MAIN PROBLEMS OF ENGLISH PHRASEOLOGY AND APPROACHES TO ITS STUDY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Key words: Phraseological units / double meaning / linguists / vocabulary / lexicology / speaking skills / composition / characteristic features of phraseological units.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Egamberdiyeva D.U.

Abstract. A significant place in linguistic research is occupied by phraseology a branch of lexicology that studies the semantic, morphological, syntactic and stylistic features of phraseological units

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UDC: 372:81

Egamberdiyeva D. U.


department of foreign languages faculty of agro engineering and hydro melioration Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agro technologies

Uzbekistan, Andijan



Abstract. A significant place in linguistic research is occupied by phraseology - a branch of lexicology that studies the semantic, morphological, syntactic and stylistic features ofphraseological units.

Key words: Phraseological units, double meaning, linguists, vocabulary, lexicology, speaking skills, composition, characteristic features of phraseological units.

Phraseological units represent the most picturesque and expressive part of the vocabulary of the language, reflecting customs, traditions of the people, references to its history, folklore. Phraseology, according to linguists, is the most democratic component of the dictionary, taken from the depths of the language of the people.

Phraseological units are characterized by a double meaning, and the meanings of the constituent words of a stable phrase create a certain picture, but the actual meaning of the whole unit has little or nothing to do with this picture, creating a completely new image.

The starting premise of lexicology as a science is the statement that the vocabulary of any language is not a mechanical set of words, but is a certain system, the elements of which are correlated and interconnected, subject to the internal laws of this system. It is quite natural that such a linguistic science as phraseology is connected with lexicology (from the Greek phrasis - expression, phrase, saying and logos - teaching), which investigates the lexical-semantic compatibility of words, stable language turns, phraseological units, one of the most important properties of which there is the reproducibility of their complete linguistic units. From this point of view, phraseological units are similar to lexical units (words), therefore, phraseology as a science is therefore closer to lexicology.

Different approaches of scientists are distinguished. Some believe that phraseologists should study only word combinations. Others expand the sphere of phraseology at the expense of proverbs, sayings, catchphrases, aphorisms and other speech formations.

The problems of phraseology were dealt with by many scientists, among them S. Bally, L. Smith, C. Hockett, I.O. Baudouin de Courtenay, O.V. Kunin,

V.V. Vynogradov, O.O. Potebnia, I.V. Arnold, T.I. Arbekova, E.F. Arsentieva, V.D. Uzhchenko, and others.

Scientists still have not reached a single conclusion regarding many questions of phraseology.

V.V. Yelyseeva notes that, despite the fact that phraseological units are combinations of words, they are viewed by linguists not from the standpoint of syntax, as free combinations, but from the standpoint of lexicology. The reason for this is, first of all, that in a free phrase it is possible to replace any component within the framework of this model, and in a phraseological combination the connection between the components is rigid and replacing one of them is impossible without destroying the meaning of the entire unit. Another reason why phraseological units belong to the objects of lexicological research is the presence of such a combination of common features with a word. Like a word, a phraseological unit is not formed in the process of speech from units of a lower level, but is reproduced as a ready-made block.

This feature indicates that the phraseological unit, like the word, contains a single lexical meaning. So, the phraseological unit is a non-modeled combination connected by semantic unity.

Analyzing the phraseological structure of the language, O.V. Kunin gives the following definition: "A phraseological unit is a stable combination of lexemes with a completely or partially reinterpreted meaning."

According to Arbekova: "A phraseological unit is a combination of words with a low combinatorial index, which is due to the structural and systemic features of the components (or one of them) or the special nature of the relationship of the word combination to reality, as well as the combination of these two factors" [2].

Phraseological units have certain features. N.N. Amosova points to four characteristic features defined by U.J. Ball: [1].

1. Phraseological units does not allow significant changes in the order and composition of words, with the exception of grammatical changes (mainly in the category of gender and tense) or those cases when there are certain commonly used variations of it.

2. Phraseological units cannot be formed on the basis of a false analogy (on the basis of the idiom "to be partial to a glass of wine with one's lunch" - "to like to tip a glass after breakfast" it is not possible to form the idiom "to be impartial to brandy" in meaning "not to like brandy").

