'Uzbekistan-China: development of R VOLUME 1 | SPECIAL ISSUE 1
cultural, historical, scientific and Q ISSN 2181-1784
economic relations" SJIF 2021: 5.423
10.24412/2181-1784-2021 -1 -257-262
Khasanova Gulsanam Khusanovna
PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Foreign Languages, Journalism and Mass Communications University of Uzbekistan
Annotation.Modern trends in the development of general education and vocational training are determined by strict market requirements for the quality of productive work. This article analyzes the main trends in education and vocational training in the world, which have the property of interconnection and interpenetration.
Keywords: general education, vocational training, competitiveness, a competent person, labor market, integration of education, science and industry.
Recently, the entire progressive community has been concerned with the organization of education, its modernization, and the formation of new personal relationships. The learning process should provide an opportunity to acquire reliable, necessary and solid knowledge, which is the basis of a competent person. A developing society needs modern, educated, moral, enterprising and competent people who can independently make responsible decisions in a situation of choice, predicting their possible consequences, which can choose ways of cooperation. They are distinguished by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness, and develop a sense of responsibility for their own destiny and the destiny of the country. There are many such approaches nowadays.
Main trends in the development of general and vocational education are determined by strict market requirements for the quality of productive work. The level of professionalism of the employee, his socio-cultural status should optimally correspond to both the interests of the individual and the personnel needs of small, medium and large enterprises.
Currently, it is necessary to highlight the existing trends in the development of general and vocational education based on the integration of the principles of pedagogy and the project-targeted pedagogical approach [1; p.43-70]:
integration of education, science and industry;
project-oriented pedagogical approach to the organization of vocational education;
development of the creative nature of vocational education;
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interaction of the educational services market with the labor market; improving the quality of vocational education.
All these tendencies have the property of interconnection and interpenetration. Training of a competent specialist based on the integration of education, science and production is a process of professional formation of a student's personality, due to a high level of professionalism of scientific and pedagogical personnel, innovative technologies of teaching and upbringing, own educational and research activities aimed at the formation of professional competence, the ability to self-organization and competitiveness in the labor market.
The pedagogical principles of the integration of education, science and industry are [2; p.21-22]:
continuity and continuity of professional education; standardization and variability of professional education; problem-thematic and target integration of the content of academic disciplines, built on the basis of modern achievements of science and industry; personality-role organization of the educational process; the formation of core competencies in future specialists oriented and integrated on the basis of "education - science - production".
Design-targeted pedagogical approach to the organization of vocational education. Now the formation of real competence (social, intellectual, professional, ethnocultural, moral, etc.) is taught as a person capable of self-determination, self-education, self-regulation, self-actualization, competitiveness in the labor market. This does not mean that the role of knowledge is in no way diminished. However, they became, with the main purpose of education, a means of developing the student's personality. The personality of the student has become the system-forming quality of the modernization of higher education. The emphasis of education on the formation of personality leads to a qualitatively new approach to the organization of vocational education - a target task. Design is the process of creating a prototype, a prototype of an assumed or possible object, state; specific activity, the result of which is a scientifically, theoretically and practically grounded determination of options for the predicted and planned development of new processes and phenomena. Components of a project's activity can be specific models or modules (functional units that combine a set of elements, for example, an education system). In the theory of educational design, there are four possible outcomes: the pedagogical system; education management system; methodological support system; project of the educational process. The project-oriented approach involves considering the goals, content, technologies of education as a project of innovation on an integral basis.
The implementation of the design-target pedagogical approach to the organization of vocational education can be carried out on the basis of the following principles [1; p.43-70]:
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1. The principle of interdisciplinary integration - the coordinated study of theories, laws, concepts common to related disciplines; general scientific methods of knowledge and methodological principles; the formation of common activities and systems of relations.
2. The principle of modularity - the division of the content of education into separate modules for some reason. The modular structure of the training material provides the opportunity to implement the developmental function of training.
3. The principle of systemic integrity of forms and methods of teaching. This principle ensures within the subject integration; integration of teaching and educational tasks; active cognitive position of each student, stimulation and motivation of their educational activities.
