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Strategy / Principal's Performance / Madrasah

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Dahrina M., Warul Walidin, Saifullah

Purpose - A madrasa principal functions and serves as a manager, being responsible for developing the quality of education and his madrasa in accordance with its vision and mission. The problem investigated in this research was the strategy of the madrasa principals in improving teachers’ performance in Islamic elementary schools in Banda Aceh. Design/methodology/approach This research employed qualitative research to understand policies and the phenomena that occurred in the field. This qualitative research used a phenomenological design to analyze the Madrasah Principal’s strategy in developing teachers’ performance in Islamic elementary schools in Banda Aceh. Findings The madrasa principals’ strategy is one of the strategic factors that can improve teacher performance through the creation of a conducive school climate and culture that encourages teachers to work better. The madrasa principals and the teachers’ strategy in developing learning in Islamic elementary schools in Banda Aceh, according to the teachers’ view, could be done by completing lacking learning facilities and infrastructure. Another opinion was expressed by the madrasa principals who stated that another effort made in improving teacher performance at MIN 1 Banda Aceh, MIN 6 Banda Aceh and MIN 11 Banda Aceh were through the the madrasa principals’ supervision.

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1Doctoral Program Student, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh Postgraduate 23Ar-Raniry State Islamic University Banda Aceh, Indonesia ^Coresponding Author, Ine45262@gmail.com 2saifullahidris@ar-raniry.ac.id, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9255-4814 warul.walidin@gmail.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7309-1826


Purpose - A madrasa principal functions and serves as a manager, being responsible for developing the quality of education and his madrasa in accordance with its vision and mission. The problem investigated in this research was the strategy of the madrasa principals in improving teachers' performance in Islamic elementary schools in Banda Aceh.

Design/methodology/approach - This research employed qualitative research to understand policies and the phenomena that occurred in the field. This qualitative research used a phenomenological design to analyze the Madrasah Principal's strategy in developing teachers' performance in Islamic elementary schools in Banda Aceh. Findings - The madrasa principals' strategy is one of the strategic factors that can improve teacher performance through the creation of a conducive school climate and culture that encourages teachers to work better. The madrasa principals and the teachers' strategy in developing learning in Islamic elementary schools in Banda Aceh, according to the teachers' view, could be done by completing lacking learning facilities and infrastructure. Another opinion was expressed by the madrasa principals who stated that another effort made in improving teacher performance at MIN 1 Banda Aceh, MIN 6 Banda Aceh and MIN 11 Banda Aceh were through the the madrasa principals' supervision.

Keywords- Strategy, Principal's Performance, Madrasah


Education is a human need and one of the basic requirements that must be fulfilled, in addition to other needs such as clothing, food, shelter as well as health. Education that is well organized from an early age will affect education at a higher level. Educational management plays an important role in the success of an educational institution because educational goals are achieved through education management. Management quality is characterized by the clarity in the implementation of management functions in terms of planning, organizing, actuating and controlling. If these functions run well and optimally, the implementation of education can also run well. Good education management is regulated by the administrator of education, i.e. the principal of madrasa. Madrasa is a term in Indonesia for school, especially to refer to elementary and secondary school. In Middle East, madrasas are schools or educational institutions in general, especially higher education. To manage a madrasa, a school principal needs to possess good management skill. In order for the management to function effectively and efficiently, a madrasa principal as an education manager has a strategic role and must possess the managerial competencies in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 13 of 2007 concerning the standards for madrasa principals.

The success of education in madrasas is largely determined by the success of the madrasa principals in managing the available educational staff because they have the authority as supervisors. Class supervision aims to improve the quality of learning delivered by the teachers, not to find fault or teachers' weaknesses. Madrasas that carry out regular supervision can develop the quality of their


education properly. Through supervision by the madrasa principals, teachers will be administratively organized and disciplined in working hours. As a result, teacher performance will increase.1 Performance can be reviewed from various perspectives and dimensions. According to Robbins, performance is the result of a person's work in accordance with the responsibilities and expected results. Performance is a manifestation of one's success in carrying out work. Meanwhile, Moitorani defined performance as a statement of the extent to which a person has played his role in carrying out organizational strategy both in achieving specific goals related to his or her role and in paying attention to competencies that are declared relevant to the organization, whether in a particular or in general.2

The success of implementing quality education is determined by the strategies implemented by the madrasa principals and the teachers which ultimately affect learning outcomes. Therefore, the tasks given by madrasa principals to the teachers must be well planned so that the objectives that have been set can be achieved properly. The interaction will affect one's the ability to work in that better and faster work results can be produced. Furthermore, the madrasa principals cannot be separated from his role in teachers', employees' and staff's evaluation because as a role model in the school they not only advocate, but also to provide examples and guidance in the implementation. With assessments of various groups in the schools, various opinions will emerge regarding the strategy of madrasa principals in improving teachers' performance in teaching and learning in Islamic elementary schools in Banda Aceh.

