Научная статья на тему 'Management of development of economic potential of the machine-building complex of region'

Management of development of economic potential of the machine-building complex of region Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Romanova O. A., Starikov E. N.

In the article it was offered the author's definition specifying concept "economic potential" from the point of view of principles of marketing and strategic management, and there was concretized multi-component structure of economic potential of an industrial complex. The concept "strategic monitoring" is filled by the new meaning, and it was offered the author's model of management by strategic development of economic potential of an industrial complex on the basis of use of the approach of strategic monitoring, within the limits of which, leaning on the toolkit of a quantitative estimation ofeconomic potential developed by authors, it was carried out the research and it was estimated the efficiency of realization of economic potential of a machine-building complex of Sverdlovsk region.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Management of development of economic potential of the machine-building complex of region»

итоги опроса обусловлены и составом экспертов, в который не вошли представители предприятий оборонно-промышленного комплекса. При расширении круга респондентов в данном сегменте с учетом некоторых специфических особенностей и проблем этого сектора, итоговые результаты моли бы отличаться от представленных. Хотя основные моменты и ключевые проблемы, безусловно, нашли бы соответствующее отражение с усилением или ослаблением значимости отдельных вопросов и определенным смещением акцентов. В этой связи отметим, что полученные результаты в большей степени применимы к сектору гражданского машиностроения Свердловской области.

В заключение можно сказать, что разработанный авторами управленческий инструментарий стратегического мониторинга реализации экономического потенциала отраслевого комплекса, апробированный на примере исследования экономического потенциала машиностроительного комплекса Свердловской области, обладает высокой эффективностью и универсальностью, чем подтверждается возможность его применения в управлении развитием экономического потенциала различных отраслевых комплексов в разных регионах Российской Федерации.

Список литературы

1. Авдеенко В. Н., Котлов В. А. Производственный потенциал промышленного предприятия. М. : Экономика, 1989. 240 с.

2. Баканов М. И., Шеремет А. Д. Теория экономического анализа. М.: Финансы и статистика, 1996. 288 с.

3. Белова С. А. Производственный потенциал развитого социалистического общества // Экономические науки. 1983. №1. с. 31-38.

4. Бородин А. Д. Этапы формирования стратегического потенциала предприятия // Проблемы теории и практики управления. 2003. №6. с. 76-82.

5. Горбунов Э. П. Экономический потенциал развитого социалистического общества // Вопросы экономики. 1981. №9. с. 22-26.

6. Калихман С. Е., Хорькова Н. Г. Управление децентрализацией на предприятии // Проблемы теории и практики управления. 2000. №4. с. 54-59.

7. Мавриди К. П. Инвестиционный потенциал промышленного предприятия. Экономическая оценка и стратегическое управление : автореф. дис. ... канд. экон. наук: 08.00.05. Краснодар, 2005.24 с.

8. Николаев А. Н. Инновационное развитие и инновационная культура // Проблемы теории и практики управления. 2001. №5. с. 35-41.

9. Райзберг Б. А., Лазовский Л. Ш. Экономика и управление: словарь. М.: ИНФРА-М, 2005.487 с.

10. Ревайкин А. С. Методологические проблемы мониторинга социально-экономического развития региона. Хабаровск, 1993. 99 с.

11. Савчук В. П. Диагностика предприятия. Поддержка управленческих решений. М.: БИНОМ. Лаборатория знаний, 2004.175 с.

12. Титов К. Н. Региональная промышленная политика // Проблемы теории и практики управления. 2002. №5. с. 88-93.

13. Экономическая стратегия фирмы / под ред. А. П. Градова. СПб.: Специальная литература, 1995. 414 с.

U.D.C. 658.114.5.003.: 621 (470.54)

keywords: economic potential, management of development, structure, model, strategic monitoring, strategic management, industrial management, industrial complex, estimation, efficiency, machine-building complex, region

O.A. Romanova, E. N. Starikov


In the article it was offered the author's definition specifying concept "economic potential" from the point of view of principles of marketing and strategic management, and there was concretized multi-component structure of economic potential of an industrial complex. The concept "strategic monitoring" is filled by the new meaning, and it was offered the author's model of management by strategic development of economic potential of an industrial complex on the basis of use of the approach of strategic monitoring,

within the limits of which, leaning on the toolkit of a quantitative estimation ofeconomic potential developed by authors, it was carried out the research and it was estimated the efficiency of realization of economic potential of a machine-building complex of Sverdlovsk region.