4. The principle of motivational and creative activity of students - the formation of positive motivational structures and motivational attitudes for the implementation of educational and creative activities; a high level of project culture, immersion of students in a problem situation.
5. The principle of subjective integration, - activities, the development of students, allowing them, by performing different social roles (lecturer, consultant, speaker, examiner, etc.), to become active subjects of the entire educational process, to take part in goal-setting, planning, organization, adjusting your own education.
6. The principle of acmeological education, which consists in an integrated and purposeful impact on the inclinations of a personality, stimulating the development of the properties of subjectivity. The result of such an impact is high creativity and motivation of students' achievements, the formation of effective competence (social, intellectual, professional, ethno cultural, moral, etc.).
7. The principle of creativity is the development of the integrative qualities of a person, influencing his self-determination and self-improvement, the creative nature of activity, the ability to search for fundamentally new approaches to solving known problems or setting and solving fundamentally new problems, both in the professional sphere and in related fields.
8. The principle of the development of emotional creativity, aimed at developing the ability to hear and understand others, to anticipate their actions, to control their own and other people's emotions, to be able to make the right decision, to form and motivate the mindset to achieve a goal. In practice, the implementation of this principle is associated with social and pedagogical support of the subjects of the pedagogical process, based on the humanistic attitude of students and teachers to each other; pedagogical ethics promoting a humane attitude; the ability of participants in the educational process to openly express their thoughts.
Summing up the above, it can be noted that a project-oriented approach is a methodological basis for organizing vocational training aimed at developing students' professional competence, ensuring their competitiveness in the labor market, the ability to work effectively in their specialty at the level of world standards, readiness
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for constant professional growth, social and professional mobility. A targeted, project-oriented approach considers the goals, content, technology of education as a project of innovation on an integrative basis.
Development of the creative nature of vocational education. In modern postindustrial society, mass productive labor is based on the informational and creative approach of the employee to his functional duties. In these conditions, the role of creative thinking increases significantly. Modern society sets before all types of educational institutions and, above all, in professional educational institutions the task of preparing graduates who are capable [3; p.50-52]:
be guided in changing life situations, independently acquiring the necessary knowledge, applying it in practice to solve various problems that arise, so that throughout your life you can find a place in it;
to think independently critically, see emerging problems and look for ways of their rational solution using modern technologies; clearly understand where and how the acquired knowledge can be used; be able to generate new ideas, think creatively;
competently work with information (collect the facts necessary to solve a specific problem, analyze them, make the necessary generalizations, compare them with similar or alternative solutions, establish statistical and logical models, draw informed conclusions, apply experience to identify and solve new problems);
be sociable, communicate in various social groups, be able to work together in different areas, in different situations, prevent or skillfully get out of any conflict situations;
work independently on the development of their own morality, intellect, cultural level.
The creative nature of vocational education is the basis of graduate vocational education, one of the systemic didactic laws. Professional training of graduates is a process of progressive personality change under the influence of social influences, professional activities, and amateur performances aimed at self-improvement. The ability of a specialist to solve creative problems is determined by the opportunities that the environment provides for realizing the potential inherent in each person to varying degrees. The development of creativity in vocational training is a special psychological and pedagogical process aimed at developing the ability, both of students and teachers, to creative activity, discoveries and inventions that are novel and practice-oriented.
Improving the quality of vocational training. Quality is a complex philosophical, economic, social and at the same time social system. The quality of education is becoming the most important category of state policy around the world, the main focus of international educational policy. The quality of education in a broad sense defines education as a guarantor of national security, one of the most important factors in the sustainable development of society, the competitiveness of the state and the mission of educational institutions in the revival of the semantic role
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of education in the life of every person and the whole society. The quality of vocational training is a factor in the competitiveness of an educational institution in the educational services market. The competitiveness of an educational institution is its advantage in comparison with other similar facilities characterized by the ability to meet the educational needs of the population by providing it with a set of services, to update its life activity in accordance with the current legal, informational, psychological, pedagogical and other security.
Thus, today for the development of a more perfect and demanded system of general and vocational education in the modern world, experience in the development of vocational training abroad, as well as experience of interaction on these issues, is required.
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