Научная статья на тему 'Management of territory development based on an integrated assessment'

Management of territory development based on an integrated assessment Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Sheina Svetlana, Dietmar Wingand, Matveyko Roman, Teryukova Lidia

This paper provides a brief overview of the implementation of integrated assessment of a territory for strategic planning and management of territory development. The evaluation criteria were defined for the conditions of development of Rostov region. The degree of intensity of individual factors of an evaluation site directly affects the selection of type of its functional use. The principal results were examined following the creation of information system “Management of territory development” for Rostov Region. There is a proposal to use an integrated multi-criteria assessment of territory for realization of the objectives of urban planning, design and management of territory development, including efficient allocation of industrial zones.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Management of territory development based on an integrated assessment»

Sheina Svetlana, Rostov State University of Civil Engineering, D.Sc, Prof., vice-chancellor for research and innovational activity, Dietmar Wingand, Vienna University of Technology, Prof., E-mail: [email protected] Matveyko Roman,

Rostov State University of Civil Engineering, Assoc. Prof.

Teryukova Lidia,

Rostov State University of Civil Engineering, Assoc. Prof.

E-mail: [email protected]

Management of territory development based on an integrated assessment

Abstract: This paper provides a brief overview of the implementation of integrated assessment of a territory for strategic planning and management of territory development. The evaluation criteria were defined for the conditions of development of Rostov region. The degree of intensity of individual factors of an evaluation site directly affects the selection of type of its functional use. The principal results were examined following the creation of information system "Management of territory development" for Rostov Region. There is a proposal to use an integrated multi-criteria assessment of territory for realization of the objectives of urban planning, design and management of territory development, including efficient allocation of industrial zones.

Keywords: urban development, territorial planning, GIS, sustainable development.

Territory development is a complex process of a qualitative transformation of spatial structure of different parts of the national economy in order to create an optimal environment for the citizens. Management for such a process must be scientifically justified and continual.

The increased need for the evidence-based documentation in urban planning requires:

— implementation of information technologies;

— improvement of the very mechanism of territory development based on information technologies.

Integrated assessment of a territory is an integrated approach to the analysis of territory allocation and qualitative characteristics of all types of resources for strategic planning and management of territory development.

Integrated assessment creates an analytical basis for management decisions in regional development [1, 94-101].

Sustainable development of a territory is directly dependent on the selection of its functional use.

The following stages have been proposed for determination of functional priority of a territory:

1. Calculations for the integrated assessment, that includes.

2. Definition of functional priority of a territory.

3. Interpretation of the results.

4. Analytical support for development of the territory.

The platform selected for carrying out an integrated assessment

of a territory of Rostov Region and the subsequent spatial calculations of priority of development is the software package ArcGIS.

For undertaking this integrated assessment the territory of Rostov Region has been divided into 420 evaluation sites. The division of the territory was made by setting the boundaries using the established approved administrative boundaries of municipalities: urban and rural settlements and also urban areas.

Factors of relative value of a territory were defined considering characteristics of the Rostov Region (Table 1).

№ Factors of relative value of a territory Value

1 2 3

1 Qualitative characteristics of soils for the site

1.1 especially valuable lands 0,8

1.2 valuable lands 0,6

1.3 low-value lands 0,4

1.4 desertification -0,2

1.5 irrigated lands +0,2

2 Engineering and geological conditions of the territory

2.1 not hazardous geological zone 1,0

2.2 low-hazardous geological zone 0,8

2.3 hazardous geological zone 0,6

2.4 extremely hazardous geologicalzone 0,4

2.5 risk of flooding -0,2

Table 1. - Factors of relative value of a territory

1 2 3

3 Provision of engineering infrastructure

3.1 electricity 0,2

3.2 gasification 0,2

3.3 roads 0,4

3.4 railways 0,2

4 Availability of public, business and administrative centres

4.1 regional centre (10) 1,0

4.2 30 kmfrom regional centre — local centre (10) 0,5

4.3 60 km from regional centre- 30 km fromlocal centre 0,25

4.4 60 km from local centre 0,13

5 Development of sector of cultural and community services

5.1 well developed 1,0

5.2 averagely developed 0,5

5.3 not well developed 0,25

6 Historical, landscape and aesthetic value of the territory

6.1 complex historical centre 1,0

6.2 availability of a historical ensemble 0,8

6.3 availability of several historical monuments 0,6

6.4 solitary historical monuments 0,4

6.5 landmarks 0,2

7 Ecological state of the environment, climatic conditions

7.1 non-hazardous zone 1,0

7.2 low-hazardous 0,8

7.3 hazardous 0,6

7.4 extremely hazardous zone 0,4

7.5 favourable environment +0,2

8 Landscape and recreational conditions

8.1 seaside 0,4

8.2 riverside/lake 0,2

8.3 sandy beach 0,2

8.4 balneological resources 0,2

8.5 forest 0,2

8.6 landscape 0,2

9 Evaluation of the population and labour forces

9.1 1st level of density 0,8

9.2 2nd level of density 0,6

9.3 3rd level of density 0,4

9.4 4th level of density 0,2

9.5 population growth +0,2

9.6 population decline -0,2

10 Evaluation of the mineral resources

10.1 development of raw materials for construction 0,6

10.2 coal mining 0,4

11 Evaluation of water resources

11.1 direct accessibility for water transport 1,0

11.2 availability of navigable rivers/reservoirs 0,5

11.3 Availability of other rivers/ponds 0,25

The results of an integrated assessment of the territory of Rostov Region are presented in a series of a thematic maps corresponding to each group of evaluating factors from 1 to 11 (examples are shown on Figures 1-2).

