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Ключевые слова
Fish farmer / tilapia fish / marketing channel / marketing agencies

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Siskawati, Lilimantik Emmy, Agusliani Erma

This study aims to look at the marketing of round scad at the Batulicin Fishing Port in South Kalimantan Province. The location of the research was determined deliberately using a purposive sampling method, while the data used were (a) primary data consisting of (1) respondent biodata, (2) prices at the fishermen's level and (3) prices at the trader level and (b) secondary data which obtained from various sources and agencies related to the description of the research. The total number of respondents in this study was 65 people consisting of 26 fishermen from transport boats, using the accidental sampling method and then 39 traders using the snowball sampling method. The data analysis includes marketing channel analysis, marketing margin analysis, farmer's share analysis and marketing efficiency. The results of the analysis show that (a) there are 7 types of marketing channel patterns. on the shortest type I, III, IV, IV, IV marketing channels (there are 4 marketing agencies), the longest type II, VII marketing channels (there are 5 marketing agencies). Obtained on all marketing channels III, IV, V, VI, (b) The highest margin value on channel V is 67.12%, (c) the highest farmer's share value is 39.87% on channel III and (d) on channel type III, IV, V and VI, % marketing margin > % farmer's share so it can be concluded that marketing is not efficient.

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UDC 639; DOI 10.18551/rjoas.2022-12.23


Siskawati*, Lilimantik Emmy, Agusliani Erma

Master's Program of Fisheries Science, University of Lambung Mangkurat,

South Kalimantan, Indonesia *E-mail: siskawati.siska01@gmail.com


This study aims to look at the marketing of round scad at the Batulicin Fishing Port in South Kalimantan Province. The location of the research was determined deliberately using a purposive sampling method, while the data used were (a) primary data consisting of (1) respondent biodata, (2) prices at the fishermen's level and (3) prices at the trader level and (b) secondary data which obtained from various sources and agencies related to the description of the research. The total number of respondents in this study was 65 people consisting of 26 fishermen from transport boats, using the accidental sampling method and then 39 traders using the snowball sampling method. The data analysis includes marketing channel analysis, marketing margin analysis, farmer's share analysis and marketing efficiency. The results of the analysis show that (a) there are 7 types of marketing channel patterns. on the shortest type I, III, IV, IV, IV marketing channels (there are 4 marketing agencies), the longest type II, VII marketing channels (there are 5 marketing agencies). Obtained on all marketing channels III, IV, V, VI, (b) The highest margin value on channel V is 67.12%, (c) the highest farmer's share value is 39.87% on channel III and (d) on channel type III, IV, V and VI, % marketing margin > % farmer's share so it can be concluded that marketing is not efficient.


Fish farmer, tilapia fish, marketing channel, marketing agencies.

Fishing ports are one of the most important facilities in supporting marine fisheries activities, besides that they are also economic centers that describe the activities of capture fisheries products starting from the fish being landed to the hands of the buyers. Fishing ports are a very profitable place for business actors such as fishermen and traders because they are able to market fish through auction activities (Lubis, 2011).

Marketing activities at fishing ports will run optimally if the availability of facilities, services and information systems can be fulfilled by fishing ports for port users (Putri et al., 2018).

Tanah Bumbu Regency has one fishing port named Batulicin Fishery Port. The strategic location of the port is the reason why fishing vessels and traders prefer loading and unloading activities and conducting marketing transactions at the Batulicin Fishing Port. Marketing activities at the port occur every day from 03.00 in the morning until finished. Loading and unloading activities at the Batulicin Fishing Port are dominated by transport vessels.

