Научная статья на тему 'Marketing management tools in the formation of market infrastructure'

Marketing management tools in the formation of market infrastructure Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Dobizha N.V., Hvichiua-Duve G.R.

The paper substantiates the marketing management tools in the formation of infrastructure, based on the proposed system of principles of infrastructure links formation. It is defined that the practical application of management tools in the formation of market infrastructure calls for improvement of marketing services of individual market entities and the revision of all main aspects of their communication and organizational activities, which should develop its objectives, structure and basic processes to achieve optimal interaction with customers, taking into account the influence of the environment on the one hand, and the capabilities of the enterprise on the other. General economic and special factors of formation of infrastructure on the basis of marketing management are substantiated. The problem of managing the activity of economic entities at the market is tackled. The necessity of searching for innovative organizational methods of solving the problems of market infrastructure formation, requiring the development of scientifically based tools for the creation of multi-functional organizations to provide marketing services to domestic producers is proved.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Marketing management tools in the formation of market infrastructure»

Расширенное производство зерновых культур дает возможность использовать продукцию этой отрасли в качестве экспортного товара. Что характерно, зерно пользуется возрастающим спросом на мировых рынках в силу роста населения Земли. Экспорт зерна позволяет не только получать стабильный валютный доход, но и дает возможность оказывать продовольственную помощь нуждающимся странам и народам.

Для того, чтобы достичь стабильного расширенного производства зерна, необходимо выводить отечественное сельское хозяйство на интенсивный путь развития, предполагающий внедрение и эффективное использование инновационных методов земледелия, инновационной техники и других инновационных продуктов. Пока степень реализации инноваций у отечественных производителей зерновой продукции остается крайне низкой.


1. Почему СССР зерно импортировал, а Россия его экспортирует. //

2. https://damadiluma.livejournal.eom/729469.h


3. Свободная Пресса. 24 декабря 2018 г. // http://svpressa.ru/economy/article/205664/.

4. Результаты «зерновых» лидеров по сбору урожая в 2018 г. Что отправят на экспорт Россия и Украина. /// express-novosti.ru/economy/2147491853-rezultatyi-zernovyih-liderov-po-sboru-urozhaya-v-2018-godu-chto-otpravyat-na-eksport-rossiya-i-ukraina.html.

5. Ученые РАНХиГС опровергли данные Росстата и Медведева о бурном росте сельского хозяйства. // SevaRyz 19.12.2018 // https://cont.ws/@SevaRyz/1164680.cessiyu.

6. РБК: сельское хозяйство перешло в рецессию. Agrobook 18.06.201 // https://agro-book.ru/news/47383/rbk- selskoe-hozyaystvo-pereshlo-v-re

7. Инновационное развитие АПК России в современных условиях. // https ://studbooks.net/1032404/agropromyshlenno st/in novatsionnoe_razvitie_rossii_sovremennyh_usloviyah

8. Вести. Культурно-политический журнал. 29.09.2017. // http://www.e-vesti.ru/ru/sbor-zerna-v-rossii-v-2017-godu-pobyot-rekordy-vremen-sssr/


Dobizha N. V., Hvichiua-Duve G.R.

Vinnytsia Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics of Ternopil National Economic University


The paper substantiates the marketing management tools in the formation of infrastructure, based on the proposed system of principles of infrastructure links formation. It is defined that the practical application of management tools in the formation of market infrastructure calls for improvement of marketing services of individual market entities and the revision of all main aspects of their communication and organizational activities, which should develop its objectives, structure and basic processes to achieve optimal interaction with customers, taking into account the influence of the environment on the one hand, and the capabilities of the enterprise on the other. General economic and special factors of formation of infrastructure on the basis of marketing management are substantiated. The problem of managing the activity of economic entities at the market is tackled. The necessity of searching for innovative organizational methods of solving the problems of market infrastructure formation, requiring the development of scientifically based tools for the creation of multi-functional organizations to provide marketing services to domestic producers is proved.

Keywords: market infrastructure, marketing, information subsystem, management tools.

Introduction. The practical application of management tools in the formation of market infrastructure calls for improving marketing services of individual market entities and the revision of all the main aspects of their communication and organizational activities, which should develop their objectives, structure and basic processes to achieve optimal interaction with customers, taking into account the influence of the environment on the one hand, and the enterpriseâs capacities on the other. Management of economic entities at the market from the standpoint of marketing is aimed at adapting the assortments to consumers' needs of consumers, identified on the basis of a systematic comprehensive analysis of the market, as well as the active formation of demand carried out with certain tools.

Research analysis and problem statement. The

aim of the research is the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the directions of development of market infrastructure on the basis of the development of marketing tools of its management in modern conditions. To conduct the research, a subject-specific approach has been applied. In the process of work, the following methods are used: dialectical; abstract-logical; monographic and generalization method.

Results of the research. Market conditions of economic management are characterized by the formation of infrastructure in various sectors of the economy.

The term "infrastructure" is often used to study the structural elements of an economic system. Fundamental in the definition of "infrastructure" is not only its

material and technical component, but also subject-object assessment through the level of satisfaction of the society's needs .

