LOGISTICS SUPPORT FOR THE COMPETITIVENESS OF AN INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Vlasov Alexander, Stanovskikh Alexey

The article defines the direction of development of the logistics paradigm of enterprise competitiveness management, considering the current economic realities and best practices of logistics management. The author determined that modern logistics, based on the requirements of the strategic management concept, has actually exhausted itself. The above leads to the conclusion that modern logistics should solve the problems of enterprise development in terms of increasing their efficiency, profitability and competitiveness, focusing not on the exhausted Western model of strategic management, but on the innovative concept of adaptive management, which allows you to manage more “small” elements of the logistics system (processes) included in the traditional logistics sequence: supply -production - sales. Hence, the new logistics paradigm provides opportunities to increase the level of competitiveness of the enterprise by managing logistics costs in each individual business process, despite the fact that the management process itself is not based on ensuring a strategic goal - increasing the value of each process, resulting in the formation of the final value of the product (service), which determines the competitive position of the enterprise.

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Research article UDC 339

doi: 10.47576/2782-4586_2022_1_30


Vlasov Alexander

CEO, Founder LLC «Zig-Zag», Izhevsk, Russia, alex22neo@gmail.com Stanovskikh Alexey

Co-founder LLC «Zig-Zag», Izhevsk, Russia, stanovskih@gmail.com

Abstract. The article defines the direction of development of the logistics paradigm of enterprise competitiveness management, considering the current economic realities and best practices of logistics management. The author determined that modern logistics, based on the requirements of the strategic management concept, has actually exhausted itself. The above leads to the conclusion that modern logistics should solve the problems of enterprise development in terms of increasing their efficiency, profitability and competitiveness, focusing not on the exhausted Western model of strategic management, but on the innovative concept of adaptive management, which allows you to manage more "small" elements of the logistics system (processes) included in the traditional logistics sequence: supply -production - sales. Hence, the new logistics paradigm provides opportunities to increase the level of competitiveness of the enterprise by managing logistics costs in each individual business process, despite the fact that the management process itself is not based on ensuring a strategic goal - increasing the value of each process, resulting in the formation of the final value of the product (service), which determines the competitive position of the enterprise.

Keywords: logistics; competitiveness; enterprise; management; adaptation.

For citation: Vlasov A., Stanovskikh A. Logistics support for the competitiveness of an industrial enterprise. Journal of Monetary Economics and Management, 2022, no. 1, pp. 30-37. doi: 10.47576/2782-4586_2022_1_30.


Власов Александр

ООО «Зиг-Заг», Ижевск, Россия, alex22neo@gmail.com Становских Алексей

ООО «Зиг-Заг», Ижевск, Россия, stanovskih@gmail.com

Аннотация. В статье определено направление развития логистической парадигмы управления конкурентоспособностью предприятия с учетом современных экономических реалий и лучших практик управления логистикой. Отмечается, что современная логистика, основанная на требованиях концепции стратегического управления, фактически исчерпала себя. Совре-

менная логистика должна решать проблемы развития предприятий с точки зрения повышения их эффективности, прибыльности и конкурентоспособности, ориентируясь не на исчерпавшую себя западную модель стратегического управления, а на инновационную концепцию адаптивного управления, позволяющую управлять более «мелкими» элементами логистики система (процессы), включенная в традиционную логистическую последовательность: поставка - производство - сбыт. Новая парадигма логистики предоставляет возможности для повышения уровня конкурентоспособности предприятия за счет управления затратами на логистику в каждом отдельном бизнес-процессе, несмотря на то что сам процесс управления не основан на обеспечении стратегической цели - повышении ценности каждого процесса, что приводит к формированию конечной ценности каждого процесса. продукт (услуга), который определяет конкурентную позицию предприятия.

Ключевые слова: логистика; конкурентоспособность; предприятие; управление; адаптация.


Over the past 20 years, the concept of logistics has undergone changes due to changes in the external civilizational environment, which is becoming increasingly unpredictable and increasingly unstable. We are talking about the emergence of new and new externalities, one way or another affecting the ability of enterprises to ensure the necessary level of competitiveness. The newly emerged pandemic factor, as well as the aggravation of the political situation around Russia, requires fundamentally new changes in conceptual approaches to logistics.