Today modern market methods of managing actively develop in our country, on the basis of factors of competitiveness it is formed the new economic

space, in connection with this at all levels of management of the economy sharply rise problems of scientific providing of acceptance of strategic administrative decisions, including management of development of economic potential of industrial complexes.

In regional aspect purposeful development of economic potential of industrial complexes is a basis of increase of competitiveness of region, in this connection questions of a management efficiency of this development also take on the high importance and urgency today, and the problem of objective and complete estimation of economic potential of region and branches of regional economy leaves on the foreground.

In general the use of concept "economic potential" is widespread widely enough in the scientific literature for the characteristic of various factors of economic development and it is connected with development of theoretical base for more efficient control of economy, including regional level. However, despite of set of the researches, devoted to the theme of potential, among scientists till now there is no uniform approach to definition of essence and the meaning of this concept. The only thing, perhaps, in what opinions converge, it is the general interpretation. In general the concept "potential" without communication with concrete processes has no economic meaning as it is enough abstract with a wide range of actions and reflects, in a general sense, opportunities which at presence of corresponding factors and resources can be realized by means of effective activity of the subjects composing system.

By present time in economic science there were formed the basic directions of research of this scientific question, the cores among which — resource and result. In turn, within the limits of the resource approach two concepts are allocated, first of which represents potential in the form of "to set of resources without taking into consideration their interrelations and participations during manufacture... Feature of the second consists in interpretation... of potential as sets of the resources, capable to make the certain quantity of material benefits" [1, p. 19]. However it is obvious, that they are essentially similar and identify potential by resources. The idea of measurement of results as estimations of opportunities looks methodically more correct. However by virtue of complexities of calculation of potentially-probabilistic indicators it has not taken the lead position in economic science and in production economic practice. Though a direction studying result concept, nevertheless it was formed. Its followers consider potential as result

of work and try to express through measurement of various parameters the greatest possible output, scales of a public product and the national income, a level of development of economy, etc. [3, 5]. At the same time, it is necessary to agree that the approach from a position of result all the same does not allow to estimate opportunities of system. An estimation of result — yet not an establishment of opportunities. Though, undoubtedly, that such approach in a greater degree gives representation about opportunities of system, than an estimation of its resources.

One more approach to consideration of essence of concept "economic potential" is caused by modern trends and is based on principles of marketing and strategic management. From this point of view the economic potential not only characterizes a production potentialities, but also acts as criterion of competitiveness. It is also considered as integrated ability of system or the separate subject of managing as much as possible full to meet the requirements of the market, rationally and effectively using resources and considering thus interests of a society. At the same time in conditions of a competitive environment the possession a set of resources yet does not guarantee presence of any market opportunities of subjects of economic activity, by what it is caused indeed the specificity of modern researches of this concept [13, p. 64]. And if traditional approaches (resource and result) allow, each in a different degree, to estimate certain own intraeconomic opportunities of system in their frameworks there are no necessary preconditions for an estimation of market opportunities.

Thus, having analysed definitions of this concept existing now, we suggest to understand economic potential as integrated ability of all parts and components of economic system to realization of market opportunities existing at the concrete historical moment and formation of mechanisms of the future development by means of the organization of highly effective manufacture of enough of qualitative production and services of necessary assortment. This ability is objective and is caused by the limited quantity of strategic resources, which equation and optimum application provide the target productivity of activity of system in constantly varying conditions of an environment.

