MEANS OF CONNECTING PIECES OF ARTISTIC TEXT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Text structure / sequence of sentences / infinitive sentences / syntactic units / adverbial sentences. / Структура текста / последовательность предложений / инфинитивные предложения / синтаксические единицы / адвербиальные предложения.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Ortikov, Muzaffar Khojimurod Ugli

In this article, sentences are joined together with the help of various connecting and forming means, they are given information about various lexical-grammatical units such as repeated clauses, pronouns, chiasmatic constructions, units representing time and space, tense forms of participles, modal words. The sentences in the text should complement each other not only from the structural point of view, but also from the content point of view. Content consistency is as important as content proximity in the text as a whole.

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В данной статье предложения соединяются между собой с помощью различных соединительных и формообразующих средств, дается информация о различных лексико-грамматических единицах, таких как повторяющиеся предложения, местоимения, хиазматические конструкции, единицы, представляющие время и пространство, временные формы причастий, модальные слова. Предложения в тексте должны дополнять друг друга не только с точки зрения структуры, но и с точки зрения содержания. Последовательность содержания так же важна, как и близость содержания в тексте в целом.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

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Muzaffar Khojimurod ugli Ortikov

Teacher of the Department of Information Technologies and Foreign Languages,

Diplomat University, Uzbekistan


In this article, sentences are joined together with the help of various connecting and forming means, they are given information about various lexical-grammatical units such as repeated clauses, pronouns, chiasmatic constructions, units representing time and space, tense forms of participles, modal words. The sentences in the text should complement each other not only from the structural point of view, but also from the content point of view. Content consistency is as important as content proximity in the text as a whole.

Key words: Text structure, sequence of sentences, infinitive sentences, syntactic units, adverbial sentences.


В данной статье предложения соединяются между собой с помощью различных соединительных и формообразующих средств, дается информация о различных лексико-грамматических единицах, таких как повторяющиеся предложения, местоимения, хиазматические конструкции, единицы, представляющие время и пространство, временные формы причастий, модальные слова. Предложения в тексте должны дополнять друг друга не только с точки зрения структуры, но и с точки зрения содержания. Последовательность содержания так же важна, как и близость содержания в тексте в целом.

Ключевые слова: Структура текста, последовательность предложений, инфинитивные предложения, синтаксические единицы, адвербиальные предложения.


The text is a complex syntactic whole made up of at least two sentences. Sentences are connected with each other using various linking and forming tools. They include various lexical-grammatical units such as repeated clauses, pronouns, chiasmatic constructions, units representing time and space, tense forms of participles, modal words.

The linguist scientist A.Mamajonov emphasizes the existence of a strong syntactic allocation between text components and explains the uniqueness of this allocation in his treatise called "Text Linguistics": appears in appearance. It is known


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that meaningful relationships such as attachment, comparison, contradiction, cause-and-effect, condition-moment, attribute, interpretation are expressed among the components of the sentence. These relationships are three types of conjunctions: syntactic tools that connect components in conjunctions without clauses, connected clauses and subordinate clauses: intonation, connectives, connecting words, the order of sentences, pronouns, repetition of some words, general second-order sentences, tense relationship of participles are realized with ease.

It seems that in compound sentences, syntactic connection is established between predications. And in the text, syntactic appears between whole sentences, superphrasal syntactic units, alphabets, parts, parts, chapters, and ensures its meaningful and structural unity. So, the sentences in the text should complement each other not only from the structural point of view, but also from the content point of view. Content consistency is as important as content proximity in the text as a whole.

For example:

1. The yard was clean as a lick if oil fell on it.

2. Didn't Ahmad come to class today?

3. It is possible to rise from any depth to a height.

4. The dreamer's task should be to share dreams with the dreamers and to teach them how to dream.

Material and methods: The four runs are given in sequence above. But they have a meaningful closeness. In the sum of the following sentences, the unity of content is evident, but the consistency of the content is important:

1. The words of the poet will reach ten thousand or one hundred thousand readers.

2. Therefore, the responsibility of his speech is a thousand times greater than that of others.

3. The word of the school speaker reaches thirty children. 4. The speaker's words reach a thousand listeners.

5. The word of the university teacher reaches a hundred students.

From the above statements, the text is about the word and its responsibility it is not difficult to notice. The consistency of the content was damaged due to the broken sequence of sentences. Now let's repeat these sentences: The word of the school announcer reaches thirty children. The word of the university teacher reaches a hundred students. A speaker's words reach a thousand listeners.

