Таким образом, в результате проведенного анализа можно прийти к следующему заключению.
На этапе отбора материала для исследования было обнаружено, что в паремиологической картине китайского языка содержится больше пословиц с компонентами - названиями хлебных злаков, чем в соответствующем фрагменте паремиологической картины русского языка. Ранжирование пословиц по частотности используемых компонентов - наименований хлебных злаков позволило выявить, что если в русском корпусе исследуемых единиц превалируют пословицы с компонентами овес и рожь, то в китайском - это пословицы с компонентами пшеница и рис. Данные наблюдения могут быть объяснены различиями в климате и сельскохозяйственных традициях двух стран.
И русские, и китайские пословицы с компонентом - названием хлебных злаков вербализуют больше различных, чем общих установок культуры. Пословицы с компонентами «рожь», «овес», «пшеница», «просо», «рис», «кукуруза», «ячмень», «сорго» в обоих языках выражают философские идеи о том, что каждому важно и существенно свое, что следствие во многом зависит от причины и условия, что все должно совершаться в свое время, что нельзя преждевременно радоваться, не получив результат, что путь к успеху и достатку лежит через преодоление трудностей, благополучие и успех достигаются единством и сотрудничеством, важны терпение и трудолюбие, в то же время как лень может препятствовать достижению позитивного результата.
Лакунарными относительно китайского языка являются 13 проанализированных выше установок культуры. Соответственно, 18 установок культуры, вы-
Библиографический список
раженных в китайских пословицах с компонентом - названием хлебных злаков, лакунарны относительно русского языка.
Обнаруженные национально-культурные различия заключаются в том, что в русских пословицах акцентируются такие установки культуры, которые объясняют принципы построения и развития взаимоотношений с другими, отмечается важность добра как главной ценности, применения мягкого метода воздействия. В пословицах русского языка отмечается, что все изменчиво, все познается в сравнении. В китайских пословицах выделяются те установки культуры, которые приводят к результату и успеху, подчеркивается значимость усилия, подготовки, выбора, опыта, мудрости, уважения, почтительности, любознательности. Следует отметить, что в китайских пословицах шире представлена социальная иерархия в человеческом обществе.
Наименования злаков, их противопоставление в пословицах двух языков зависят от бытовых реалий, климата, сельскохозяйственных предпочтений. Так, в китайских пословицах сравниваются пшеница с голозерным ячменем, сорго с рисом и просом, а в русских пословицах - рожь с пшеницей. С точки зрения структуры пословицы китайского языка шире, чем пословицы русского языка используют принцип синтаксического параллелизма, что позволяет более образно, через рядоположенность частей пословицы воспринимать выражаемые установки культуры.
Полученные результаты и выводы могут найти применение в вузовской системе образования, в переводческой деятельности, а также в лексикографической практике. Перспектива исследования видится в изучении пословиц с другими компонентами-фитонимами, а также в лексикографическом аспекте анализа.
1. Кумахова Д.Б. Оценочная категоризация действительности в пословичной картине мира (на материале кабардино-черкесского и русского языков). Автореферат диссертации ... кандидата филологических наук. Нальчик, 2011.
2. Селиверстова Е.И. Пространство русской пословицы: постоянство и изменчивость. Санкт-Петербург: ООО «МИРС», 2009.
3. Борисова И.З. Сравнительно-сопоставительный анализ пословиц с компонентами «голова», «рука», «нога». Вестник Удмуртского университета. 2015; Т. 25, № 2: 11-119.
4. Браташова Э.В. Лингвокультурная специфика пословиц с компонентом-зоонимом в английском и русском языках. Современные исследования социальных проблем. 2019; Т. 11, № 5: 54-70.
5. Зиновьева Е.И., Алёшин А.С., Цховребов А.С. Тувинские паремии с компонентом-религионимом (на фоне других языков). Новые исследования Тувы. 2024; № 2: 40-60.
6. Ван Исюань Стереотипные представления о жилых и дворовых постройках в русских паремиях на фоне китайских: лингвокультурологический аспект. Диссертация . кандидата филологических наук. Санкт-Петербург, 2023.
7. Лю Юэ Лингвокультурный потенциал русских пословиц с компонентами-названиями инструментов (на фоне китайского языка). Диссертация ... кандидата филологических наук. Санкт-Петербург, 2023.
В. Зиновьева Е.И., Цао Цзяци Лингвокультурографическое описание пословиц с компонентом-названием насекомого (на фоне китайского языка). Ученые записки Новгородского государственного университета им. Ярослава Мудрого. 2020; № 2.
9. Гайстер А.И. Сельскохозяйственный словарь-справочник. Москва, 1937.
10. Мокиенко В.М., Никитина Т.Г., Николаева Е.К. Большой словарь русских пословиц. Москва, 2010.
11. Вэнь Д. Большой словарь китайских пословиц. Шанхай, 2011.
12. Фразеология в контексте культуры. Москва: Языки русской культуры, 1999.
