Научная статья на тему 'Management of the innovative development of an enterprise based on the logistic approach'

Management of the innovative development of an enterprise based on the logistic approach Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Pysmak Viktoriia O.

The aim of the article is to substantiate theoretically the necessity of using the tools of logistics for management of the innovative development of an enterprise. The article discusses the theoretical foundations of management of the innovative development based on the logistic approach. The study proposes a critical analysis of the existing definitions of the term “innovative development”,specifies the notion of innovative development, formulates the primary goal of innovative development, namely enhancement of the competitiveness of an enterprise. The study also identifies the main factors of influence on the current state of the innovative activities of enterprises and singles out the primary functions of innovation management: planning, implementation, record keeping, control, and analysis. The author formulated the main tools that secure the process of management of innovative development. The study also singles out characteristic features of management of the innovative development of an enterprise based on the logistic approach and identifies the role of logistic innovation in management of the innovative activities of an enterprise.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Management of the innovative development of an enterprise based on the logistic approach»

UDC 005.591.6:334.72



© 2015 PYSMAK V. 0.

UDC 005.591.6:334.72

Pysmak V. O. Management of the Innovative Development of an Enterprise Based on the Logistic Approach

The aim of the article is to substantiate theoretically the necessity of using the tools of logistics for management of the innovative development of an enterprise. The article discusses the theoretical foundations of management of the innovative development based on the logistic approach. The study proposes a critical analysis of the existing definitions of the term "innovative development",specifies the notion of innovative development, formulates the primary goal of innovative development, namely enhancement of the competitiveness of an enterprise. The study also identifies the main factors of influence on the current state of the innovative activities of enterprises and singles out the primary functions of innovation management: planning, implementation, record keeping, control, and analysis. The author formulated the main tools that secure the process of management of innovative development. The study also singles out characteristic features of management of the innovative development of an enterprise based on the logistic approach and identifies the role of logistic innovation in management of the innovative activities of an enterprise.

Key words: innovations, innovative activities, innovative development, logistics, logistic approach, enterprise. Pic.: 1. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 18.

Pysmak Viktoriia O. - Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Lecturer of the Department of Economics, organization and business planning, Kharkiv National Economic University named after S. Kuznets (pr. Lenina, 9a, Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine) E-mail: [email protected]

УДК 005.591.6:334.72 Письмак В. О. Управлшня нновацйним розвитком тдприемства на ocHoei логстичного nidxody

Метою дано! cmammi е теоретичне обфунтування Heo6xidHocmi за-стосування логстичного шструментарю для управл'шня 'шновацй-ним розвитком тдприемства. У статт'> розглядаються теоретичш основи управлшня iнновацiйним розвитком на основi логстичного походу. Проведено критичний аналз кнуючих визначень поняття «1н-нова^йний розвиток». Уточнено поняття «iнновацiйний розвиток», сформульовано основну мету шновацйного розвитку - пiдвищення конкурентоспроможностi тдприемства. Виявлеш основш чинники впливуна сучасний стан шновацшно} д'тльностiпдприемств. Вид'шенi основш функцИуправлшня шнова^ями: планування, реалiзацiя, обл'ш, контроль i анал'в. Сформульоваш основш 'шструменти забезпечен-ня процесу управлшня iнновацiйним розвитком. Виявлено характеры! межi управлшня iнновацiйним розвитком тдприемства на основi ло-гстичного тдходу. Визначено мще логстичних iнновацiй в управлшш iнновацiйною д'тльшстю тдприемства.

Ключов'! слова: iнновацii, iнновацiйна д'тльшсть, iнновацiйний розвиток, логстика, логстичний пiдxiд, тдприемство. Рис.: 1. Табл.: 2. Ббл.: 18.

Письмак ВЫто^я ОлексПвна - кандидат економiчниx наук, викладач кафедри економки, органiзацii та планування д'тльност'1 тдприемства, Хармвський нацональний економiчний утверситет !м. С. Кузне-ця (пр. Ленша, 9а, Харюв, 61166, Украша) E-mail: [email protected]

УДК 005.591.6:334.72

Письмак В. А. Управление инновационным развитием предприятия на основе логистического подхода

Целью данной статьи является теоретическое обоснование необходимости применения логистического инструментария для управления инновационным развитием предприятия. В статье рассматриваются теоретические основы управления инновационным развитием на основе логистического подхода. Проведен критический анализ существующих определений понятия «инновационное развитие». Уточнено понятие «инновационное развитие», сформулирована основная цель инновационного развития - повышение конкурентоспособности предприятия. Выявлены основные факторы влияния на современное состояние инновационной деятельности предприятий. Выделены основные функции управления инновациями: планирование, реализация, учет, контроль и анализ. Сформулированы основные инструменты обеспечения процесса управления инновационным развитием. Выявлены характерные черты управления инновационным развитием предприятия на основе логистического подхода. Определено место логистических инноваций в управлении инновационной деятельностью предприятия. Ключевые слова: инновации, инновационная деятельность, инновационное развитие, логистика, логистический подход, предприятие. Рис.: 1. Табл.: 2. Библ.: 18.

