MAIN DIRECTIONS OF SOCIAL GEOGRAPHICAL RESEARCH IN THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Nurmatov A.U.

The article describes the stages of the formation of social geography, changes in its object and subject, the necessity of social geographical research in research, and the characteristics of the main directions.

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Nurmatov A. U. teacher

Department of Geography Karshi State University


Annotation. The article describes the stages of the formation of social geography, changes in its object and subject, the necessity of social geographical research in research, and the characteristics of the main directions.

Keywords. economic geography, social geography, population, labor resources, population lifestyle.

Introduction. The continuous change of socio-economic events in human society over time has a direct impact on the formation and development of most sciences. In particular, the processes of development of society, development of production forces and their location on the scale of regions lead to changes in the scope of research of economic and social geography, its object and subject. Consequently, its name has been interpreted in different ways during the past periods and in different countries. For example, this discipline, which was traditionally called "economic geography" in different periods, was later conducted in the form of social or social geography, economic and social geography, socio-economic geography, while in developed countries, especially countries such as Germany, France, Great Britain, Japan, social, human or also called humanitarian geography. Also, currently in Russia and some CIS countries, it is called "Economic, social, political and recreational geography" and dissertations are defended in this specialty. It is urgent to determine the main directions of social geography based on the object of research and to implement scientific research on this basis through concepts aimed at improving the lifestyle of the population.

The main part. The object of economic geography used to be the location of the economy and population of a certain country or region, production forces, then it took the form of the territorial structure or system of the economy and population, territorial-economic complexes [9]. The definition of this science is also different from the point of view of different "concepts" (regionalization, territorial system and territorial complexes). In general, modern economic and social geography as an independent science studies the characteristics of the development and location of production forces in different countries and regions, as well as the territorial aspects of human life and lifestyle. In short, it can be described as the science of territorial organization of community life and activities. The given definition fully expresses the essence of the science of

economic and social geography from the point of view of the present time. Economic and social geography (more precisely, social geography in a broad sense) consists of 3 main parts, namely economic geography, socio-economic geography and social geography, each of which has a research object and subject. Also, the 4th separate block of social geography includes military geography, limology, geoconflictology, electoral geography, geography of administrative-territorial structures, ethno-political geography, etc. political geography, which have not yet been studied as an object of research [9].

According to A.Yu.Skopin, the object of economic geography is the anthroposphere (ecosphere), where economic activity develops, and the subject of research is the search for solutions to geo-economic problems based on systematic approaches and the study of the transformation of the anthroposphere [7]. In the 1960s and 1970s, views emerged that geography is a science of territorial systems. Yu.G. Saushkin noted that "Economic geography is the science of formation, activity and development processes of regional socioeconomic systems and management of these systems" [6]. A.I.Chistobaev, M.D.Sharigin, V.V.Voronin and others put forward the opinion that "economic and social geography studies regional social systems" [2, 13]. According to A.S.Soliev, in order for any science to function as a separate science, it must first have its object of research, its subject. Here, an object is an entity, phenomenon or event, which serves not only for one discipline, but for a combination of disciplines. For example: population, at the same time, interests economists, demographers, ethnographers, social geographers and representatives of other disciplines. But every scientist studies the population in his own way. For example, for economists, the population is seen as the main productive force, a working subject, and for ethnographers, the part of interest to the population is its national customs, clothing, and traditions. A demographer studies the population as a biosocial category, that is, he analyzes the natural and migratory increase of the population (birth, death, migration), marriage, divorce and other aspects on a scientific basis [8, 9].

In general, modern economic and social geography as an independent science studies the characteristics of the development and location of production forces in different countries and regions, as well as the territorial aspects of human life and lifestyle. In short, it can be described as the science of territorial organization of community life and activities. The given definition fully expresses the essence of the science of economic and social geography from the point of view of the present time. Economic and social geography (more precisely, social geography in a broad sense) consists of 3 main parts, namely economic geography, socio-economic geography and social geography, each of which has a research object and subject. Also, the 4th separate block of social geography includes military geography, limology, geoconflictology, electoral geography, geography of administrative-territorial structures, ethno-political

geography, etc. political geography, which has not been studied as an object of research [9].

The research areas of economic and social geography are quite different from each other. Although social geography mainly studies the relationship between natural and social environment, human and social environment, it also has many research directions (ethnoconfessional, social geography, medical geography and its nosogeography part, crime geography, human ecology, etc.). The independence of Uzbekistan had a serious impact on the theoretical aspects, object, subject, goals and tasks of this science. In particular, in the conditions of liberalization of production, diversification and modernization of the structure of its industries, and the ongoing global financial and economic crisis, the practical importance of this science is increasing.

At the same time, increasing the industrial potential of the republic, improving its territorial structure, especially bringing industry to rural areas with high possibilities of establishing processing enterprises, modernizing economic sectors, forming a specific investment environment and infrastructure system of each region will directly increase the applied aspects of this science. There are measures aimed at improving the standard of living of the population, education, improving the health of the population, which directly strengthen the practical aspects of social geographical research. It should be noted that at first opinions were expressed that the structural structure of the science of geography in general should be separate in the form of natural geography, population geography and economic or economic geography in accordance with the triad of "nature, population, economy", but N.N. Baransky's strict judgments about what is necessary for man led to its two main parts, i.e. natural and economic (later social) geography [1].