13. Прохоров А.М. Большой энциклопедический словарь. Москва, 1993.
14. Ефремова Т.Ф. Современный толковый словарь русского языка. Москва, 2006.
15. Комитет по составлению словарей. Словарь китайского языка Синьхуа. Пекин, 2007.
1. Kumahova D.B. Ocenochnaya kategorizaciya dejstvitel'nosti v poslovichnoj kartine mira (na materiale kabardino-cherkesskogo i russkogo yazykov). Avtoreferat dissertacii ... kandidata filologicheskih nauk. Nal'chik, 2011.
2. Seliverstova E.I. Prostranstvorusskojposlovicy: postoyanstvo iizmenchivost'. Sankt-Peterburg: OOO "MIRS", 2009.
3. Borisova I.Z. Sravnitel'no-sopostavitel'nyj analiz poslovic s komponentami «golova», «ruka», «noga». Vestnik Udmurtskogo universiteta. 2015; T. 25, № 2: 11-119.
4. Bratashova 'E.V. Lingvokul'turnaya specifika poslovic s komponentom-zoonimom v anglijskom i russkom yazykah. Sovremennye issledovaniya social'nyh problem. 2019; T. 11, № 5: 54-70.
5. Zinov'eva E.I., Aleshin A.S., Chovrebov A.S. Tuvinskie paremii s komponentom-religionimom (na fone drugih yazykov). Novye issledovaniya Tuvy. 2024; № 2: 40-60.
6. Van Isyuan' Stereotipnye predstavleniya o zhilyh i dvorovyh postrojkah v russkih paremiyah na fone kitajskih: lingvokul'turologicheskij aspekt. Dissertaciya ... kandidata filologicheskih nauk. Sankt-Peterburg, 2023.
7. Lyu Yu'e Lingvokul'turnyj potencial russkih poslovic s komponentami-nazvaniyami instrumentov (na fone kitajskogo yazyka). Dissertaciya ... kandidata filologicheskih nauk. Sankt-Peterburg, 2023.
В. Zinov'eva E.I., Cao Czyaci Lingvokul'turograficheskoe opisanie poslovic s komponentom-nazvaniem nasekomogo (na fone kitajskogo yazyka). UchenyezapiskiNovgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. Yaroslava Mudrogo. 2020; № 2.
9. Gajster A.I. Sel'skohozyajstvennyjslovar'-spravochnik. Moskva, 1937.
10. Mokienko V.M., Nikitina T.G., Nikolaeva E.K. Bol'shoj slovar'russkih poslovic. Moskva, 2010.
11. V'en' D. Bol'shoj slovar' kitajskih poslovic. Shanhaj, 2011.
12. Frazeologiya v kontekste kul'tury. Moskva: Yazyki russkoj kul'tury, 1999.
13. Prohorov A.M. Bol'shoj 'enciklopedicheskij slovar'. Moskva, 1993.
14. Efremova T.F. Sovremennyj tolkovyj slovar' russkogo yazyka. Moskva, 2006.
15. Komitet po sostavleniyu slovarej. Slovar' kitajskogo yazyka Sin'hua. Pekin, 2007.
Статья поступила в редакцию 21.09.24
УДК 81'271
Demidova D.A., teaching assistant, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia), E-mail: [email protected] Chetvertakova A.L., teacher, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]
article is devoted to the study of linguistic means used for the linguistic representation of gender stereotypes in the advertising of cosmetics. The relevance of the research is due to the fact that every day advertising strengthens stereotypical ideas about women and men with the help of linguistics, having a huge impact on people's perceptions in order to gain consumer's interest. The aim of the research is to conduct a linguistic and stylistic analysis of statements in commercials, followed by the identification of gender stereotypes markers. The novelty lies in the representation of linguistic means reflecting gender stereotypes of both sexes, in foreign advertis-
ing of cosmetics. As a result, it is found that some linguistic items such as voice loudness, tone, the usage of interjections, etc. truly reinforce the stereotypical gender role of men and women by means of such linguistic features. Moreover, the authors define that the presenters in the advertisements often employ vague adjectives and posh nouns. The article would be of use to researchers in linguistics as well as to teachers and students of linguistic faculties.
Key words: language means, tone, gender, gender stereotypes, cosmetics advertising
Д.А. Демидова, асс., Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации, г. Москва, E-mail: [email protected]
А.Л. Четеертакоеа, преп., Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации, г. Москва, E-mail: [email protected]
Статья посвящена исследованию языковых средств, используемых для лингвистической репрезентации тендерных стереотипов в рекламе косметических средств. Актуальность данной статьи обусловлена тем, что с каждым днем реклама укрепляет стереотипные представления о женщинах и мужчинах, оказывая огромное влияние на восприятие людей с целью заполучить потребительский интерес. Цель исследования состоит в проведении лингвостилисти-ческого анализа высказываний в рекламных роликах с последующим выявлением маркеров тендерных стереотипов. Новизна заключается в представлении языковых средств, отражающих тендерные стереотипы обоих полов, в зарубежной рекламе косметических средств. В результате было обнаружено, что некоторые лингвистические особенности, такие как громкость голоса, интонация, использование междометий и т. д., действительно усиливают стереотипную тендерную роль мужчин и женщин с помощью таких лингвистических особенностей. Более того, выяснилось, что ведущие в рекламе часто используют неопределенные прилагательные и пафосные существительные. Данная статья предназначена для исследователей в сфере лингвистики, а также преподавателей и студентов лингвистических направлений.