Письмак Виктория Алексеевна - кандидат экономических наук, преподаватель кафедры экономики, организации и планирования деятельности предприятия, Харьковский национальный экономический университет им. С. Кузнеца (пр. Ленина, 9а, Харьков, 61166, Украина) E-mail: [email protected]

The economy of Ukraine has currently undergone transition towards the market business methods. In the current context which is first of all characterized by increased transparency, globalization processes and international cooperation, the questions of an enterprise's positioning on the international arena with preservation of the national security aspects are a priority. Considering the developed growth strategies, it is an extremely challenging task for domestic enterprises to retain their positions in the face of today's crises; this significantly increases the importance of streamlined process management and logistic expenses correspondingly. The modern economy of Ukraine is a market one, economic agents are maximally focused on satisfying the demand of consumers of goods and services,

which results in constant search for new ideas concerning meeting the needs of market participants. In turn, the efficiency of the current economic development is fully reliant on consistency of innovations.

In the times of the command economy, the question of implementation of innovations was hardly ever raised due to total commodity deficit and the belief that development of new products and technologies can negatively affect increase in production of currently existing products. Individual cases of implementation of innovations in this economic system concern immediately the instructions given by the central government authorities to specific enterprises. However, this state of innovative development requires analysis, which is conditioned by the fact that its

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current state for decades was influenced by the old system. Thus, during the first decade of the country's independence, domestic enterprises did not view implementation of innovative components in their entrepreneurial activities as their objective, which resulted from the presence of factors of influence of the command economy. However, due to an acute need for maintenance of competitiveness of enterprises and their produce, the innovative component became one of the instruments used for ensuring qualitative changes in the policy of consumer needs satisfaction.

The range of questions concerning management of the innovative development of an enterprise based on the logistic concept ensuring an optimum correlation of costs and a stable business growth on an innovative basis is discussed in an insufficient number of scientific works. Simultaneously, we should note that the study of the aspects of the innovative development of an enterprise undertaken in this article is based on the works by S. Illiashenko [1], J. Schumpeter [2], P. Drucker [3], B. Twiss [4], B. Santo [5], O. Yastremska [6], and others. In turn, theoretical and practical aspects of logistics are the foci of the works by such scientists as L. Balabanova [7], M. Hryhorak [8], A. Kalchenko [9], Ye. Krykavskyi [10], N. Chukhrai [11], D. Bowersox [12], D. Closs [12], and others.

It is noteworthy that consideration of the effect of logistics on the innovative activities was previously not common in the scientific circles, however the researchers listed above created a significant theoretical foundation which can be utilized for further research in the field of investment and logistics, which determines the relevance of this research topic and provides a rationale for selecting it as a scientific focus.

In turn, this article aims to substantiate theoretically the necessity of using the tools of logistics for management of the innovative development of an enterprise.

The problem of development and growth of a business became a focus of sufficiently profound analysis in the latter

half of the 20th century, yet the questions of simultaneous development and achievement of competitiveness through management of the innovative development of an enterprise were studied less thoroughly.

With a view to presenting a more comprehensive insight into the selected topic, we will now clarify the essence of the terms «innovation» and «innovative development». The Law of Ukraine «On Innovative Activities» (further referred to as the Law) interprets innovation as «a newly developed (applied) and (or) refined competitive technology, products or services, as well as organizational and technical solutions of the industrial, administrative, commercial, or other nature which significantly improve the structure and quality of production and (or) the social sphere» [13]. This means that according to the Law, a product is viewed as straightforwardly innovative if it is an intellectual property object and is capable of improving the scientific, technological and engineering level of the enterprise. In turn, the term «innovative development» has varying definitions in the studied literature, which makes it reasonable to analyze the existing definitions (Table 1).

Thus, analysis of the basic definitions of the term «innovative development» allows us to conclude that there is a dependency in the opinions of researchers (M. Kass, Kh. Gumba, T. Piliavoz) which link this notion to the innovation process. In turn, one should note that innovative development is significantly broader in its conceptual aspect that the innovation process as it can refer to not only innovative but also marketing, economic, and other transformations. Simultaneously, it is reasonable enough to point out the existence of an interconnection between the innovative development and capacity (S. Illiashenko and Kh. Gum-ba). Also, the author finds it worth stressing that innovative development results in qualitative changes (A. Moroz). On the basis of the conducted critical analysis we propose to de-





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Table 1

A Comparative Analysis of the Definitions of «Innovative Development»