In general, economic and social geographical studies in Uzbekistan have evolved in two directions. The first line of economic geographical research consists of several stages, starting with the assessment of natural conditions (nature components) from the point of view of agriculture, and now ending with the location of production forces and regional policy [14, 15].

In the second direction, which is social geographical research, priority is given to scientific works such as the population of certain regions, natural movement of the population, labor resources, while attention is also paid to the geography of public service, recreation and tourism. Admittedly, separate, special scientific works have been carried out in almost all stages of economic geographical research, but there are still many that are waiting for their solution in the purely social direction of social geographical research. For example, it is required to carry out appropriate scientific research on religion (confessional) geography, customs, real estate geography, geopsychology. At the same time, the new political geography direction of economic and social geography, which is now forming in our country, includes military geography, limology,

geoconflictology, electoral geography, geography of administrative-territorial structures, ethnopolitical geography, etc. should be strengthened.

Although such fields of science as the geography of medicine, religion, and tourism are really frontier fields that have arisen on the edge of science, we prefer to see them within the system of geographic sciences, more precisely, within the framework of the science of social geography. Because, for example, if we take medical geography, there are regional differences in the emergence and spread of diseases on earth, and the basis of this science is geographical factors. It should be mentioned here that M. Nazarov and Z. Tojieva divided the research conducted by social geography scientists into the following four groups


1. Supporters of the opinion that "Social geography does not exist, but the presence of social aspects in geography is undeniable." Authors belonging to this trend argue that social geography does not exist independently. E.B.Alaev, S.A.Kovalyov, N.Ya.Kovalskaya, G.M.Lappo, S.B.Lavrov, G.V.Sdasyuk, Yu.G.Saushkin, A.A.Tkachenko can be included among them. In a number of works created by these scholars, it is emphasized that the social and economic aspects are inseparable and attempts to be strict are futile.

2. "Social geography is an independent science, which is at the lowest level in the structure of geographical sciences. In many cases, it can be seen as a component of population geography," the authors of the opinion say. According to the ideas belonging to this direction, social geography is independent and is included in population geography at the lower hierarchical level of geography. (Anokhin A.A., Kostyaev A.I., Dolinin A.A). In particular, A.A.Dolinin interprets social geography as a specific branch of population geography. According to him, social geography is embodied in determining the levels of social development of people's territorial associations. A.A.Anokhin and A.I.Kostyaev believe that social geography was formed as a science that studies the territorial organization of the social life of regions of different taxonomic categories. Despite the fact that social geography is understood in a much broader sense than population geography, the above authors still proceed from the foundations of population geography.

3. Social geography is an independent science, and it is located in the middle hierarchical level in the structure of geographical sciences, that is, for example, on the same level as economic geography. According to the third perspective, social geography is the last major branch of social geography (in the broadest sense), standing on the same level as economic geography. This point of view was supported by V.M.Gokhman and S.Ya.Nimmik, and they came to the same conclusion. Also, according to the level of development, social geography lags behind economic geography, because the opinion that social geography began to form much later, S.Nimmick shows the dependence of social geography on economic geography and also the inseparability of social and cultural geography.

4. Social geography is an independent science, and it is a synonym of social geography, as it is located at a higher hierarchical level in the structure of social geography sciences; social geography also includes economic geography.

According to the opinion belonging to the fourth direction, social geography can be understood as a science that covers all social relations. Here the concepts of "social" and "social" are mutually compatible and synonymous. So, according to them, social geography (social geography) covers other social geographic branches (economic geography, except for population geography, political geography, military geography, historical geography, etc.). N.N.Baransky also understood social geography in such a broad sense, and such understanding is characteristic of local scientists (Soliev A., Ota-Mirzaev O., etc.).

At present, the need to understand the term social geography in a narrow and broad sense has arisen by many authors. According to U.Mereste's concept of science integration, social geography is synonymous with social geography. Social geography is a study of social geographical systems, covering all social objects and social and geographical relations between them [16].

Philosophically analyzed, if there are social events in space and time related to a person and his lifestyle, work, knowledge and rest, recovery of health, thoughts, customs, or in a word, in a broad sense, in turn, the need to study the territorial laws of their emergence, formation and development is natural, and this issue, according to the logic of science, first of all falls within the scope of the research object of geography, more precisely, it is appropriate for social geography to deal with it [4].

During the years of independence, a number of works on social geography were carried out in Uzbekistan. The dissertation defended by M.Nazarov under the guidance of A.S.Soliev on the problems of providing medical services to the population (1996) was an important step from traditional economic geography to social geography [16]. As a continuation of this, science and geography of scientific research (Kh.Nazarova, 1997), medical geography and nosogeography (N.Komilova, 1999, 2012; I.Turdymambetov, 2016), crime geography (A.Qayumov, 2006), population geography (Z.Tojieva, 2017; R.Kadirov, 2021; L.Ibragimov, 2022), geography of rural areas (Sh.Qurbanov, 2017; M.Atajonov, 2022), geography of population lifestyle (H.Oblakulov, 2022, M.Oteuliev, 2022), geography of religion (K.Toraev, 2022) theses were defended.

Conclusion. Thus, social geography (in the broadest sense) is a system of geographic sciences emerging in the processes of integration between geographic sciences and social sciences. In the present period, the harmonization (synthesis) of sciences is taking place in this system, and the general theory of social social geography is rapidly forming. Thus, social geography is undergoing a formative phase, and therefore indicates the prospect of its independence and integrity.


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