Assessment is a commonly conducted by the madrasa principals especially on the teachers. The many opinions that arose led the author to examine more deeply the madrasa principals' strategies in improving teachers' performance in teaching and learning in Islamic elementary schools in Banda Aceh. One of the factors that can be the cause of the success of education is the strategy of the madrasa principals and the performance of the teachers in educating their students. The madrasa principals are in charge of giving the task to the teachers. Teachers are among the determining factors of the quality of educational outcomes. The success of the implementation of education is largely determined by the extent to which the teachers prepare their students through teaching and learning activities. However, the strategic position of teachers to improve the quality/quality of educational outcomes is strongly influenced by their professional teaching abilities. Teacher qualifications are not sufficiently measured by their knowledge alone, but measurements must be made of their attitudes and responsibilities towards work, discipline, desire to improve teaching performance and openness. Besides, teacher performance is greatly influenced by the management implemented by the madrasa principals in giving instructions and directions related to student education.

Based on the description of the problems above, this study aimed to examine the Mad madrasa principals' strategy in improving teachers' performance in Islamic elementary schools in Banda Aceh (A Research on Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in Banda Aceh).



The word strategy originates from a Greek verb which means to plan to annihilate the enemy through effective use of resources3. According to Crown Dirgantoro, the word strategy originates from Greek, which means leadership in the army.4 The term strategy is commonly used by people before carrying out an activity as a military briefing before carrying out a war or a football coach's pep talk before competing. Similarly, a madrasa principal also has various strategies. According to Handoko, strategy

1 Mulyana. Rahasia Menjadi Guru Hebat: Memotivasi Diri Menjadi Guru Luar Biasa. Jakarta: Grasindo. 2010. p. 118.

2 Motrani, Alain. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Berdasarkan Kompetens. Jakarta: Pustaka Utama Grafika, 1995. p. 131.

3 Azhar Arsyad, Pokok Manajemen: Pengetahuan Praktis Bagi Pemimpin dan Eksekutif..(Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2002), p. 26.

4 Crown Dirgantoro, Manajemen Strategik: Konsep, Kasus dan Implementasi (Jakarta: Grasindo,2001), p. 5.


is a general program for achieving organizational goals in carrying out missions.5 Furthermore, Nanang Fatah added that strategy is systematic and systemic steps in carrying out overall (macro) and long-term plans in achieving goals6. Besides, strategy is conceptual, realistic and comprehensive thinking about the steps needed to achieve the goals and objectives that have been set.7 David defined strategy as a tool to achieve long-term goals, which is a potential action that requires top-level management of decisions and large number of company/organizational resources. In addition, he emphasized that a strategy affects the prosperity of companies/organizations in the long term and is future-oriented. Strategy has multifunctional and multidimensional consequences and needs to consider external and internal factors faced by the company/organization.8

Madrasa Principals

A madrasa principal can be defined as a functional teacher who is given the task of leading a madrasa where the teaching and learning process is carried out.9 A principal in English is called a leader, which is a noun form of the verb 'to lead', which means to move ahead of others, to walk ahead, to take the first step, to do the first thing, to pioneer, to direct the thoughts, opinions, and actions of others, to guide, or to move others through one's influence. Next, the author shall explain the definition of leadership according to experts. The definition of leadership put forward by experts varies. Hoy and Miskol, as quoted by Purwanto, argued that the definition of leadership is almost as many as those who have researched and defined it.10

Leadership is an activity in guiding a group in such a way that the goals of the group are achieved.11 Madrasa principal mainly consists of two words, namely principal and madrasa. The word principal can be interpreted as a chairman or leader in an organization or an institution. Madrasa, in addition, is an institution where students receive lessons and teachers provide lessons.12 According to Wahjosumidjo, in simple terms the principal of a madrasa can be defined as a functional teacher who is given the task of leading a madrasa where teaching and learning processes are held, or where there is interaction between the teacher who gives the lesson and the students who receive the lesson.13 Performance

The word kinerja originated from the English performance. Etymologically, the word originates from the verb 'to perform', which means to display or carry out (the act of performing; to execute). Performance means work implementation or work achievement. In Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, performance is defined as something that is achieved or work ability. The Directorate of Education Personnel stated that performance is a form of echievement-oriented behavior of a person or organization.14 According to A. Dale Timpe in Uhar Suharsaputra, performance is an accumulation of three interrelated elements or the basic skills that a person brings to work; knowledge, abilities, interpersonal skills and technical skills.15