Given devinition contains, in our opinion, a number of the important specifications. First, it assumes not only abilities of economic potential to realization of existing market opportunities, but also includes ability to formation of mechanisms of the future development or, in other words, means presence of internal opportunities for adaptation of

system to change of external conditions. Secondly, it is specified the way of realization of potential -highly effective manufacture of enough of qualitative production and services of necessary assortment. Thirdly, considering, that in the modern economic theory the thesis about limitation of resources takes one of the central places, we obtained the aspect connected with equation and their optimum use. And, fourthly, consideration of the strategic resources including as material (technological, financial, labour and so forth), and non-material (information, organizational-administrative, etc.), assumes occurrence synergistic effect at their integrated interaction and, accordingly, new quality of result of realization of economic potential.

For a quantitative estimation of economic potential first of all it is necessary the understanding of its structure. In a general sense the structure is meant as definition of the list of elements and the ratio included in structure, resources. However it is not simple problem as the choice of the most important elements from their huge number is not always unequivocal. At the solution of this question it is necessary to take into account, that legitimacy of inclusion of each component or a resource into the structure of economic potential should be objective and proved, on the one hand, theoretically, and on the other — practically expedient. The major feature at consideration of questions of structure of economic potential is not simply enumeration of resource components, but revealing of the bases for this inclusion. It is also necessary to take into account that selection of elements should be based on the certain criteria, otherwise there appear serious difficulties for definition of size of cumulative potential.

In view of told, and also considering that circumstance, that in the majority of scientific publications, especially last period, the potential of economic system, as a rule, is modelled in the form of the structure consisting from «potentials of the various order» [7, p. 15], we suggest to consider economic potential of an industrial complex in the form of the integral sum of its components and to express, using mathematical representations, function EPf (Economic Potential) of the following kind:




where n — is a number of subsystems - potentials of the economic potential allocated within the framework of concrete model;

— XP. — is a /-subsystem, the component of model representing potential of lower order in relation to EPf {Economic Potential)',

— a parameter of criterion function of economic potential EPf^> max.

Basing on research of models of economic potential within the framework of which various authors by different estimations use in aggregate more than four tens kinds of «potentials» [4,6,8,12], we have singled out, accepting as the basic criteria of a choice of structural elements independence of their existence and a basic registration opportunity, ten kinds of the «potentials» in structure of economic potential of an industrial complex, resulted and characterized in table 1. Taking into account, that properties of system as a whole are not reduced to properties of elements forming it, but at the same time these elements as a group reflect the essential sides of the integrated structure, forming thus new quality, we consider, that at an estimation of economic potential it is necessary to take into account synergistic effect. From here, considering all singled out elements, it is possible to write down the formula 1 as:

n nl nl n3 n4

EPf =JJRPi + + Jd/dPk+Jd/tPl +^FPm +

i=1 j=1 k=1 1=1 /«=1

+ fJInPp+fJInvPq+fjExPt+fjMPg+Sr (2)

p=1 q=1 t=1 g=l

where n, nl, nl, n3, «4, «5, n6, nl, «8, n9 — the greatest possible values of indexes, and 8f — function synergistic effect which within the framework of our model is expressed by competitive-integration potential:


8f =^CmpPh .

/2 = 1


EPf {Economic Potential) ; RP. {Resource Potential)', LP. {Labour Potential); IdPk {Industrial Potential); ItP¡{Intellectual Potential)', FPm {Financial Potential); InPp {Innovation Potential); InvPq {Investment Potential)', ExPs {Export Potential)', MPg {Market Potential)', CmpPh {Competitive-integrated Potential).

The estimation of economic potential of an industrial complex can be considered as size of the achieved level of efficiency of its functioning. In this case there are necessary boundary conditions for a parameter of efficiency, as which we determine the following:

EP = 100 points, RP =10 points,

max r ' max r '

LP = 10 points, IdP = 10 points, ItP = 10

max r ' max r ' max

points, FP = 10 points, InP = 10 points, InvP

r ' max 1 ' max r ' max

= 10 points, ExP = 10 points, MP = 10 points,

r ' max r ' max r '

CmpP =10 points.

r max r

Values of each of the potentials are established by expert method by means of the point estimation set by us in table 2. The expert estimation is carried out by method of Delphi. Experts are offered to estimate levels of separate potentials on the basis of the account of the external and internal factors influencing functioning of an industrial complex and defining parameters of its development. It is necessary to fulfil the analysis of factors enlargedly and to assess each of potentials used in model. For each structural element there are exposed expert estimations, points for which are reduced further in the uniform table, and the more participants of questionnaire, the higher the reliability of result. The points obtained for each potential, are summarized, and then averaged and on this basis it is deduced the estimation of economic potential of an industrial complex. Offered borders of values of economic potential are resulted in table 3.