Nowadays, increasing the level of competitiveness of Russian enterprises, their elementary survival in the face of unprecedented economic pressure, optimization of the financial and economic model of their functioning is one of the fundamental problems of modern Russian economics. The quality of the processes that determine the ability of enterprises to become the drivers of economic development that will ensure the growth of the national economy in a difficult economic situation largely depends on its solution.

The solution to this problem is connected with the construction of a new logistics paradigm based on the best logistics management models that allow Russian enterprises to adapt to new economic conditions, to ensure the necessary level of competitiveness in domestic and, if possible, in foreign markets.

V.A. Sushchinskaya [6], I.V. Shchetinina, S.V. Amelin, V.N. Rodionova [4], T.N. Skorobogatova, G.N. Rotanov [5], N.A. Orlova have addressed issues related to ensuring the competitiveness of Russian enterprises through the introduction

of logistics management in recent years. T.A. Shindina [3] and others.

At the same time, the current economic situation requires fundamentally new solutions to ensure the competitiveness of the enterprise, as well as the formation of new logistics approaches to solving this problem.

Thus, the purpose of the article is to determine the direction of development of the logistics paradigm of enterprise competitiveness management, taking into account current economic realities and best practices of logistics management.

Presentation of the main material. At present, Russia is one of the six leading economies in the world, is one of the leading exporters of goods of the energy sector of the economy, the volume of supplies of which, in general, form the stability of the macroeconomic situation in the world. In addition, the Russian economy provides 6.0% of world GDP in terms of its cumulative impact (industry + finance + investment + resources + consumption). Accordingly, even a slight decrease in the country's participation in economic processes can reduce the pace of development of the world economy by 2.0 - 3.0% per year over the next ten years, i.e. during the period of adaptation of the world economic system to fundamentally new economic conditions and economic constraints [1].

That is why economists warn of the danger of Russia's withdrawal from world markets, given the ability of the national economy to exist relatively smoothly due to the huge and underdeveloped potential of the domestic Russian market, which can make up for the loss of export opportunities [7, 9].

At the same time, this situation does not give grounds for complacency, given that the Russian industrial complex has a number of problems associated with high production costs, low efficiency and profitability of production activities of national enterprises.

Analyzing these problems, Russian scientists L.S. Fedorov, V.V. Baginova, E.V. Sysova come to the conclusion that their formation is based on the inability and low interest of Russian enterprises in controlling and reducing logistics costs, which in certain sectors of economic activity (agriculture, metallurgical production, petrochemistry) reach 15.0% - 20.0 % of the cost of production. Against the background of the fact that in the EU and the USA (Russia's direct rivals in the economic sphere), similar costs range from 6.0% - 8.0% [8].

Due to the increase in logistics costs, Russian producers receive less benefit from prices on the world market, lose income, according to various estimates, in the amount of up to 10.0% of the total volume of domestic trade in goods and services.

Under these conditions, it is possible to ensure Russia's global competitiveness provided that prerequisites are created for a sharp increase in the competitiveness of economic entities, using not only the national experience of microeconomic development, but also the possibility of adapting the experience of managing the competitiveness of countries currently acting as our opponents, who have openly embarked on the path of economic suppression of the Russian economy.

Examining the experience of logistics management in China, the EU and the USA, we can say that it is based on the understanding that the tough conditions of competition require enterprises to apply new approaches to planning and managing the movement of goods flows from the manufacturer of finished products to the consumer, based on the principles of logistics, which is considered as an integrated management system for the movement of material, financial and information flows that ensure the effectiveness of each business process of the enterprise and, ultimately, sufficient level of economic efficiency and competitiveness [11].

Cost management is considered as a set of actions of managers of logistics and financial departments in the following areas: planning, organization, motivation and control, forming a logical cycle and including processes such

as accounting, analysis, forecasting of logistics costs, organization of information flows, etc.

At the same time, logistics cost management is aimed at fulfilling the budget of the enterprise within the framework of its performance targets: maintaining and/or increasing profit volumes and profitability and competitiveness indicators by reducing costs and saving as a result of decisions taken.

This approach to the process of logistics management allows economic entities to form an effective policy strategy to ensure their competitive advantages based not on an abstract orientation to the market, but on the basis of orientation to a specific economic result due to the fact that the logistics approach provides a higher level of organization and management of an industrial enterprise.