5 T. Hani Handoko, Manajemen (Yogyakarta: BPFE-Yogyakarta, 1995), p. 86.

6 Nanang Fatah, Konsep Manajemen Berbasis Madrasah dan Dewan Madrasah (Bandung: Pustaka Bani Quraisy, 2004), p. 31.

7 Nanang Fatah, Konsep Manajemen Berbasis..., p. 61.

8 David Fred R, Manajemen Strategis, Edisi Sepuluh (Jakarta: Salemba Empat, 2006), pp. 16-17

9 Wahjosumidjo, Kepemimpinan Kepala Madrasah, Tinjauan Teoritik dan Permasalahannya, (Jakarta: PT Rajagrafindo Persada, 1999), p. 81

10 Ngalim Purwanto, Administrasi dan Supervisi Pendidikan,(Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2007), p. 26

11 N.A. Ametembun, Kepemimpinan Pendidikan, (Malang: IKIP Malang, 1975), p. 1-2. sebuah lembaga dimana menjadi tempat menerima dan memberi pelajaran.

12 Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, (Jakarta, Perum Balai Pustaka, 1988), p. 420

13 Wahjosumidjo, Kepemimpinan Kepala Madrasah, ..., p. 83

14 Directorate General for Education Personnel, Teacher Performance Assessment (Jakarta: Directorate General for Education Personnel, Directorate General for Quality Improvement of Teacher and Education Personnel, Ministry of National Education, 2008), p. 20.

15 Suharsaputra, Administration, p. 168


Research Approach

This study used a phenomenological qualitative approach due to its characteristics; having an actual setting, the researcher being the key instrument, the data being descriptive in general, emphasizing the process, the inductive analysis of the data, and the meaning of each event being an essential attention.

Research Place and Time

This research was conducted at three Islamic elementary schools in Banda Aceh, i.e. MIN 1 Banda Aceh City, MIN 6 Banda Aceh City and MIN 11 Banda Aceh. This research began in May 2022. Population and Sample

In this study, the population was all teachers at Islamic elementary schools in Banda Aceh. The number of respondents who participated as research subjects in teachers' assessment of the madrasa principals' leadership in Islamic elementary schools in Banda Aceh totaled 125 teachers, consisting of 105 civil-servant teachers and 20 non civil-servant teachers. The reason for this was that the sample size was feasible in the research; if the number of the subjects is less than 100, it is best to include all of them, but if the number of the subjects is more than 100, 10-15% or 20-25% or more can be involved as participants. In this study, civil-servant and non civil-servant teachers made up 50% of the entire sample; therefore, the 70 selected respondents already represented the total population. Data Collection Techniques and Type of Research

The data collection technique used in this dissertation is an open questionnaire technique supported by careful documentation. This study used a descriptive analytical method, i.e. it analyzed the results that had been obtained from the research at Islamic elementary schools in Banda Aceh in the form of actual data and information on existing conditions. The author used two types of research; library research and applied research.

4. RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Efforts and Strategies of Madrasa Principals in Improving the Performance of Elementary School Teachers in Banda Aceh

One of the strategies implemented by madrasa principals at MIN 1 Kota Banda Aceh, MIN 6 Model Banda Aceh, and MIN 11 Banda Aceh in increasing teacher motivation was periodic supervision. One of the main efforts to realize educational goals in madrasas is through learning activities. The learning process is an attempt to promote changes to a better direction. In this case, all school activities are directed to achieve learning effectiveness and efficiency. Therefore, one of the duties of the madrasa principals is to supervise the activities that have been carried out by their subordinates, i.e., in this case, education staff and teachers.

Supervision activities carried out by the madrasa principals included supervising and controlling their teachers, who aimed to improve the quality of learning through effective learning. In addition, the madrasa principals had to follow up the results of their supervision properly to increase teacher performance motivation. The principals of MIN 1 Banda Aceh, MIN 6 Model Banda Aceh, and MIN 11 Banda Aceh supervised their teachers using the class visit method. Class visits were a powerful technique for increasing teacher performance motivation and getting information directly about various issues related to teacher professionalism in carrying out their main duties in teaching, especially in the selection and use of learning methods and learning media, as well as knowing firsthand the students' ability to grasp the material taught. Teachers' Efforts to Improve Their Performance in Islamic Elementary Schools To reveal the teachers' perceptions on the performance of the principals of Islamic elementary schools in Banda Aceh. The research location selected by the researcher was Islamic elementary schools in Banda Aceh, i.e. MIN 1 Banda Aceh, MIN 6 Model Banda Aceh and MIN 11 Banda Aceh. During the interviews, a teacher from MIN 1 in Banda Aceh City stated that a madrasa principal must be a visionary figure. Vision is a guideline for organizational components to carry out their duties properly in order to achieve the desired goals. Besides, the principals of the madrasa also carried out their