Summing up to consideration of the meaning of concept of economic potential, questions of

structure of economic potential of an industrial complex and approaches to its estimation, it is possible to claim, that this concept has undergone serious intrinsic evolution. Originally studying only available resources, later it has been added by consideration of the factors mediating their use and describing abilities to achievement of certain result. Market economic transformations and liberalization of economic activities have caused both new understanding of essence, and new approaches to consideration of composition and structure of economic potential. One of paramount on the importance circumstances of the modern analysis of this problem is the principle of consideration of economic potential from the point of view of ability of system to adaptation and development in conditions of a competition. Thus, now the economic potential acts as the complex characteristic of object considering not only and not so much its internal resources, but features of the external and internal market environment and its position in

Table 1

The characteristic of elements of economic potential of an industrial complex1

Elements Characteristic

Investment potential (InvPq) Set of the investment resources, allowing to increase capital-labor ratio and income of capital investments and providing opportunity of investment of means in assets in order to increase the competitiveness, acquisition of income or other results. Characterizes the degree of economic appeal of branch system for investments.

Innovation potential Incorporated ability of scientific and technical knowledge and practical experience to provide the fullest use of resources of economic potential by means of industrial potential and the investment opportunities. Includes opportunities and resources for the solution of perspective scientific and technical problems.

Intellectual potential HtP) Integrated opportunity of economic system, defined by the intellectual capital of workers, to function and reach the strategic purposes of development as much as possible effectively. Includes the human capital, intellectual property and assets, culture and philosophy of management, ability to predict.

Competitive-integrated potential ('CmpPh) Ability of all subsystems of economic potential to support modes of functioning on a complex of the basic economic parameters at a level, allowing to create advantages over similar branch systems of different regions of the world during integration of an industrial complex into world economic system.

Industrial potential (IdPk) Opportunities and factors of manufacture, security resources. Production spaces, machines, the equipment, mechanisms and other kinds of the basic production funds in view of their technical condition and technological structure, stocks. Structure and flexibility of industrial systems. Quality of industrial planning.

Resource potential (RP) Set of all available resources at the disposal. The generalized characteristic of material resources as sets of the interconnected resources.

Market potential (MP) Limiting opportunities on realization of the economic benefits and services at existing level of resource security and at the account of influence of external factors.

Labour potential (LP.) The labour opportunities characterized by quantity of workers, by their professional-educational level and other qualitative characteristics. It is defined by participation of the person in economic activities.

Financial potential №PJ Available monetary resources which can be used for the solution of specific targets. Structure and opportunities of a financial system, an orientation of financial flows.

Export potential (ExP) Opportunity of release of commodities, technologies and services, which could be competitive and demanded at foreign markets, Means presence of organizational system of export support and sufficient development of an infrastructure of foreign trade activities, and also an opportunity for realization of production in the international markets.

1 Fulfilled by authors.

this environment. It conducts to complication of structural composition of potential, growth of the importance and influence of components, earlier practically not considered, such as, for example, information, innovative and others.

Table 2

Point estimation of the potentials composing economic potential

Points Degree of use of a separate kind of potential

From 0 up to 1 The potential is not used

More than 1 up to 3 Minimum level of use of potential

More than 3 up to 7 The potential is used at the average level

More than 7 up to 9 Level of use of potential is more than the average

More than 9 The degree of use of potential is maximal

Therefore, investigating concept of economic potential of an industrial complex, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention that the correct solution of questions of its estimation promotes acceptance of the weighed and given reason administrative decisions directed to economic growth, and development of toolkit of such estimation is the major component for increase of the efficiency of strategic management development of a branch system.