Ключевые слова: языковые средства, тон, гендер, гендерные стереотипы, реклама косметических средств
It is not a secret that we are living in the world where mass media, advertising, sales, social networks and marketing have become an integral part of the society's life. Owing to this fact, influencers, who are to set new trends in every sphere of activities by means of blog posts and short videos, started to invade into everyone's routine unconsciously. People all over the world have become dependent on these trends which are spreading via the Internet and do not realise how these items have penetrated into their routine. These predetermined patterns have led to mainstream of a perfect life image as well as to clip thinking. Moreover, they have contributed to creating some prejudices regarding the role of a man and a woman in a modern society. Thus, stereotypes, which are related to both sexes, have infiltrated the population and have become an integral part of the market as well as becoming a part of a person's lifestyle. All the above mentioned led to the fact that stereotypes started to be used to attract more consumers.
According to Olivia Free, one of the most striking channel of influence on the spectators' mind is beauty promotion as the society nowadays prefers materialistic goods and acceptance instead of choosing core values [1]. Advertisement, as one of the main leverages, relays the "standards" which people should follow and aspire without taking individual personality' peculiarities into account. As a result, modern advertising ideas massively affect people's perception by providing stereotypical thinking which is related to both sexes. Marketing and advertising departments of each and every company use such instruments which are mostly focused on idealised images along with patterned language. It is believed that all these actions will help to raise company's profit. Consequently, the topic of this research, which focuses on the language portraying gender stereotypes in cosmetics advertisements, is highly relevant.
The aim of the research is to conduct a linguistic and stylistic analysis of statements in commercials, followed by the identification of gender stereotypes markers. To achieve the above aim, it is necessary to accomplish the following tasks:
- to consider the term "gender";
- to find out men beauty stereotypes;
- to find out women beauty stereotypes;
- to analyse advertisements searching for some language units that are specific to men and women;
- trying to examine the influence of commercials on the wider audience;
- to make a comparison of stereotypes which are common for both sexes.
The novelty of the research lies in an in-depth linguistic analysis of cosmetics
video commercials that reveals gender stereotypes on the language level.
Theoretical significance of the research lies in the emphasis of linguistic features which are to represent gender stereotypes in both sexes cosmetics advertising.
Practical significance lies in the possibility of applying linguistic features presented in practice when developing an advertising image based on a gender stereotype.
Literature review. The issue of gender stereotypes expression in mass media and advertisements has been extensively explored by experts in the field all over the world. Mainly this topic was mostly interesting for Western and Russian scientists. Primarily, we will consider Russian scientists' investigations. N.I. Azhgikhina, A.V. Vo-ronova, A.S. Damadaeva and others. N.I. Azhgikhina claims that gender stereotypes were born along with journalism which affected people's perception of different sexes in different periods of time [2]. A.V. Voronova argues about the definition of the term gender and believes that there are, at least, three approaches to determine it. Moreover, the author persists to use integrative method while investigating "gender" [3]. Finally, A.S. Damadaeva believes that gender can be affected by the activity which is done, for example, sports which can make the personality change [4].
Western European scientists such as M. Eisend, M. Ahlstrand, N. Knupfer, D. Pryor focused on the topic of gender stereotypes in advertisements. M. Eisend em-
phasizes stereotyping on TV and radio advertising with reference to gender's position in the workforce. The researcher claims that gender stereotypes in advertising are mainly influenced by alterations in social values and some gender-related advancements [5]. M. Ahlstrand, highlights the fact that women are "disadvantaged" and not often represented as important and central characters in comparison with men occupying the dominant roles in advertising, promoting masculine beauty products [6]. N. Knupfer and D. Pryor insist on teaching "Television Viewing Skills" children and adults to be able to filter unnecessary information and recognize some marketers' hooks. The researchers stress that such skills may help avoid negative consequences such as inadequate self-criticism, impulsive purchases and various adverse psychological effects on vulnerable people, especially children [7].
Gender and its stereotypes. The main idea of the current research is centred around the concept of "gender" which appears to be the subject of many different scientific fields, including psychology, linguistics, social studies and others. Until now, as N.A. Blokhina notices that the nature of gender has not been scientifically substantiated [8]. Linguists associate it with models that clearly describe the problems of gender in language and delineate its purpose, or is it a social aspect created by society with the help of language.