participatory, consultative, delegative and controlling functions.16 Furthermore, a teacher at MIN 6 Model Banda Aceh added that the performance of the madrasa principal referred to the strategy or the way a madrasa principal performs his or her function with the aim of improving the quality of education.17 The deputy principal of the curriculum affairs of MIN 11 Banda Aceh in the interview stated that the performance of the madrasa principal could be seen in their duties and functions in managing education, regulating madrasa management and supervising teachers.18 The interview results above indicated that, according to the teachers, the performance of the madrasa principals could be seen in the effectiveness of their duties and functions in planning for various levels of management. Among their duties and functions as the principals of the schools are managing education, managing the schools, being a visionary leader, and supervising teachers. The good performance of madrasa principals was needed in this educational process. Despite the different perceptions on the performance, the goal is the same, i.e. to provide the best education for students. This was corroborated by a teacher in MIN 1 Banda Aceh, who stated that efforts to map the performance of the madrasa principal could be carried out by planning a madrasa program based on their understanding of all components of the madrasa so that they could recognize the prevailing weaknesses and strengths and could decide which ones should be maintained and which should be improved.19

The results of the interviews showed that performance needs to be carried out in education in madrasa level because with good performance the madrasa principal can change, shape, motivate the teachers to perform well through his morals, personality, and soul, to improve the students' learning._especially since a madrasa is a religious educational institution whose goal is to nurture students who are pious and have good morals. It is necessary for principals and supervisors to make assessments of teacher performance from time to time. Competencies that are still weak must be strengthened. The application of teacher certification also results in the improvement of teachers' performance.

The results of the interviews showed that the teacher's efforts to improve the quality of education were carried out in an organized and sustainable manner. Among the efforts made in improving the quality of education included; holding monthly evaluation meetings with the teacher council and staff, improving teachers' quality, improving students' academic and non-academic achievement. In non-academic affairs, efforts were made by intensifying guidance and counseling activities, creating an interesting learning atmosphere and providing rewards for outstanding students in the form of prizes and scholarships, involving the relevant employees in staffing education and training, working with various parties/agencies concerned, implementing an electronic attendance system for teachers and staff, and improving infrastructure. This effort resulted in dynamic conditions. A dynamic class will be the main attraction for students to motivate themselves in learning. Learning will be more fun and students became more motivated when dynamic classroom management can be optimally created by the teacher.

The problems that occur in classroom management were due to the difference in students' characteristics or behaviors. According to Made Pidarta, classroom management problems related to student behavior are:

1. Lack of unity, as caused the existence of groups, cliques, and gender differences.

2. The lack of standard behavior in group work, as students tend to make a lot of noise, wander, and so on.

3. Negative reactions to group members. For example, some students displayed hostile, isolating, and demeaning attitude towards underperforming groups.

4. The class' false tolerance, acceptance, and encouragement of students' misbehaviors.

16 Dd, a Teacher at MIN 1 Banda Aceh on June 8th, 2022.

17 Rm, a Teacher at MIN 6 Banda Aceh on June 10th, 2022.

18 Mn, The Deputy Head of Curriculum Affairs of MIN 11 Banda Aceh on June 14th, 2022.

19 Is, a Teacher at MIN 1 Banda Aceh on June 8th, 2022.


5. Students' tendency to get easily distracted as when there are cameras, guests, change in climate, and so on.

6. Low morale, hostility, aggression, especially in institutions where learning facilities and funds are lacking.

7. Inability to adjust to a changing environment, such as additional assignments, new class members, new situations, and so on.

Based on the explanation above, it can be understood that the teachers' role is very important in classroom management. If they are able to manage the class well, it is not difficult for them to achieve the learning objectives that have been formulated.