Necessary element of effective strategic management of developments is the full, exact and operative information for operated object. With such objective information the system of sectoral management can be provided by the monitoring of realization of economic potential of an industrial complex. In economics the notion of monitoring is defined as continuous supervision over economic objects and the analysis of their activity, considered from the point of view of management's components [9, p. 226]. During its carrying out it is realized the control of parameters which characterize results of economic activities [11, p. 9]. With reference to regional development, the social and economic monitoring is understood as a system of supervision,

estimation and the forecast of economic and social conditions for territories [10, p. 27]. Thereof in order to increase the management efficiency of economy, in regions emerges a necessity for creation of the specialized mechanism of monitoring in which basic purpose is gathering and the analysis of the information necessary for strategic planning and forecasting of development of regional economic potential. A basic component of such mechanism of support of operative and strategic management of economy of region can, in our opinion, be a strategic monitoring of realization of economic potential of an industrial complexes.

By term «strategic monitoring» we suggest to designate one of components of the administrative activity, aimed to gathering of the actual information, the strategic analysis, estimation, forecasting and the control. Carried out as constant, complex and system process, strategic monitoring acts as abasis for development of recommendations and receptions on updating a current condition of object according to parameters, established on a stage of strategic target planning. Strategic monitoring assumes the control of both intermediate term tactical problems, and the perspective long-term (global) purposes. Thus, in the offered understanding the strategic monitoring can be considered as one of stages of process of strategic management and one of its independent functions.

Traditionally to the general functions of strategic management relate information supply and the analysis of a course and results of economic activities, planning of development and the organization of work of economic systems, and also the control of performance of the accepted administrative decisions [2, p. 190]. Basing on this approach and considering, that object of our analysis is the branch system, we concretized functions of management of development of economic potential of an industrial complex within the limits of the model presented in figure 1 proceeding from which it becomes clear, that strategic monitoring as a complete system of

Table 3

Level of realization The characteristic of efficiency of use of economic potential Value In model

Minimal Inefficient use as a whole. Non-use of separate components is possible. 0 < EPf< 20

Below Average Low efficiency of use. Inefficient use of the majority of structural components. 20 < EPf< 40

Average Partial use. The basic components are realized insufficiently effectively and not in a full measure. 40 < EPf< 60

Optimum full The effective utilization suffices. Efficiency of use of the basic components above average. 60 < EPf< 80

High Highly effective use. High efficiency of use of all components of potential. 80 < EPf< 95

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Maximum full Efficiency of use of potential as much as possible high. All components are used effectively. 95 <EPf< 100

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Fig. 1. Model of management of strategic development of economic potential industrial complex1

1 Developed by the authors.

continuous supervision, analysis and planning is a necessary key part during preparation, acceptance and the control of decisions over various parts of sectoral management.

And this approach becomes of a special value also in transition period and at stages of macroeconomic instability when the system of sectoral management it is required to be of the raised efficiency of reaction to fast changes of external circumstances. Use of strategic monitoring in practice of administrative activity can help, for example, in shorter terms and with the least losses to adapt branch systems for functioning in the modes adequate to existing market realities, to raise their general efficiency and to provide in the long term competitive advancing development.

To the set of functions settling the basic spectrum of applicabilities of strategic monitoring it is possible to relate following functions: information, analitcal-estimation, supervising, prognostic and correcting. Ignoring any of them will lead to decrease of efficiency of administrative influences as monitoring information will lose the system's character. Therefore only in unity of all parting roles the strategic monitoring is in full measure capable to realize the main purpose — to influence essentially a management efficiency, filling with the new meaning content the other administrative functions — planning, organization, regulation and control. From this point of view it can be considered as some uniting function of strategic management. In this connection methodical approaches of strategic monitoring should be directed not simply for gathering the data, allowing to supervise parameters of economic system and analytical processing of the perceived information, but also should intend estimation of a level of its development on the basis of the account both internal structural interrelations, and external factors. Such orientation means, accordingly, use of non-standard methods of its carrying out. In this connection, having defined as the basic tool of an estimation of economic potential of an industrial complex a generalizing parameter of its numerical value, we have carried out research of a machine-building complex of Sverdlovsk region on the basis of specially developed questionnaire of monitoring of a regional machine-building complex.

