development of critical thinking. Guo Ming Chen notes that they are based on such actions as interpreting, analyzing, evaluating and creating your own media texts (Guo Ming Chen, 2007).

I.F. Kharlamov, T.O. Ivanova examine various aspects of the use of sports in the education of youth, but in their work there is no support for an integral part of the life of a students - the media environment.

The role of sport in the formation of personality and its harmonious development is highly appreciated. In mass media, there is a sufficient content of sports media texts: broadcasts of competitions, interviews with athletes, movies (artistic and documentary) about outstanding coaches of the country, etc. That is, media resources have great potential in the education of children's physical and sports culture.

Today an increasing importance is given to the development of sport in our country: the state program of the Russian Federation 'Development of Physical Culture and Sports' is being implemented; new sports facilities are being built; various competitions are held in Russia (the Winter Olympics in Sochi, the student's sports festival, the World Championships in water sports in Kazan). In addition to the national interests of Russia, sports and physical education occupies one of the leading places, if we are talking about the harmonious development of a youth. The development of physical culture is one of the powerful means, the results of which are health promotion, comprehensive physical development and improvement of mental capacity.

Sports culture of a person is connected with its sport appreciation, which is not of general, but of specific nature. So, it is the matter of particular aspects, elements, functions and values of sport which are of a great importance for a youth. These values serve as social ideals, meanings, symbols, norms, models of behavior which regulate activity and social relationships in the sport field. The values also determine their nature and direction. The person's sport culture is performed in several forms:

• Sports-pragmatic culture. It is characterized by a pronounced pragmatic nature. "The most notable example in this case is the value of an opportunity to earn money from sport, to receive wealth. That is the value the sport orientation is peculiar for, e.g. professional sportsmen. The utility of the person's sport culture can be manifested in the personal orientation for some characteristics and abilities development and improvement with the help of sport (e.g. physical characteristics or mental abilities), when they are considered separately from other characteristics and abilities" (Stolyarov, Barinov, 2009: 18).

• Inhuman sports culture. It is based upon the following principles: the inhuman values are used; victory in sport competition must be achieved at all costs; - the opportunity of anger expression, demonstration superiority over others; usage of sport for nationalism, chauvinism ideas promotion and for parochial problems solution (Stolyarov, Barinov, 2009).

• Sports-humanistic culture. It relies on the 'positive value attitude of the individual to the sport in terms of ideals and values of humanism as the integral development of the individual and humane social relations. The activities of the individual and its results on the assimilation, preservation, implementation and development of the varieties of functions, components and other aspects of sport which are regarded as the most important, significant from the standpoint of humanism. And it is considered as values' (Stolyarov, Barinov, 2009: 18).

These values become norms and patterns of behavior, a social ideal for people. The sports-humanistic culture of the individual finds expression in various forms. The Olympic and Spartian varieties of sports and humanistic culture are the main of them.

A) Olympic sports and humanistic culture.

Among the main features of the Olympic variety of sports and humanistic culture of the individual are:

• 'possession of Olympic education (knowledge of the history of the Olympic games and the Olympic movement, its goals and objectives, the ideals and values of Olympism, etc.);

• positive assessment of Olympic sports and movement, ideals and values of Olympism, their role and importance in modern sport and society in general;

• ability to justify and explain this assessment;

• aspiration (desire) to be guided in sports activity on ideals and values of Olympism, actively participate in the Olympic movement, to promote implementation of its goals;

• knowledge, qualities and abilities (skills) that allow you to successfully participate in Olympic sports and movement (as an athlete, coach, promoter of Olympic ideas, etc.);

• real orientation in sports and the Olympic movement on the ideals of Olympism, manifested in the qualities of a harmoniously developed personality,

• the actual focusing on the ideals of Olympism in sports and the Olympic movement which is manifested in the qualities of a harmoniously developed individual (physical excellence, high sport achievements, behavior at sporting events corresponding to the principle of fair play, aesthetic culture) and the appropriate way of life, in the character of mutual relations with other people;

• the negative attitude to persons whose behavior contradicts the Olympic ideals and values' (Stolyarov, Barinov, 2009: 19).