The Efforts by Madrasas Principals in Improving Teacher Performance in Islamic Elementary Schools in Banda Aceh

Madrasas function as formal education technical implementation units which carry out formal education according to their types, levels, and natures, carry out education and teaching according to the curriculum, carry out education and supervision, foster students, implement school administration and foster cooperation with parents and community, and is responsible to Regional Office, or the Ministry of Religious Affairs. In the interview, a teacher in MIN 1 Banda Aceh stated that Madrasah planning was a picture of the future of the madrasah institution as desired by its residents. Every Madrasah must have a development plan. The madrasa development plan was a comprehensive plan to optimize the use of existing resources to achieve future goals. The madrasa development plan generally includes the formulation of the vision, mission, objectives, and their implementation strategy.20

Furthermore, a teacher from MIN 6 Model Banda Aceh said that the planning process involved all existing stakeholders starting from teachers, employees, madrasa committees, principals, treasurers and field representatives. This planning was conducted at the beginning of the fiscal year. For example, planning for 2022 was carried out in 2021. Therefore, preparations were made thoroughly21. Furthermore, a teacher at MIN 11 Banda Aceh added that a madrasa principal should be able to carry out the planning process, both in short term, medium term, and long term. Short-term planning was made for short-term objectives such as one month to one school year. Medium-term planning is made for the work in next 2 to 5 years, while long-term planning includes planning for the next 5 to 10 years. The planning process is one of the important skills considering that good planning is half the success of a job.22

Planning involves all existing stakeholders, starting from teachers, employees, madrasah committees, madrasah principals, treasurers and field representatives. Devising RKA (Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran/Work and Budget Plan) is one of the efforts to ensure the quality of madrasahs through careful planning. RKA must not deviate from a madrasa's medium-term work plan. Madrasah principals must have managerial competence, capable of carrying out 4 management functions, which include planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling. Madrasah principals must be able to carry out the planning process in short term, medium term, and long term. Short-term planning is planning made for short-term interests such as one month to one school year. Medium-term planning is planning for work that takes 2 to 5 years to complete, while long-term planning includes planning for a work that takes 5 to 10 years to complete. The planning process is one of the important skills considering that good planning is half the success of a job.

Based on Permendiknas No. 19 of 2007 concerning Education Management Standards, madrasas are required to prepare: a) a medium-term work plan that describes the goals to be achieved within a period of 4 years regarding the quality of graduates to be achieved and improvement of the supporting components; b) The annual work plan stated in the Madrasa Work and Budget Plan is implemented based on the medium-term work plan. RKA is a detailed cost and funding plan for a program/activity in one fiscal year, whether it is strategic and routine/regular in nature. Madrasa RKA consists of

20 Im, a Teacher at MIN 1 Banda Aceh on June 8th, 2022.

21 Sl, a Teacher at MIN 6 (MIN) Banda Aceh on June 23rd, 2022.

22 Sy, a Teacher at MIN 11 Banda Aceh on June 14th, 2022.


income and expenses for one academic year. The RKA includes all funding costs and the annual budget, especially for the next fiscal year. The funding listed in the RKA only includes expenses in the form of money that will be received and managed by the madrasah.

Teachers' workload was determined based on the calculations of their needs according to the curriculum structure and the number of study groups. If, after calculation is made, some teachers still have not meet the minimum required workload or there is a shortage of teachers, the madrasa principal is obliged to report to the Office of Education as per his or her authority. The Office of Education, upon receiving a report, is obliged to manage and distribute teachers in accordance with statutory provisions.

The main activity of carrying out learning or mentoring must fulfill at least 24 (twenty-four) face-to-face lesson hours per week and a maximum of 40 (forty) face-to-face lesson hours per week. This activity is calculated by means of face-to-face lesson hours in 1 (one) year divided by weeks, which results in at least 24 (twenty-four) face-to-face lesson hours. The fulfillment of the teacher's workload of teaching or mentoring is carried out in intra-curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

The structure of Kurikulum Merdeka consists of learning outcomes, learning content, and learning load. The government regulates the compulsory learning content and the learning load. Education units and/or local governments can add local content and additional content according to the needs and characteristics of the education units and/or regions. Learning is divided into 2 (two) main activities, i.e. intra-curricular learning and projects to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students. The project to strengthen the Pancasila student profile is a co-curricular activity in the Kurikulum Merdeka.

The fulfillment of teachers' workload in an education unit based on Kurikulum Merdeka can be achieved if the number of teachers in the education unit implementing the curriculum is in accordance with the needs. The head of the education unit calculates teacher needs based on the workload in the structure of Kurikulum Merdeka. In the event that a teacher does not meet the provisions in carrying out learning and mentoring for at least 24 (twenty-four) face-to-face lesson hours per week, he or she may be given (1) additional assignments; and/or (2) other additional tasks related to education in education units, in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations. Other additional tasks referred to in number 2 are the task of coordinating the project to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students. Another additional task as project coordinator is given to teachers who lack teaching hours and priority is given to those who still lack teaching hours due to changes in the curriculum structure.