There are a lot of different views on the definition of this term. We offer to consider some of these terms to provide different opinions on this term. The concept of "gender" cannot be limited to a category of a "man" and a "woman", but it should include behavioural patterns, social characteristics, linguistic peculiarities and other features that aid in identifying gender. Thus, gender, to a certain extent, depends on a professional status, mental abilities, and social roles. Moreover, the distinct activities of ancient men and women can prove a corresponding role which should be taken into account while considering gender. For instance, being a hunter, which was predominantly a man's job, considered him to be good at navigations, think logically along with being silent owing to the circumstances, whereas a housewife (a woman) had her own duties as being a child educator that required the usage of verbal activities [9]. One widespread source, Cambridge Dictionary, defines gender as "a group of people sharing particular qualities or ways of behaving which that society associates with being male or female, or another identity" [10]. Finally, it is necessary to mention one Russian researcher V.Y. Sokolov, who investigated a great number of definitions of the term "gender", and came to the conclusion that mostly gender can have two definitions: the first is that this definition is tightly connected to the social life of a person; the second is that gender differs from the biological sex of an individual, and its socio-cultural characteristics are judged by the society in which the individual lives [11]. The choice depends on the specificity of your research.
Considering all the above, "gender" can be considered as a social construct which is not void of biased stereotypes and prejudices. In turn, a stereotype is often referred to as "generalized beliefs about the behaviours and attributes possessed by individuals from certain social groups" [12]. One may purport that gender stereotypes are some general expectations regarding the way males and females should look, behave and talk. Thus, according to J. Holmes, gender stereotypes are associated with gender ideology, that serves "to maintain hegemonic male supremacy and female subjugation" [13]. In our research, we are going to consider some common linguistic stereotypes related to men and women which are portrayed in cosmetics advertisement.
It is necessary to mention that language contributes to the creation of male and female images and reinforces the pre-existing stereotypes. Hence, R. Lakoff, professor of linguistics at the University of California, believes that women usually use the linguistic units that fuel their subordinate position: "they are colluding in their own subordination by the way they speak" [14]. What is more, some researchers claim that if a woman has a leading and dominant position in a company, she will typically mimic masculine behaviour and style in conversation [15].
Therefore, R. Lakoff proposed some language attributes associated with females. The professor pinpoints that these characteristics contribute to and strengthen women' lack of confidence and uncertainty:
v. "Fillers" or hedges, e.g. sort of, kind of, well, you see, you know;
a. Tag questions, e.g. the movie is marvellous, isn't it?
b. Extensive use of non-specific adjectives like charming, glamorous, divine;
c. Intensifiers (just or so), e.g. she is so beautiful!
d. "Hypercorrect" grammar, e.g. the use of standard verb forms;
e. "Superpolite" forms, e.g. euphemisms, indirect requests.
f. Use of interjections: wow! Ups!, etc. [14].
R. Lakoff believes that these peculiarities, especially the use of intensifiers and hedging devices, intensify women's subordinate position as well as help them to persuade addressee "to take them seriously" [14].
On an equal basis with women stereotypical linguistic features, as well there exist masculine traits that people nowadays presume to be ordinary and an expected way of behaving and speaking. So, V.B. Markovic and S. Alcakovic emphasised the following linguistic characteristics usually attributes to men:
v. Speak with exclamations and higher tone in comparison with women;
a. The usage of harsher words and shorter phrases;
b. The usage of direct and precise language;
c. The usage of a lot of declarative sentences, e.g. the meeting is over;
d. The usage of nonstandard grammar, e.g. if I was you [15].
From the points outlined above, one may conclude that men differ from women in terms of their behaviour and language usage by being more direct and straightforward, have assertiveness in their tone, may allow straying from grammatical norms. It proves an overall stereotypical view about genders: men are inherently more powerful and supreme in contrast with women, whose position is said to be rather inferior and usually less mighty.
Linguistic analysis. Women's beauty products. The first advertisement under the examination is a mascara advertisement, which was published in 2024. The pop star applies mascara and says: "Through my eyes I feel powerful, confident" [16]. This quote reveals the fact that naturally women are timid and weak. Indeed, Kendal Jenner emphasised this by explicitly stating that only with this mascara, women are "worthy, confident and powerful" [16]. As well as that, a model points out that "it makes my eyes look better" [16] approving a stereotype that it should be habitual for a woman to wear make-up. After all, it is cosmetics that help a woman become perfect. Apart from this, the voice is soft and gentle, not assertive, aggressive and truly powerful, which contributes to the idea of R. Lakoff that women usually use low pitch and a tender voice to put herself as shy and insecure to correspond the standard [14]. Playing with the voice helps to convince the consumer that it is this product that has made the heroine of the advertisement so charming and attractive. The timbre of her voice is an addition to the belief that a woman turns into an incredibly gentle being with the help of cosmetics which is a typical girlish behaviour.