Author of the Definition Definition Key Words

S. Illiashenko [1] An economic management process based on the ongoing search for and utilization of new ways to realize the potential of an enterprise under the changeable conditions of the external environment within the framework of the selected strategy Economic management and innovation implementation process

Kh. Gumba [14] The basic innovative process and development of a system of factors and conditions which are required for carrying it out, that is of the innovative capacity Innovative process

T. Piliavoz [15] The process of a target-oriented, consistent movement of the enterprise towards a balanced innovative state under the influence of a synergistic effect of internal and external factors Process of a target-oriented, consistent movement

M. Kass [16] A complex and time-consuming process of innovative alterations at an enterprise which includes a planned set of goals, measures, an incentive system, and financing means Process of innovative alterations

O. Moroz [17] The process of search for and creation of new products and processes based on the use of an aggregate of all existing means and facilities of an enterprise leading to qualitative changes Process of search for and creation of new products


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Source: generalized by the author.

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fine innovative development as a target-oriented process of change in the state of the enterprise which occurs on the basis of implemented innovations, depends on the innovative capacity, and gives the enterprise an opportunity to achieve new levels of competitiveness.

Ukraine's overcoming the crisis and transition to a new level of technology development requires, first of all, that our country move on towards the innovation-oriented growth which is a multifaceted and multistage process of involving a maximum number of social growth elements. This path will enable not only improving the competitiveness of domestic enterprises and the economy, but also moving on to an economy of knowledge. In recent years, quite a number of countries (including Ukraine) declared a strategic course towards innovative development of the country. On June 17, 2009 there was a Parliament hearing held in Ukraine entitled «The Strategy of Innovative Development of Ukraine for 2010 - 2020 in the Context of Globalization Challenges», a series of laws were adopted which support the selected development course.

Simultaneously, a logical analysis of the current situation allows concluding that there exist significant problems as to which decisions must be made with a view to advancing to this stage of development. This increases the reasonability of development of a complex strategic program which will, first of all, allow gradual and stepwise overcoming of developmental gaps in many indicators in comparison with the countries of Europe, Asia, the USA, China, and Japan.

The process of management of the innovative development of an enterprise is complex and multifaceted. In turn, the following functions of innovation management should be considered as primary:

1. Planning - determination of the concept of the future innovation process with a view to achieving commercial success.

2. Realization - realization of the planned schedule of innovation implementation aimed at producing and selling a new product.

3. Record Keeping - obtaining and processing of the obtained information after implementation of the innovation process in order to determine its accuracy and completeness.

4. Control - analysis of correspondence between the actual status of the innovation project and target indicators.

5. Analysis - evaluation of the efficiency and effectiveness of implementation of innovation in order to obtain initial data for adjustment of the innovation process.

In turn, the process of management of the innovative development requires utilization of a certain set of support tools described in Table 2 [18].

One of the tools capable of optimizing the gaps within short time frames is the logistic approach widely used abroad. The logistic system applied for management of the innovative development of an enterprise has a series of characteristic features, namely:

1. The objects of the logistics management are innovations of an enterprise (products, equipment, technologies, etc.).

2. The intellectual property object is the informational (engineering, technological, scientific, etc.) basis of innovations.

3. The innovation stream is constructed through projection of demand on the basis of utility of the innovative product.

4. The primary tool of the logistic innovation management is research and ongoing monitoring of the organizational and technological capabilities of an enterprise.

5. A greater emphasis on the intraproductive streams aimed at development of innovations.

6. Provision of the enterprise with material and technical resources is a specific and creative area satisfying the needs of the end user for the innovative product.

7. The sales policy of an enterprise is an individual area requiring special marketing measures.

8. Forecasting of innovative activities is carried out through monitoring of the lifecycle (innovation lifetime).

Table 2

Tools Securing the Process of Management of the Innovative Development of an Enterprise

No. The Name of the Tool Description

1 Information support Collection, processing, and analysis of information for management of the innovation process

2 Legal support Legal aspects of the innovation process at the development and implementation stages, including legal support for transactions pertaining to purchase of intellectual property objects, as well as protection of brand names, trademarks, copyright, etc.

3 Staffing support Availability of highly-qualified staff capable of meeting the primary requirements of innovation implementation

4 Scientific support Specific intellectual property objects, inventions, know-how which serve as the basis for the development of a new product

5 Financial support Availability of funds needed for implementation and realization of innovations

6 Organizational support A complex of the management team and the technical capacity for organization of work on innovation implementation

7 Marketing support Steps aimed at analysis of the market environment and market launch of the new product

8 Logistic support The idea of considering the innovation process as a streamlined one with a view to optimizing the means of its implementation and realization


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Considering the fact that logistics is a part of the service industry, it is simultaneously a management function in virtually every sector of the economy.

