Научная статья на тему 'Literary text as an object of linguistic research'

Literary text as an object of linguistic research Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Laskova Marina Vasilyevna, Chebotareva Victoria Romanovna

This article reveals the notion and the concept of text, including literary text, its main functions and key characteristics, as well as the problem of its comprehension and interpretation. Text is a complex linguistic unit, and there is no agreement among linguists concerning the notion of this concept, and that causes a problem in case of any linguistic analysis whereas text is considered as an object. The present article provides a review on several approaches towards the afore-mentioned problem. Besides, we pay attention towards the aims and objectives of the text linguistics, or linguistic analysis the modern branch of language science in terms of which the categories representing the notion of text are established. Having the range of distinctive features, a literary text is also of linguistic analysis` interest. Due to its modern techniques, and in case of merging the methods of different linguistic branches, including stylistics, speech act theory, as well as the methods of allied sciences like philosophy and psychology, it makes it possible to elaborate the complex system, the main objective of which is to give a deep and detailed examination of such a complicated linguistic unit as literary text

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Данная статья посвящена рассмотрению понятия текст, его основных функций и ключевых характеристик, а также проблеме его толкования и интерпретации. Текст представляет собой многоаспектную лингвистическую единицу, и среди исследователей-языковедов не существует единого мнения о его определении, что является острой проблемой в рамках любого современного лингвистического исследования, где текст, в частности художественный, выступает как объект анализа. В данной статье рассматриваются несколько подходов к изложенной проблеме. Также авторы статьи обращают внимание на цели и задачи современного раздела языкознания лингвистики текста, или лингвистического анализа, в рамках которого выделяются категории, характеризующие сущность текста. Художественный текст, обладая рядом специфических особенностей, отличающих его от собственно текста, представляет особый интерес в рамках лингвистического анализа. Благодаря современным приемам лингвистики текста, и в случае объединения методов исследования из различных разделов языкознания, включая стилистику, теорию речевых актов, а также методов смежных наук, таких как философия и психология, становится возможной разработка комплексной системы, основная цель которой глубокий и детальный анализ такой сложной лингвистической единицы как текст.

Текст научной работы на тему «Literary text as an object of linguistic research»


LITERARY TEXT AS AN OBJECT OF LINGUISTIC RESEARCH Laskova M.V.1, Chebotareva V.R.2 Email: Laskova17148@scientifictext.ru

'Laskova Marina Vasilyevna - Doctor of Philology Sciences, Head of the Department;



Abstract: this article reveals the notion and the concept of text, including literary text, its main functions and key characteristics, as well as the problem of its comprehension and interpretation. Text is a complex linguistic unit, and there is no agreement among linguists concerning the notion of this concept, and that causes a problem in case of any linguistic analysis whereas text is considered as an object. The present article provides a review on several approaches towards the afore-mentioned problem. Besides, we pay attention towards the aims and objectives of the text linguistics, or linguistic analysis — the modern branch of language science — in terms of which the categories representing the notion of text are established. Having the range of distinctive features, a literary text is also of linguistic analysis' interest. Due to its modern techniques, and in case of merging the methods of different linguistic branches, including stylistics, speech act theory, as well as the methods of allied sciences like philosophy and psychology, it makes it possible to elaborate the complex system, the main objective of which is to give a deep and detailed examination of such a complicated linguistic unit as literary text.

Keywords: text, literary text, linguistic analysis, linguistic unit, text categories, text linguistics.


ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ Ласкова М.В.1, Чеботарева В.Р.2

'ЛасковаМарина Васильевна — доктор филологических наук, заведующий кафедрой;

2Чеботарева Виктория Романовна - магистрант, кафедра перевода и информационных технологий в лингвистике, Институт филологии, журналистики и межкультурной коммуникации Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального

