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Ключевые слова
Birlashtiruvchi mazmun va til / innovatsion o‘qitish metodologiyalari / mazmunga asoslangan ta’lim / til o‘rganish / ta’lim strategiyalari / fanlararo ta’lim. / объединение содержания и языка / инновационные методики обучения / содержательное обучение / изучение языка / образовательные стратегии / междисциплинарное образование.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — N.A. Akramova

Ushbu tadqiqot innovatsion o'qitish metodologiyalari mazmun va til o'rganishning integratsiyalashuviga qanday yordam berishini o'rganishga qaratilgan.

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интеграция содержания и изучения языка стала центральной темой современного образовательного дискурса, направленной на улучшение как владения предметом, так и уровня владения языком.



Original paper

© N.A. Akramova1^_

1Mirzo Ulug'bek nomidagi O'zbekiston Milliy universiteti, Toshkent, O'zbekiston


KIRISH: mazmun va til o'rganishning integratsiyasi zamonaviy ta'lim nutqida mavzuni o'zlashtirish va tilni bilish darajasini oshirishga qaratilgan asosiy nuqtaga aylandi.

MAQSAD: Ushbu tadqiqot innovatsion o'qitish metodologiyalari mazmun va til o'rganishning integratsiyalashuviga qanday yordam berishini o'rganishga qaratilgan.

MUHOKAMA VA NATIJALAR: Adabiyot va empirik topilmalar sintezi orqali tadqiqot mazmun va til o'rganishni birlashtirishning asosiy tamoyillari va samarali amaliyotlarini aniqlaydi.

MATERIALLAR VA METODLAR: Tadqiqotda adabiyotlarni ko'rib chiqish, ta'lim dasturlari misollari, o'qituvchilar bilan suhbatlar va sinf kuzatuvlarini o'z ichiga olgan sifatli tadqiqot usuli qo'llaniladi.

XULOSA: Topilmalar talabalar o'rtasida ham mazmunan bilim va tilni bilish darajasini oshirishda innovatsion o'qitish metodologiyasining transformatsion salohiyatini ta'kidlaydi.

Kalit so'zlar: Birlashtiruvchi mazmun va til, innovatsion o'qitish metodologiyalari, mazmunga asoslangan ta'lim, til o'rganish, ta'lim strategiyalari, fanlararo ta'lim.


© Н.А. Акрамова1Н

1 Национальный университет Узбекистана имени Мирзо Улугбека, Ташкент, Узбекистан


ВВЕДЕНИЕ: интеграция содержания и изучения языка стала центральной темой современного образовательного дискурса, направленной на улучшение как владения предметом, так и уровня владения языком.

Iqtibos uchun: Akramova N.A. Mazmun va tilni birlashtirish: o'qitish metodologiyasida innovatsion yondashuv // Inter education & global study. 2024. №5(1). B.404-411.

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


ЦЕЛЬ: целью данного исследования является изучение того, как инновационные методики преподавания способствуют интеграции содержания и изучения языка.

ОБСУЖДЕНИЕ И РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: путем синтеза литературы и эмпирических данных исследование определяет ключевые принципы и эффективные практики совмещения содержания и изучения языка.

МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: в исследовании используется качественный исследовательский подход, включая обзор литературы, тематические исследования образовательных программ, интервью с учителями и наблюдения в классе.

ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ: результаты подчеркивают преобразующий потенциал инновационных методологий преподавания в улучшении как знаний содержания, так и владения языком среди учащихся.

Ключевые слова: объединение содержания и языка, инновационные методики обучения, содержательное обучение, изучение языка, образовательные стратегии, междисциплинарное образование.

Для цитирования: Акрамова Н.А.. С Соединение содержания и языка: инновационный подход в методологии преподавания. // Inter education & global study. 2024. №4(1). С. 404-411.


© Nazira A. Akramova1®

National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Toshkent, Uzbekistan


INTRODUCTION: the integration of content and language learning has become a focal point in modern educational discourse, aiming to enhance both subject mastery and language proficiency.

AIM: This research aims to investigate how innovative teaching methodologies facilitate the integration of content and language learning.

DISCUSSION AND RESULTS: Through a synthesis of literature and empirical findings, the study identifies key principles and effective practices in bridging content and language learning.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study utilizes a qualitative research approach, including literature review, case studies of educational programs, teacher interviews, and classroom observations.