The Performance of Madrasa Principals and Teachers in Improving Learning in Islamic Elementary Schools in Banda Aceh

The results of the study show that the madrasa principals had carried out their role as an educator decently. This is indicated by the fact that they were able to carry out their role as educators. Educators are those who perform educational work, providing training and teachings regarding values, morals, and intelligence. Thus, education can be interpreted as a process of changing the attitudes and behavior of individuals or groups towards optimal maturity. The madrasa principals said that their efforts in improving teacher professional development were carried out by providing direct guidance and supervision to related teachers, setting a good example for teachers, creating a sense of togetherness and kinship, and involving them in training activities, seminars, workshops to broaden their knowledge.23

Furthermore, the madrasa principal of MIN 6 Model Banda Aceh said that a madrasa principal as an educator was required to have seven aspects of performance, namely achievement as a teacher, the ability to guide teachers, the ability to guide students, the ability to develop staff, the ability to keep up with the developments in science and technology, and the ability to set an example, the ability to teach, as well as the ability to carry out good guidance and counseling.24 Also, the madrasa

23 Cs, The Madrasa Head of MIN 1 Banda Aceh on June 23rd, 2022.

24 Hy, The Madrasa Head of MIN 6 Banda Aceh on June 23rd, 2022.


principal of MIN 11 Banda Aceh added that the various efforts being made to improve the quality of education were aimed at improving the teaching and learning process, which was very dependent on the professionalism of teachers as human resources. Teachers are required to have various skills in helping students to achieve the planned goals.25

The success of a madrasa principal in carrying out his role as an educator is seen from the extent to which moral values (discipline, mutual respect, tolerance among fellow teachers) are implemented in a a madrasa. A madrasa principal, according to the Ministry of National Education, is required to carry out teaching duties as a teacher for 6 lesson hours and the deputy principal of the madrasa is required to teach for 9 lesson hours. The madrasa principals carried out their duties optimally because they were able to manage their time well in carrying out both administrative tasks and additional assignments. The high ability of the madrasah principals in carrying out their role as educators is due to their high competence in teaching.

To be able to show high performance as an educator, a madrasa principal is required to have an established ability in the field of teaching. The success of any human endeavor is closely related to the quality of the personnel carrying out the work itself. If the views above are correlated with the data, the improvement of the quality of education is much determined by the madrasa principal; he or she must have good performance, ability and motivation to continuously and synergistically achieve the goals of education in the madrasa. The strategy of the madrasa principal in improving the quality of learning is examined from his or her competency as an educator, which demands that he or she have the right strategy in increasing the professionalism of the teaching staff in the madrasa.

In order to improve the quality and competence of human resources, especially teachers and employees, the madrasa principals must be enthusiastic about working and committed to the task. In this case, they have to make an effort to motivate and inspire teachers. Their strategy was to influence teachers to be enthusiastic about work, to perform their responsibilities as a form of worship and sincerity for Allah SWT, and to be committed to achieving the objectives. This strategy is in accordance with the role required of the principals of the madrasah, i.e. to create a conducive, comfortable and peaceful work environment that can inspire creativity.

The results of research at MIN 1 Banda Aceh City, MIN 6 Model Banda Aceh, and MIN 11 Banda Aceh showed that the madrasa principals sought to improve the ability of the teachers and staff professionally in their respective fields to provide maximum service to their students both academically and non-academically by involving them in workshops and other capacity-building activities in accordance with their educational and work backgrounds.

Teacher competence is measured in four aspects of competency in accordance with Law No. 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers. The four aspects of measurement include pedagogic competence, personal competence, professional competence and social competence. The results of interviews regarding teacher competence produced the following results. The teachers strongly believed that that their pedagogical competence could improve teaching performance. Based on the results of interviews regarding performance and its relation to improving teacher performance, it was concluded that performance is one of the factors that can improve teacher performance. The aspect of physical needs is not the main cause of improvement in teacher performance; rather, such aspects as the need for security, the need for self-actualization, responsibility, self-esteem, and attitude towards the work itself are what drive them to improve. Educational facilities and equipment were directly used to support the educational process. The educational facilities and infrastructure include buildings, classrooms, tables and chairs, as well as learning tools and media. The educational infrastructure is a facility that indirectly supports the process of education or learning. Madrasah facilities and infrastructure standards cover six aspects: 1) space, 2) teaching aids/media, 3) land area, 4) furniture, 5) books, and 6) administrative facilities. Thus, the measurement of facilities and infrastructure is carried out on these six aspects. Efforts need to be taken by the madrasa principals to improve the quality of learning. Teachers can improve

25 Mn, The Deputy Head of Curriculum Affairs of MIN 11 Banda Aceh on June 14th, 2022.


their performance by participating in education and training organized by the the Office of Education. Document analysis shows that the upgrading and training that the teacher attended at MIN 1 Banda Aceh, MIN 6 Model Banda Aceh, and MIN 11 Banda Aceh included various types of training. These trainings and upgrading include: ICT training, KBK (competency-based curriculum)/KTSP (school-based curriculum) upgrading, learning methods upgrading, CAR upgrading, Scientific Writing upgrading, and competency certification.

