Научная статья на тему 'Main principles of sustainable development of the city of Fuzuli: the revived Karabakh region'

Main principles of sustainable development of the city of Fuzuli: the revived Karabakh region Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
town / residential zone / sustainable development / infrastructure / Fuzuli / cultural / recreation areas / город / жилая зона / устойчивое развитие / инфраструктура / Физули / культурный / рекреационные зоны

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Isbatov Ilqar Aydin

This article presents the results of studying the urban environment of Karabakh in the post-war period. The purpose of the study is to develop promising methods of building Karabakh, taking into account all the features of the city. Objective prerequisites for the formation of new models of residential buildings and multifunctional complexes are revealed. The article analyzes the development of the planning structure of the city, the formation of its status and specific features. The project proposals of various years and the modern concept of the city development are analyzed. Based on the approved modern concept of the development of Karabakh, the proposed models can solve the issue of the development of the region's housing stock for both local residents and tourists.

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Основные принципы устойчивого развития города Физули: возрождаемого Карабахского региона

В данной статье представлены результаты изучения городской среды Карабаха в послевоенный период. Цель исследования – разработка перспективных методов застройки Карабаха с учетом всех особенностей города. Выявлены объективные предпосылки формирования новых моделей жилых зданий и многофункциональных комплексов. В статье анализируется развитие планировочной структуры города, формирование его статуса и специфических особенностей. Анализируются проектные предложения различных годов и современная концепция развития города. Основываясь на утвержденной современной концепции развития Карабаха, предлагаемые модели могут решить вопрос развития жилого фонда региона как для местных жителей, так и для туристов.

Текст научной работы на тему «Main principles of sustainable development of the city of Fuzuli: the revived Karabakh region»

Architecture and Modern Information Technologies. 2023. № 1(62). a 248-261


Original article

UDC/yflK 711.4-111 (479.243)

DOI: 10.24412/1998-4839-2023-1-248-261

Main principles of sustainable development of the city of Fuzuli:

the revived Karabakh region

Ilqar Aydin Isbatov1

Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, Baku, Azerbaijan isbatov@mail.ru

Abstract: This article presents the results of studying the urban environment of Karabakh in the post-war period. The purpose of the study is to develop promising methods of building Karabakh, taking into account all the features of the city. Objective prerequisites for the formation of new models of residential buildings and multifunctional complexes are revealed. The article analyzes the development of the planning structure of the city, the formation of its status and specific features. The project proposals of various years and the modern concept of the city development are analyzed. Based on the approved modern concept of the development of Karabakh, the proposed models can solve the issue of the development of the region's housing stock for both local residents and tourists.

Keywords: town, residential zone, sustainable development, infrastructure, Fuzuli, cultural, recreation areas

For citation: Isbatov I.A. Main principles of sustainable development of the city of Fuzuli: the revived Karabakh region. Architecture and Modern Information Technologies. 2023. no. 1(62). pp. 248-261. Available at: https://marhi.ru/AMIT/2023/1kvart23/PDF/15 isbatov.pdf DOI: 10.24412/1998-4839-2023-1-248-261


Научная статья Ильгар Айдын Исбатов1

Азербайджанский Архитектурно-Строительный Университет, Баку, Азербайджан isbatov@mail.ru

Основные принципы устойчивого развития города Физули: возрождаемого Карабахского региона

Аннотация: В данной статье представлены результаты изучения городской среды Карабаха в послевоенный период. Цель исследования - разработка перспективных методов застройки Карабаха с учетом всех особенностей города. Выявлены объективные предпосылки формирования новых моделей жилых зданий и многофункциональных комплексов. В статье анализируется развитие планировочной структуры города, формирование его статуса и специфических особенностей. Анализируются проектные предложения различных годов и современная концепция развития города. Основываясь на утвержденной современной концепции развития Карабаха, предлагаемые модели могут решить вопрос развития жилого фонда региона как для местных жителей, так и для туристов.