In the course of calculations the numerical indicators of intensity of evaluation factors were summarized as groups of factors for

each evaluation site, and finally they form a vector of differentiation, which has its performance measurements in groups of factors:

K [ky ••• kn],

where k — kn — numerical indicators of intensity for each group of evaluating factors.

Figure 1. Evaluation of engineering infrastructure of the territory

Figure 2. Provision of engineering infrastructure Distribution of an investment potential calculated as module ofvector of differentiation for each evaluation sites shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Distribution of investment potential in the Rostov region

The generated map of a comparative investment value of the territory shows the overall investment potential of the Rostov region and provides an insight into the feasibility of development of territories as well as shows the comparative economic effect from capital investments in some areas compared to others.

The degree of intensity of individual factors of the evaluation site directly affects the selection of the type of its functional use.

To determine a relative value of the site for any functional use a special indicator has been established; it is called rating of functional priority of the territory [2, 31].

Rating is a scalar indicator, the result of a scalar multiplication oftwo vectors: the vector of differentiation ofthe evaluation site and the vector of priority of factors of relative value for a certain type of functional use of the territory. The vector of priority of factors of relative value comprises of the coefficients of priority corresponding to the relative value of the territory:

Table 2. - Scale of ranking

R= K ■ P,

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P [i1x, i2x, i3x, i4x, i5x,.. inx],

(1) (2)

where R- rating of functional priority of the territory; K - vector of differentiation of the evaluation site; P — vector of priority of factors of relative value for a certain type of functional use of the territory;

i'- inx — coefficients of priority for the factors a relative value of each of the n groups of factors, respectively, for a particular type of functional use of x.

For each type of functional use of a territory there is an individual vector of priority of factors of relative value. The coefficients of priority are selected based on both, the conditions of preference factors for any type of functional use of the site and the importance of factors. Numerical values of the coefficients of importance range from 0 to 1. Tables 2 and 3 show the scale of ranking for coefficients of priority and the matrix of priority of valuation factors. for coefficients of priority

Linguistic variable Coefficient of importance Rank

Strong impact 1 1

Medium impact 0.5 2

Low impact 0.25 3

No impact 0 4

As a result of the calculations there appears a list of the most efficient and rational types of functional use of the territory, i. e. the less favorable types are automatically excluded from the list.

Based on the methodology of rating evaluation of functional priority of a territory it is possible to solve the following two types of problems for management decision-making:

• direct problem: determination of the most rational type of functional use for a specific site;

• inverse problem: determination of the most suitable site for a specific type of functional use of the territory.

There is an example that can illustrate the outlined information.

Table 3. - Matrix of priority of valuation factors

Valuation factors

Type of functional use of a territory

Figure 4 shows the distribution of rating of functional priority for allocation of residential development in Rostov region (a) and emerging Rostov agglomeration (b, c).The rating allows differentiating the suburban areas according to the development intensity; it shows the suburban areas that should be primarily developed

and where the spatial development should be carried out (Figure 4, c).Apart from satellite towns, the most attractive territories are Starocherkasskoe and Bolshelogskoe rural settlements. Similar zone can be identified for other districts in the region.

Figure 4. Rating of priority for residential development: a) in Rostov region, b) South-east of the region, c) planning scheme for Rostov agglomeration

Summarized results of the integrated assessment and the evaluation of functional priority of a territory can be used for the following purposes (from the lowest level to the highest):

• for each territory to select the most effective organizational and technological measures for the improvement of the sustain-ability of functioning of an individual objects of national economy (buildings and structures, industrial sites, natural sites, etc.);

• to determine the practicability of allocation for new construction of different functional uses;

• to carry out a strategic planning of territory development using imitation modelling.

To computerize the process of analyzing and processing information there has been created and is currently functioning, the information-analytical system (IAS) called "Management of territory development.'Analytical procedures and methods of

data processing in the IAS describe the interaction of the subsystems through interaction of spatial (electronic map layers) and non-spatial data (attribute tables, links).This approach allows us to computerize the implementation of an integrated assessment, the calculation of functional priority of territories, the analysis of factors of urban risk and selection of measures for the risk management. Preliminary project proposals for the territory development are formed based on the excising territory structure, issues of the strategy for socio-economic development, norms, regulations and legislative acts. They are modeled using the electronic map layers, tables, and logical links between them. Thereon, second (repeated) integrated assessment is carried out; this will show the effectiveness of the decisions made. This cycle is repeated several times until the most successful rational territorial development considered as the basis (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Schematic diagram of a simulation model of the territory system

Territory system is constantly in motion, and the processes of change of the environment parameters are ongoing. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the calculation of functional specialization considering future changes in the territory system. For an effective

management of the process of territory development of a subjects of Russian Federation there is a need for a system of continuous monitoring and evaluation of the parameters for the information and analytical decision-making in urban development and management [3-6].


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