Научная статья на тему 'Lorentzian form for the imaginary part of the dynamic spin susceptibility: comparison with NQR and neutron scattering data in copper oxide superconductors'

Lorentzian form for the imaginary part of the dynamic spin susceptibility: comparison with NQR and neutron scattering data in copper oxide superconductors Текст научной статьи по специальности «Физика»

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Аннотация научной статьи по физике, автор научной работы — Larionov I. A.

We present some new results based on the relaxation function theory for a doped two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnetic system with damping of paramagnon-like excitations. The Lorentzian form for the imaginary part of the dynamic spin susceptibility gives a reasonable agreement with neutron scattering and plane copper nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate 63(1/T1) data in right up to optimally doped La2-xSrxCuO4.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Lorentzian form for the imaginary part of the dynamic spin susceptibility: comparison with NQR and neutron scattering data in copper oxide superconductors»

ISSN 2G72-59B1

Volume ll, No. 2, pages 29-32, 2009



Established and published by Kazan State University Sponsored by International Society of Magnetic

Resonance (ISMAR) m Registered by Russian Federation Committee on Press,

August 2, 1996 First Issue was appeared at July 25, 1997

© Kazan State University (KSU)

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Lorentzian form for the imaginary part of the dynamic spin susceptibility: comparison with NQR and Neutron Scattering data in copper oxide superconductors

We present some new results based on the relaxation function theory for a doped two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnetic system with damping of paramagnon-like excitations. The Lorentzian form for the imaginary part of the dynamic spin susceptibility gives a reasonable agreement with neutron scattering and plane copper nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate 63(1/7’i) data in right up to optimally doped La2-xSrxCuO4.

PACS: 74.72.-h, 74.25.Ha, 75.40.Gb

Keywords: cuprate superconductors, dynamic spin susceptibility

1. Introduction

Plane copper oxide high-temperature superconductors (high- Tc) are the doped S = 1/2 twodimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnetic (2DHAF) systems. In the carrier free regime, the elementary excitations are spin waves [1-3], magnons in the quasiparticle language. Observations by neutron scattering (NS) of the o / T scaling for the averaged over the Brillouin zone the imaginary

part of the dynamic spin susceptibility, %"(o,T) = \ %"(q,o,T)d2q & %’(o,T ^ 0) f (o / T), in the underdoped high- Tc compounds [2] above Tc is referred to a nearby quantum phase transition [1]. Nuclear Magnetic/Quadrupole Resonance (NMR/NQR) studies [4] revealed the extension of the universal behavior of %" (o, T) down to the MHz frequency range. In this paper we present some new results based on the relaxation function theory with damping of the paramagnon-like excitations [5-7] in connection with plane copper nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate as obtained by NQR and imaginary part of the dynamic spin susceptibility %" (k,o) as obtained by NS experiments.

2. Basic relations

We employ the t - J Hamiltonian [8] known as the minimal model for high- Tc cuprates:

written in terms of the Hubbard operators X?° that create an electron with spin a at site i and S, are spin-1/2 operators. Here, the hopping integral tj = t between the nearest neighbors (NN) describes the

motion of electrons causing a change in their spins and J = 0.12 eV is the NN AF coupling constant. The spin and density operators are defined as follows:

I.A. Larionov

Kazan State University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia * E-mail: Larionov.MRSLab@mail.ru (Received November 10, 2009; accepted December 14, 2009)


with the standard normalization X,00 + X++ + X. = 1.

The static spin susceptibility as derived within the t - J model [9] is given by,

X(k) =

4 | c,

Jg-(g+ +Yk)


Table 1. The calculated in the T0 limit antiferromagnetic spin-spin correlation function between the nearest neighbours cb the parameter g_, and the spin stiffness constant pS .

and has the same structure as in the isotropic spin-wave theory [10] at all doping levels. The NN AF spin-spin correlation function is given by

c1 = (1/4)S*S*+p^ , the index p runs over NN, and Yk = (1 / 2)(coskx + cosky). The parameter g+ is related to AF correlation length % via the

expression % = 1 / (2^1 g+ -1) & (Jy/g _ / kBT)exp(2nS /kBT), where pS is spin stiffness. The values of the parameters of the theory [9]: cx, g_, and pS are given in Table 1.