Ключевые слова: город, жилая зона, устойчивое развитие, инфраструктура, Физули, культурный, рекреационные зоны

1 © Исбатов И.А., 2023

Для цитирования: Исбатов И.А. Основные принципы устойчивого развития города Физули: возрождаемого Карабахского региона // Architecture and Modern Information Technologies. 2023. № 1(62). С. 248-261. URL:

https://marhi.ru/AMIT/2023/1kvart23/PDF/15 isbatov.pdf DOI: 10.24412/1998-4839-2023-1248-261


The state of public development of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as the entire world community, is characterized by the transition to a new civilized strategy - the sustainable development of populated areas. This strategy most fully meets the tasks of a balanced solution to socio-economic issues, problems of maintaining environmental equilibrium and natural resource potential "for the satisfaction of needs of present and future generations." Such an approach to global priorities actualizes the problem of planning sustainable urban development in the specific conditions of the Republic of Azerbaijan, giving this problem not only theoretical but also important ideological and political significance [14].

For the first time, the goals, objectives, and principles of sustainable development of populated areas were formulated in the final document of the UN Conference on Environment and Development (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1992) "Agenda for the 21st Century". Declaring its commitment to building a new civil society based on the principles of democratic governance with the rule of law and new partnerships between states and peoples, Azerbaijan is particularly interested in the implementation of the Habitat Agenda II, approved in Istanbul by the Heads of Government of 171 countries of the world23. Therefore, the strategy of this document, aimed at achieving sustainable urban development and creating adequate housing, places of employment, life, and recreation for the population, is fully approved by the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Defining its tasks in the implementation of "Habitat Agenda II», the Government of Azerbaijan in the new economic formation is trying to involve as much as possible private business representatives as partners in its implementation, non-governmental organizations and other civil society actors. This is confirmed by the adoption of new legislative, legal, and regulatory acts on urban planning, streamlining, and democratizing the process of developing urban planning and housing stock ownership, strengthening the protection of cultural heritage and the environment456.


The work is based on theoretical research methods such as analysis, synthesis, comparison and analogy, and empirical methods as external examination and prediction. The method of foreign and domestic experience in the development and reconstruction of cities in the post-war period is used. Models of residential development and organization of public facilities on the territory of Karabakh are proposed, considering all the features of the city. The source base of the research

2 Государственные градостроительные нормы и правила / Правила разработки, согласования, экспертизы и утверждения градостроительной документации, AzDTN-15-2, Баку, 2000.

3 Государственные градостроительные нормы и правила/ Планировка, строительство и благоустройство городских, поселковых и сельских населенных пунктов, AzDTN, Баку, 2002.

4 Государственные градостроительные нормы и правила / Порядок организации, проведения строительных работ и приемки в эксплуатацию объектов, строительство которых завершено, AzDTN, Баку, 2004.

5 Закон АР «Об основах градостроительства» (05.1998). Баку.

6 Указ Президента Азербайджанской Республики об утверждении «Государственной программы социально-экономического развития регионов Азербайджанской Республики в 2009-2013 годах», 14. 04. 2009 г., Баку, 2009.

is formed by a set of archival data not previously introduced into scientific circulation, concentrated in the funds of the State Archives of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Generalizing the experience of European States, it seems necessary to use primarily the analytical method for carrying out the necessary calculations and theoretical justification for determining the degree of destruction of residential areas of the city.

The Republic of Azerbaijan, which gained independence in 1991 and embarked on the path of sovereign development, is witnessing a dynamic growth of cities. This growth is accompanied by the reconstruction of historical and the construction of new cities7. In the process of dynamic urban development, urban planning and development approaches are changing. The importance of addressing the patterns of sustainable urban development and the need to develop new scientific methods of planning and design that consider the past, present, and future of cities is becoming more apparent8.

Today, the concept of sustainable development is dominant and universally accepted in the world [4]. It belongs to various areas of activity, including such an important area as urban planning. The problem of sustainable urban development was a priority at the International Congress of Architects: in Beijing (1999), Istanbul (2002), Berlin (2005), Turin (2008), Tokyo. It is accepted that the sustainable development of the city should ensure a high quality of life, considering the preservation of the natural environment, resources, safety, and ecological balance of economic and social activities of the population [12].