Another effort to improve teacher performance according to the teachers' view was by completing learning facilities and infrastructure that were still lacking. Another opinion was expressed by the madrasa principals, who stated that among the efforts to improve teacher performance at MIN 1 Kota Banda Aceh, MIN 6 Model Banda Aceh, and MIN 11 Banda Aceh was supervision. The supervisory activities of the madrasah principals carried out regularly were one of the efforts to improve teacher performance. The madrasa principals, in the supervision activity, provided supervision to teachers, staff and students and provided feedback from the results of supervision to improve teacher performance.

The madrasa principals' pattern in improving the quality of learning. Among the obstacles in improving teacher performance include internal factors and external factors. Internal factors are those that come from the teachers themselves, while external factors are those that come from outside the teacher. internal factors that can improve teacher performance include teacher qualification standards. Another factor that is considered to be an obstacle in improving teacher performance comes from madrasah facilities and infrastructure. The lack of books owned by madrasas was an obstacle for teachers in improving their performance.

The madrasa principals also strived to always set a good example (uswah hasanah) himself. As a leader, one must have a good attitude and behavior in all his or her deeds and actions to become a role model for his or her subordinates. At a glance, we can look back at the life history of Rasulullah Muhammad SAW as a leader. He was always a role model for his friends and all Muslims at that time. The Prophet did not command others to do something before doing it himself. He did not forbid others from doing something before forbidding himself from it. His words and deeds were so harmonious that every word was believed to be true.

On the other hand, this discipline is an effort used to create superior achievements on the part of teachers, students and madrasas. That is, the advantage is very close those who are most active in taking advantage of conditions and time. In addition, teaching and learning activities were centered on student activities because they are responsible for their own learning. This is based on the notion of learning as students' activity in actively constructing meaning and understanding. Besides, guidance and assistance is provided to create a better learning atmosphere and meaningful teaching and learning activities, so the goals of education can be realized, and the madrasa principals can measure how well a teacher performs. By holding teacher discipline coaching in madrasas, the principal of the madrasa aimed to evaluate the teachers'performance and control their ethos as educators.

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The results of interviews with madrasa principals revealed that supervision should be carried out at least 4 times a year, by conducting two administrative supervision and two classroom supervision. With administrative supervision, the teachers' ability to make learning tools in accordance with good learning planning standards could be evaluated and with classroom supervision, the teachers' ability to apply the 14 subject teacher competencies and 17 counseling teacher competencies as stated in Permendiknas No.35 Year 2010. further follow-up was also provided so that in the future the quality of the learning process and learning outcomes could improve along with the teacher competence. To find out the teachers' performance in class, the madrasa principals always supervised directly by going around the class to watch the teachers, and even entering the class to see firsthand what they were doing in their classes. Thus, the role of the madrasa principal as a learning supervisor has been well implemented by the principal of this madrasa, and this will have implications for improving the performance of teachers in the madrasa.

The purpose of carrying out this supervision in general was to provide assistance to teachers and other staff in educational institutions so that they were able to improve the quality of their


performance, especially in carrying out their duties as educators and education staff. More specifically, supervision aims to provide services and assistance provided by the madrasa principals to improve the quality of teaching in the classroom. In order to implement madrasah programs, all parents of students were invited to attend the meeting. The agenda for the meeting was the socialization of the madrasa program and the formation of student councils.

The socialization of the madrasa program was not only delivered by the principal of the madrasa, but also by the Office of Education, as well as representatives from parents/guardians. The material presented in the socialization was madrasah programs that have been designed and would be implemented in the new school year. These programs included regular religious study, Outing Class, Empirical Studies, outdoor education, and other activities. Therefore, the madrasas invited all parents/guardians to socialize these activities that all students had to take part in. A teacher at MIN 1 Kota Banda Aceh stated that learning difficulties were a symptom that was always faced by the students, and they were responsible for overcoming them. Therefore, every teacher must be able to master various learning methods and understand teaching and learning situations inside and outside the classroom.26

