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DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-1-490-495



Alimjon Akhmadjanovich Riskulov, Nodirjon Qayumjonovich Tursunov,

Khurshidbek Ikromovich Nurmetov, Gulnora Buranovna Yuldasheva

Tashkent State Transport University

We know that the history of the improvement of materials is connected dialectically with the history of the development of society. In all historical times, people sought to improve their lives, discovering new materials from the new. The names of historical epochs are also associated with the name of more used materials: the Stone Age (old, middle and new), The Copper Age, The Bronze Age, and The Iron Age.

In material science, it is important not only to study the composition and structure, but also to study the structure and joint binding of properties by observing the state of the materials in each class in the existing objects (structures). Therefore, the main tasks in material science today are not only an improvement in the properties of these materials, but also a connection with the creation of completely new building materials, which will arise from the requirements.

The development of materials science as an important engineering science is based on the development of the science of physics, chemistry, and mechanics. Therefore, in explaining the issues considered in it, fundamental sciences such as the basics of thermodynamics, crystallography, atomic-crystal structure of solid bodies, the theory of defects in structure, deformation of materials and the physical basis of absorption are widely used [6].

So, proceeding from the foregoing, it is possible to know that the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan in his Address to the Oliy Majlis in December 29, 2020 emphasized that "If we look at history, we can see that the science of Physics was the fundamental basis in the creation of almost all the discoveries and technologies in the world. The fact is that without a deep grasp of the laws of physics, it is impossible to achieve results in such areas as mechanical engineering, electrotechnics, IT, water and energy-saving technologies that are in demand today" [1].

Indeed, materials and methods of their processing determine the perfection and cost of industrial products, as well as the productivity of Social Work and through them, the economic situation of society. The

traditions that have been observed in Mechanical Engineering for

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DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-1-490-495


many centuries: the increase in working pressures, the increase in speeds and heat, and at the same time, the decrease in the comparative masses corresponding to the unit of machines, all, are being realized due to the presence of materials corresponding to these and the development of methods for converting them into parts. This is evident from the fact that there is a steady progress in material science and the scientific and technical infrastructure associated with it. The increase in the pace of development in Mechanical Engineering, the saving of resources, the profitability of production, the problems of maintaining the ecological balance on the planet Earth indicate how high the importance of material science is, engineers need to obtain deep professional qualifications in this field [5].

Materials and techniques for their processing to the greatest possible extent determine sophistication and costs of industrial products together with social labour productivity, which define the social economic status. A centuries-old trend in mechanical engineering towards an operating pressure, speed, and temperature increase with a simultaneous decrease of machines-to-capacity ratio is realised, first and foremost, thanks to availability of appropriate materials and techniques for processing them into articles. This is a testimony to continuous progress in materials science and related components of scientific and technical infrastructure. Increase of growth rate in mechanical engineering, urgency of resource saving issues, production recoupment, and preservation of ecological balance on the Earth have defined the increase of social value of materials science as a science intensive area of knowledge good command in which requires an engineer to have a deep technical training.

In the XXI century, competence requirements for an engineer in the area of materials science have become game-changing. Growth of private industrial sector in the CIS countries and switch of production to market relations presuppose that engineers direct at economic performance of decisions taken by them.

A modern engineer works within a vigorous information flow coming through the Internet and traditional mass media. Therefore a solution to an engineering problem has to be chosen by him out of numerous variants which are, at first glance, of equal value. Economic analysis shows that the major criterion for truthfulness of engineering solutions is a high standard of knowledge in the area of materials science

At the end of the XX century, the emergence of genuine technological methods for material processing fundamentally changed and expanded the


possibility to use metals. Properties of non-conventional metallic structures like monocrystalline fibres, amorphous metals,

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metastable alloys etc. differ radically from properties of original substance in the equilibrium state.

Significant expansion of the family of engineering materials occurred due to artificial materials with tailored properties which were obtained through targeted alternation of the initial structure of raw materials and semi-products at different levels. This resulted in a change of trends in methodology of materials science teaching [3].

Materials science course expects students to know basic physics, chemistry, theoretical mechanics, and structural resistance. This article is written so that it can be used separately to a great extent (without reference to the above courses). Similarly to the previous edition, while choosing the terminology, the authors were guided by the latest editions of encyclopaedic dictionaries in the areas of knowledge and by national standards. The course includes a significant amount of reference data, particularly concerning non-metallic materials information on which, as a rule, is still scattered throughout sectorial editions. This will help students whose major is mechanical engineering in calculations and design of machines and equipment, in choice of operational conditions for processing of materials etc.

In addition to synthesizing new types of polymers, the technology of their processing has also improved. In particular, a lot of work was carried out on increasing the heat resistance of polymer materials, the stabilization of their properties. As a result, the technology of synthesis of heat-resistant polymers, the method of modification of polymers, similar to metal materials, was created [4].

The current scientific and technical development requires the production of thorough and light materials. Therefore, the new task put before the science of materials science is to create the scientific basis for the production of composite materials, which consists of various components. This is because the new construction of the machine tools requires such requirements as reducing the specific weight of the material used in them, increasing the speed, ensuring the environmental friendliness of the production process, increasing the working life of the construction.

Friction pairs are a very important part of machines and gears, which determines the quality and duration of their operation. Therefore, reducing the friction absorption of the material is an important task. At the next moment, work is being carried out in two directions on this problem. While the first line is the creation of new composite materials and structures whose coefficient of friction is small and refractory, the second line is the in-depth study of the complex physical and chemical processes occurring

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DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-1-490-495



on surfaces in the process of processing friction pairs on a scientific basis.

The efficiency of the material is determined by the capacity of the machine or its productivity, which corresponds to the unit of mass measurement in the machine. This means that the new demand for machinery is to increase the capacity, productivity of machinery and equipment, as well as to ensure that the materials used for them are meticulous and light. For example, magnesium and lithium alloys obtained at a later date meet such requirements. The deformation resistance of the same mass structures created from such materials is superior to the resistance of structures made of steel or titanium. Some materials saturated with gas are very handy in aviation and space ships, which are now modern techniques. Therefore, the supply of such materials for aviation and Space Engineering is one of the important problems.

As can be seen from the brief information given above, the problems facing the achievements of material science are important for the advancement of Science and technology. This is very important for independent Uzbekistan, where the machinebuilding industry is developing rapidly. Because of the search for new materials and the creation of new effective methods of repair is now necessary [7].

In conclusion, in the following years, with the improvement and development of technical and technological processes with advanced steps, new high-precision, corrosion-resistant construction materials are widely used in Mechanical Engineering. As a result of the development and automation of their production and use spheres, technological processes, the working conditions are improved, quality, competitive strength, many different products are produced.

Although non-ferrous metal and their alloys are much more expensive than black metal alloys, they are widely used where necessary due to their corrosion resistance, good conduction of electricity and heat, plasticity, meticulousness, increased electrical conductivity due to a decrease in temperature, thermal processing and other properties. But the use of non-ferrous metal alloys and non-ferrous materials instead of precious non-ferrous metals and their alloys provides great economic savings. This state should not be forgotten.


1. The Address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis in December 29, 2020,


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