The concept of "sustainable development" in relation to the planning of cities of the Republic of Azerbaijan is considered as a consistent transition to cities of a new type, which corresponds with all their functions, structure and architecture, location in the settlement system and in the environment of high principles of modern urban development. The content of this concept and the planning decisions arising from it are constantly updated with each stage in the development of social, economic, and environmental conditions of society [2].

Based on the proposed theoretical concept of urban planning activities concerning the conditions of the Republic of Azerbaijan, methodological provisions for predicting the development of a qualitatively new target object for urban planning of sustainable cities are considered, the development planning of which acts as an important control link, ensuring the implementation of its coordinating and constructive role by urban planning [1].

It is possible to realize the multifaceted effect of planning sustainable development of Azerbaijani cities [15]:

- social (improving the quality of life of the population related to the planning, development and functioning of sustainable cities);

- ecological (proportional development of the natural and urban environment, improvement of their aesthetic qualities) [5];

- economic (improvement of the economy of regions and construction in cities, in which modern urban development plays a great role) [6].

As a result of the implementation of new approaches in planning and achieving these effects of sustainable development (social, environmental, economic) it is possible to continuously improve the unified system of settlement of the Republic of Azerbaijan all links of the city network as the basic environment of life of the society [3]. The structuring of the planning system in the urban planning of Azerbaijan highlights the main, and subordinate, goals and means of planning in improving the spatial conditions of social development [8, 13].

7 Постановление Кабинета Министров АР «Правила разработки, согласования и утверждения градостроительных документов благоустройства городов, поселков и сельских населенных мест» (№ 158 от 04.09.2000). Баку.

8 СНиП П-60-75, М., Госстрой; СНиП 2.07.01-89 // Градостроительство, планировка и застройка поселений; СНиП 10-01-94. М., 1994.

One of the main problems of planning sustainable urban development in the Republic of Azerbaijan is military operations in frontline areas and the problems of planning border cities. Due to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, all residential and public buildings have been completely destroyed, and the entire engineering infrastructure has been destroyed. The entire flora and fauna has suffered serious damage. Unique centuries-old woodlands have been cut down. Currently, the return of the population to their native places is not possible. Great economic and moral damage was inflicted on the territory, ecology and population of Azerbaijan. 10 administrative districts of Azerbaijan - Khojavend, Khojaly, Shusha, Lachin, Kelbajar, Aghdam (most of them), Jabrail, Fuzuli (partially), Gubadli and Zangelan were completely destroyed.

By the decision of the Azerbaijani Government, to improve the living conditions of refugees and internally displaced persons, investments have been allocated from the State Oil Fund for the construction of new settlements: in Aghdam for 500 families: 2 townships with 150 families and 2 townships with 100 families; 4 townships with 200 families in Fuzuli. The formation of the master plans of these townships was envisaged considering the current building codes and regulations9. In all new townships, a complex of social, cultural, household and engineering buildings and structures is provided. For each house, adjacent plots of 1200 m2 and 2 hectares of farmland outside the village are provided. In December 2007, the last of the tent towns was liquidated. In general, 12 such cities were liquidated. To improve the living conditions of settlements during the implementation of the program, 54 new villages were founded, and more than 15 thousand houses were built10.

At the same time, the leadership of the Republic of Azerbaijan sought to liberate the illegally occupied territories of the Republic through peaceful negotiations. This situation lasted about 30 years. The Republic of Azerbaijan was forced to resolve the issue of liberation of its lands by military means and achieved this because of 44 days of fighting in 2020.

The survey of liberated territories showed that all cities and rural settlements of the Karabakh zone were destroyed. All residential and public structures and engineering infrastructure has been destroyed. The whole area is mined. All flora and fauna have been severely damaged. Unique centuries-old forests have been cut down. Currently, the return of the population to their native places is not possible.

