LINGUISTIC NATURE OF ADVERTISING TEXTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
advertising / slogan / linguistics / advertising text / pragmatics / marketing. / реклама / слоган / лингвистика / рекламный текст / прагматика / маркетинг.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Musayeva Elzana Mammad

Advertising slogans represent a powerful means of communication in the world of marketing. These short phrases, consisting of a few words, carry immense significance and are a key element in influencing consumers. In this article, we explored the linguistic nature of advertising slogans and examined their pragmatics and diversity. The pragmatics of advertising slogans are linked to their communicative function. Slogans not only convey meaning but are also designed to evoke specific reactions and actions from consumers. The aim of this article is to investigate the linguistic nature of advertising slogans and highlight their importance in contemporary marketing practices. The article delves into the pragmatics of advertising slogans, their role in brand image creation, their impact on consumer emotions, and their ability to motivate action. The relevance of this research is rooted in the significant influence of advertising on modern society and business. Advertising slogans serve as a potent means of communication capable of capturing attention, shaping brand images, and inspiring consumers. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the analysis of the linguistic aspects of advertising slogans and the identification of various pragmatic functions they fulfill. This research provides fresh insights into the fields of linguistics and marketing. The practical significance of the article is evident in its contribution to helping marketers and advertisers gain a deeper understanding of how advertising slogans can influence consumers and enhance the results of marketing campaigns. This study can also serve as a foundation for creating more effective and appealing advertising messages. Overall, this article represents a valuable contribution to the study of the linguistic nature of advertising slogans, shedding light on their pragmatic roles, promises, narrative styles, and commands, and demonstrating their significance in modern marketing and communication.

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Рекламные слоганы представляют собой мощное средство коммуникации в мире маркетинга. Эти короткие фразы, состоящие из нескольких слов, несут в себе огромное значение и являются ключевым элементом воздействия на потребителей. В данной статье мы исследовали лингвистическую природу рекламных слоганов, а также рассмотрели их прагматику и разнообразие. Прагматика рекламных сло-ганов связана с их коммуникативной функцией. Слоганы не только несут смысл, но и призваны вызывать определенные реакции и действия у потребителей. Цель этой статьи – исследовать лингвистическую природу рекламных слоганов и выявить их важное значение в современной маркетинговой практике. Статья рассматривает прагматику рекламных слоганов, их роль в создании образа бренда, воздей-ствие на эмоции потребителей и способность мотивировать к действию. Актуальность данного иссле-дования обусловлена значительным влиянием рекламы на современное общество и бизнес. Рекламные слоганы представляют собой мощное средство коммуникации, способное привлечь внимание, создать образ и вдохновить потребителей. Научная новизна статьи заключается в анализе лингвистических ас-пектов рекламных слоганов и выделении разнообразных прагматических функций, которые они выпол-няют. Это исследование предоставляет новые инсайты в область лингвистики и маркетинга. Практи-ческая значимость статьи заключается в том, что она помогает маркетологам и рекламистам более глубоко понять, каким образом рекламные слоганы могут воздействовать на потребителей и как их ис-пользование может улучшить результаты маркетинговых кампаний. Это исследование может также служить основой для создания более эффективных и привлекательных рекламных сообщений. В целом, статья представляет собой важный вклад в изучение лингвистической природы рекламных слоганов, раскрывая их прагматическую роль, обещания, повествовательный стиль и приказы, и демонстрируя их важность в современном маркетинге и коммуникациях.


«шиитешим-лшшаи» ашшза, 2024 / philological sciences



UOT: 811.111

Musayeva Elzana Mammad

Ph.,D student Azerbaijan, Ganja State Univesity Lecturer department of " Practical Languages DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2024-10203-39-43 LINGUISTIC NATURE OF ADVERTISING TEXTS

Мусаева Эльзана Мамед


Азербайджан, Гянджинский Государственный Университет Преподаватель кафедры «Практические языки»