Modern infrastructure is an integral component of business relations. Thanks to it, business is a civilized form of relations between people. It is important that the infrastructure is not imposed on the business from the outside, but is a product of a business relationship. A business infrastructure developed as a result of a long evolution of business relations and is a combination of organizational-legal forms, mediating the movement of business relationships and integrate these relationships (in all their diversity) into a single entity.

Based on the interpretations of infrastructure in economic theory, its fundamental objective is to ensure the efficient functioning of the market mechanism based on simplifying the exchange of goods, establishing an uninterrupted commodity-money flows, providing the market with a sufficient number of productive and labor resources, to ensure a safe environment for doing business.

We believe that the term "infrastructure" can be interpreted as an internal structure, the basis of the economic system, which contains a set of infrastructure components. The infrastructure system should be qualified as an economic factor that ensures the production process and efficient marketing. Thus, under infrastructure we mean a hierarchical set of organizational separate structural units, the final result of which is the maintenance and provision of results.

Infrastructure is a set of organizational and legal forms that determine the movement of business relations and linking these relations with all their diversity in one.

The main principles of establishment of market infrastructure are the following [1]:

- available effective system of infrastructure support, which determines the economic relations between economic entities and regulates the flow of goods, services, finance, labor is a prerequisite for the successful functioning of the market system of management

- the reforms taking place in Ukraine are aimed at creating a balanced market economy and at the same time contribute to the development of all components of the market infrastructure;

- an important principle of the formation of infrastructure is its stability, providing stable functioning of the basic elements of infrastructure, as well as their legislative support;

Each element of the market infrastructure should be marked by a clear target orientation to the effective development of the economy, flexibility to the conditions of the market environment, to meet the needs of business entities and meet international and state standards of quality of service, interaction and management.

Market is established in the process of development of commodity economy and in general is a form of economic exchange, which has existed since people started to understand the practical feasibility of exchanging items on the basis of mutually acceptable equivalents. In general, infrastructure satisfies general

conditions on the basis of the principles of its formation: stability; integrity; function; complementarity [2]

The principle of infrastructure sustainability. Having the characteristics of the system formation with its own interconnected structure in response to external conditions, infrastructure, with its clearly defined spatial and temporal constraints, which in the context of interdependence cannot significantly vary, should be considered as a stable system with internal connections, which play a crucial role in the reproduction process at the national, regional and international levels.

A significant disadvantage in this case is often the inability to carry out progressive spatial transformations, for a radical reconstruction of the infrastructure will lead to enormous costs. Although this concept should be considered as a constant value, we should not forget about its continuous changes, improvements, increases, structural adjustment with new components, adaptation of existing infrastructure facilities to meet other goals in order to adapt to the changing conditions of market relations. Thus, the emergence of primary infrastructure was the result of the production growth, which was replaced by a new era of Informatization that removed some infrastructural elements and replaced others. Despite the change in the conditions of economic activity, the irregular development of infrastructure remains relevant, because its location undoubtedly tends to the centers, which in the past used to be industrial giants.

The principle of functional necessity. The availability of infrastructure is an absolute necessity to ensure the implementation of any socio-economic process.

Generally, the term "infrastructure" can be interpreted as an internal structure, the basis of the economic system, which contains a set of infrastructure components. Infrastructure is a set of organizational and legal forms that determine the movement of business relations and linking these relations with all their diversity in one.

The analysis of scientific approaches to the scrutiny of the nature of infrastructure makes it possible to differentiate them into chronological, genealogical, functional and structural-logical approaches and to determine the semantic functions in the marketing system of infrastructure formation management:

The chronological approach allows to reveal the chronological dependencies in the use of the term "infrastructure" in relation to certain phenomena and economic processes, is determined by the formal character of this influence. It is generally accepted that the concept of "infrastructure" was first introduced into economic science by P. Rosenstein-Rodan. The scientist proposed to use it to determine the conditions of the social environment necessary for the private industry to be able to make the first breakthrough" [3].

However, the genealogical approach considers the concept of "infrastructure" in relation with its dual nature. The genealogy of the concept of "infrastructure" in economic works is studied in two clearly defined directions: the concept of infrastructure exists both in military Affairs and in the socio-economic structure.

The semantic correspondence of the term "infrastructure" to its economic content is also argued.

Others consider the term "infrastructure" as a borrowing from construction, where it means the foundation, the "continuous cycle" of buildings.

The functional approach reveals the nature of the concept of "infrastructure" from the perspective of its functional content.

The analysis of the functional structure of the specifics of any economy's component and serves as a starting point for singling out the industry infrastructure from numerous sectors of the economy. The function is also understood as a certain type of activity, which largely determines the clarity of the arguments of the supporters of the functional approach to the disclosure of the nature of infrastructure.

The structural-logical approach is based on the justification of the place and role of infrastructure in social production. Infrastructure in any case , meets the goal of full satisfaction of material and cultural needs of society.