Results and discussion

The Azerbaijani Government has decided to revive the Karabakh zone of the republic, to implement the reconstruction of destroyed towns and villages based on modern principles of the ideology of sustainable development [10, 16].

One of the first tasks was to revive the town of Fuzuli and turn it into a smart city. The master plan of the town of Fuzuli is developed. Work began on drawing up master plans for the towns of Agdam, Zangilan, Gubadli, Jabrail, Lachin, Kalbajar, Shusha, and Khojaly [11].

Leading experts from England, Italy and other countries take part in the development of master plans for the towns of Karabakh along with specialists-architects of Azerbaijan11 [7, 18].

9 Результаты деятельности Госкомитета градостроительства и архитектуры за последние 100 дней // Государственный комитет по градостроительству и архитектуре Азербайджанской республики: официальный сайт. 2018. URL: https://arxkom.gov.az/ru/media/xeberler/dovlet-sehersalma-ve-arxitektura-komitesinin-son-100-gun-erzinde-fealivveti (дата обращения 09.24.2022).

10 Aliyeva L. Cities and villages liberated from occupation. URL: https://justiceforkhoialy.org/content/cities-and-villages-liberated-occupation (дата обращения 09.24.2022).

11 Архи-текст: проектирование безопасных городов. 2019. URL: https://xn--80akijuiemcz7e.xn--plai/blog/arhi-tekst-proektirovanie-bezopasnyh-gorodov (дата обращения 11.02.2022).

The master plan of Fuzuli was reviewed and approved by the leadership of the republic. The construction of the engineering infrastructure of the town has begun. An international airport has been built in Fuzuli (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Detailed plan of the town of Fuzuli (Compiled by the author)

Based on a comprehensive assessment of the modern territory of the town of Fuzuli, a conceptual scheme for the development of the town was developed, which recommended Blue zones, a medium-density residential zone, a low-density residential zone, an industrial development zone, an industrial zone and an area not provided for residential development, a transport infrastructure centre, transport corridors, airport, rivers and recreational areas around the rivers and green spaces.

Integrated Area Assessment Schemes are presented below (Fig. 2, 3).

Fig. 2. Complex assessment scheme of the area (Compiled by the author)

Fig. 3. Conceptual scheme (Compiled by the author)

Fig. 4 shows the main master plan of the town of Fuzuli, which defines the boundaries of the town, residential areas, cultural facilities, park and recreation areas, transport facilities (airport, railway station and bus station), engineering infrastructure zones, tourism and recreation areas, rivers and reservoirs, agricultural production zones. The residential area is differentiated into low-density and medium-dense areas, as well as a zone of individual development [17].

Fig. 5 shows the types of residential buildings that are possible for the development of the city of Fuzuli.

Fig. 4. Master plan project (Compiled by the author)

Fig. 5. Residential areas (Compiled by the author)

Fig. 6 shows the transport infrastructure and development of the city of Fuzuli1213'

Fig. 6. Transport infrastructure development scheme (Compiled by the author)

Three approaches were envisaged in the development of the Fuzuli master plan. 1. Sustainable development (fig. 7)

Social welfare

Fig. 7. The principles of sustainable development

12 Fitzgerald J. Liberating Cities from Cars. URL: https://www.planetizen.com/blogs/109934-liberating-cities-cars. (дата обращения 11.28.2022).

13 About time cities liberated of 'tyranny of images': Mehrotra https://www.business-standard.com/article/pti-stories/about-time-cities-liberated-of-tyranny-of-images-mehrotra-117122000661 1.html (дата обращения 12.26.2022).

14 Bagirov O. Azerbaijan Aims to Transform Liberated Territories to High-Tech Area - OpEd. URL: https://aircenter.az/en/single/azerbaijan-aims-to-transform-liberated-territories-to-high-tech-area--oped-658 (дата обращения 12.26.2022).

The principles of sustainable development established by the United Nations, aimed at achieving by 2030, have been consolidated into four main areas.


- implementing strategies for new development programs;

- achieving effective coordination;

- building sustainable human resources capacity.