The relaxation shape function is given by [11]

Doping c1 g_ 2nps / J %0

S ii o -0.1152 4.1448 0.38 -

S=0.04 -0.1055 3.913 0.3 1/(2 S)

S=0.15 -0.0617 2.947 0.13 1/S

F (k,o) = -

TA1k A2k /n

[oTk(o2 -Afk -A2k)]2 +(o2 -A2k)2’

where Tk = 2/(nA2k ) , and Aj2k and A^k are related to the frequency moments

0) = j onF(k,o)do,


as Alk = \®k), A 2k = (( oO) / \®k}) -\®k), the expression for the second moment is given by


(o2) = i( [Sk, S-k ])/Xk = -( 8 Jc - 4tffT ](1 - Yy )/Xk, (6)

where T = p^k)kfkh , p = (1 + S) / 2, and fkh = [exp(-Ek + u) / kBT +1]-1 is the Fermi function of

holes, where the number of extra holes, S, due to doping, per one plane Cu 2+, can be identified with


the Sr content x in La2-x Sr x CuO 4. The excitation spectrum of holes is given by, Ek = the hoppings, t, are affected by electronic and AF spin-spin correlations c1, resulting in effective values [5,8], for which we set tf =SJ / 0.2, in order to match the insulator-metal transition. The

chemical potential u is related to S by S = p^kfkh . Note that F(k,o) is real, even in both k and

and normalized to unity j doF(k,o) = 1. The detailed expression for is given in [5].

We take the Lorentzian form for the imaginary part of the dynamic spin susceptibility,

Xkork , Xkork


Xl (k,o)=-


[o-o™ ]2 +rk [o + o^ ]2 +rk

for k around the AF wave vector (n,n). The spin-wavelike dispersion, renormalized by interactions, is given by the relaxation function [11], given by Eq. (4),

(• to

®kW = 2 j oF(k,o)do, (8)

where the integration over o in Eq. (8) has been performed analytically and exactly [7].

Figure 1. The averaged over the Brillouin zone the imaginary part of dynamic spin susceptibility

xL (m) = 1 xL (q, m )d2q versus mlT . Symbols: NS data for La196Sr004CuO4 at various m values from Ref. [13], the lines show the calculated x'L (®).

The damping of paramagnon-like excitations rk is given by rk = ^(mk) - (®iT)2 .

The plane copper nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate is given by


3 (11T) =-


|k| >V$ef

63F(k)2Xl(k,o0) ,




where m0 = 2n x 34 MHz (■« T, J) is the measuring NQR frequency. The hyperfine formfactor for plane foCu sites is given by, 63,F(k)2 =(Aab +4yji)', where Aab = 1.7-10"7 eV and B = (1 + 4£) • 3.8-10-7 eV are the Cu on-site and transferred hyperfine couplings, respectively [12]. The effective correlation length ^

is given by, = %0-1 + [5,13]. Thus from now on

we replace % by B,eg and %0 values are presented in the Table 1.

The spin diffusive contribution (from small wave vectors H < 11 ) can be calculated from general

physical grounds, namely, the linear response theory, hydrodynamics, and fluctuation-dissipation theorem [5-7,11,14],

3(11T1) Dlf =

3 F (0)2 kBT x(k = 0)




A = [11 (4n)]ln[1 + D21 (Of)]



D = lim[ng2 F (q, 0)] 1 is the spin diffusion constant.


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3. Results

Figure 1 shows the averaged over the Brillouin zone and normalized imaginary part of dynamic spin


Figure 2. Temperature and doping dependence of the plane copper nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate 63(1/T1) = 2W. Experimental data for La2-xSrxCuO4 from Ref. [4]. Solid lines show the results of the calculations with Lorentzian form of the susceptibility and taking into account the damping of the paramagnon-like excitations using Eq. (7). The dashed lines show the results of the calculations without damping of the paramagnon-like excitations, after Refs. [5,6], i.e., using Eq. (11).

susceptibility х"(т,T) versus т/ T . It suggests т/ T scaling for underdoped high- Tc layered

cuprates with a deviations at small т in qualitative agreement with NS data [1,13].

Figure 2 shows the calculated with Eqs. (7) and (9) plane copper nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate 63(1/T1) (solid lines) without any adjustable parameters. The dashed lines show the calculated 63(1/T1) without damping of the paramagnon-like excitations [5], where F (k,rn) is related to the

imaginary part of the dynamic spin susceptibility x"(k,rn) as [5,11],

X" (k,rn) = rnXkF (k,rn) . (11)

It is worth to mention that the temperature dependence of 63(1/T1) in both theories is governed by the temperature dependence of the correlation length and by the factor kBT in agreement with [12]. At low T, where « const, the plane copper 63(1/T1) <x T, as it should. At high T, the correlation length

shows weak doping dependence and 63(1/T1) of doped samples behaves similarly to that of La2CuO4.

4. Summary

In summary, we developed further a relaxation function theory [5-7] for dynamic spin properties and approved the Lorentzian form for the imaginary part of the dynamic spin susceptibility for layered copper high- Tc in the normal state. The т / T scaling and spin-lattice relaxation at plane copper sites may be explained within the damped spin-wave-like theory, possessing a reasonable agreement with the observations by means of neutron scattering and magnetic resonance in high- Tc copper oxides.


This work was supported by RFBR Grant No.09-02-00777-a.


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