The word of the penman can reach ten thousand or one hundred thousand readers. Therefore, the responsibility of his speech is a thousand times greater than that of others (U. Hoshimov). The point the author is trying to make is actually


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presented in the last sentence. If the writer had only mentioned the last sentence, the impact of the idea might not have been found. By using the method of comparison, the writer achieved to convey the purpose clearly and accurately: the listener and, in parallel, thirty children, the teacher - one hundred students, the orator - one thousand speakers, the penman - ten thousand, one hundred thousand readers. It is more clearly expressed against the background of the compared "expanding" lexical-semantic units:

1. Institutions: school — university — socio-creative school, that is, life;

2. Professionals: speaker - teacher - orator - penman;

3. Amount: thirty - one hundred - one thousand - ten thousand, one hundred thousand. Oxing is expected accordingly.

Text components enter into mutual contact and remote communication. After that, three or four days passed. I gave the boy my phone. The call did not come. One day, when I come to the association again, the same person is standing in front of the bookstore (Sh. Kholmirzaev). In this text, the relationship between the first and second, second and third, third and fourth sentences is called "contact communication", and the relationship between the first and third, first and fourth sentences is called "distance communication".

Such a connection is revealed by lexical-grammatical means in the tune:

1. Joining using plant forms. The fact that verbs are formed in the same tense is one of the tools that ensure the integrity of the text. Scientists have calculated. Pushkin used 21 thousand 197 unique words in his works. Shakespeare used about 20,000 words, Cervantes about 18,000, and Alisher Navoi used 1,378,660 words, including 26,000 unique words. Because, our great grandfather skillfully used not only Turkish, but also Persian, Arabic, Urdu, Chinese, Mongolian and other languages.(U. Hoshimov).

2. Conjunction using pronouns. This is the first of the text swim in the noun, adjective, number group in the component in the following components, it is understood that pronouns will be replaced by nouns. Muhammad Rahimkhan's promenade in Tozabog is one. It is impossible to walk from one end to the other, one gets tired. Behind the large courtyard is a marble-lined hall. Most of the fish in it would sometimes eat crawfish, sardines, eat the bread thrown on the surface of the water, and sometimes play with it and drown. On the far side of the pond, there are young pines, their bodies do not fit into the bowl. In Khorezm, if you say a pond, then immediately - autumn comes big - big clumps - gorse. These trees seem to remind oak. Those standing by the edge of the pool are also zinas. Sunlight shines through their tiny leaves. But they absorbed the heat of the sun and lowered their arrows like

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coins. They give a person rest (J. Sharipov). The components of this text are related in a chain-allocation manner. Information about the initial component and who owns it is provided. Then the information on that pool. Picture of the inside and around the pool. Trees and their relationship, details. The whole-source relationship is understood from this image. It seems that the pronouns replaced the nouns in the preceding sentences and strengthened the coherence between the text components. The stylistic confusion that appeared with the repetition of the same water was avoided.

3. Consolidation using repetitions. Text can be formed by repeated use of certain affixes, words, phrases or sentences used in the first sentence in subsequent components. The method of repetition is used in order to emphasize, confirm, expand, and express the expressed idea. The effectiveness of speech increases. "Parallel communication is a connection made up of a set of components that begin or end with the same grammatical forms, a chain connection, and a chain link, which is connected using lexical repetitions, pronouns, and synonyms."

-Gentlemen, you have come here from different countries. You are representatives of different nationalities and peoples. I am the only one here who has not represented any country or people. I am a representative of all nations, all countries. I am poetry. I am the sun that radiates equal light to the whole universe. I am the rain that falls equally on all continents. I am a tree that blooms everywhere in the world (R. Khamzatov).

Nominative (adjective) and infinitive sentences are also considered syntactic units forming the text. Adverbial clauses mean the existence of a thing-item expressed by the grammatical base represented by the noun ork in the main clause. Adverbs are not used alone in the text, after them other raps or sentences are given that reveal and describe the meaning of the adjective. The result is a text. For example: Today is a holiday. The streets are crowded. Horny tunes are playing. Fun, joyful noise shakes the spring sky (U. Khoshimov).

Infinitive sentences are sentences whose grammatical base is represented by the name of action and consists of a single word or a combination of words: I love you! It is like looking at a stone and growing a flower. Or, Wait! The station where seconds turn into minutes and minutes into hours.

Conclusion: What is the poet's purpose and artistic intention in addressing, and the denotative and connotative meanings of the addressing units are discussed. In literary studies, this method is studied under the term rhetorical appeal. A rhetorical appeal does not require an answer, as in a rhetorical question, but "intensifies attention to the object and evokes a reaction in the reader." Basically, it is widely

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used "to express the intonation desired by the poet in poetic speech - solemnity, exuberance, anger, cutting, etc."


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