3. Phraseological unit has a once-and-for-all set value.

4. Except for those cases when the context is able to show the meaning of the phraseological unit, its meaning is mostly impossible to guess.

The concept of idiomaticity is not clearly defined. Some linguists believe that the term idiomaticity requires an explanation [3]. There was a point of view that a phrase that could not be translated literally was considered idiomatic. It follows from this that if idiomaticity is considered as the main characteristic feature of phraseological unit.

The term idiomaticity is understood as a lack of motivation from the point of view of those for whom the given language is native. Since we are referring to the English language, this means that the phraseology includes only those phrases that are considered unmotivated by English people, for example: red tape, to kick the bucket and the like. This approach, as emphasized, is called intralinguistic.

In other words, idiomaticity should be judged within the language, not outside it.

Many phraseological units were formed on the basis of observations of the behavior, appearance, and life of animals.

Reinterpretation of the meaning, stability of the composition, once and for all established meaning, etc. are characteristic features of phraseological units. One of these factors - namely, a partial or complete rethinking of the meanings of the components of the phraseological unit is a necessary (though not sufficient) condition for their presence of imagery. It is thanks to this factor that we can talk about imagery as a characteristic feature of most idioms:

• to go off at half-cock

• back the wrong horse

• tell it to the gray horses

Creating the effect of imagery is achieved through the use of metaphor, metonymy, comparison:

white horses; to kill two birds with one stone; to change horses in the midstream; red as a lobster/ as a turkey-cock; to buy a pig in a poke.

Verbs are called phraseological units with generalized semantics of a procedural feature, objectified in verbal grammatical categories of form, state, manner, person, time. In a sentence, verbs perform the syntactic function of a predicate.

Main subclasses:

1. The most numerous subclass is phraseological units with the V+N structure. To shoot (throw) the bull, to play the hog, to see the elephant, to play the bear, to raise/wake snakes, to smell a rat. The same subclass includes a subtype of phraseological units with a prepositive noun extension with a possessive pronoun: V+pron.+N: To eat smb\'s toads, to cook somebody\'s goose.

2. V+adj.+N, the constant component of which is an adjective: to beat/flog a dead horse, to back the wrong horse.

3. V+N+prep.+N: Take the bear by the teeth, take the bull by the horns, to let the cat out of the bag. Also here we include phraseological units expanded by adjectives or possessive pronouns: To help a lame dog over a stile, to have bats in one's belfry.

4. V+N+N: To die a dog's death, to be bee's knees.

5. V+comp.+V: comparative component "like/as". To act like a chameleon, to run like a deer/hare/rabbit, to grin like a Cheshire cat.

6. V+and+V, as well as complex phraseological units with the structure V+N+and+V+N with noun expansion: To give a dog a bad/ill name and hang him,

to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds, to strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.

7. This list is supplemented by other structures such as V+prep.+N; V+N+adv; V+N+prep. etc.


1. Amosova N.N. Fundamentals of English phraseology. - L.: LSU Publishing House, 1963. -130 p.

2. Arbekova T.I. Lexicology of the English language (practical course). Study allowance for 2-3 courses of in-tov and fac. foreign I'm from. - M.: \"Higher School\", 1977. - 240 p.

3. Arkhangelsky V.L. Stable phrases in the modern Russian language. - Rostov-on-Don, 1964. - 193p.

4. Qodirova G.T. The use of computers to improve the professional level of teaching and learning//Economy and Society. № 6(73) -S.: 2020.

5. Usmonova Sh.R. Features of using information and communication technologies in English lessons //Economy and Society. № 6(73) -S.: 2020.

6. Mukhitdinova F.R. Linguistic characteristics of written and oral speech in Russian as a foreign language lessons. International scientific journal "Interpretation and research" Volume 1, issue 9, p 134.

7. Egamberdiyeva D.U. Development of methodological programs in a foreign language. International scientific journal "Interpretation and research" Volume 1, issue 9, 56 p.

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