образования Южный федеральный университет, г. Ростов-на-Дону

Аннотация: данная статья посвящена рассмотрению понятия текст, его основных функций и ключевых характеристик, а также проблеме его толкования и интерпретации. Текст представляет собой многоаспектную лингвистическую единицу, и среди исследователей-языковедов не существует единого мнения о его определении, что является острой проблемой в рамках любого современного лингвистического исследования, где текст, в частности художественный, выступает как объект анализа. В данной статье рассматриваются несколько подходов к изложенной проблеме. Также авторы статьи обращают внимание на цели и задачи современного раздела языкознания — лингвистики текста, или лингвистического анализа, в рамках которого выделяются категории, характеризующие сущность текста. Художественный текст, обладая рядом специфических особенностей, отличающих его от собственно текста, представляет особый интерес в рамках лингвистического анализа. Благодаря современным приемам лингвистики текста, и в случае объединения методов исследования из различных разделов языкознания, включая стилистику, теорию речевых актов, а также методов смежных наук, таких как философия и психология, становится возможной разработка комплексной системы, основная цель которой — глубокий и детальный анализ такой сложной лингвистической единицы как текст.

Ключевые слова: текст, художественный текст, лингвистический анализ, языковая единица, текстовые категории, лингвистика текста.

UDC 81-139

Today, within the framework of actively developing branches of philological and linguistic knowledge, the problem of examining and studying of such a linguistic unit as text is of a particular relevance. Text is an extremely complex, multifaceted and significant concept. The problem of its formation and functioning arises at the intersection of linguistics, literary studies and semiotics, forming a special branch of linguistic science, known as 'text linguistics' or 'theory of text', one of the main goals of which is to consider the text as a special linguistic unit, varying from other units of a language and speech categories. Referring to the problem of text comprehension, the literary text in particular, it is necessary to highlight some approaches defining its nature.

Being a specific linguistic unit and the object of investigation of a particular linguistic branch, text as a concept is considered to be a multi-aspect unit. Nowadays, there is no agreement among linguists on the notion of text and on the which class of phenomena, whether linguistic or speech one, it should be correlated with. Some researchers examine the grammatical nature of text, whereas others consider text as a speech phenomenon, relying, first of all, on its communicative aims. These differences in the investigation of the notion of text are found in linguistic and methodological works of well-known linguists.

Professor I.R. Galperin regards text as a speech product, represented in written form, consisting of the name (the headline) and the number of specific language units ('super - phrasal units'), joined by different types of lexical, grammatical and stylistic connections. Text is 'characterized by completeness, wholeness and coherence', thus the researcher indicates grammatical and semantic completeness as key characteristics of the text as a special language unit [1, р. 6].

According to the native linguist N. M. Shansky, text is a connection of at least two statements in which the minimal act of communication - the transfer of information or the exchange of thoughts between partners - can be completed [2, р. 134].

At the same time, V. A. Lukin gives the definition of text as a message that exists in the form of such a sequence of signs, that has a formal coherence, meaningful integrity and a formal-semantic structure arising on the basis of their interaction [3, р. 17-18].

According to V. P. Belyanin, the text is the basic unit of communication, the method of storing and transmitting information, the form of culture existence, the product of a certain historical era, and a reflection of the individual's life experience [4, р. 97].

The notion of 'text', according to many researches, cannot be defined only by linguistic means. Text is a result of certain type of activity, generally the speech one, whilst A literary text is a result of activities aimed at the realization of creative possibilities, abilities and psychological characteristics of a person. In the view of the communicative approach text can be defined as a speech product conceptually conditioned (having a concept, idea) and communicatively oriented within a certain sphere of communication [5, р. 14].

The above mentioned definitions show that all researchers strive, first of all, to determine the place of the text in the system of language, secondly, to allocate the actual text categories inherent only to this linguistic unit. With all the differences of these definitions they have much in common.

Text is considered to be a speech phenomenon, its product and basic unit. Consequently, the text production and interpretation occur in the process of reality cognition and communication. Text is usually implemented in writing, having its own internal structure and featuring the coherence of its parts.

The literary text, according to Y.M. Lotman, is a certain model of the world, some message emerged in the language of art [6, р. 34]. At the same time L. Y. Ginzburg believes that the literary text is formed by the image of the author, their point of view on the object, that is, the author expresses their perception of the world in the text of a literary work and gives their assessment of the surrounding reality [7, р. 107-108].