CONCLUSIONS: The findings underscore the transformative potential of innovative teaching methodologies in enhancing both content knowledge and language proficiency among students.

© intereduglobalstudy.com

2024, ISSUE 5(1)

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


Keywords: Bridging content and language, innovative teaching methodologies, content-based instruction, language learning, educational strategies, interdisciplinary education.

For citation: Nazira A. Akramova. (2024) Bridging Content and Language: Innovative Approach in Teaching Methodology, Inter education & global study, (5(1)), pp. 404-411. (In English).

As part of bilingual and multilingual education and foreign language instruction and acquisition, Content and Language Integrated Learning, or CLIL, is becoming increasingly important in language teaching. Since students' language skills advance and they are ready to acquire more complex subjects, instructional materials should provide students with engaging challenging content. One approach to do this is through the use of CLIL, in which subject and language teachers collaborate to help language teachers gain subject-matter competence and subject teachers gain proficiency in effectively integrating language development with content-based instruction. The idea of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) was initially introduced in Europe in 1994. As Mehisto, Marsh and Frigols (2008) stated, "CLIL is a dual-focused educational approach in which an additional language is used for the learning and teaching of both content and language". Despite appearing as a relatively new term, CLIL dates back to the times of Akkadian's reign. The earliest documented practices which were very similar to the CLIL approach were used by the Akkadians to learn botany, zoology, and theology through the local language Sumerian. Another interesting example is the use of Latin as the language of academic instruction. Throughout the era of the Roman Empire and even after its fall, Latin continued to be the primary means of literary and educational communication in Europe. Over time, it transitioned from being a language spoken by native speakers to being used as a specialized language for certain purposes. Latin became a language of instruction for the educated elite class in medieval European schools and institutions. It was used as a medium for lecturers to deliver their lectures on the study of Roman history, philosophy, theology, law, and science for students (Carruthers, 2018). As a more recent example of CLIL, Canadian immersion programs can provide useful insights. The immersion programs in Quebec were specifically designed for English-speaking students who required instruction in French, which is the official language of Quebec (Vidal, 2005). This article aims to demonstrate the reasons for CLIL's ongoing reputation as a leading instructional strategy as well as how it may be implemented and expanded in a variety of settings and classroom settings.

The Canadian Early Immersion program introduced pupils to a full language immersion environment starting from Kindergarten or the first grade. French was the only medium of instruction, and official instruction in English was phased starting from the fourth grade. The Late French Immersion program was started with French language instruction at the grade six level when pupils were approximately eleven years old.

© intereduglobalstudy.com 2024, ISSUE 5(1)

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


Although these kids may have had limited exposure to the French language earlier, the program started by teaching them the fundamentals of French and then proceeded to cover the complete curriculum in this language. In the first months of French Immersion, the focus on language acquisition was significant although the curriculum content was identical to that of an English program (Genesee,1998). Interdisciplinary educational research and debates have had an impact on the dual focus on obtaining content and outcomes of language learning in recent years. (Mehisto, 2012). This led to the development of the triple focus concept, which combines the pursuit of language and content goals with an awareness of student's cognitive abilities, also known as thinking skills. (Coyle, 2010). The first statistical analysis of geographical locations and methods of CLIL used in Europe was released in 2006 (Eurydice, 2006). It was evident that the adoption of CLIL had increased dramatically throughout all nations since the term was introduced in 1994. This resulted from important proactive forces to include: a) governments seeking to improve language learning for social and economic advantage; families wishing that their children have some proficiency in at least one foreign language; the European Commission seeking to establish the preliminary work for increased prosperity and greater integration at the global level; and, lastly, language specialists at the various levels of education discovering the possibility of expanding the integration of language instruction with the study of other subjects.