In the new logistics management system, logistics is undergoing a significant correction, bearing in mind the fact that, with the traditional approach, the objective function of the logistics complex of production was focused on minimizing costs in each element of this activity [12].

F(c) = SCi = Cn + Cnp + Cc6 ^ min,

Where Sp, Spr, Ssb are expenses arising respectively in the functional subsystems of supply, production, and sales.

In the modern scientific and practical paradigm, cost minimization occurs in accordance with the following conceptual provision:

A (c) = SCio = g1 + g2 + g3 + pt ^min,

Where the indicator "p" means the optimal level of the corresponding costs, balanced by the criterion of the minimum total costs of individual business processes.

Minimization of costs is ensured by managing total costs, solving intra-system contradictions of an organizational nature, identifying and using hidden reserves to increase efficiency.

The difference between these approaches is that with the traditional method of cost management, their optimization was not considered from a systemic perspective, i.e. the relationship between the elements of the system is not considered, for which each previous cost level affects the level of costs arising at the next stage of production activity.

In the new scientific and practical paradigm, for example, the level of costs for the supply of necessary resources affects the level of production costs, since they are not just included in the cost structure of products, but also

determine the costs of production activities in terms of the "cost of the production process".

The category "cost of the production process" is relatively new to Western economics and is understood as the amount of costs for the creation of material goods, taking into account their final value, the value of resources and the value of technological support for production.

In this scientific paradigm, speaking of "values" as an element of logistics management, it is indicated that the higher the value of the source material (the resource of production activity), the higher the cost of production, since high cost indicators of raw materials require perfect methods of delivery, storage, movement, processing, etc. [10].

In other words, the scarcity of production resources determines the ever-increasing requirements for ensuring the quality of logistics, which today forms the conditions for the efficiency and profitability of production, managing logistics costs not in the traditional bundle of "supply -production - sales", but in each segment of the enterprise, which is considered as a set of interrelated processes.

In this paradigm, we are talking about the formation of process-oriented logistics, the main idea of which is to go beyond the formal approach to managing logistics operations in the supply -production - sales system, by switching attention to a lower level of strategic management, i.e. to the level of managing business processes that are part of larger segments of management activities.

This approach is connected with the understanding that in the conditions of constantly emerging crisis situations (pandemics, wars, political and economic crises) it is difficult to talk about any clear strategy for the development of the enterprise, in connection with which adaptive management systems become relevant [2], focused on flexible models of logistics management, capable of rebuilding the work of the enterprise in a short time, taking into account those externalities that have arisen at the current stage of the business entity's activity.

At the same time, a specific option for managing logistics costs is chosen based on the specifics of products and services, as well as in connection with the specifics of external factors affecting the efficiency, profitability, and competitiveness of the enterprise.

Understanding the situation in which the

company operates helps the company to minimize logistics costs, while costs become more predictable and manageable.

The new approach generates an independent direction of logistics activity, when the achievement of high competitiveness of the enterprise is considered as the final result of sufficient economic growth rates on the basis of performance management of individual business processes that form the logistics system of the enterprise.

At the same time, as scientists point out, the logistics system of the enterprise consists of two levels: from the level that directly ensures the management of competitiveness, as well as the level of implementation of the decision on improving the level of competitiveness [13].

Such a multi- level control system is formed by the main subsystems: (1) located at the upper level, which is a control subsystem (coordinator C0) generating coordinating signals (i=1, ...n) addressed to (2) controlled subsystems Ci (i=1, ...n) producing feedback signals (i=1, ...n) coming to coordinator's input; the subsystems also include the level of control action mi, designed to control (3) the process P, whose communication with the external environment is carried out through the input X and output Y, and the exchange of information about the results of activities takes place through feedback channels.

So, in the logistics business process management system, the logistics management subsystem of the enterprise will act as a coordinator from 0, which assumes general management of all types of business processes related to logistics activities.

The second level of the management system consists of subsystems for managing the corresponding types of logistics business processes, when the object of management is logistics microbusiness processes (transportation, warehousing, relocation, process optimization, etc.), which, in turn, are included in the structure of supply, production and sales processes.

The object ( ) in the logistics business process management system of the enterprise is represented by a set of interrelated processes ( ). At the same time, the supply processes ( ), production processes ( ) and sales processes ( ) are interrelated and are characterized by the following expression:

Sr = <{S]yAy; s^hAis^V s,r)>

where ( , , ) is the relationship between supply processes ( ), production processes ( ) and sales processes ( ) as a subsystem of logistics management.