Furthermore, a teacher from MIN 6 Model Banda Aceh said that learning difficulties were a serious problem faced by children when they were at school. Therefore, there was a supervision held for the students after the teaching and learning process. This was always conveyed by the principal of the madrasa to every teacher.27 Furthermore, the teacher added that to overcome student learning difficulties, the principal of the madrasa believed that it was necessary to carry out tutoring and assistance for students, provide solutions to learning difficulties experienced by these students, as well as conduct learning supervision in the teachers' room.28

Through this, it is hoped that students who experience learning difficulties can be helped and they can participate in the lessons comfortably and without fear of the problems they face. Apart from being a teacher, a teacher is also expected to be able to become a mentor, because teachers' guidance will help students develop good study habits and to master various knowledge and skills. Learning difficulties are a fairly complex problem and often confuse parents in finding a solution. learning difficulties are found in many madrasa-age children since children's learning patterns are indeed formed at elementary school as they experience mental development and the formation of their character. These children not only learn to count, read, or memorize general knowledge, but also learn about responsibility, a scale of moral values, and a scale of priority values in their activities.

Kepala madrasah menggunakan strategi Reward dan Punishment. Penghargaan bagi semua warga madrasah yang berprestasi dan memberikan hukuman kepada warga madrasah terutama guru yang melanggar aturan yang telah ditetapkan bersama, hal ini merupakan cara kepala madrasah dalam meningkatkan kinerja guru di lembaga ini. Penghargaan atas suatu keberhasilan yang dicapai guru dalam bekerja merupakan salah satu motivasi yang mendorongnya bekerja. Karena penghargaan, penghormatan, pengakuan sebagai subyek yang memiliki kehendak, pilihan, perasaan dan lain-lain sangat besar pengaruhnya terhadap kerja seorang guru. Pemberian Penghargaan ini bertujuan untuk mengapresiasi dan memotivasi sebagai momen untuk menambah semangat dan disiplin dalam bekerja.

The madrasa principal used the Reward and Punishment strategy. Giving appreciation for all outstanding madrasa residents and giving punishment to those who violated the rules that had been set together was the principals' way of improving the teachers' performance in this institution. Appreciation for a teacher's achievement at work could motivate him or her to perform better. Because appreciation, respect, recognition to a teacher as a subject who has wills, choices, feelings and so on greatly affect his or her work. Giving award is a way to appreciate and increase enthusiasm and discipline at work.

26 Im, a Teacher at MIN 1 Banda Aceh on June 23rd, 2022.

27 Rm, a Teacher at MIN 6 Banda Aceh on June 23rd, 2022.

28 Mn, the Deputy Head of Curriculum Affairs of MIN 11 Banda Aceh on June 14th 2022.


Based on the results of the interview above, it seems that there is still much to be addressed by the madrasa principal in order to create a truly ideal madrasa. The author attempted to highlight some of the expectations of the teachers. First, the teacher wanted a madrasah principal who was truly able to improve the quality of education in the madrasa he or she leads. Next, the madrasa principal with an international perspective is also highly expected by the teachers. The principal of the madrasa must be future-oriented or visionary, able to create a good madrasah climate and caring and responsible to their subordinates. Most teachers hoped that their madrasa principals were be able to improve the quality of education at their schools and to develop international insight and high academic ability. Since these three things are closely related to one another in order to improve the quality of education, it was natural that most teachers wanted madrasa principals to have these criteria.


1. The strategy of the madrasa principals in improving teacher performance in Islamic elementary schools in Banda Aceh was influenced by several aspects, such as the formulation of the vision and mission of the madrasas, the formulation of the madrasas' work program, and the formulation of madrasas' rules.

2. Efforts made by the madrasah principal in improving the teachers' performance in Islamic elementary schools in Banda Aceh is one of the strategic factors that can improve teacher performance through the creation of a conducive madrasah climate and culture that encourage teachers to work better. Educational facilities and equipment were directly used to support the educational process. Educational facilities and infrastructure include buildings, classrooms, tables and chairs, as well as learning tools and media. The educational infrastructure is a facility that indirectly supports the process of education or learning

3. The effort by the madrasa principals and teachers in improving learning in Islamic elementary schools in Banda Aceh, according to the teachers' view, could be made by completing learning facilities and infrastructure that were still lacking. Another opinion was expressed by the madrasa principals who stated that among the efforts to improve teacher performance at MIN 1 Banda Aceh and MIN 6 Banda Aceh were through the supervision. The supervisory activities of the madrasah principal which were carried out regularly were one of the efforts to improve teacher performance. The madrasah principals, in the supervision activity, provided guidance to teachers, staff and students as well as feedback from the results of supervision to improve teacher performance.


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