Allayorov R.A.
Associate professor of department of Marketing Samarkand institute of economics and services
Abstract: Tourism activity in the Republic of Uzbekistan is one of the priority sectors of the economy, and its development helps to create new jobs, increase entrepreneurship and investment activity, develop service and hospitality infrastructure, clean the environment, improve the standard of living of the population and expand international cooperation. A number of constituent structures of the republic have developed tourism development programs related to solving the most important problems of socio-economic development in the regions. Samarkand region is one of these regions.
Key words: competitiveness; marketing; regional marketing; tourism; tourist product; tourist activity; tourism industry; tourist flow; statistical studies; efficiency.
Аннотация: Туристская деятельность в Республике Узбекистан является одной из приоритетных отраслей экономики, и ее развитие способствует созданию новых рабочих мест, повышению предпринимательской и инвестиционной активности, развитию инфраструктуры сервиса и гостеприимства, очистке окружающей среды, повышению уровня жизни населения. населения и расширить международное сотрудничество. В ряде субъектов республики разработаны программы развития туризма, связанные с решением важнейших задач социально-экономического развития регионов. Самаркандская область является одним из таких регионов.
Ключевые слова: конкурентоспособность; маркетинг; региональный маркетинг; туризм; туристический продукт; туристическая деятельность; индустрия туризма; туристический поток; статистические исследования; эффективность.
Ensuring the sustainable economic development of the country depends on the implementation of strategies for the socio-economic development of the regions. Tourism serves as one of the main drivers of regional development, as observed in other countries worldwide. Many regions consider tourism business as a significant source of income and engage in fierce competition to attract more potential customers.
In 2021, the share of tourism in the national economy will be "6.5% in France, 14.9% in Greece, 8.5% in Spain, 9.1% in Italy, 10.9% in Portugal, and 7.3% in Turkey". High socio-economic development is achieved by turning tourism into a strategic branch of the national economy using modern marketing tools aimed at effective use of existing tourist resources.
Given the abundance of tourist products in the market and increasing competition between regions, the use of marketing methods and tools becomes crucial in implementing tourism development strategies. Foreign scientists such as Durovich, F. Kotler, M. Porter, and R.A. Fathutdinov have contributed to the development of marketing theory and practice in the field of tourism, including management and marketing efficiency improvement.
In this regard, if we look at the scientific research of foreign scientists, Durovich's works are devoted to the development of marketing theory and practice in the field of tourism, as well as issues of management and marketing efficiency improvement, F. Kotler, M. Porter, R.A. Developed by Fathutdinov.
Depending on the level of the economic system, the goals, methods, forms, and tasks of tourism marketing differ, but there are close relationships between these levels:
• national level marketing concepts, on the one hand, should be based on international concepts of tourism development, on the other hand, should take into account the national characteristics of tourism market activity. The methodology of forming the marketing information base at the national level should be compared with the international information base and ensure its integration;
• marketing concepts at the regional level should be based on the national marketing concept of tourism development and at the same time provide the greatest opportunity to realize regional competitive advantages. When forming the regional marketing information base, its characteristics should be taken into account, the regional tourism market should reflect the role of tourism in the socio-economic development of the region;
• marketing of regional tourist services market entities should create an opportunity to take into account the contribution of tourism to the GNP, analyze the problems of regional tourism development and direct market participants to the most promising and effective directions.
In the course of our analysis, we consider regional tourism marketing strategies within the framework of the second approach. We will try to explain it as a system of marketing methods and tools used by tourism marketing subjects in a certain sequence, having a targeted effect on one or another object of regional tourism marketing, or on one or another representative of the target audience. In addition, marketing strategies can be formed in the cross-section of tourism marketing subjects and aimed at specific objects of tourism marketing or representatives of the target audience.
Based on local and foreign scientific research on tourism marketing issues and practical experience of regions in implementing tourism marketing strategies, a classification of strategies that can be used at the regional level was developed (Figure 1).
Some of the proposed strategies (marketing strategies for the type of tourist resources and locations of tourist facilities) can be further divided into broad marketing strategies (image, infrastructure, attractions, personnel marketing).