A corresponding management task is associated with each process. Thus, the main task of supply process management is to meet the production needs for materials with the maximum possible economic efficiency, the basis of which is the search and purchase of the necessary high-quality materials at the lowest prices.

The set of quality management tasks of logistics business processes and the connections between them are described by the corresponding graph:

q =<{Dm.Bmz D¡uh ¿(D^Djh, DiM)>;

For each task, an algorithm or a set of algorithms for its solution is set { }, each of which has an interconnected set of control functions = { }, j = 1, ..., Ji. Each set of functions forms a control loop, where the sequence of functions and intra-circuit connections are considered to be set. The connections between the contours (intercontour connections) are carried out between the functions that are set for each contour.

So, the basis of the logistics business process management contour of supply will be the following set of functions: coordination with the operational calendar plan of production, determination of needs for logistics, placing orders (selection and negotiation with suppliers, conclusion of contracts), coordination with suppliers and preparation of an operational calendar plan of supply, procurement, transportation, warehousing of raw materials, semi-finished products, components, goods, inventory management in supply, loading and unloading, transport and storage operations with supplies, etc.

In general, the management system of logistics business processes of the enterprise in order to ensure its competitiveness is presented in Fig. 1.

The interaction between the dedicated subsystems of the logistics business process management system of the enterprise is carried out as follows. The logistics business process management subsystem CO implements the directive decision-making function of subsystems

C1, C2, C3: based on the prediction of the state of the external environment and the future behavior of the system (reducing the uncertainty of the situation), establishes the management quality function, determines the form of the relationship of elements C1, C2, C3 or the method of coordination and selects coordination changes y1, y2, y3; after receiving information about the results through the feedback channels w1, w2, w3, corrects, regulates the activities of subsystems, implementing a management function in order to achieve the goal of increasing the level of competitiveness in the best possible way. Such interaction has a vertical character.

Horizontal interaction between subsystems C1, C2, C3, acts in the form of direct and feedback. Direct links are the information impacts of one subsystem on another to achieve the ultimate goal of competitiveness management through improving the quality of logistics business processes as a whole. Feedbacks carry information about the results of such interaction.

Vertical interaction is also characteristic of the relationship between a certain subsystem of logistics business process management and the corresponding control circuits. Each control subsystem Ci exerts a corresponding managerial influence yG on the control subsystem of individual processes in the control circuits QiM. Information about the control results for each circuit enters the Ci subsystem in the form of feedback wG. Horizontal interaction of subsystems in control circuits occurs between AM control functions. In each control loop there are also two types of control signals (vertical interaction): coordinating mi (managerial impacts) and informational zi (feedback signals).

As a result, the process of logistics management of the competitiveness of the enterprise acquires the ability to quickly transform the entire logistics system, taking into account the realities that form the external and internal environment of the enterprise in the modern dynamic conditions of the development of the economic situation.

Conclusions. Thus, the article substantiates an approach to managing the competitiveness of an enterprise through the introduction of process-oriented logistics. This scientific paradigm is based on the understanding of the inability of modern strategic management to ensure economic growth and a sufficient level of competitiveness of enterprises. In this regard, the logistics concept focuses on the need to

Figure 1. - Schematic diagram of the management of logistics business processes of the enterprise in order to ensure its competitiveness (compiled by the author).

go beyond the formal approach to managing logistics operations in the supply -production -sales system by switching attention to a lower level of strategic management, i.e. to the level of managing business processes that are part of

larger segments of management activities.

Such a campaign creates conditions for the development of the concept of "adaptive logistics management", which is the main focus of our scientific interest.


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Information about the authors VLASOV ALEXANDER - CEO, Founder LLC «Zig-Zag», Izhevsk, Russia, alex22neo@gmail.

STANOVSKIKH ALEXEY - Co-founder LLC «Zig-Zag», Izhevsk, Russia, stanovskih@gmail.

Информация об авторах

ВЛАСОВ АЛЕКСАНДР - генеральный директор, учредитель ООО «Зиг-Заг», Ижевск, Россия, alex22neo@gmail.com

СТАНОВСКИХ АЛЕКСЕЙ - соучредитель ООО «Зиг-Заг», Ижевск, Россия

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