MAIN TRENDS AND DIRECTIONS OF MODERN LINGUISTICS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
new directions in linguistics / paradigm / metalinguistics / anthropocentrism / language / trends / новые направления в лингвистике / парадигма / металингвистика / антропоцентризм / язык / тенденции

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — A.K. Zulpukarova

The article deals with the new linguistic trends. Their sources, the prospects of their further development, the subject of research and the problems are examined. The problem of integrating new linguistic trends into the scientific paradigm is given special attention. This article is an overview and description of the main trends and principles of modern linguistics.

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В статье рассматриваются новые лингвистические тенденции. Рассматриваются их истоки, перспективы дальнейшего развития, предмет исследования и проблемы. Особое внимание уделяется проблеме интеграции новых лингвистических направлений в научную парадигму. Данная статья представляет собой обзор и описание основных тенденций и принципов современной лингвистики.



A.K. Zulpukarova, Associate Professor Osh State University (Kyrgyzstan, Osh)


Abstract. The article deals with the new linguistic trends. Their sources, the prospects of their further development, the subject of research and the problems are examined. The problem of integrating new linguistic trends into the scientific paradigm is given special attention. This article is an overview and description of the main trends and principles of modern linguistics.

Keywords: new directions in linguistics, paradigm, metalinguistics, anthropocentrism, language, trends.

Thinking about the new linguistic directions of the linguistics of the end of the XX -beginning of the XXI century, their origins, prospects for further development and problems, it is necessary to deal with such questions as:

1) which of the many existing trends in modern linguistics are new, and which trends are sufficiently consolidated in the consciousness of scientists;

2) whether the new trends are independent, that is, whether they have their own conceptual space; what they represent - a science, a trend, a field, a discipline, a theory, a concept;

3) what, given the existing fragmentation of the new trends, ensures their internal unity.

Linguistics at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st is moving confidently from a "pure", "immanent" linguistics to a linguistics that is open to external influences, a linguistics that integrates freely with other sciences, an anthropological linguistics [1].

While throughout the 20th century the main principles of language research were systematicity and structure (less often - functionality), nowadays integrative, anthropocen-tric, communicative, dialogical, discursive, culturocentric, interest in deep knowledge of language, etc. principles come to the forefront. In modern research, these principles tend to interact and condition each other. For example, integrativity has made it possible to see more clearly the deep semantic foundations of language and human mentality, leading to the birth of cognitive linguistics. And it was the recognition of the need for a holistic

view of the human being (speaker/listener) that led to the emergence of integrativity. G. Hegel argued that "only the whole has meaning" [2].


Now, obviously, the study of the form of language would be incomplete without the consideration of cognition and culture. Or another example. The anthropocentric principle, which places the speaking person at the centre of the study of language, flows into the communicative and dialogic principle, since both the person and his language are inherently dialogic (see the Russian saying "language should flow into other"). And every dialogue, which determines the use of cultural and discursive principles, takes place against the background of culture and society. Thus, most of the principles mentioned above have their origin in the anthropocentric vector of modern linguistic research. However, we will continue to characterise these principles separately for the sake of clarity.

When new linguistic tendencies emerge, they represent a change of scientific paradigm. There is also a desire for an explanation of language as a global means of communication, for a comprehensive description of language in all its manifestations. The interest in the sphere of language operation (politics, law) has given rise to political linguistics and legal linguistics; the study of the interaction between language and culture, language and gender - linguoculturology, ethnolinguistics, linguogenderology; and the description of a new form of language operation (electronic

communication) - Internet linguistics, and so on. As N.N. Boldyrev writes, "Any science is strong not because of its dogmatism, but precisely because of the diversity of points of view, approaches, and directions that ensure its development and progress" [3].

These have enabled us to define the status of modern linguistics as polyparadigmatic and to see in it the inherent characteristics of the postmodern: 'multiplicities' and 'multiplicities of meaning'.


Thus, at the present stage of development of science, the greatest relevance is gained not by narrowly specialised scientific research, but by works with interdisciplinary understanding of language phenomena and integration of their results into a single whole, which contributes to the solution of complex scientific and practical problems. Modern linguistics strives for integration with a number of sciences - psychology, anthropology, cultural studies, sociology, microbiology, genetics and other sciences that study the human being and his or her language.

By their very nature and essence, the fields of knowledge that have emerged at the end of the last century, such as linguoculturology, linguoconceptology, jurislinguistics, etc., are integrative. Accepting the challenges of modernity means promoting the development of integration, interdisciplinarity, polydiscipli-narity, transdisciplinarity, which allow a holistic reflection generated by integrated knowledge about the object of study. The only way to give a strong impetus to the development of research and to break down the information barriers between the sciences is through the joint efforts of humanists in collaboration with biologists, physiologists, physicists, economists and educators.

A new meta-linguistic approach to language analysis has emerged in response to a diversity of linguistic tendencies and new original approaches. The study of metalin-guistics refers to the ideas of the American philosopher, methodologist and historian of science Thomas Kuhn about the structure of scientific revolutions. This has made it possible to identify the main trends in the development of linguistics and "to see behind the

outward diversity of the opinions and concepts presented a certain common, unified point of departure".