Port facilities play a very important role for marketing, especially as a Fish Auction Place which functions as a place for marketing transactions of caught fish that are landed between sellers and buyers through auctioneers. Currently the condition at the Batulicin Fishing Port is in a state of severe damage and auction activities have never been carried out due to the new regulations issued in 2021 through PERDA No. 6 of 2021 regarding business services. This has led to the emergence of marketing agencies that act as intermediaries between producers and consumers, commonly known as agents (Abidin et al., 2017). The emergence of these agents led to long formed marketing channels, high marketing margins in each marketing agency, and low farmer's share. Therefore researchers want to know the general description of marketing through analysis of marketing efficiency by

looking at marketing channels, marketing margins and farmer's share with tuna commodities at the Batulicin Fishery Port.


The research will be carried out at the Batulicin Fishing Port, Tanah Bumbu Regency. When the research will be carried out in February - May 2021.

The sampling method is a method used for sampling that can represent the population so that the data obtained remains accurate, namely the accidental sampling method (respondents of fishermen from transport boats), snowball sampling (respondents of traders), purposive sampling (respondents of port employees).

The primary data collected consisted of (1) respondent biodata, (2) marketing agencies that carry out activities at the Batulicin Fishing Port, (3) marketing channels passed by producers-consumers, (4) level of marketing efficiency by obtaining margins and profits ( purchase price, selling price, cost) from each marketing agency and Farmer's share (part of price received from producers) in the form of selling price, costs from fishermen.

Secondary data is data obtained from related offices and agencies related to research.

Analyzed descriptively qualitatively and quantitatively from producers, marketing institutions, to final consumers, as well as marketing efficiency by analyzing marketing channels, marketing margins and farmer's share.


Batulicin Fishing Port is the only fishing port operating in Tanah Bumbu Regency and is managed by the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service of South Kalimantan Province. Batulicin Fishing Port operates from 03.00 WITA in the morning until it finishes around 07.00 WITA.

The marketing activity begins with the process of the arrival of the transport ship to the port, where the ship must report the arrival of the ship to the port officer and the port through the syahbandar provides recommendations for the transport ship to dock the ship while unloading the catch. syahbandar appoints an officer to accompany the process of recording the number of fish species as well as inspecting the unloading of fish.

Transport ships in selling catches use agent services. Agents (commission agents) are tasked with selling goods from producers and positioning themselves as owners of goods to arrange for goods to be sold with various marketing mechanisms, from their services, agents get commissions (Abidin et al., 2017). In carrying out their work the agent gets a commission of 6% of the sales. The carrier's duty is only to dock the ship for the next disassembly process until the marketing task is taken over by the agent. The commission given to the agent is 6% which is not net but there are still expenses that must be paid such as entry fees, mooring fees, weights, labor, security, all of which are the responsibility of the agent.

The agent sells the catch to the consumer by conducting a price transaction with the buyer. After the buyer agrees with the price offered, the agent will unload the catch from the carrier. Based on interviews with agents and fishermen, it is the fishing vessels that determine the selling price, the agents only act as intermediaries. Fish caught are sold by agents, 46% are local buyers and 54% are taken out of town on the grounds that the local market is not able to absorb all the fish caught, especially when it is the fishing season.

Products are something that is marketed and has a selling value in accordance with the quality and consumer demand (Sarwanto et al., 2014). Based on interviews with business actors, the products sold at the Batulicin Fishing Port are fresh fish. The fresh fish will be distributed both to local markets and markets outside the region. The types of fish caught unloaded at the Batulicin Fishing Port vary greatly depending on the season. The dominant species of fish from the point of view of production are round scad, tuna, scale cob, lemuru and male round, while the dominant types of fish from a high economic value are round, plantain round, black pomfret, squid, red snapper, baronang and grouper.


■ Layang

■ Tongko Tongkol Sisik

■ Lemuru / Sarden Kembung Lelaki

Figure 1 - Dominant Fish Production at the Batulicin Fishing Port in 2020 (Source: Batulicin Fishing Port Annual Report, 2020)

46% of the catch marketing activities at Batulicin Fishing Port are sold in the local market and 54% are distributed outside the area of Tanah Bumbu Regency. The marketing areas outside the Tanah Bumbu Regency are South Kalimantan (Banjarmasin, Amuntai, Barabai, Pelaihari, Kalua, Martapura, Bati-Bati, Jorong, Hulu Sungai Selatan, Hulu Sungai Utara), East Kalimantan (Balikpapan, Samarinda, Grogot, Babulu, Panajam Paser, Sangata), Central Kalimantan (Sampit, Pangkalan Bun, Kapuas), West Kalimantan (Pontianak, Ketapang). The fleet used for marketing transportation activities are pickups and trucks with a frequency of 96% pickup and 4% trucks going in and out carrying out loading activities at the Batulicin Fishing Port.