Advertising slogans represent a powerful means of communication in the world of marketing. These short phrases, consisting of a few words, carry immense significance and are a key element in influencing consumers. In this article, we explored the linguistic nature of advertising slogans and examined their pragmatics and diversity. The pragmatics of advertising slogans are linked to their communicative function. Slogans not only convey meaning but are also designed to evoke specific reactions and actions from consumers. The aim of this article is to investigate the linguistic nature of advertising slogans and highlight their importance in contemporary marketing practices. The article delves into the pragmatics of advertising slogans, their role in brand image creation, their impact on consumer emotions, and their ability to motivate action. The relevance of this research is rooted in the significant influence of advertising on modern society and business. Advertising slogans serve as a potent means of communication capable of capturing attention, shaping brand images, and inspiring consumers. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the analysis of the linguistic aspects of advertising slogans and the identification ofvarious pragmatic functions they fulfill. This research provides fresh insights into the fields of linguistics and marketing. The practical significance of the article is evident in its contribution to helping marketers and advertisers gain a deeper understanding of how advertising slogans can influence consumers and enhance the results of marketing campaigns. This study can also serve as a foundation for creating more effective and appealing advertising messages. Overall, this article represents a valuable contribution to the study of the linguistic nature of advertising slogans, shedding light on their pragmatic roles, promises, narrative styles, and commands, and demonstrating their significance in modern marketing and communication.


Рекламные слоганы представляют собой мощное средство коммуникации в мире маркетинга. Эти короткие фразы, состоящие из нескольких слов, несут в себе огромное значение и являются ключевым элементом воздействия на потребителей. В данной статье мы исследовали лингвистическую природу рекламных слоганов, а также рассмотрели их прагматику и разнообразие. Прагматика рекламных слоганов связана с их коммуникативной функцией. Слоганы не только несут смысл, но и призваны вызывать определенные реакции и действия у потребителей. Цель этой статьи — исследовать лингвистическую природу рекламных слоганов и выявить их важное значение в современной маркетинговой практике. Статья рассматривает прагматику рекламных слоганов, их роль в создании образа бренда, воздействие на эмоции потребителей и способность мотивировать к действию. Актуальность данного исследования обусловлена значительным влиянием рекламы на современное общество и бизнес. Рекламные слоганы представляют собой мощное средство коммуникации, способное привлечь внимание, создать образ и вдохновить потребителей. Научная новизна статьи заключается в анализе лингвистических аспектов рекламных слоганов и выделении разнообразных прагматических функций, которые они выполняют. Это исследование предоставляет новые инсайты в область лингвистики и маркетинга. Практическая значимость статьи заключается в том, что она помогает маркетологам и рекламистам более глубоко понять, каким образомрекламные слоганы могут воздействовать на потребителей и как их использование может улучшить результаты маркетинговых кампаний. Это исследование может также служить основой для создания более эффективных и привлекательных рекламных сообщений. В целом, статья представляет собой важный вклад в изучение лингвистической природы рекламных слоганов, раскрывая их прагматическую роль, обещания, повествовательный стиль и приказы, и демонстрируя их важность в современном маркетинге и коммуникациях.

Keywords: advertising, slogan, linguistics, advertising text, pragmatics, marketing.

Ключевые слова: реклама, слоган, лингвистика, рекламный текст, прагматика, маркетинг.

PHILOLOGICAL SCIENCES / «©0LL®@UWm-J0y©MaL» #1012033, 2024


Advertising texts are specially created texts whose purpose is to attract the attention of consumers to a product, service or brand, as well as to stimulate their purchasing behavior. Advertising occupies a leading position in the modern world, where information overload and competition in the market of goods and services are becoming more and more intense. Advertising texts have become an integral part of our daily life, accompanying us everywhere: on city streets, on the Internet, on television, in magazines and even on product packaging.

Advertising texts perform a number of important functions in modern society. One of the main roles of advertising is to inform potential consumers about the availability of new products and services. These texts convey information about the features, advantages and unique features of the goods or services offered. This helps consumers make more informed decisions when choosing products or services.

In addition, advertising texts have a significant impact on the formation of preferences and perceptions about brands. They create an image of a product or company by associating it with certain values, lifestyle and emotions. Advertising helps build brand awareness and trust, which can have a huge impact on consumer loyalty.

An important aspect of advertising texts is their ability to evoke an emotional response in the audience. An advertisement can be funny, touching, inspiring or even shocking, and it helps the message to be noticed or remembered. In a world where consumers are bombarded with information, the ability of advertising copy to evoke emotion has become a key tool for attracting attention.

However, the role of advertising texts is not limited to informational and emotional functions. They also contribute to the formation of cultural and socio-cultural values that reflect trends and changes in society. In some cases, advertising text can even raise actual social issues and stimulate public dialogue.

In conclusion, let us note that the distribution of advertising is of central importance in modern culture and economy. They not only inform and motivate consumers, but also have a profound effect on how they perceive the world and shape their choices. Understanding the linguistic nature of advertising texts allows us to uncover their mechanisms of action and analyze their impact on society.