The next beauty commercial represents a make-up foundation that keeps a woman "photo-ready". This advertisement, firstly, appeared on the screens in 2018. Women are portrayed in different dresses wearing bright makeup, dancing and singing in a photo-studio [17]. The background voice pronounces a lot of times the following words: "Lights. Camera. Ready for the action?" which emphasizes the peculiarity of the product - its ideality. After all, everyone knows that photos in a photo studio as well as models must be perfect. Later, the following words are pronounced "It's a look. High beams. Cut through dark like lightning." To emphasise the pathos and bombast of the place where women are. It is worth noting that the advertising of foundation in such conditions emphasizes the importance of matching the surrounding in which you are and it is skin foundation that can help to stay along with everything. In addition, the words "I'll be everywhere in this cashmere. It's a look" are pronounced later, which again emphasizes the luxurious woman's appearance by means of cloth, but still it needs to be added with make-up to be on the top.
It is worth noting that the commercial is not simply promoting the beauty product, but also reinforces the stereotype behind this picture: women are not that perfect without wearing makeup; the "norm" for women is to be photo-ready, to desire to be like those models. Besides, the make-up foundation means masking skin imperfections assuming a biased opinion that women should be impeccable to be liked by men.
The following commercial, which was broadcasted in 2023, promotes an anti-aging eye cream [18]. In the video, the idea of ageing is emphasised: wrinkles are visibly "smoothed". In this advertisement, the idea of a woman being ideal at any place and at any time is continued. The natural process of the body should be suspended or disguised. Moreover, the speaker's voice is gentle, quiet and soft which contributes to the idea of females being "shy" and "insecure" [19]. This statement proves the above idea about typical women's behaviour one more time. Besides, a model uses "non-specific adjective" - "amazing" - thus, appealing to women's emotions and intensifying their unconscious desire to buy this product. Stereotypi-cally as it seems, it is worth mentioning that female speaker and her expected way of presenting the product enhances the constructed beliefs about women in terms of the quote "how a speaker should sound (politely, gently), behave and look" [20]. It holds true for the proponents of sociolinguistics as some researchers claim that the gender stereotypes should be maintained when advertising products since they "affect people basic categorization of the speech signal", and hence make the overall message perception natural [20].
The lip-sleeping mask commercial, which was taken in 2023, continues the idea of masking all skin imperfections [21]. The presenter emphasises this fact by words "When my skin's craving deep hydration at night, Water Sleepin' mask makes me dewy glowing and radiant." Suffice to say that a woman should be ideal and take care of herself even at night because the natural processes do not stop. As well as that, words demonstrate exaggeration of the beauty product' effect by the usage of non-specific adjectives and intensifiers. The presenter uses the following phrases: "unbelievably smooth lips" and "dreamy skin", supporting them with a gentle and seemingly timid voice, having the same effect as it was described above. In addition, we may notice a tone of her voice which as well affects the listener and reinforces the effect of the commercial.
The subsequent example of the mascara advertisement (2016) unites the following stereotypical female speech characteristics: use of empty adjectives and interjections [22]. The presenter encouraged the audience to buy the mascara to "draw attention", thereby hinting that women apply makeup to look special. Moreover, it is accentuated that with this beauty product woman will look more flawless than it is naturally intended which consolidates the general stereotype of a woman. What is more, a comparison to an animal is riddled with the video emphasising the fact that a woman should be tender, defenceless. Regarding the linguistic peculiarities, the presenter uses emotionally-coloured words and exaggeration: "instant blast of volume", drawing spectator's attention to the products peculiarities trying to persuade people to buy it. Also, the interjection "wow!" is mentioned, which is one more typical female speech item, which is a characteristic of the unexpected enthusiastic reaction to the products.
Having shed light on some of the beauty commercials for women, one may purport that the majority of the videos contain the following linguistic features:
- non-specific or empty adjectives which are used to exaggerate the effect of the product and appeal to women's emotionality;
- interjections and intensifiers.
In addition, the voices of the presenters are stereotypical, too: gently, soft and quiet at times. Overall, these linguistic manifestations support the stereotype about women being less powerful, timid, polite and the ones who need to attract men's attention and look flawless.
Men's beauty products. On an equal basis with female linguistic features, there are also masculine language traits worth illumination. It would be prudent to consider the commercial of one popular brand name, promoting male grooming products, published in 2019. The voice of the gentleman is coarse and grumpy, the tone is angry and slightly aggressive: "We need to talk", "Take a guess" [23]. The model is playing with the voice manipulating his interlocutor. Moreover, all his sentences are made with parallelism, which helps to focus mostly on important information. According to D. Tannen, the usage of assertive language, imperatives, use of humour in the form of aggression, employment of the direct address to diminish the social distance and establish a sense of dominance are peculiar for males [24]. Thus, we can suppose that the product advertised is becoming more in demand as the model focuses on the fact that it is after using shower gel that a man becomes irresistible and strong. This statement is proved by his behaviour in the commercial as well.