To study the application and effects of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) as a teaching methodology, this article uses a mixed-methods research design. A thorough examination of the effectiveness and real-world difficulties of CLIL in diverse educational contexts is made possible by the integration of qualitative and quantitative methodologies through in-depth analysis of scholarly works. Education faces challenges due to global changes and newly emerging technologies in a way that they provide challenges for learning other languages in the context of education as a whole. The same is true not only for learning English at an international level but learning local, minority, and indigenous languages in various geographic locations (Coyle, et al., 2010) As stated above, CLIL is deeply rooted in the political, social, and cultural practices of many countries and is not limited to the advancement of English as an international language. To understand the specifics of the CLIL approach in educational settings it is best to provide Meyer's CLIL-Pyramid first. During the interpretation stage, data from both qualitative and quantitative sources was combined to give a thorough grasp of CLIL's efficacy and to integrate findings, guaranteeing the validity of the conclusions. It is important to acknowledge certain possible limitations, including the nature of survey data and the variations in CLIL application across different scenarios. Several sources of data were used in an attempt to minimize these limitations. The techniques described offer a strict framework for looking into the application and effects of CLIL. This article seeks to improve the use of CLIL methodology in various educational contexts by providing insightful information about best practices and areas for improvement through the use of mixed-method approach.

© intereduglobalstudy.com 2024, ISSUE 5(1)


Discussions and results.

Meyer (2010) proposes an idea to design CLIL lesson plans and materials through the CLIL-Pyramid (figure 1) which is based on Coyle's 4Cs framework: Content, Communication, Cognition, and Culture. According to Meyer (2010), building quality teaching materials is a combination of several factors:

1) Topic choice. Every CLIL lesson is centered around the unique requirements of the subject matter and begins with the creation of materials.

2) Media selection. The amount and type of scaffolding required depends on the chosen input (texts, graphs, videos, etc.) and the student's familiarity with it.

3) Task design. Tasks must be created to engage higher-order thinking skills as well as real communication and engagement in a variety of interactive settings (independent work, group work, etc.).

4) CLIL workout. The type and amount of scaffolding required depends on the kind of preferred output such as interviews, presentations, posters, etc. (Meyer, 2013)

It is also important to briefly describe two factors that schools should take into account before creating any particular framework: a) the scope of the CLIL program and b) learner assessment and teacher availability.

The availability of teachers is essential since it typically serves as the initial stage for building a model. How teachers collaborate, either individually or as a team, has an impact on both the process of planning and the implementation. The proficiency levels of teachers and students in CLIL-language fluency dictate the extent of the teachers' involvement and roles in the classroom.

Integrating the CLIL courses with activities outside of school or outside the regular curriculum, such as engaging in task-based communication with students from other schools or countries and connecting with teachers or guests from outside the school or country, all influence the size and range of the model. The assessment process, whether formative or summative, and whether it focuses on content only, language exclusively, or both, has an impact on the design of the model.

In the extensive instruction through the vehicular language model (Coyle et al., 2010), the language is mostly employed for introducing, summarizing, and reviewing topics, with minimal use of the first language to clarify specific linguistic characteristics or vocabulary terms. The emphasis is placed on three main areas: content, language, and cognition. Content is imparted through instructional techniques that facilitate language acquisition and comprehension to varying degrees during lessons. This strategy, known as scaffolding, is utilized to introduce new vocabulary, concepts, and grammar use alongside the material. This can be accomplished by a content instructor only, in collaboration with a language teacher, particularly when specific linguistic patterns are taught in advance, or language instruction can be conducted alongside material acquisition in language sessions separately. In partial instruction through the vehicular language model (Coyle, et al., 2010), subject-related content from a few subjects is

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


taught in short periods, maybe less than five percent of the entire curriculum. In this scenario, a project-based approach is frequently employed, and the task of teaching may be assigned to either the content teachers, language teachers, or both. Again as in the example of models that extensively use the CLIL language for instruction, there is a distinct emphasis on three aspects: content, language, and cognition.

There are different models where CLIL can be examined in different educational settings such as pre-, primary, secondary, and post-secondary education. Pre-school children are commonly engaged in activities that center around games and play-based activities. This technique, known as a ludic approach, involves the use of vehicular language as a means of communication to varying degrees. These techniques are sometimes referred to as "immersion" and include the introduction of sounds, words, and structures with the primary emphasis on engaging and enjoyable activities.

At the primary education level, CLIL can be used as a preliminary method of language instruction. Various approaches are commonly used, ranging from task-based learning, which involves the basic use of the target language, to teaching entire content topics in the CLIL language. Enhancing motivation for language acquisition and fostering learners' confidence are crucial, especially in cases when the target language is significantly different from the learners' daily experiences and is considered a foreign language. In particular situations, where children of migrant families have restricted exposure to the predominant language of their surroundings, CLIL can serve to balance by facilitating comprehension of both the CLIL language and content knowledge for all students, irrespective of their first language.