B) Spartian sports humanistic culture. It is based on the axiom that sport is an important means of not only harmonious, but also comprehensive (in the Spartian sense) development of an individual. The Spartian sports humanistic culture of an individual is characterized by its social activity and its results. It relies on the following activities:

• 'participation in the Spartian movement, other forms of an individual's sporting activities focused in their purposes and objectives on the Spartian ideals and values;

• reasonable, motivational, emotional and active forms of positive assessment of the Spartian movement and sport from the perspective of these ideals and values;

• substantiation (comprehension and explanation) of this assessment;

• results of all this social activity of an individual - generated qualities of an individual and the way of life, behavior rules, social roles, norms and models of relationships with other people, etc., which are adequate to the Spartian ideals and values' (Stolyarov, Barinov, 2009: 18).

The young people actively develops dynamic physical qualities: strength, agility, reaction speed. This contributes to the development of qualities related to the ability to withstand sufficiently large and long-term loads: endurance, patience, self-possession, persistence, etc. There are more complex volitional qualities, for example, such as concentration of attention, engrossment, working efficiency.

The logic of development of the complex of strong-willed qualities is expressed in the following direction: from the ability to manage oneself, to concentrate efforts, to withstand heavy loads to the ability to manage activities, to achieve high results in it. In accordance with it, methods of developing strong-willed qualities are being improved. "In the beginning, a teenager simply admires it in other people, in an enviable way envies those who possess these qualities (10-11 years old). Then the young man declares his desire to have such qualities in himself (11-12 years old) and, finally, starts to educate himself (12-13 years old). The most active period of development of strong-willed self-education in adolescents is the age from 13 years and older (Nemov, 2002: 225). Volitional qualities of the child in the process of physical education and sports are formed on the basis of mutually opposite positive and negative manifestations: courage and fear, confidence and doubt, endurance and haste, etc.

It is important for trainers to create prerequisites and conditions for him to show and reinforce the strengths of his character. Education of physical and sports culture of young man with the use of media will contribute to the formation of strong-willed qualities, enthusiasm and desire for the goal (immediate, close and far). Sports activities develop motivational and strong will purview of a student, his leadership skills, and contribute to successful socialization.

4. Results

For University students the developing of a sense of the adulthood often becomes a difficult test. We believe that one of the ways to overcome the crisis situations associated with it can be the education of physical and sports culture using the media. For example, you can offer to watch sports programs, competitions in the form of sport, which the student is engaged in with his explanations, comments, etc. Granting him a «leading role» in conducting such a media engagement, respecting the assessments he makes, will make the student feel important.

It is important for trainers to create prerequisites and conditions for him to show and reinforce the strengths of his character. Education of physical and sports culture of a student with the use of media will contribute to the formation of strong-willed qualities, enthusiasm and desire for the goal (immediate, close and far).

We believe that the necessary potential is laid in modern Russian media texts. Today a lot of media texts are created in the domestic media content that are aimed at forming a positive image of a person, a sportsman.

We examined the Russian films which were created in the XXI century through the prism of sports values which are presented in those movies (Table 1).

Table 1. Russian films reflecting a certain type of sports culture

The type of sports culture The main goals of sports culture Russian films of the XXI century on the sport topic

Sports- pragmatic culture It is characterized by a pronounced pragmatic nature Warrior (2015) Elastico (2016) Queen of ice (2008)

Inhuman sports culture It is based upon the following principles: the inhuman values are used; victory in sport competition must be achieved at all costs; the opportunity of anger expression, demonstration of a superiority over others; usage of sport for nationalism, chauvinism ideas promotion and parochial problems solution. Mike Curtis says: "I play football only because I can beat somebody up at the field and then I can leave unchallenged". Box (2015) Sledgehammer (2016) From the bottom of the top (2017) Shadow fight (2005) Sparta (2016)

Sports- humanistic culture It relies on the positive value attitude of the individual to the sport in terms of ideals and values of humanism as the integral development of the individual and human social relations Poddubnyj (2014) Legend № 17 (2012) Champions: Faster. Higher. Stronger (2016) Ice (2018) Match (2012) Flawless victory (2012)

Based on modern educational standards, we have developed a thematic plan for students in the framework of the "ArtPedagogy in physical culture of personality" course, integrating media education technologies (Table 2).