The literary text implies a number of specific features. These include:

1) fiction, conventionality and indirectness;

2) synergetic complexity; a literary text is a complicated system, on the one hand featuring the means of a national language, and operating its own coding, seeking for reader's comprehension, on the other one;

3) integrity of text categories formed by the acquired additional 'increments of meaning';

4) interrelation and interconnection of all text units or isomorphism of all text levels;

5) the reflexive property of a poetic word, the revival of words' inner forms, the enhanced actualization of lexical elements;

6) the occurrence of implicit meanings;

7) the influence on the meaning of a literary text and intertextual connections [8, р. 56];

Text linguistics as a special philological discipline was formed in the second half of the 20th century. The main task of the text linguistics is 'to develop, distinguish such categories that characterize the essence of the text (for example, the principles of its construction) and make it possible to reduce all the diversity of texts to a finite, visible variety of basic types [8, р. 59].

The linguistics of a literary text occupies a special position. It deals with the purposeful interaction of text units, more often with those occurring on different text levels. The most popular layered presentation of text is focused on language stratification with an appropriate selection of the phonetic, morphological, lexical and syntactic levels of the text. Due to this fact, different semantic and aesthetic functions are realized in it [9, р. 11].

Prof. Novikov identifies the following methods of linguistic analysis of a literary text:

1) linguistic commentary, the main task and the main technique of which is a dictionary or interlinear explanation of incomprehensible, of a rare usage, obsolete, special words and expressions, grammatical phenomena and other similar language facts (the main object of the analysis is the linguistic level of the text, partially - extralinguistic one);

2) linguo-stylistic analysis, that studies figurative means of a literary text, the aesthetic effect that their synthesis gives (the main technique here is the search for a synthesizing principle in the means of speech representation); the object here is figure of speech;

3) comprehensive linguistic analysis, aiming at complex, multifaceted philological study of a literary text. The main method of this analysis is the study of the text by defining its figurative poetic structure, that is in close unity with the message of the text and the system of figurative language means. The category of the author's image lies in the basis of a synthesis analysis. It cannot but define the poetic (compositional) structure of the text, the system of literary images and the way they are developing in the plot, specifying the ideological intention of the writing, features of its genre and the aesthetic functions [8, р. 84-85].

Linguistic analysis identifies the functional role of linguistic units and their forms in speech: the appropriateness of the choice of words, the turns of the speech, grammatical forms, in accordance with the author's intention, the unique usage of language means in the literary text [9, р. 23].

Today there seems to be a compelling need in developing the model of a complex linguistic text analysis bringing in the data from other linguistic branches, such as the theories of speech acts and genres, stylistics, philosophy and psychology.

The nowadays linguistic analysis includes the analysis of a literary text - the study of a writing, considering it as a historical fact of social thought development, - and a stylistic one - the study of the techniques of individual author's use of language means. Each word and each sign in the text conveys information that helps to understand the shades of the general meaning, receive and perceive the message, since there are no unintentional details in the literary text that can be neglected or left without the analysis.

References / Список литературы

1. Galperin I.R. Text as an object of a linguistic study. M.: Nauka, 1981. 138 p.

2. Shansky N.M. Linguistic analysis of a literary text. M.: Prosveschenie Publ., 2002. 224 p.

3. Lukin V.A. Literary text: The basics of theory and the elements of analysis. M., Os'-89 Publ., 2005. 555 p.

4. Belyanin V.P. Psycholinguistic aspects of a literary text. M.: MGU, 1988. 121 p.

5. Solganik G.Y. Put words into text. M.: Flinta Publ., 1993. 202 p.

6. Lotman Y.M. Analysis of poetic text. M.: Prosveschenie Publ., 1972. 270 p.

7. Ginzburg L. Y. On the question of interpretation of text // The structure of text - 81: Symp. Theses. M., 1981. Pp. 106-109.

8. NovikovL.A. Literary text and its analysis. M., 2007. 304 p.

9. Babenko L.G., Kasarin Y.V. Linguistic analysis of a literary text. Theory and practice. M.: Flinta Publ., 2004. 496 p.

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