Next commercial, we are going to consider, is connected to a shampoo for men, published in 2021. The presenter is speaking with exclamation and high tone: "If I could create the shampoo, it would carry the spirit of greatness" [25]. The phrase is sophisticated and powerful in itself as it enhances the idea regarding men's greatness in general. As noticed by B. Markovic and A. Slavko [15], males would normally use direct language, short, precise and vivid words. It is proved in the advertisement we are currently discussing as the speaker succinctly makes emphasis on the following words: victory, fast, strong. It is worth mentioning that the presenter is one of the most popular football players in the world. Thus, the pop star not only promotes the effectiveness and good quality of the shampoo, but also foregrounds some "basic" attributes of men if one uses the shampoo: strength, power, greatness. Moreover, the model emphasises his superiority by such a quote: "... and be worthy of the mark of a legend" [25] positioning himself as a dominating figure which deserves only the best. In addition to this, it is an essential fact to emphasise that the above mentioned linguistic features are mostly related to male.
Proceeding to the following advertisement, one interesting fact is that men's speech which is demonstrated in the advertisement is imbued with strength and courage along with the overall image. A case in point, in the commercial of a deodorant for men, taken in 2017, the presenter looks stylish and confident, being the centre of the attention, wearing casual clothes and sunglasses as though protecting from the cameras pointed at him and "overnight fame", as it was mentioned [26]. Even wearing an ordinary clothes, a man is portrayed as a dominating figure making a bunch of women scream because of that. The speaker asks the rhetorical question: "Can a deodorant really give you success? Or overnight fame?", which is directly followed by the answer: "of course not; everything else- get it yourself". Again, short and precise phrases are used, as well as the declarative sentences; the tone is straightforward and affirmative, which reinforces the man's boldness and audacity which is attractive to both sexes as well forcing them to buy this product.
Proceeding to the following commercial, we need to take into account the following linguistic features which are usually attributed to men: assertive and directive tone, declarative statements and loud voice [27]. In the video, the presenter's voice is distinguished by being loud and assertive; the tone is confident. Overall, the commercial revolves around the idea of being a "man" and "what men want"; the presenter
emphasises that the "basics" for all men are "convenience", "attention to details", "masculine colours: dark blue and silver". It means that he initially highlights the difference between men and women, stressing the word "masculine". Other than that, it is believed that only masculine part of the world can and normally love dark blue and silver colours. Besides, the linguistic picture is reinforced by the assertive and a bit aggressive tone and mood. It follows that the advertisement draws the image of a man with the help of some language means: strong, aggressive, bold and confident. In addition to what has been said, it is interesting to notice that by marking the colours "dark blue and silver" as being masculine, the message empowers the stereotypes regarding genders' preferences which one more time emphasizes the stereotypical perception.
The subsequent beauty advertisement is filled with concrete nouns which stere-otypically characterise men: "more power", "invincible"", "gentlemen"". The speaker uses concise characteristics to describe a man who wants to be "invincible"". The choice of words is unique to create the image of a strong and authoritative man every male should aspire to be; and men can become such powerful gentlemen by applying the advertised product. What is more, we need to consider the tone of the speaker's voice: serious, bold and precise which one more time is considered to emphasise the masculinity [28].
With the benefit of hindsight, one may emphasise that the majority of the videos contain the following linguistic features:
- assertive tone of voice which demonstrate that men are more powerful;
- adjectives which go along with the meaning of being the first, winner, etc.;
- short sentences or parallelism which carry only the necessary information the opponent should hear.
Conclusion. Having shed light on some beauty products' commercials, we may draw the following conclusion. First of all, it has been demonstrated that some linguistic items truly reinforce the stereotypical gender role of men and women. So, we can distinguish the next linguistic features:
v. The usage of nouns primarily;
v. The usage of some abstract or/and precise adjectives;
v. The tone of voice;
v. The usage of interjections or/and the absence of them;
v. Voice' loudness.
Therefore, the analysis of female beauty commercials has proved that advertisers heavily employ the stereotypical language traits which are usually attributed to women. Indeed, the presenters in the advertisements often introduce vague adjectives and posh nouns to prove the above mentioned statement. As well as that, females
tend to choose emotionally charged words to highlight women' inherently emotional nature and reinforce the development of an overall fragile image of them. What is more, in each and every commercial examined, the speakers' voices were generally soft, tender and quieter in comparison with masculine bold and loud voices. The shy and soft tone empowers the perception of females as less powerful, less confident and naturally sensitive. These seemingly inconspicuous attributes significantly contribute to the perception of females. Furthermore, the usage of interjections has been proved to be a women's language feature, as these sex representatives use them when expressing emotions.
The in-depth analysis of the beauty commercials has allowed us to distinguish the following linguistic features that are usually associated with men: non-emotional and fact-based content, the usage of concrete nouns, serious and aggressive tone, assertive voice, and precise adjectives, the absence of interjections. This language manifestation is supported by the image of men in the advertisements: muscular physique, broad shoulders and narrow waist, neatly groomed hair, clean-shaven or having a well-trimmed beard. So, it has been shown that a man is usually dressed in a suit or other type of business attire. Besides, his facial expression is serious and commanding, and in general he has a confident and powerful stance. It follows that this stereotypical portrayal appears to be damaging as it perpetuates toxic masculinity, which teaches men that they must adhere to rigid, narrow standards of manhood. Additionally, it is worth emphasising that advertisers continue transmitting such images reinforced by the linguistic portrait in order to promote the "standards"" or "patterns"" everyone aspires to follow and adhere to. The more the beauty products a man buys, the more he becomes confident, serious and strong. Suffice to say that it has been noticed that commercials enhance the perception of men as strong, confident and a bit aggressive by nature by means of their tone as well as vocabulary choice.