Using CLIL in secondary education enables the use of more advanced models because the learners have already acquired CLIL language partially and now possess more advanced learning techniques compared to when they were at the basic level. Secondary-level pupils are more interested in the use of emerging technology to communicate in different languages with different speakers. This valuable learning resource can be used during lessons to motivate learners to actively use new technologies which enhances not only their overall education but also improves their ability to effectively communicate in the CLIL language through authentic media engagement.

At the post-secondary or tertiary level, CLIL can be used as a facilitator for professional development within the faculties of a higher education institution. Some countries may lack clear training in educational techniques for their higher education teaching and research staff. In the meantime, employees have faced increasing demands to acquire a broader range of skills. Proficiency in commonly spoken languages has become more important in updating the workforce in specific areas of higher education.


Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is a highly effective and adaptable educational method that improves both language skills and subject knowledge.

© intereduglobalstudy.com 2024, ISSUE 5(1)


This approach, which focuses on two aspects, not only encourages students to think deeply and critically, but also equips them with the necessary skills for the 21st century. The analysis of past and present examples highlights the flexibility and adaptability to adjust Content and Language Integrated Learning approach in different educational settings. From its early implementation of Latin in medieval European education to contemporary Canadian immersion programs, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) has continually exhibited its efficacy in enhancing language and content acquisition outcomes. The information provided in this article reinforces the notion that CLIL's methodical approach not only enhances linguistic and cognitive growth, but also fosters cultural sensitivity and global proficiency.The success of CLIL depends on certain crucial elements in practical implementation. It is crucial to provide high-quality teacher training, as educators need to be prepared to effortlessly incorporate both language and content. Furthermore, the creation of captivating and demanding educational resources is essential for sustaining student engagement and drive. Schools must also assess the extent of their Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) programs and the presence of competent instructors, guaranteeing that these programs are enduring and influential. The study's findings provide useful insights for educators and policymakers who are seeking to implement or enhance CLIL approaches. By prioritizing optimal methods and tackling the identified obstacles, educational institutions can establish learning environments that are both inclusive and successful. Ongoing study and adaptation are crucial for improving CLIL methods and staying up-to-date with the changing educational environment.The integration of language acquisition with content instruction provides a dynamic and comprehensive approach to education, equipping students to excel in a multilingual and interconnected global environment.


1. Coyle, D., Hood, P., Marsh, D. (2010) Content and Language Integrated Learning, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

2. Content and Language Integrated Learning (n.d.) Retrieved from: https://www.ecml.at/Thematicareas/ContentandLanguageIntegratedLearning/tabid/1625/l anguage/de-DE/Default.aspx

3. Eurydice (2006) Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) at School in Europe, Brussels: Eurydice.

4. Genesee, F. (1998). French Immersion in Canada. In Edwards, J. (Ed.) Language in Canada (pp.305-324). United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press

5. Leo Carruthers. Latin as a Language for Special Purposes in Medieval and Renaissance Britain. Nolwena Monnier. Languages for Specific Purposes in History, Cambridge Scholars, pp.35-47, 2018

6. Mejisto, P., Marsch, D. & M. J. Frigols (2008). Uncovering CLIL.: Content and Language Integrated Learning in Bilingual and Multilingual Education. Oxford: McMillan.


7. Mehisto, P. (2012) Excellence in bilingual education: A Guide for School Principals, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

8. Meyer, Oliver. (2013). Introducing the CLIL-Pyramid: Key Strategies and Principles for CLIL Planning and Teaching.

9. Pérez-Vidal, C. (2005). Content and language integrated learning: A European approach to education. In C. Pérez-Vidal (Ed.) Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). Teaching Materials for Use in the Secondary School Classroom (pp. 1537). Barcelona: Universitat Pompeu Fabra.


Akramova Nazira Abdusamatovna, o'qituvchi, [Акрамова Назира Абдусаматовна, Преподаватель], [Nazira A.Akramova, Lecturer]; manzil: 100174, Toshkent sh., Olmazor tumani, Universitet ko'chasi, 4-uy [адрес: 100174, г.Ташкент, Р-н Алмазарский, ул.Университетская, 4-дом], [address: 100174, Tashkent, Almazarsky district, Universitetskaya street, 4 building] naziraakramova@gmail.com

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