A marketing agency is an institution that performs its function in marketing activities, which helps goods or services move from producers to consumers (Abidin et al., 2017). The marketing agencies that are active in the Batulicin Fishing Port are fishing boat fishermen, transport ship fishermen, intermediary traders, and retail traders. The role of the marketing agency at Batulicin Fishing Port in marketing activities is as follows:

1. Fishing boat fishermen, are fishermen who function as producers who produce fish through fishing activities;

a. Transport boat fishermen, are fishermen who function as traders who collect fish caught and then take them by boat to the port to be handed over to agents or act as fishery product collection agencies;

b. Intermediary traders are agents who play a dual role, namely as intermediaries and suppliers:

- Agent, is a marketing agency that acts as an intermediary to sell caught fish to consumers, for the services provided, the agent gets a sales commission with an agreed amount (traders who do not own merchandise);

- Suppliers, are marketing institutions that act as traders who sell fish out of town (traders who own merchandise).

c. Retailers sell their wares in small quantities directly to final consumers:

- Pembajai are traders who open stalls at the Port who act as traders who buy fish to agents, where the fish are resold to consumers on a retail or wholesale basis;

- Motorcycle retailers are traders with motorbike fleets who act as traders who buy fish to agents or to pirates and then sell it back to consumers on a retail basis;

- Car retailers are traders with a fleet of cars who act as traders who buy fish to agents or to pirates who then resell to consumers on a retail basis;

- Traders in the market are traders who open their trade stalls in local markets who buy fish from agents or to pirates who then resell to consumers on a retail basis.

Marketing channels (market channels) are a series of organizations that interact with each other and need each other in the process of making products or services for

2. Trader:

consumption, marketing channels are also a series of product flows from production to the hands of end-user buyers (Kotler & Keller, 2009).

Sarwanto et al., ( 2014) Based on the theory that the shortest marketing channel is the most efficient marketing channel, in this study the marketing channels tend to be long and the same, the shortest type I, III, IV, IV, IV marketing channels, type marketing channel II, VII longest. As seen from Figure 2, the agent marketing agency is the center for distributing merchandise. The catch is landed by the carrier ship and then handed over to the agent to be sold to consumers. The agent has full power in dividing the catch to other business actors. The agent sells his services in order to get a commission from the carrier.

Figure 2 - Flying Fish Marketing Channel at Batulicin Fishing Port

Marketing margin is the difference between the retail selling price (purchasing price of the final consumer) and the selling price of the producer. Marketing margin can show the difference in prices at the marketing agency level. The highest marketing margin on the channel V pattern is 67.12% and the lowest marketing margin on the channel VI pattern is 66.90%.

It can be seen that the marketing agencies at the carrier ship level get the highest marketing margins compared to other marketing agencies (pirates, car/motorcycle retailers, fish sellers in the market). This is because the transport ship uses the services of an agent in selling the catch by giving a commission. The duty of the agent is to be fully responsible for the goods from the transport ship; if the fish is not absorbed in the local market then the agent will bring the goods to be sold to markets outside the city and even markets outside the province by changing his role to being a supplier outside the city.

Farmer's share is an analysis of the comparison between the price received by farmers and the price paid by the end consumer. Farmer's share has an inverse relationship with marketing margins, the higher the marketing margin, the lower the farmer's share (Apriono et al., 2012). From the calculation results, the highest Farmer's share value for flying fish commodity is in the type III marketing channel with a value of 39.87% and the lowest is in the type V marketing channel with a value of 32.88%.

