LINGUISTIC-DISCRETIVE EXPRESSION OF GRADATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
gradation / scale / statistic indicators / gradual concepts / specific point / starting point / ending point / conjuctions

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Mahmudova Nilufarkhon Ravshanovna

Static indicators of gradation are represented by means of different linguistic degrees. They record the level of the gradation associated with the corresponding point on the scale, and thus express specific gradational concepts in the language. The average level or norm of a character usually has no special means of determination. This feature is noted by many researchers. It is worth noting that the indicators of the highlighted groups differ, first of all, in the degree of graduality of the sign, that is, they occupy different points of the scale, increasing and decreasing in relation to the middle point (norm).

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^sll ISSN 2310-5720 ppublishing.org

DOI: 10.29013/EJLL-23-4-7-13


Mahmudova Nilufarkhon Ravshanovna 1

1 Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages Andijan, Uzbekistan

Cite: Mahmudova, N. R. (2023). Linguistic-Discretive Expression of Gradation. European Journal of Literature and Linguistics 2023, No 4. https://doi.org/10.29013/EJLL-23-4-7-13


Static indicators of gradation are represented by means of different linguistic degrees. They record the level of the gradation associated with the corresponding point on the scale, and thus express specific gradational concepts in the language. The average level or norm of a character usually has no special means of determination. This feature is noted by many researchers. It is worth noting that the indicators of the highlighted groups differ, first of all, in the degree of graduality of the sign, that is, they occupy different points of the scale, increasing and decreasing in relation to the middle point (norm).

Keywords: gradation, scale, statistic indicators, gradual concepts, specific point, starting point, ending point, conjuctions


Static indicators of gradation are represented by means of different linguistic levels. They record the degree of gradation associated with the corresponding point on the scale, and thus express the distinctive gradual concepts in the language. According to observations, established gradual concepts are arranged on a scale between a score (starting) point and an end point. This makes it difficult to connect the level with a specific point of the scale in a number of cases, and allows us to talk about the definition of the sign gradation at different levels. In this regard, differentiation of types of statistical indicators is carried out depending on the point of calculation and the level of accuracy of gradation.

Static indicators can be divided into two groups in relation to the average point of the scale ("neither more nor less", "neither a large

amount nor a small amount", etc.), which represents the average level (norm) of the sign. The first group is made up of indicators that express the above-average level of the sign. In other words, they fix the aspect of change on the positive side of the sign: very, strong, many, much, unique, etc. The second group consists of indicators of the sign that are below the norm, below the average level. That is, they record a decrease in the level of the sign: little, not much, light, a little, insignificant, etc.

The average level or norm of a character usually has no special means of determination. This feature is noted by many researchers (Arutyunova, N. D., 1988). N. D. Arutyu-nova says that "the standard arouses neither interest nor emotions." This is because the speaker does not consider it necessary to focus on the average level of the character, while "deviation from the norm" or different

levels of the character above/below the norm is of particular interest. Moreover, determining one or another level of the sign (shifting to the direction of decrease/increase) corresponds to certain communicative tasks (illo-cutionary goals) set by the speaker.

It is known that there are interpretations of the norm (the middle point of the scale) not only as a level such as average, normal. Some scholars (Potseluevskiy, E. A., Cher-venkova, I. V., Sheygal, Ye. I.) distinguish another type of norm, which is considered as a criterion of a sign, used for a specific purpose under certain conditions. Its difference from the norm as the average size of a sign is that, firstly, it is situational (it is established in a specific situation and context and cannot be used outside of the context), and secondly, it is more mobile (because it depends on the conditions of the context, these conditions are not the same in different contexts and, in turn, justify the change of the norm), thirdly, modality is included in its content (in which deviation from the norm, be it increase or decrease, is not desirable, although it is considered necessary to "adapt" to it). One more thing can be added to the mentioned characteristics of this norm - the necessity of evaluation: compliance with the norm is always evaluated positively, and non-compliance is evaluated negatively. This type of norm is defined differently by different researchers depending on which aspects of it are preferred. For example, Ye. A. Potseluevskiy calls it occasional (Dybo, A. V. 1995), Arutyu-nova, N. D. - situational (Arutyunova, N. D., 1988), Chervenkova, I. V. (Gak, V. G., 1998) and Sheygal, Ye. I. (Mahmudov N., 2015) interpret it as a criterion of modality.

Research methods

In the process of researching the topic, the methods of comparative - cross-sectional analysis, component analysis, linguistic modeling, contextual analysis, distributive, statistical and conceptual analysis are used.