It has been proved that linguistic manifestation consolidates gender stereotypes. Taken as a whole, a "beautiful"" picture of a woman and a man and language are used to reinforce the image of males and females advertised, thus, manipulating people's consumer behaviour.
Therefore, the results of present research underscore the existence of gender stereotypes as men and women are consistently and overwhelmingly depicted in beauty commercials as ideal, adhered to traditional gender roles. Interesting to note, the current study has shed light precisely on the language in the advertisements, and revealed the nuances that aid in creating these "ideals"" and support the existing ones.
Further research development can be foreseen in terms of conducting a comparative analysis of the linguistic features of the representation of gender stereotypes of both sexes in order to look for similarities and differences.
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23. Old Spice Shower Gel Advertisement. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srXChURjbqI
24. Tannen D., The Talk of the Sandbox; How Johnny and Suzy's Playground Chatter Prepares Them for Life at the Office. The Washington Post. 1994.
25. Clear Shampoo Advertisement. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSkZ_FoIvyQ
26. Nivea Men Deodorant Advertisement. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6N4nh_JfI9I
27. Haas A. Male and female spoken language differences: Stereotypes and evidence. Psychological Bulletin. 1979; Vol. 86: 616-626. References
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5. Eisend M. A meta-analysis of gender roles in advertising. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 2009; Vol. 38: 418-440.
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7. Knupfer N. Gender Divisions across Technology Advertisements and the WWW: Implications for Educational Equity. Theory into Practice. 1998; Vol. 37, Iss. 1: 54-63.
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9. Dennis C., Brakus J., Ferrer G., McIntyre C., Alamanos E., King T. A Cross-National Study of Evolutionary Origins of Gender Shopping Styles: She Gatherer, He Hunter? Journal of International Marketing. 2018; 26: 38-53.
10. Gender. Cambridge Dictionary. Available at: cambridge.org/dictionary/english/gender
11. Sokolov V.Yu. Gender kak sociokul'turnaya osobennost' lichnosti. Problemy sovremennogo obrazovaniya. 2017; № 6: 300-307.
12. Marx D., Ko S. Stereotypes and prejudice. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology. 2019: 1-25.
13. Holmes J. Gendered Talk at Work: Constructing Gender Identity through Workplace Discourse. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2006.
14. Lakoff R. Language and women's place. New York: Harer and Row, 1975.
15. Boskovic V., Alcakovic S. Gender stereotypes and gender differences in language usage. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/271134807
16. L'Oreal Paris Panorama Mascara Advertisement. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kPLr2IFj6M
17. Revlon's Foundation Advertisement. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEN8s2DW6tM
18. Clarins Anti-Aging Eye Cream Advertisement. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BN6qVfx3_6k
19. Popp D., Donovan R., Crawford M., Marsh K., Peele M. Gender, Race and Speech Style Stereotypes. Sex Roles. 2003; Vol. 48: 317-325.
20. Strand E. Uncovering the role of gender stereotypes in speech perception. Journal of Language and Social Psychology. 1997; Vol. 18, № 1: 86-99.
21. Laneige Skincare Advertisement. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqI833KlhhI
22. COVERGIRL Mascara Advertisement. Available at: https://youtu.be/j9IWbh6-Vgo?si=qlr2Gxau4XrktY3s
23. Old Spice Shower Gel Advertisement. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srXChURjbqI
24. Tannen D., The Talk of the Sandbox; How Johnny and Suzy's Playground Chatter Prepares Them for Life at the Office. The Washington Post. 1994.
25. Clear Shampoo Advertisement. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSkZ_FoIvyQ
26. Nivea Men Deodorant Advertisement. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6N4nh_JfI9I
27. Haas A. Male and female spoken language differences: Stereotypes and evidence. Psychological Bulletin. 1979; Vol. 86: 616-626.
Статья поступила в редакцию 15.09.24
УДК 821.161.1
Zhu Zijing, postgraduate, Department of Modern Russian Literature and Contemporary Literary Process in Faculty of Philology, Lomonosov Moscow State University
(Moscow, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]
DISEASE AS METAPHOR: THE MOTIF OF MENTAL ILLNESS IN M.A. BULGAKOV'S EARLY STORIES. The article deals with a study of manifestations of mental illness, acting as an extended metaphor in M.A. Bulgakov's short stories with medical themes. By analyzing the stories "Notes of a Young Doctor", "The Red Crown", "The Doctor's Extraordinary Adventures", "Morphius", "I Killed", it is revealed that Bulgakov, one of the most prominent representatives of medical writers, refers to the motif of mental illness. Mental illness can be seen as a symbol of "transition" and "boundary", the writer closely links the symptoms of his characters' illnesses with their psychological state, reveals the inner contradictions of character, traces their psychological maturation. Bulgakov also uses the state of "madness" not only as a manifestation of mental disorder, but also as a metaphorical reflection of the moral choice of the individual, the reaction to absurd conditions of existence, which plays an important role in the creation of Bulgakov's artistic world. Bulgakov's characters face situations in which their psyche is on the verge of disintegration, and it is in these moments that their inner essence is most vividly revealed.
