© Дульгер В.Н.*, Пиндюрина Е.А.а, Муратова А.С.Ф
Астраханский государственный технический университет, г. Астрахань
Everybody knows the volume of traffic on today's roads is increasing, thereby, reducing the capacity of the road which causes delays and congestion. "Traffic Management" is the termed as "ways and measures of adjusting, accommodating or adapting the use of road space available without building new ones". The key objective of introducing traffic management measures is to achieve one of the following: improve the flow of traffic, or specific types of traffic (e.g. bus / cycle priority measures); reduce the amount of crashes, therefore, reducing or eliminating casualties; enhance the environment by guiding traffic along certain types of route; aid the safety of users and persons whilst maintaining the highway; provide clear information to the road user, to aid their journey.
The street road network of old districts of the cities and settlements with a dense population was often calculated for automobile movement with intensity, considerably smaller, than taking place now. Old areas were planned and projected not by a principle of division and differentiation of a road network which is observed in new residential areas of the cities. In old areas transit movement of streams of cars passes through residential zones and increases danger of emergence of road accident. Reconstruction of a street road network of areas with especially high frequency of road accident traditionally was among the major actions for traffic safety in the cities and settlements with a dense population.
There are various measures to improve traffic management. The analysis of road safety focuses on activities that help to reduce accidents on the roads. The main activities in the field of road safety include:
1. Improvement of the road traffic, which is the coordinated implementation of measures for traffic management in a large local area to improve traffic safety and preservation of the environment.
2. Construction of main streets and roads to meet the requirements of traffic safety and environmental protection. It aims to improve the environment in the locality and reduce the number of traffic accident.
3. The application of traffic lights control at the intersections. The regulation at the intersections with traffic lights separates the different flows of traffic and can improve the quality of road traffic at the intersections.
* Кафедра «Организация и безопасность движения». Научный руководитель: Муратова А.С., старший преподаватель кафедры «Иностранные языки в инженерно-техническом образовании».
* Кафедра «Организация и безопасность движения». Научный руководитель: Муратова А.С., старший преподаватель кафедры «Иностранные языки в инженерно-техническом образовании».
* Старший преподаватель кафедры «Иностранные языки в инженерно-техническом образовании».
4. Forced speed control by arrangement of roads, which should cause motorists to adhere to a low speed so as to reduce the risk of traffic accidents and increase safety on the road.
5. The use of signs and boards with changeable information. With the help of traffic signs one can regulate the behavior of drivers while driving and give them the necessary information. This makes possible to prohibit dangerous actions, and warn about the dangers. Boards with changeable information, regulating the movement and adapted to the weather conditions are intended to reduce the hazardous behavior of road users, as well as to give drivers "review" about their behavior.
There are 3 "E"s that traffic engineers refer to when discussing traffic management: engineering, (community) education, and (police) enforcement.
Engineering measures involve physically altering the road layout or appearance to actively, or passively slow traffic down. Measures include speed humps, chicanes, curb extensions, and living street and shared space type schemes.
A number of visual changes to roads are being made to many streets to bring about more attentive driving, reduced speeds, reduced crashes, and greater tendency to yield to pedestrians. Visual traffic calming includes lane narrowings (9-10), road diets (reduction in lanes), use of trees next to streets, on-street parking, and buildings placed in urban fashion close to streets.
Physical devices include speed humps, speed cushions, and speed tables, sized for the desired speed. Such measures slow cars to between 10 and 25 miles (15-40 km) per hour. Most devices are made of asphalt or concrete but rubber traffic calming products are emerging as an effective alternative with several advantages.
Traffic calming can include the following engineering measures:
- Narrower traffic lanes - streets can be narrowed by extending the sidewalk, adding bollards or planters, or adding a bike lane or parking. Narrowing traffic lanes differs from other road treatments by making slower speeds seem more natural to drivers and less of an artificial imposition, as opposed to most other treatments used that physically force lower speeds or restrict route choice.
- Curb extensions (also called bulb-outs) which narrow the width of the roadway at pedestrian crossings.
- Chokers, which are curb extensions that narrow the roadway to a single lane at points.