In the questionnaire developed by us experts were offered to estimate values of the potentials composing economic potential, according to structure defined in table 1. For this purpose for each of the singled out components of economic potential it has been generated the block from five questions, allowing to reveal a degree of development and realization of an estimated structural element.

At answers to questions respondents were offered to take advantage of three-point system of estimations. If, in opinion of the expert, at the answer to a question the degree of realization of an investigated kind of potential should be estimated as low, the expert considers, that the element is not developed, not used or simply is absent, the estimation "0" is given. In case if the answer to a question intends, that the estimated element is realized, but developed insufficiently well, its functioning is not always effective, notes with instability and incomplete use of existing opportunities, but as a whole the degree of realization can be considered as average it is given " 1". And when the expert considers, that the level of development, a degree of realization and efficiency of use of a corresponding element of economic potential provides the productivity greatest possible or close to it the greatest point — "2" is given.

In the questioning lead in February, 2009, there have taken part 54 respondents, among which heads and representatives of the enterprises entering in the NP "Union of the machine-building enterprises of Sverdlovsk region", and also experts and specialists of Ministry of Industry and Science and Ministry of Economy and Labour of Sverdlovsk region. Results of questioning are presented in table 4 according to which the economic potential of a machine-building complex of Sverdlovsk region is estimated at a level 23,6 points. Using estimation scale of table 3, the level of realization of economic potential of this industrial complex is at a level below an average.

Obtained result specifies inefficient use of the majority of its structural components. Apparently, almost all components are used at minimum level, only three kinds of potentials are realized at average level — innovative, resource and market, above average and at as much as possible effective — no one. Therefore today it should be told that the economic potential of a machine-building complex of Middle Urals is not realized, and it is in enough complex economic situation.

Table 4

Estimation of separate kinds of potentials machine-building complex of Sverdlovsk region

Kind of potential Value Degree of use

Investment 1,4 Minimal

Innovative 3,4 Average

Intellectual 2,9 Minimal

Competitive-integrated 2,1 Minimal

Industrial 1,9 Minimal

Resource 4,1 Average

Market 3,5 Average

Labour 2,1 Minimal

Financial 1,1 Minimal

Export 1,1 Minimal

Total (economic potential): 23,6 Below average

Lack of the offered approach is that within its limits it is not considered the relative density of separate potentials at formation of economic potential though, basically, their contribution to integrated result can be various, and such consideration would be more correct. In this connection during questioning experts were offered to appropriate ranks to elements of economic potential at level of their importance and degree of influence on formation of a total parameter. As a result of averaging answers there have been received rank values of each kind of potential (table 5). Presence of these data allows to make a conclusion of an opportunity of introduction of weight factors in the formula 2.

Table 5

Ranks of separate potentials at level of the contribution to formation of economic potential of a machine-building complex

(1 — the most insignificant, 10 — the most significant)1

Kind of potential Rank

Investment 6

Innovation 5

Intellectual 10

Competitive-integrated 2

Industrial 8

Resource 1

Market 3

Labour 4

Financial 7

Export 9

1 Tables 4 and 5 are made by results of expert questionnaire.

From the data of table 5 it is clear, that by majority of experts the principal value in a question of formation and development of economic potential of a machine-building complex is given to such components, as financial, industrial and export potentials. At the same time given data of table 4 on estimation of separate kinds of potentials testify that today, despite of the general low level of efficiency of use almost all structural elements, these components are realized least effectively.

The maximal rank of intellectual potential and an important place of industrial potential singled out by experts confirm the thesis that the machine-building complex is the most science intensive and hi-tech complex of industrial production, and achievement of which purposes of development is impossible without a support of the human capital, intellectual assets, culture and philosophy of management, and also technical and technological opportunities. At the same time, in our opinion, experts have underestimated the importance of competitive-integrated and investment potentials.