The concept of paradigm is a fundamental concept in meta-linguistics. The concept of paradigm was proposed by T. Kuhn: Applying the concept of paradigm allowed us to identify some conceptual unifying moments behind the external diversity of linguistic concepts, to identify the main lines of development of linguistics in the period considered, and to identify the main tendencies in its progressive movement [4].

There is variability over time and the relativity of a concept in the differences between new and not so new linguistic trends. It is not until the concept becomes widespread among scholars, until it has adherents, that the novelty of a theory is felt by linguists. These theories can be called dominant theories, i.e. those that are 'catching on' with scientists at a particular time, are frequently mentioned, and have a positive influence on the development of a particular scientific discipline.

It is not by chance that along with the word new (trend), linguistic works repeatedly use the word fashionable (trend), i.e. "enjoying universal success, attention". And such new directions as cognitive linguistics, gender linguistics, political linguistics, pragmalinguis-tics, linguocultural linguistics, ethnolinguis-tics, jurislinguistics, and so on, are no longer new because they have taken a firm place in the linguistic heavens and are accepted by the linguistic community.


New directions in linguistics give an assessment of new states, aspects, manifestations, characteristics of language by addressing new forms of language existence, which is why they are labelled with the magically charged word new, which brings them into the circle of social interest.

Because they still have a sense of novelty, ecolinguistics, internet linguistics, noolinguis-tics, biolinguistics, suggestive and reflexive linguistics, etc. are considered to be absolutely new (or the newest). In addition, they do not have many followers, and they have not yet formed theoretical and methodological guidelines, categorical and conceptual apparatus, principles for the analysis of linguistic

material. In fact, many researchers are of the opinion that these disciplines, of which they are followers, are in the process of formation [5].

These directions can be classified as 'nondominant', 'theoretical minority', little or no known. Considering language with projection onto a speaker is a main postulate of anthropological linguistics, describing a new form of language function (electronic communication) is a task of Internet linguistics, studying biological mechanisms of speech activity is a task of biolinguistics, creating a language of noospheric thought is a task of noolinguistics, and so on.

By analysing the object and subject of new linguistic directions, let us show how the image of language is created:

- Cognitive linguistics: Cognitive-reflective (cognitive) function of language, its role in conceptualising and categorising the world;

- Linguistic conceptology: Concepts that are embodied in language;

- Communicative Linguistics (Communication Theories): Communication, speech and language activity;

- Functional grammar: Functioning of grammatical units involved in conveying the content of an utterance, in interaction with units at different levels of the linguistic system;

- Suggestive linguistics: Linguistic tools for the subconscious mind;

- Reflexive Linguistics: Language as the basic relay of reflection - of the mental process of the individual, which consists in the recognition and analysis of one's own thoughts;

- Political linguistics: Political communi-

ception and evaluation of the political reality in the process of the communicative activity;

- Ethnolinguistics, linguistic anthropology: linguistic units which are a reflection of the material and spiritual culture of an ethnic group, its mentality and history;

- Linguopalaeontology: the history of language in connection with the history of a people, its material culture and its spiritual culture;

- Gender Linguistics: Speaker gender-related linguistic phenomena;

- Biolinguistics: Linguistic units related to the functioning of the whole human organism;

- Paralinguistics: Speech and body language (non-verbal means of communication);

- Corpus linguistics: A linguistic corpus as an electronic collection - a collection of texts accompanied by a scholarly apparatus;

- Discursology (discourse theory discourse): Discourse as a communicative event in a specific time and space context;

- Noolinguistics: Noospheric education as a key tool for a common language for all humanity [6].


Although one or another of these principles predominates in some of the new scientific trends, all of them are characterised by the above principles. The main characteristics of modern linguistics are therefore: diversity, multidimensionality of the object and subject of research; specificity of principles (neofunc-tionalism, anthropocentrism); new methodological bases (expansionism, integrationism, culturocentrism, sociocentrism, discursiveness); nature of results (explanation, search for isomorphism in language and other subjects, pluralism).

cation - everything that is related to the per-


1. Baudouin de Courtenay, I.A. Selected Works on General Linguistics. T. 2. - Moscow: House of the USSR Academy of Sciences Publ, 1963.

2. Zulpukarov, K.Z. (2016). Introduction to Chinese-Kyrgyz Comparative Linguistics.

3. Lurie, S.V. Psychological Anthropology: History, Current Status and Prospects: Textbook for Universities. - Moscow: Academic Project: Alma Mater («Gaudeamus»), 2005.

4. Kuhn T. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions [in:] Actual Problems of Modern Linguistics. - Moscow: Flinta-Nauka, 2009. - Pp. 17-41.

5. Nalimov, V.V. In Search of Other Meanings. - Moscow: Progress Publ, 1993.

6. Polivanov E.D. Articles on General Linguistics. - Moscow, 1968.


А.К. Зулпукарова, доцент

Ошский государственный университет

(Кыргызстан, г. Ош)

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются новые лингвистические тенденции. Рассматриваются их истоки, перспективы дальнейшего развития, предмет исследования и проблемы. Особое внимание уделяется проблеме интеграции новых лингвистических направлений в научную парадигму. Данная статья представляет собой обзор и описание основных тенденций и принципов современной лингвистики.

Ключевые слова: новые направления в лингвистике, парадигма, металингвистика, антропоцентризм, язык, тенденции.

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