Table 2. Thematic plan of the "ArtPedagogy in physical culture of personality" course, integrating media education technologies

Main topics of the course Methods of training Key concepts of media education studied Used media texts

Basic provisions of humanization of education in pedagogical science lecture

Essential characteristics of humanization of education in modern society lecture

Modern ideas about the the choice of the thesis (from several ones offered by the teacher) from the student's Media Agency; Media Flawless victory

possibility of humanization of education in the field of physical culture point of view which is the most correct form reflects the sports culture put by authors of this or that media text representation; Media audience; The language of media (2012) Shadow fight-2 (2007) Queen of ice (2008)

The concept and principles of the sport and pragmatic culture written reviews of students on the film "Warrior" (with the analysis of the plot, the actions of the characters, etc.) Media Agency; Media representation; Media audience Warrior (2015)

The concept and basics of antihuman sports culture identification of the plotline stereotypes of images of the country, heroes, moral messages of authors Media category; Media Technology; The language of media Box (2015)

Concept and bases of the sports and humanistic culture analysis of the plot of the media text on the historical theme, based on the documentary facts. The study of the historical materials relating to the topic and that period of time. Comparison of the studied materials with the image of historical events in the plot of a particular media text The language of media Champions : Faster. Higher. Stronger (2016)

Humanistic potential of ArtPedagogy in physical education "interview" (according to a pre-written plan, students play different versions of the interviews with the characters of the media text) Media Agency; Media representation; Media audience; Media category; Media technology; The language of media Legend №17 (2012)

ArtPedagogical determinants of physical culture putting the heroes of media text in the changed ethical situations (with the change of the genre, the time, the place of the action of the media text, its composition: introduction, climax, resolution, epilogue) Media representation; The language of media Elastico (2016) Sledgeham mer (2016) Poddubnyj (2014)

ArtPedagogical means of humanization of education of pupils in the field of physical culture lecture

Forms and methods of functioning of ArtPedagogy in the education of students in the field of physical culture modeling (in tabular/structural form) of plot stereotypes of media texts (characters, a significant change in the life of the characters, the arisen problem, the search for solutions to the problem, the problem solution/return to stability); identification of the moral guidelines of the authors of media texts Media category; The language of media Shadow fight (2005) Ice (2018)

The essential characteristics of the artpedagogical preparing a series of ten cards with drawings (frames from the film), each of which would reflect certain elements of the structure of the media agency, which Media Agency; Media representation; Media audience; Red army (2014)

technology of the reflects the type of sports culture, Media category;

humanization of positioned in the film Media

the students' technology;

education The language of


The implementation of this thematic plan will allow University students:

- to develop sports culture of the student's personality;

- to get acquainted with the basic concepts and qualitative characteristics of the discipline;

- to get acquainted with the key concepts of media;

- to determine the characteristics and codes of expression in the films of a particular type of sports culture;

- to develop independent, critical thinking as well as creativity.

5. Conclusion

We have determined the great importance of physical education and sports to have on the formation of a t student's personality. Sport culture is understood as a positive valuable attitude of a person to sport, his activity, the obtained results, reflecting the assimilation, preservation, realization and development of those of his varieties, parties, functions, components, etc., which are regarded by man as the most important, significant ones. Physical culture encompasses such features, qualities, and orientations of a person that contribute to its development in harmony with the culture of society; knowledge and creative actions; feelings and communication (physical and spiritual). Developed physical culture is aimed at resolving the contradictions between work and leisure, physical and spiritual.

One of the important achievements that can be considered is that the education of physical and sports culture in adolescents with the use of media texts can be an incentive to regular sports activities. Based on modern educational standards, we have developed a thematic plan for students in the framework of the "ArtPedagogy in physical culture of personality" course, integrating media education technologies.


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