Key words: disease, metaphor, madness, Bulgakov, mental illness, dream, hallucination
Чжу Цзыцзин, аспирант, Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова, г. Москва, E-mail: [email protected]
Статья посвящена исследованию проявлений психического заболевания, выступающего в роли развернутой метафоры в рассказах М.А. Булгаков с медицинской тематикой. С помощью анализа рассказов «Записки юного врача», «Красная корона», «Необыкновенные приключения доктора», «Морфий», «Я убил» выявляется обращение Булгакова - одного из наиболее ярких представителей писателей-врачей - к мотиву душевной болезни. Психическое заболевание можно рассматривать как символ «перехода» и «границы», писатель тесно связывает симптомы болезней своих героев с их психологическим состоянием, раскрывает внутренние противоречия характера, прослеживает их психологическое взросление. Булгаков также использует состояние "безумия" не только как проявление психического расстройства, но и как метафорическое отражение нравственного выбора личности, реакции на абсурдные условия существования, что играет важную роль в создании Булгаковым художественного мира. Герои Булгакова сталкиваются с ситуациями, в которых их психика оказывается на грани распада, а именно в этих моментах наиболее ярко проявляется их внутренняя сущность.
Ключевые слова: болезнь, метафора, безумие, Булгаков, психическое заболевание, гон, галлюцинация
На протяжении всей истории человечества такое понятие, как болезнь, выходило за пределы медицины и распространялось на различные сферы жизни -не только индивидуума, но и общества: искажения и нарушения в функционировании того или иного организма (механизма, структуры) часто воспринимались как заболевание. Однако метафора болезни сложнее, чем может показаться на первый взгляд, поскольку сами представления о норме (и соответственно отклонении от нее) различны в разных сообществах, кроме того, претерпевают изменения с течением времени. Культурные ценности, политические взгляды, философские воззрения и в целом система ценностей индивидуума и определенной группы людей могут показаться абсурдными за пределами их круга. Более того, диапазон восприятия странного чрезвычайно широк - от отношения к нему как к чему-то неприемлемому и ненормальному с точки зрения житейского сознания до восхищения неординарностью гения. Священное безумие, юродство, шутовство, экзальтация - вот далеко не полный перечень «синонимов» понятия душевной болезни в мировой культуре. Не будет преувеличением сказать, что последняя - и литература в особенности - проявляла к темам безумия, сумасшествия едва ли не больший интерес, чем медицина, и русская классическая литература весьма преуспела в этой сфере, о чем свидетельствуют образы героев Достоевского, Чехова и др. Мнимое безумие, сумасшествие как инакомыслие - со времен Грибоедова темы особенно популярные в русской классической литературе. Однако, на наш взгляд, особый интерес вызывает творчество тех писателей, для которых сумасшествие выступает одновременно и как заболевание, и как художественная метафора - и одно толкование не отменяет другого. Художественная ценность такого рода произведений обеспечивается, в том числе, и установкой на достоверность, в чем автору помогают профессиональные
знания. Умение точно воссоздать манеру поведения, а благодаря этому и образ мыслей человека, находящегося на грани или за гранью нормы, особенно ценится читателями. Безусловно, в ряду писателей-врачей такого рода Булгаков занимает особое место. Прежде чем создать поистине хрестоматийные образы «безумцев» - от Хлудова до Бездомного и Мастера - он создал целую галерею персонажей, в облике и поведении которых с медицинской точностью воссозданы проявления психического заболевания.
Целью данного исследования является выявление и анализ проявлений психического заболевания как метафоры в ранних рассказах М.А. Булгакова. Исследование призвано показать, каким образом медицинский подтекст «работает» на художественные средства раскрытия внутреннего конфликта персонажа, а также позволяет укрупнить масштаб социальных и философских обобщений в произведениях писателя.
Для реализации цели были поставлены следующие задачи:
1. Проанализировать ранние рассказы М.А. Булгакова с точки зрения присутствия в них проявлений психического заболевания героев.
2. Определить, каким образом метафора болезни используется Булгаковым для раскрытия психического и эмоционального состояния персонажей, а также социально-философской проблематики произведений в целом.
3. Выявить значение и роль мотива безумия в художественном мире Булгакова.
Новизна исследования заключается в анализе ранних рассказов М.А. Булгакова через призму соединения медицины и литературы и рассмотрении того, как тема психического заболевания представлена в творчестве писателя с позиции метафоры.