In the study, regional marketing strategies carried out at the international level were analyzed. We give examples of regional tourism marketing strategies implemented by US federal states, German federal territories, and regions of the Russian Federation.
Thus, several tourism marketing strategies are usually used at the regional level. For example, these strategies are often formed according to different criteria for the classification of strategies.
Once we have an idea of the possible strategies of tourism marketing, we are faced with the problem of formulating an optimal set of strategies that can be implemented, taking into account resource constraints. Selection of marketing strategies is recommended to be carried out on the basis of a marketing analysis of the territory and regional tourist market opportunities, as well as on the basis of a system of special indicators. Marketing analysis of the tourist potential of the region A.S. It is explained in detail in Zapesotsky's researches.
The implemented strategies of tourism marketing must meet certain requirements, because without them, it is natural that the processes of implementing the strategy will be in doubt. We consider it appropriate to include the following among such requirements:
- each strategy should be directed to a specific object or group of objects of marketing (in fact, marketing cannot be abstract and not tied to a specific object; therefore, when we focus on a target audience, marketing objects must exist and respond to the needs of the target audience required). In this regard, the territory itself can appear as a marketing object;
- it is required to have at least one responsible executive for each marketing strategy (it can be a separate legal entity, organization or organizational unit, department, or even an individual individual) or a group of responsible executives;
- necessary financial and other resources, including labor resources, should be allocated for the implementation of each selected strategy.
Regional tourism marketing strategies
Differentiated marketing strategies
(depending on the consumer group):
1) According to the regions of residence of consumers:
- external (by individual countries);
- internal (implemented within the country) regional marketing strategies.
2) According to the social status of consumers:
- unmarried people;
- families with young children;
- families without children, etc.
3) Consumers by age;
Regional Marketing Strategies:
1) regional image marketing;
2) tourism infrastructure marketing; 3) regional tourist product marketing; 4) attraction marketing; 5) marketing of tourist resources; 6) personnel and population marketing.
According to the level of detail:
- directed to specific tourist objects;
- comprehensive tourist product marketing strategy of the region.
Concentrated marketing strategies (based on the types of tourist resources or the purpose of visiting the area):
- historical and cultural tourism;
- recreational tourism;
- agroecotourism;
- pilgrimage tourism;
- extreme mountain tourism;
- ethnographic tourism, etc. regional marketing strategies.
Undifferentiated marketing strategy (addressing the market with a popular tourist product)
Basic strategies of regional marketing:
■ intensive growth;
■ differentiated growth;
■ integrated growth strategy.
According to the level of territorial division and marketing entities:
- tourism marketing strategies at the
regional level;
- tourism marketing strategies at district and city level;
- tourism marketing strategies at the level of associations, individual tourist enterprises.
marketing strategies
(according to the way consumers think):
- avoiding the noise of the city, taking a break from the lifestyle of big cities;
- to leave good impressions during the vacation;
- try something new;
- recreation with children;
- rest as you have dreamed of all your life;
- discovering a new taste;
discover a new place, etc.
According to the
period of implementation:
- continuously implemented strategies;
- periodic or seasonal strategies;
- strategies related to important events and events in the area.
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Figure 1. Classification of tourism marketing strategies in the region
- that each strategy includes a set of marketing methods and tools (some strategies can include comprehensive marketing strategies), clarify the order of their sequential use, and, at the same time, specify the organizational, economic and legal mechanisms for their implementation is required to reflect;
- it is necessary to develop a system of indicators for each strategy in order to analyze the results of the implementation of strategies and, in turn, evaluate the performance of the executors.
The analysis reveals that the available opportunities today do not indicate sufficient utilization of tourism resources in the regions of our country. The presence of resources and opportunities in each region for tourism sector development necessitates a correct and rational strategy. Currently, only the Samarkand, Bukhara,
and Khorezm regions prioritize the use of tourist opportunities, while tourism ranks low among the sources of increasing the regional gross product and improving the well-being of the population in other regions.
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