In this study, the analysis in measuring marketing efficiency is by comparing % marketing margin to Farmer's share (FS). If FS (in %) > % marketing margin, it is classified as efficient marketing (Abidin et al., 2017). The results showed that in the type III channel, the marketing margin (60.13%) > farmer's share (39.87%). Channel type IV marketing margin (63.86%) > farmer's share (36.14%). Type V marketing margin channel (67.12%) > % farmer's share (32.88%). Type VI channel marketing margin (66.90%) > % farmer's share (33.10%), it can be concluded that marketing at the Batulicin Fishing Port is classified as inefficient.

RJOAS, 12(132), December 2022 Table 1 - Flying Fish Marketing Margins

CD 1 * Round Scad Buying Price Round Scad Selling Price MP Round Scad

SP Marketing Institute (Rp/Kg) (Rp/Kg) (Rp/Kg) %

I. Fisherman 12,000 -

Transport ship 12,000 23,400 11,400 0

Agent G G 0

Out of town suppliers 23,400 - -

Total MP 0

II. Fisherman - 12,000 -

Transport ship 12,000 27,000 15,000

Agent G 0 0 -

Pembajai 27,000 30,100 3,100 0

Restaurant 3G, 1GG - -

Total MP 0

III. Fisherman - 12,000

Transport ship 12,000 27,000 15,000 49.83

Agent G 0 0 0

Pembajai 27,000 30,100 3,100 10.3

Total MP 60.13

IV. Fisherman - 12,000

Transport ship 12,000 27,600 15,600 46.99

Agent G 0 0 0

Car retailer 27,600 33,200 5,600 16.87

Total MP - 63.86

V. Fisherman - 12,000

Transport ship 12,000 28,700 16,700 45.75

Agent G 0 0 0

motorcycle retailer 28,700 36,500 7,800 21.37

Total MP 67.12

VI. Fisherman - 12,000

Transport ship 12,000 28,250 16,250 44.83

Agent G 0 0 0

Fish seller in the market 28,250 36,250 8,000 22.07

Total MP 66.90

VII. Fisherman - 12,000 -

Transport ship 12,000 28,250 16,250 -

Agent G 0 0

Fish seller in the market 28,250 36,250 8,000

Restaurant/ Hospital 36,250 - -

Total MP -

Table 2 - Marketing channel commodity

Marketing channel Commodity Total Marketing Margin (%) Farmer's share (%)

I Round scad - -

II Round scad - -

III Round scad 60.13 39.87

IV Round scad 63.86 36.14

V Round scad 67.12 32.88

VI Round scad 66.90 33.10

V Round scad - -

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Based on the analysis, the factors that influence the inefficient marketing of fishery products at the Batulicin Fishing Port are:

1. Judging from the uneven marketing margins between marketing agencies. agency marketing agencies have the highest margins compared to other marketing agencies. Efficient marketing is marked by an even marketing margin in marketing agencies in each marketing channel (Desvi, 2014)

2. Judging from the farmer's share or the share of the price received by the producer is smaller than the share of the price received by the trader, indicating that the influence of the producer on pricing is small so that the marketing system is not efficient. Influencing factors are marketing costs and the level of risk of loss (cost and product quality). Marketing costs incurred by traders are transportation costs, user fees, freight service fees, cold chain handling costs in line with research (Setyawan et al., 2020). Loss risk factors, traders have a higher risk of loss and decreased quality of fish compared to fishermen.

RJOAS, 12(132), December 2022 CONCLUSION

The marketing channel for flying fish has the same pattern with 7 types of marketing channels. on the shortest type I, III, IV, IV, IV marketing channels (there are 4 marketing agencies), the longest type II, VII marketing channels (there are 5 marketing agencies).

The results of the study show that in channel types III, IV, V and VI at % marketing margin > % farmer's share it can be concluded that marketing at the Batulicin Fishing Port is classified as inefficient.


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