When applied to innovative activities, the tools of logistics organize the innovation logistics system which exerts its influence not only on the innovations implemented at the enterprise (innovative activities), but also the correctness of composition of a business plan for further allocation of funding and optimization of enterprise subsystems - logistics and maintenance support, production, and sales. Thus, application of the logistic approach results in improved efficiency of capital investment (Fig. 1).

Fig. I.The Role of the Innovation Logistics in Management of the Innovative Activities of an Enterprise

Thus, the undertaken study allowed conducting a critical analysis of the notion of the innovative development of an enterprise and clarifying it by adding statements concerning reliance on the innovative capacity of the enterprise; it also allowed formulating the primary objective of innovative development, namely improvement of the competitiveness of the enterprise. Singling out the main functions of innovation management (planning, realization, record keeping, control, and analysis) allowed structuring the management structure of innovative activities. Identification of basic characteristic features of management of the innovative development based on the logistic approach enabled the author to develop a more in-depth approach to consideration of the tools of logistics used in management of the innovative development. ■


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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© 2015 ДЕМЧЕНКО Г. В.

УДК 658.589(477.54)

Демченко Г. В. Акт^зафя шновацшноТ дiяльностi тдприемства на 0CH0Bi вдосконалення оргашзацшного забезпечення

Метою cmammi евизначення способ1в оргашзацшного забезпечення актив/зацИ нновац1йно1 д'тпьностi на тдприемствах Украни. Проанал'во-вано р'вень конкурентоспроможностi крани на свтовому ринку та сучасний стан мновацшно! активностi укранських тдприемств. Уточнено визначення термна «ннова^йна д'яльшсть» у рамках сучасного тдходу. Об(рунтовано необхiднiсть активiзацii iнновацiйноi Ыяльностi на про-мислових тдприемствах Украни. Визначено сутшсть та структуру оргашзацшного забезпечення нновацшно! д'тльностi тдприемства. Про-анал'вовано розумшня поняття «iнновацiйна д'яльшсть» пра^вниками тдприемств Хар^вського регону. Запропоновано способи активiзацii iнновацiйноiд'яльностi на тдприемствi.

Ключов'! слова: активiзацiя, iнновацiйна д'яльшсть, оргашзацшнезабезпечення, iнновацiйний в'дд'ш, робоча група, аутсорсингова компатя. Рис.: 2. Табл.: 2. Б'бл.: 16.

Демченко Ганна Володимирiвна - астрантка, кафедра економки, органiзацiiта планування д'яльностi тдприемства, Хармвський нацональний економiчний утверситет iм. С. Кузнеця (пр. Лента, 9а, Харщ 61166, Украна) E-mail: [email protected]

УДК 658.589(477.54) Демченко А. В. Активизация инновационной деятельности предприятия на основе совершенствования организационного обеспечения

Целью статьи является определение способов организационного обеспечения активизации инновационной деятельности на предприятиях Украины. В статье проанализирован уровень конкурентоспособности страны на мировом рынке и современное состояние инновационной активности украинских предприятий. Уточнено определение термина «инновационная деятельность» в рамках современного подхода. Обоснована необходимость активизации инновационной деятельности на промышленных предприятиях Украины. Определены сущность и структура организационного обеспечения инновационной деятельности предприятия. Проанализировано понимание определения «инновационная деятельность» работниками предприятий Харьковского региона. Предложены способы активизации инновационной деятельности на предприятии. Ключевые слова: активизация, инновационная деятельность, организационное обеспечение, инновационный отдел, рабочая группа, аут-сорсинговая компания. Рис.: 2. Табл.: 2. Библ.: 16.

Демченко Анна Владимировна - аспирантка, кафедра экономики, организации и планирования деятельности предприятия, Харьковский национальный экономический университет им. С. Кузнеца (пр. Ленина, 9а, Харьков, 61166, Украина) E-mail: [email protected]

UDC 658.589(477.54) Demchenko G. V. Intensification of Enterprise's Innovation Activity by Improving the Organizational Support

The article is aimed to determine the ways of organizational support of intensification of innovation activity at the enterprises of Ukraine. The article analyzes the level of competitiveness of the country in the world market and the current state of innovation activity of Ukrainian enterprises. Definition of «innovation activity» in terms of the modern approach has been revised. The necessity of intensification of innovation at the industrial enterprises of Ukraine has been substantiated. The content and structure of organizational support of enterprise's innovation activity have been determined. Understanding the definition of «innovation activity» by employees of enterprises of Kharkiv region has been analyzed. Ways to intensify innovation activity at enterprise have been proposed.

Key words: intensification, innovation activity, organizational support, innovation division, working group, outsourcing company. Pic.: 2. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 16.

Demchenko Ganna V. - Postgraduate Student, Department of Economics, Organization and Planning of the Company, Kharkiv National Economic University named after S. Kuznets (pr. Lenina, 9a, Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine) E-mail: [email protected]

Б1ЗНЕС1НФОРМ № 4 '2015


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