Pragmatic features of advertising texts. To achieve a successful result, the personnel who develop texts for advertising texts, of course, use linguistic tools as effectively as possible. An important requirement for advertising texts is to provide as much information as possible with a minimum number of words. These are broad texts for work in terms of brevity, brevity, and information capacity in terms of linguistic means. This is characterized by their informativeness. As mentioned, "the informativeness of advertising texts is related to their polyfunctionality" [1, p. 73]. This is a matter directly related to the pragmatics of advertising texts.

The pragmatic aspect ofthe advertising text is first of all manifested in its organization: the selection of

grammatical and lexical units, stylistic methods, special syntactic principles, the organization of printed material and the use of elements of various sign systems, etc. All this creates the basis for creating effective and successful advertising texts. So, summarizing these, it can be noted that two trends are observed in the formation and creation of advertising texts: the density and compactness of language tools and the normal amount of information, expressiveness.

In small advertising texts, the construction of the text is realized due to the limitation of the vocabulary and the simplification of grammatical structures due to general repetition and the abundance of clichés. It should be noted that effective expressive power of advertising texts is based on more complex principles than we sometimes think. At this time, the creators of the texts avoid directly describing the subject of the advertisement, listing the properties, characteristics and values of the offered product or service (here the principle of privacy manifests itself).

Advertising texts and functional styles of language. The style of advertising is multifaceted, it combines journalistic, scientific, scientific-popular, partly colloquial and domestic character. Elements of the official business style are not uncommon here (advertising texts related to banking services and various jobs can be cited as examples). In most cases, advertising not only informs readers and listeners, but also creates a clear advertising image through artistic element units of language.

The purpose of advertising is to have an intensively concentrated impact, so as the means of expression become obsolete and spread rapidly, its language needs to be constantly updated to deliver unconventional, unique and creative advertising. Because in the modern world, "forms of communication, structure are changing and people receive information mainly visually from the media, which strengthens the psychological effect. Speaking about advertising in general, it should be noted that the influence of advertising on people in the world today is great" [3, p. 557].

As a result, the expressive effect of non-innovative advertisements is weakened, the credibility of the advertisement is reduced, and thus the impact of the advertising text in general is also weakened. The system of metaphors is used very rarely in advertising. The most common types of these are allegory, hyperbole, irony, metaphor, metonymy, simile, epithet, etc. "... the use of all kinds of linguistic means or elements in advertisements makes them colorful and meaningful" [9, p. 252].

Phraseological word combinations in the language of advertising texts are no less expressive. In these texts, phraseologisms are used not only in the accepted form in the language, but also in a modified form So, according to our observations, we can say that here the structure and semantics of phraseological expressions give them new content and shades, provided that they are updated.

Various stylistic figures are also widely used in advertising texts. The most common stylistic figures include anaphora, antithesis, inversion, parallelism, rhetorical question, ellipsis, epiphora, etc. These stylistic

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figures revive the means of expression of the advertising language and make the advertising text relevant.

Linguistic literature emphasizes the dominance of simple sentences in advertising. Their use is a universal rule, because it is related to the short, clear, expressive delivery of the information conveyed by the advertising text, dynamism, expressiveness. These features are directly related to the linguistic nature of the advertising text. Thus, the text presented in advertisements should be quickly and effectively understood by the reader or lis tener.

In advertising texts, using exclamatory sentences, which act as a unique signal, a call to action, is used as an effective way. Suggestion, invitation, persuasion, etc. expressed in these sentences. makes advertising texts more effective, adds emotionality to them. Advertising posts use a number of graphic tools, such as: font set, color background selection, punctuation marks, etc. "... even letters that seem ordinary at first glance can form an attitude to a certain product in a certain group of people" [2, p. 55]. N. Katsitadze in his monograph dedicated to advertising texts notes that in order to increase the effect of advertising, the creators of the advertisement should take into account the rhythm of the text, the balance in the composition, the size of the font, because "the composition of the letters in the line - the rhythmic combination has emotional expressiveness" [6, p. 25]. Thanks to them, texts with an unusual appearance add dynamism to advertising.

The effectiveness of the advertising text depends on the successful combination of all its components, the correct composition, as mentioned above. In this regard, researchers note the importance of the verbal component of advertising - first of all, the oral text. " The author of the advertising text must have the ability to think from the position of both the advertisement and its carrier." The author must have a clear understanding of the marketing and communication objectives of the advertising appeal. It develops an appeal idea and then uses multiple techniques of cinematography - visual, audio and optical elements and effects - to make the upcoming television commercial effective" [6, p. 34-35].

