Научная статья на тему 'Marketing communication strategy and its essence'

Marketing communication strategy and its essence Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Giyazova Nozima Bayazovna

The article analyzes marketing communication strategy and its essence. The essence of the communication strategy is to provide complete information and bring it to the target audience. In order to inform and encourage customers to purchase a product, it is necessary to make changes to the elements of the communication strategy. This will improve the efficiency of the company in the market. Thus, the development of a communication strategy is determined by many factors and, to a greater extent, by the level of qualification and experience of the work of marketing specialists.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Marketing communication strategy and its essence»



ESSENCE Giyazova N.B.


Abstract: the article analyzes marketing communication strategy and its essence. The essence of the communication strategy is to provide complete information and bring it to the target audience. In order to inform and encourage customers to purchase a product, it is necessary to make changes to the elements of the communication strategy. This will improve the efficiency of the company in the market. Thus, the development of a communication strategy is determined by many factors and, to a greater extent, by the level of qualification and experience of the work of marketing specialists.

Keywords: marketing, marketing communications, classification, communication strategy, needs of customers.

In market conditions, the use of a marketing system allows you to expand the capabilities of the company and receive additional profits.

Marketing opportunities - this is the area of needs and interests of the buyer, upon satisfaction of which the company receives additional profits. When researching a market, a firm's marketer identifies a group of potential buyers whose needs remain unmet.

The communication strategy is developed on the basis of the general marketing program adopted by the company and includes several stages:

1. The choice of target audience - target audiences are identified, i.e. recipients of communications from the company. Clients can be not only consumer groups, but even individuals, as well as the general public.

2. Setting communication goals.

Each goal corresponds to a specific state of the target audience and is set to transfer this audience to the next state. So, if the audience knows the name of the company and its products, then the goal of communication is to provide new information about the company. This allows you to expand the circle of knowledge of the audience about the activities of the company and its services. Positive characteristics of the work of the company should be given, or the most well-known clients served, etc.

3. Channels of communication. After setting the goals of communication, one should choose the structure of communication channels: personal sale, sales promotion, advertising, public relations.

4. Preparation of appeals. The effective success of the company's communications is determined by the quality of the communications that the firm sends to the target audience. In preparing the appeal, questions are solved about its content, structure, and form. According to the structural form, the information should be correctly placed in terms of its location in order to achieve the greatest effect in the audience. So, the audience's attention to the end of the circulation is scattered, and the main provisions of the quality of the goods are stated after gaining interest from the audience.

In the field of the structure of the appeal, it should be decided whether the conclusion should be indicated in the appeal, maybe it is necessary to bring the audience to it and provide it with the opportunity to independently judge everything.

5. Planning for dissemination of information includes three main stages:

- assessment of the means of disseminating information;

- selection of suitable means;

- making the necessary decisions when using these tools.

The means of disseminating information can be personal and non-personal communication. In personal communication, the transfer of information involves through the personal contact of the communicator with the audience, which allows you to have feedback with it. So, the transfer of an application at a bank can

take place through bank employees who contact customers, through acquaintances and relatives.

The transfer of information through the above channels gives customers the greatest confidence and trust. So, deposits from individuals in banks.

6. Development of a communication budget. Calculation of budget funds is carried out according to the following methods:

- Method of disposable funds.

- The percentage method.

- A method of matching competitors.

- Method of expert assessments.

7. The communication strategy developed by the company will be more effective if it analyzes the response of the target audience to the company's events. The content of the system is the operational accounting of the incoming information from the recipients of the company's communications, allowing them to implement and the target audience and amend any component of the communication strategy.

Therefore, in customer satisfaction, it is necessary to make appropriate changes to certain elements of the communication strategy, for example, change the goals of communications in the direction of expanding communications, use more efficient distribution systems, revise the text of the message to the audience, frequency of calls, increase communication costs and etc.


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