- Chicanes, which create a horizontal deflection causing vehicles to slow as they would for a curve.
- Allowing parking on one or both sides of a street.
- Speed bumps, sometimes split or offset in the middle to help emergency vehicles reduce delay.
- Speed humps, parabolic devices that are less aggressive than speed bumps and used on residential streets.
Технические науки
- Speed tables, long flat-topped speed humps that slow cars more gradually than humps.
- Speed cushions, a series of three small speed humps that slow cars down but allow emergency vehicles to straddle them so as not to slow response time.
- Raised pedestrian crossings and raised intersection.
- Pedestrian refuges or small islands in the middle of the street.
- Median diverters to prevent left turns or through movements into a residential area.
- Changing the surface material or texture (for example, the selective use of brick or cobblestone).
- Additional give way (yield) signs.
- Converting one-way streets into two-way streets.
- Converting an intersection into a cul-de-sac or dead end.
- Boom barrier, restricting through traffic to authorised vehicles only.
- Closing of streets to create pedestrian zones.
Enforcement and education measures for traffic calming include:
- Reducing speed limits near institutions such as schools and hospitals (see below).
- Vehicle activated sign, signs which react with a message if they detect a vehicle exceeding a pre-determined speed.
- Watchman, traffic calming system.
Speed reduction has traditionally been attempted by the introduction of statutory speed limits. Traffic speeds of 30 km/h and lower are said to be more desirable on urban roads with mixed traffic. Zones where speeds are set at 30 kph are gaining popularity as they are found to be effective at reducing crashes and increasing community cohesion. Speed limits which are set below the speed that most motorists perceive to be reasonable for the given road require additional measures to improve compliance. Attempts to improve speed limit observance are usually by either education, enforcement or road engineering. Education can mean publicity campaigns or targeted road user training.
Speed limit Enforcement techniques include: direct police action, automated systems such as speed cameras or vehicle activated signs or traffic lights triggered by traffic exceeding a preset speed threshold [1].
All measures have advantages, but also disadvantages. For instance, a speed hump.
Speed humps are rounded raised areas placed across the roadway. They are generally 10 to 14 feet long (in the direction of travel), making them distinct from the shorter "speed bumps" found in many parking lots, and are 3 to 4 inches high. The profile of a speed hump can be circular, parabolic, or sinusoidal. They are often tapered as they reach the curb on each end to allow unimpeded drainage. Speed Humps are good for locations where very low speeds are desired and reasonable, and noise and fumes are not a major concern [2].
- Speed Humps are relatively inexpensive.
- They are relatively easy for bicycles to cross if designed appropriately.
- They are very effective in slowing travel speeds.
- They cause a "rough ride" for all drivers, and can cause severe pain for people with certain skeletal disabilities.
- They force large vehicles, such as emergency vehicles and those with rigid suspensions, to travel at slower speeds.
- They may increase noise and air pollution.
- They have questionable aesthetics. Effectiveness:
- For a 12-foot hump:
• Average of 22 % decrease in the 85th percentile travel speeds, or from an average of 35.0 to 27.4 miles per hour (from a sample of 179 sites).
• Average of 11 % decrease in accidents or from an average of 2.7 to 2.4 accidents per year (from a sample of 49 sites).
- For a 14-foot hump:
• Average of 23 % decrease in the 85th percentile travel speeds, or from an average of 33.3 to 25.6 miles per hour (from a sample of 15 sites).
• Average of 41 % decrease in accidents, or from an average of 4.4 to 2.6 accidents per year (from a sample of 5 sites) [3].
Список литературы:
3. Speed Humps [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа:
© Кузнецов И.А.*
Московский государственный технический университет им. Н.Э. Баумана,
г. Москва
В настоящей статье описаны способы подключения термографа к компьютеру. Термограф позволяет осуществить неразрушимый контроль над любыми объектами тепловой дефектометрии.
* Кафедра ФН-11 «Вычислительная математика и математическая физика». Научный руководитель: Димитриенко Ю.И., заведующий кафедрой ФН-11, доктор физико-математических наук, профессор.