Linguistic structure of advertising texts. Advertising text mainly consists of two layers, levels: marked (decorated) part and main text. All possible elements mentioned in the "decorative" text (according to the concept, of course) are used. This section is calculated especially for the readership and is placed in large type to attract attention. The main text of the advertisement contains the elements that the reader should read and understand.

Advertising texts try to convey information to the audience in a minimum number of words. For examp le, the famous slogan of the sports brand "Nike" "Just Do It" is a great example of brevity and compactness. He puts the whole idea into a short phrase.

Title and slogan play a crucial role in advertising. Let's consider the title and slogan in the advertisement of the company "Apple": "Think different" . This title and slogan encourages innovation and original thinking.


Advertisements often use imagery and metaphors to make the slogan more memorable. For example, the famous coca-cola advertisement featuring Santa claus has become a symbol of celebration and joy. Taking advantage of the same experience, we can see that the advertisement of this company for the Azerbaijani audience is also applied to commercials related to Nowruz holiday, Ramadan holiday, which is the national and moral value of our people.

The direct effect of advertising can be observed in the following example: "Save 50% on our sale today!". In this case, the direct call is to save money. The indirect effect can be used as follows: " Taste the real flavor every day" (tea advertisement). This is an indirect reference to the pleasure that tea brings.

Advertising texts are often combined with visual elements. For example, an ad for a car might have text describing its technical features and an image of the car to demonstrate its benefits.

Advertising is often tailored to the target audience. For example, advertising for children's toys uses simple language and bright colors to attract children's attention.

Rhetorical devices such as repetition and questions are successfully used in advertising texts. For example, "Do you want to have beautiful hair? Try our shampoo!" — where the question draws attention and emphasizes the desired outcome.

The linguistic structure of advertising texts should be carefully worked out in order to have the maximu m effect on the audience. These elements are brought together to not only inform, but also motivate, persuade and create an emotional connection between consumers and the product.

Considering these, the advertising text can be structured in this way: 1. Slogan; 2. Subtitle; 3. Main text; 4. Signatures and comments. When considering these structural elements, it should be noted that the keyword here is the slogan of the advertising text. Because the slogan is located at the beginning of the text and acts as a carrier of the main information that should be brought to attention. It (together with the picture or illustration) attracts the reader and forms the core of it (advertisement). Referring to the conducted studies, we can say that "on average, the slogan is read five times more than the advertising text" [7, p. 27]. Thus, the success of advertising depends on a correctly chosen slogan. An advertising slogan consisting of one or more words should be emotional, powerful in terms of effectiveness and clear in content. Since this is the most important element of the ad text, it is written in a larger font than the rest of the text.

It is clear that a person who browses information websites, newspaper information, etc. first gets acquainted with the headlines. Researchers have calculated that only 20% of those who read the slogan actually read the ad text itself. Successful slogan writing selects the target audience, appeals to its interests. K. Bove and U. Ahrens distinguish sixfunctions of the slogan:

— attracting attention: this is the main function of the slogan, because if the slogan is ignored, then the information in this slogan will not achieve its purpose.

PHILOLOGICAL SCIENCES / «©0LL®@UWm-J0y©MaL» #1012033, 2024


Often attention is attracted by highlighting one or another font in the printed text.

— to be calculated for a specific audience: the slogan should be aimed at a specific audience, should contain information of interest to a specific user.

— being a rhetorical question: this can be called a "provocative" feature of slogans. The slogan-question is often followed by information about the consumer's profit after purchasing the advertised product or service.

- the slogan should reflect a commercial idea: prospective investment is one of the main tasks facing advertising slogans to convince them that funds are not spent in vain.

- the slogan should contain information about the advantages and social status that the customer will get when buying the product. The slogan in the video of the roof manufacturer "Colorstyle" is as follows: "A house you will be proud of1'. With this, the manufacturer points to the quality, beautiful appearance and durability of the company's product.

"Researchers studying advertising texts tried to present their classification, taking into account the typology of slogans and texts. One of them, R. Stansfield, suggests dividing slogans into twenty -three main types. K. Bove and U. Arens mention five types of slogans" [4, p. 74].

The pragmatics of slogans. In the world of advertising, slogans play a key role in communicating with the audience. Although they consist of short phrases or sayings, they can have different meanings and contents. Understanding the pragmatics of advertising slogans is an important aspect for analyzing their effectiveness, because slogans are often a key element in creating a brand image and influence consumer perception.