The management process involves the creation and support of strategic alignment between the objectives of the company, its potential and chances in the field of marketing. F. Cotler singles out in a separate block "creation of marketing systems", which follows the development of a marketing strategy . It is based on the firm's clearly articulated mission statement, statement of supporting goals and objectives, healthy business portfolio and growth strategy" [4]. The strategic marketing process is referred to as the management process of analyzing market opportunities and choosing such positions and levers of marketing regulation, which, creating and maintaining viable business enterprises, contribute to the implementation of the target orientation and tasks.

Consistent steps to use the concepts of marketing in practice are based on the concepts of management functions: at the beginning of the marketing analysis is carried out to select areas of marketing activities, then marketing plans are developed, the implementation of which involves the organization and control over their implementation . Jean-Jacques Lambin notes that one of the first strategic decisions taken by the firm should be determining the market in which it has an intention to compete. This choice of the basic market involves dividing the market into parts consisting of consumers with complex needs and behavioral or motivational characteristics and creating favorable marketing opportunities for the firm [5]. A firm may choose to address the entire market or focus on one or more specific segments within its underlying market.

As Grechukha A. O. notes: "the adoption of the marketing concept at the enterprise changes the methods of reaching the goals of production and sales of products. Due to the integration of the marketing function into the enterprise management system, a deeper and more effective combination of sales with the study of the market situation, the planning of the product range is carried out, the nature of work related to the sale of products is changing" [6]. The needs and requirements of consumers, rather than those of the man-

ufacturer, are brought to the fore, the manufacturer becomes an active participant in the sale of products due to the deep interaction with employees of trade organizations, is included in the retraining marketing department staff.

The most important stage in the marketing management scheme, which is the basis that determines the correctness of all subsequent decisions is the analysis of market opportunities. It is a process of systematically collecting and analyzing information about ultimate consumers and their services in order to identify potential demand within ultimate consumer groups that may be triggered by the relevant marketing offer.

The result of the analysis of market opportunities is the effective management of production and control of marketing strategy, the choice of market goals, which requires the analysis and forecast of demand. Marketing potential of enterprises affects the formation of marketing technologies by available economic opportunities to ensure the implementation of marketing technologies. Assessment of the enterprise's potential for implementing marketing technologies ensures the optimization of costs for the formation of the appropriate infrastructure.

In the current economic environment any company is free to disclose the directions of formation and implementation of marketing commodity policy. Taking into account the characteristics of each individual product, it is impossible to develop a single approach to the formation of the strategy, tactics and structure of commodity policy. As a rule, to its main components refer: new product planning and development; product life cycle management; determination of the optimal range of products; formation and implementation of packaging strategies and product design; service; creation and maintenance of a sustainable positive image of products [7].

We believe that the marketing mechanism of infrastructure development management should meet the following basic principles:

- the whole complex of operations on production, delivery and distribution should be coordinated with the General strategy of the enterprise;

- formation of General expenses should take into account information support of infrastructure development;

- the company must have sufficient information support, as well as the appropriate exchange of information between partners and other stakeholders;

- availability of highly qualified employees with relevant knowledge;

- organization of supply, transport support, warehousing, distribution, should lead to the creation of a single unit at the enterprise - the service of infrastructure development, which will regulate the ratio of efficiency and cost of the existing information system.

Conclusions. Taking into account the significant influence of consumers on manufacturers' activities , growing competitiveness of enterprises, ensurance of their development should be carried out on a marketing basis, which necessitates the concentration of all its resources to achieve a single goal and meet consumer's expectations and needs. It is the marketing management

tools in the formation of infrastructure and the ability to determine the needs of the consumer, as well as the successful promotion of products can significantly make a difference in the adoption of innovation by the market. It is proved that the need to find organizational methods to solve the problems of market infrastructure, the state and prospects of the introduction of modern management solutions, require the development of evidence-based prerequisites for the creation of multifac-eted and multiprofile organizations to provide domestic producers with marketing services.


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Нормова Т.А.,

Кубанский государственный аграрный университет имени И. Т. Трубилина,

кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры экономического анализа Задорожный Д.А.

Кубанский государственный аграрный университет имени И. Т. Трубилина, студент

Можарова Е.К.

Кубанский государственный аграрный университет имени И. Т. Трубилина, студент ANALYSIS OF THE CAUSES OF FINANCIAL DIFFICULTIES OF ORGANIZATIONS

Normova T.A.,

I. T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University, candidate economic Science associate Professor of the Department of economic analisis

Zadorozhny D.A.,

I. T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University, student

Mozharova E.K.

I. T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University, student

Krasnodar, Russia


Большинство российских компаний, в настоящее время испытывают финансовые трудности. Связано это со слабым аппаратом финансового управления в организации. Наиболее остро стоит проблема в возникновении финансовой неустойчивости организаций. Поэтому более подробно рассмотрим этот показатель.


Most Russian companies are currently experiencing financial difficulties. This is due to the weak apparatus of financial management in the organization. The most acute problem is the emergence of financial instability of organizations. Therefore, we consider this indicator in more detail.

Ключевые слова: финансовая устойчивость, банкротство, цена, анализ, организация, оценка. Keywords: financial stability, bankruptcy, price, analysis, organization, assessment.

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