Karimov Khabibullo
Independent researcher UrSU
Abstract. In this article, the pedagogical-psychological necessity of relying on socio-cultural relations of the students of the graduating class, the importance of the gender approach, the uniqueness of the socio-cultural competence, their composition, the students of the graduating class, the need for socio-cultural competences, the possibilities of its development, the existence of a gap in this area considered. The article serves as a resource for the scientific-pedagogical public school education, public education workers.
Keywords: socio-cultural competence, gender approach, graduate students, pedagogical process, extracurricular educational process, lesson, class hours, social norms, general cultural competence, gender affiliation, social roles, stereotypes, interpersonal relations, cultural layers, social activity, microsociety.
In the "Uzbekistan - 2030" strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the goal of "Bringing the system of general secondary education to a new level" is defined as one of the priority goals of the development of general secondary education. In order to successfully implement this goal, it is envisaged to develop social and cultural competence in the students of the graduating class based on the gender approach. Philosophers, sociologists, pedagogues, psychologists are paying attention to the implementation of the gender approach to the educational process as much as possible. UNESCO's educational programs are also taking a special approach to this issue. The gender approach is important in the correct organization of interpersonal relations in society. That is why the developed countries of the world, the USA, England, Turkey, Germany, Korea, and Russia, give priority to the gender approach. In pedagogy, there is an increasing need to stabilize relations between students based on a gender approach, to pay attention to gender differences in their social, cultural, and moral development. The improvement of the educational process based on gender-related knowledge arouses special interest among specialists worldwide.
Today, the purpose, tasks, content, methodological support of education are changing based on the requirements of the time. In such a situation, the possibilities of implementing a gender approach to the educational process are expanding. Because the educational process is directed to the development of independence in students. In the educational process, it is required to pay special attention to students' independence, development as a competitive person, critical thinking skills. The educational process is gradually becoming more creative and creative. Because the task of socializing students and adapting them to the life of an ever-changing society is becoming more urgent. It is required to adapt the students to the socio-cultural environment by means of productive forms of education. One of the important issues is that the students of the graduating class are required to make clear decisions, to find quick solutions to problems, to be able to offer several solutions to problems, to be aware of their gender and nationality, to be able
to determine the solutions they have adopted using the most convenient methods. For this, it is necessary to fully direct the educational process to obtain a result of a socio-cultural character. It is necessary to pay attention to ensuring their socio-cultural competence in the educational process by interpreting the personality of the student who has social, personal and socio-cultural qualities of an integrative character in the context of pedagogical events. For this, the educational process should be shown as a phenomenon consisting of components of a social, personal, behavioral character. Competence is a synergistic system of knowledge, skills, abilities and abilities without any additions. It has its basic structure, this structure is designed to solve specific tasks related to activity and acquires a systematic character.
R. Safarova, B. Khodjaev, Yu.Asadov, E.Davletov, M.Pardaeva, S.Sharifzoda, A.V.Khutorskoy, Z.I.Alekseevna, Selevko German Vasilevich, Denisova Svetlana Anatolevna were engaged. According to G.Selevko, competence is an activity related to effective use of external and internal capabilities of a person to achieve a goal. Internal capabilities are understood as students' knowledge, skills, abilities, mental actions performed outside of the educational subject, competent implementation of activity methods, psychological characteristics, values they follow. Competence is reflection and experience in specific situations. For this, it is required to change the methods and actions of the students during the training. The main goal of the training is to develop socio-cultural competence of the graduating students.
Taking into account the socially significant changes in the classroom and extracurricular activities, it is intended to expand the scope of cultural events, communication, and provide the students with the knowledge necessary for the life of the society in addition to the educational subject. Today, in the imagination of the student of the graduating class, he is capable of cooperating as an active member of society, able to solve problems in various life situations, developed the skills of mutual understanding, able to actively engage in interpersonal relations, responsible, has communicative skills, adheres to social and cultural norms, it is required to embody a person who is aware of gender identity, who has mastered the skills related to the culture of interpersonal relations. Such students demonstrate their position as young people with socio-cultural competence.
Socio-cultural competence is competence related to multicultural, community life. This competence covers the interaction between the individual and the social sphere. Socio-cultural competence is a set of knowledge about the country, socio-cultural characteristics of the people, speech etiquette of native speakers, skills related to the use of certain knowledge in the process of communication, customs and behavior and etiquette standards, social conditions and behavior of representatives of the nation. includes character stereotypes. Socio-cultural competences are closely related to general cultural and social competences.
The concept of social competence originates from the word "social" and is directly related to the life and interactions of society members. From a psychological point of view, social competence refers to a person's adaptation to society and effective functioning. Such individuals seek compromise, understand and support those around them. Social competence is psychologically directly related to the concept of self-confidence.
Social competence as a pedagogical phenomenon describes the highly developed communication competence of students. The existing skills allow such students to perform certain social roles. Cultural experiences, knowledge, skills and qualifications of a person are understood within the framework of the concept of universal competence. It allows a person to work
independently and develop in the world of culture. A person with socio-cultural competence can think appropriately, approach difficulties objectively, strive to overcome them, find practical solutions to situations and communicate them correctly, and demonstrate the ability to think outside of one's own sphere at a high level. This person can function in a micro-society as a subject who has a broad cultural worldview, follows social and cultural norms, and has mastered the experience of interpersonal cultural relations. Accordingly, as a result of the development of socio-cultural competence in the students of the graduating class, it is possible to ensure their successful living and functioning in social life. Relying on the gender approach in this process creates favorable conditions for students to fulfill social roles while being aware of their sexuality. Therefore, the formation of socio-cultural competence in the students of the graduating class will create a favorable situation for their self-development, as well as ensure that they will perform social activities as a person with an active perspective. Therefore, the development of socio-cultural competence in the students of the graduating class based on the gender approach should become a component of the educational process implemented in general secondary education schools. In this process, teachers are required to closely support students, to provide them with the most necessary knowledge, and to focus on the formation of life competencies. In this process, classroom hours and public events of a cultural nature at school are of particular importance.
Pedagogical processes are important for the development of social and cultural competence in students of the graduating class. Science teachers and class leaders are required to find innovative pedagogical forms and methods and apply them to pedagogical processes. Because the innovative methods of developing socio-cultural competence in students of the graduating class have not been sufficiently developed. This shows that the socio-cultural competence of the students of the graduating class is not sufficiently developed. It is known that today the socio-cultural environment and the interpersonal relations implemented in it are rapidly changing. As the social, cultural and political environment changes, cultural layers are increasing. Therefore, in order for students of the graduating class to take a successful step into social life and work effectively, they should have developed social and cultural competence.
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