"In the world of colorful advertising texts, slogans are the main means of attracting customers' attention. The language of the slogan should be bright and short in order to attract the attention of the reader" [10, p. 182]. The pragmatics of advertising slogans is related to their communicative function. It is important to understand that slogans are not only meant to express meaning, but also aim to influence the consumer. They are designed to evoke certain reactions and actions. For example, "Conquer Tomorrow!" the slogan (Nike) motivates, inspires and calls to sports, which is the pragmatic purpose of this expression.

Slogans can serve as an important element of brand identity. They create a unique and recognizable image of the company or product. For example, McDonald's slogan "I love McDonald's" is not only a positive sentiment, but also associated with the brand and makes it easily recognizable.

In the context of pragmatics, slogans can emphasize the main advantages of a product or service. For example, the slogan of the world famous "Apple" company "Think different" emphasizes the innovative approach of the brand, which is important for the target audience.

The emotional pragmatics of slogans plays an important role in establishing an emotional connection with consumers. Slogans can evoke emotions and associate the product with certain feelings. For example,

"Take a break, buy a Kit Kat" is associated with relaxation and pleasure.

So, the pragmatics of advertising slogans includes many aspects related to their communicative and pragmatic function. They not only serve as a means of information transfer, but also create an emotional connection with the audience, shape the brand image and motivate consumers.

One way to grab a reader's or listener's attention is to make a promise. The technique of using different signs and symbols in advertisements can affect readers in a different way: "It melts in the mouth, not in the hand" (M&M's). Here, the manufacturer promises that the advertised product will be of high quality. "Quality is always in fashion" (Levi's) — here it is promised that Levi's products will always be considered high quality and fashionable. "Because you deserve it!" (L'Oreal) — this slogan promises that L'Oreal products will help the buyer feel they deserve better.

Informational slogans are broad in terms of content. In any case, the product category should be clear to the reader from the slogan. The second function of an informative slogan is to clearly state the core of the business. If the strategy is based on a product advantage, opinion, unique selling proposition or promise, it must be reflected in the slogan. "Zero sugar — different taste" (Pepsi). With this short slogan, we get a lot of information: dieters can enjoy a delicious low-calorie product as much as they want.

Question-based slogans also attract attention. Questions can confuse the audience, make them think and invite them to participate in the development of the story of the appeal. Moreover, it may make you want to read the ad to the end to find the answer. But there is a certain "trap" in such slogans: if the reader can easily get a negative answer to the question, then he is less likely to read the main text. From this point of view, those who use this type of slogans should carefully approach their design. An example of a successful question-type slogan is Ikea's "Where is the line between loyalty and convenience?" you can show a heartwarming commercial with a question slogan. However, the feeling of comfort and prosperity is attractively presented by using the products of this brand. Thus, the concept of "comfort" is the main priority of the company "Ikea".

Imperative slogans call the audience to action, which can also be called " compelling slogans". Readers pay more attention to such slogans, because such slogans motivate people's behavior with fear or emotional feelings, so we understand the truth of such an order: "Think big" (IBM) — "Think deeply!"; "Be yourself!" (Apple) — "Be yourself!"; "Just taste it!" (Lay's) — "Taste it!" and so on.

"Advertising language, including slogans, has become the main field of linguistics with its unique characteristics and original structure; With the help of advertising texts, the language is expanding. Thus, the slogan text is created with the help of lively, bright verbal means and serves as the main weapon of human communication and cooperation" [10, p. 183].

«шиитеимм-лэишаи» 2024 / PHILOLOGICAL sciences

The result. The study and analysis of advertising texts is important not only for marketers and advertising agencies, but also for understanding how the power of language and communication is used to influence our conscious and unconscious psychology. Advertising texts have the ability to penetrate our consciousness and evoke different reactions, having a short and powerful effect. They can motivate, inspire, persuade and even create lasting images.

The pragmatics of advertising slogans has many aspects and is closely related to the goals set by brands. These slogans can promise quality, create an emotional connection, and motivate action. They are a powerful tool that can influence consumer perception and behavior.

The art of creating advertising slogans requires not only creativity, but also an understanding of how language and communication affect us. Advertising slogans can become brand symbols and leave a certain mark on culture. Their impact is incredibly deep and long-lasting.

Thus, advertising slogans are not only words, but also tools that shape our understanding of the world and inspire our actions. They leave their mark on the history of marketing and culture, and their research helps us better understand the impact of language and communication in the modern world.


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