- achieving maximum result with minimal resources;

- promotion the import of know-how and nanotechnology standards;

- compliance with the requirements of the 4th industrial age.

Social welfare

- planning a comfortable living;

- providing quality education;

- provision of progressive and reliable healthcare;

- organization of cultural life and recreation.


- reducing harmful effects on the environment;

- proper use of natural resources;

- implementation of recycling and efficient environmental practices. 2. Smart city (fig. 8)

Fig. 8. A «smart city» key attributes

According to the European Commission, a «smart city» is where traditional networks and services become more efficient by using digital solutions for the benefit of residents and entrepreneurs.

"Smart" management

- full implementation of electronic control systems;

- "smart" society;

- training of professional personnel in modern technologies. "Smart" environment

- application of alternative and renewable energy sources, ecological services with progressive methods, green city approaches.

"Smart" lifestyle

- optimal coordination of housing, education, healthcare, and other services.

"Smart" transport and information technologies

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- Improving digital-based networks and systems.

"Smart" economy

- Creation of opportunities and conditions for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. 3. Blue zone (fig. 9)

Fig. 9. "Blue Zone" basic features and properties

The "Blue Zone" (by Michael Poulin, Gianni Pes, Dan Buttner) are urban areas where conditions for a healthy and quality life are created. The design of such areas is one of the preferred approaches in modern urban planning solutions. Main features of the" Blue zone " territories are:

Active life

- creating opportunities for natural mobility and walking;

- less dependence on auto - vehicles;

- street-road projects that improve the quality of living;

- roadside service enterprises;

- minimal use of hard ground coverings.


- prioritizing the human factor;

- green design;

- open spaces and greenery;

- outdoor recreation areas.


- gastronomic culture;

- use of environmentally friendly food products.


- public event opportunities;

- creating rich and dynamic opportunities for participation.

By implementing these three approaches, it is possible to move from the isolated development of green spaces to their interconnected spatial development based on the formation of urban economic corridors and urban ecological zones.

In the field of a combination of residential, public, and industrial complexes, high quality of the living environment is achieved through their spatial, structural, and functional integration as an important basis for the "sustainable development of the city." Residential complexes are formed based on modern principles of smart houses, and public complexes in accordance with the social needs of the city residents.

In the field of creation of efficient transport infrastructure and logistics of cities laid the principle of "environmentally friendly" development of all modes of transport [9].


The study focused on the town of Fuzuli, the town most affected by the hostilities. In accordance with the predetermined degree of destruction of buildings, a map of the zoning of the territory of the residential area was built. The information obtained in the course of zoning will make it possible to establish the functional and planning structure of residential areas of the town and the parameters of their planned development, determined by the master plan of the settlement, considering urban and natural features of the territory, the interconnected placement of residential buildings, public buildings and structures, the road network, landscaped areas common use and other objects, the expressiveness of the spatial solution of the development.

All these principles make it possible to create a modern living environment on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan that meets the requirements of the 21st century. The results of the research work led to the development of an urban planning methodology based on an assessment of the degree of destruction of residential areas affected by hostilities. The use of the proposed methodology will save time in assessing the damage caused to the objects of capital construction, which form the basis for starting the process of urban recovery and providing its foundation at all other levels of spatial and urban planning. The importance of using this approach is that it provides an opportunity to determine the extent of destruction of residential areas in special circumstances

- the conduct of hostilities in the city and the emerging complexity of field assessment.

Sources of illustrations:

Fig. 1-6. Compiled by the author.


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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Isbatov Ilqar Aydin

PhD in Architecture, Associate Professor of the Department «Fundamentals of Architecture»,

Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, Baku, Azerbaijan;

Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture of the Republic of

Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan


ОБ АВТОРЕ Исбатов Ильгар Айдын

Кандидат архитектуры, доцент кафедры «Основы Архитектуры», Азербайджанский

Архитектурно-Строительный Университет, Баку, Азербайджан;

Заместитель председателя Государственного комитета по градостроительству и

архитектуре Азербайджанской Республики, Баку, Азербайджан


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