The first we consider as ability of separate components of economic potential to support a mode of functioning of corresponding subsystems at a level, allowing to create advantages over similar branch systems, including foreign. And from this point of view given component gets the special importance during formation of highly effective and competitive machine-building. As to investment potential, we consider, that it principally influences as efficiency of use and level of realization of today's opportunities, and, mainly, determines prospects of the future growth of economic potential.

This is quite timely to remark, that rather pessimistic results of questionnaire, certainly, have been influenced by the adverse economic conditions caused by development of the crisis phenomena of macroeconomic character, and extremely negatively reflected in the condition of a machine-building complex. Besides results of questionnaire are caused also by structure of experts, which has not included representatives of the enterprises of defense industry complex. At expansion of a circle of respondents in the given segment in view of some specific features and problems of this sector, final results would be differ from submitted.

Though the basic features and key problems, certainly, would find corresponding reflection with strengthening or weakening of the importance of separate questions and the certain displacement of accents. In this connection we shall note, that the received results in the greater degree are applicable to sector of civil machine-building of Sverdlovsk region.

In summary it can be said, that the administrative toolkit of strategic monitoring of realization of economic potential of the industrial complex developed by authors, approved by the example of research of economic potential of a machine-building complex of Sverdlovsk region, possesses high efficiency and universality, by what it is confirmed the opportunity of its application in management of development of economic potential of various industrial complexes in different regions of the Russian Federation.


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УДК 338.2:45

ключевые слова: мировая индустрия, промышленность РФ, место России, добывающая и обрабатывающая промышленность, отраслевая и территориальная структура, структурные сдвиги, региональные диспропорции, позиции Уральского региона

И. А. Родионова


В статье характеризуются позиции России на современной индустриальной карте мира и структурные сдвиги в российской индустрии. Промышленное производство являлось важнейшей отраслью экономики России на протяжении всего XX века и, безусловно, будет оставаться таковой в ближайшем будущем, несмотря на то, что отрасль сильно пострадала в период перестройки, и испытывает не лучшие времена в условиях нынешнего мирового экономического кризиса. Развитие индустриального сектора обеспечивает устойчивость социально-экономического развития страны, определяет ее позиции в мировой экономике.

Ослабление позиций России в мировой индустрии. Процесс вовлечения России в единое мирохозяйственное развитие после распада системы социализма оказался далеко не простым. К началу экономических реформ при перестройке своей экономики «от плана к рынку» в конце XX в. Россия находилась на индустриальной стадии развития. Следует обозначить и тот факт, что на протяжении второй половины XX в. Советский Союз по многим экономическим показателям, в т. ч. по темпам роста производительности труда и объемам производства продукции многих отраслей промышленности, находился не просто в числе мировых лидеров, а зачастую занимал первые позиции в мировой

табеле о рангах, конкурируя лишь с США [11, 17-19].

Промышленность развивали в нашей стране планомерно, упорно, как нигде в мире. Но, став крупной индустриальной державой, наша страна так и не догнала своих главных соперников. Учитывая факт почти двукратного сокращения объемов ВВП и производства промышленной продукции к середине 1990-х гг., отметим, что Россия в самом начале XXI в. уже более чем в 4 раза отставала от США по показателю среднегодовой выработки ВВП на одного занятого (83300 и 19500 долл. соответственно, в ценах и по ППС 2000 г.) и в 6,5 раз — по показателю производительности труда в промышленности. Согласно расчетам Б. Болотина, доля России в мировом промышленном производстве во второй половине XX в. изменялась следующим образом: 1950 г. — 10,7% (для сравнения: доля СССР — в то время оценивалась примерно на уровне 15%), 1960 г. — 14,9% (доля СССР - около 20%), 1970 г. - 13,5% (доля СССР — около 18%). В 1990 г. доля России в мировой индустрии сократилась до 10%, а к 2000 г. — до 4,5% (добавленная стоимость, в ценах и ППС национальных валют 2000 г.) [1].

Расчеты показывают, что удельный вес современной России как отдельно взятого государства в мировой индустрии ныне еще сократился, как и удельный вес в мировом производ-

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