Results and discussion

In our study, we call the defined type of norm modal-contextual (situational) and thus combine several definitions. Static indicators of gradualness in relation to the modal-contextual norm are divided into three

types. The first type consists of indicators corresponding to the standard of the sign:

Goho bunday bahs chiqadi.Odamlarn-ing necha foizidono, ezgu, saxiy? Nechafoi-ziaksincha, nodon, yovuz, manfaatparast? Albatta, buni hech kim hisoblab ko'rmagan. Hisoblabbo'lmaydi ham! Birtomondan, biz korkam deb bilgankishidajudayamyetar-liqusurlar bor. Xunukatalgan kishida esa ulug'vorlik uchqunlari topiladi (OmonMux-tor, Muhabbato'limdankuchli).

A quite sufficient interval having elapsed for the performers to resume their ordinary costume, they reentered the dining-room. Mr. Rochester led in Miss Ingram; she was complimenting him on his acting (Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre).

The indicators highlighted in the cited context determine compliance with the modal-contextual norm. In the first case, the term that allows understanding of the far from perfect constitution is the norm, and in the second case, the experience that allows to amend the constitution is the norm. It is clear that in this case, the norm does not represent the middle level of the quantity, nor the larger level. In this case, the norm does not mean either the middle state of the amount, or the greater state (the phrase "sufficient period" is essentially not equal to the long term), in which case, the norm registers the norm necessary in this speech situation, that is, to understand the specific tasks of the sign - the constitution is far from perfect, and how to make changes to it determines the standard level sufficient to understand the necessity. In this case, being typical of the norm is positively evaluated.

The lexical units "ancha/much" and "ye-tarli/enough" and the conjunction "shun-ingdek/also, shunchalik/so much, shuning uchun/therefore" often appear as indicators of the described type: "Did she go down upon her knees, and call on Heaven to witness that she and her unborn child renounced me from that hour; and did she, in words so solemn that they turned me cold-me, fresh from the horrors my own hands had made-warn me to fly while there was time; for though she would be silent, being my wretched wife, she would not shelter me? Did I go forth that night, abjured of God and man, and anchored deep in hell, to wander at my cable's length about the earth, and surely be drawn

down at last?" (Charles Dickens, The Barna-by rudge).

Ustoz shu qadar qah-qahotibkulibyubor-diki, Umid gapishunchalar ta'sirli chiqishi-ni o'zi ham kutmagan edi.Umid Ustozdek jiddiy rahbar odamlar ham hamma qatori baralla, yayrab-yashnab kulishi mumkin ligini o'shandako'rdi, bildi (Xurshid Do'st-muxammad, Ko'za).

The second type includes indicators exceeding the modal-contextual norm: Everything he discovered in his line advertised as an opportunity was either too expensive or too wretched for him. Besides, winter was coming, the papers were announcing hardships, and there was a general feeling of hard times in the air, or, at least, he thought so. In his worry, other people's worries became apparent (Theodore Dreiser, Sister Carrie).

Shuasnoda u onamtopganbirorta-sigauylanaveraman-da, deganfikridanqa-ytdi.Onasiningkelinizlabeshikma-eshikyur-ishlariungao'tamazmunsizvaahamiyatsiz-narsagaaylandi (XurshidDo'stmuxammad, Ko'za).

Exceeding the modal-situational norm in most cases is marked by extreme, very, excessive and some other indicators. The third type consists of indicators that indicate the size of a sign that does not reach the norm, that is, less than what it should be: There was something so honest and frank in Joe's speech, that Mr Haredale put his hand in his involuntarily, though their meeting was not suspicious enough. But his glance at Edward Chester, and that gentleman's keeping aloof, were not lost upon Joe, who said bluntly, glancing at Edward while he spoke... (Charles Dickens, The Barnaby rudge).

Ular foydalanuvchining ihtiyorida emas va bugungi kunda kibertahdidlari man-zarasida yetarlicha ishonchli emas. (minbar.uz, Facebook has stored millions of passwords unprotected).

It is necessary to pay attention to some aspects of the activity of static indicators of gradation related to the modal-contextual norm in the text. The modal-contextual norm may in some cases correspond to the norm interpreted as the middle, simple level of the sign: He stands by the dozen before the Botticellis in Florence, and he sits on all the benches of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. In Italy he drinks

a little too much wine, and in Germany he drinks a great deal too much beer. He always admires the right thing whatever the right thing is, and one of these days he's going to write a great work (W. Somerset Maugham, Of Human bondage);

Munkillabqolganammambo 'lardi. Otax-udojo'ykampiredi. Bolaligimdaoldigao't-kazibqo'yib, birgapni ko'paytardi. (O'tkir Hoshimov Daftar hoshiyasidagi bitiklar). In this context, the modal-situational situation corresponds to the average level: the norm consists of the average statistical amount of precipitation characteristic of summer and the average level of temperature in winter (that is, the ratio of very godly to very godly can be determined). However, this does not allow us to reject the existence of a modality norm, because the extreme and excessive, extreme indicators do not simply record an increase in the average statistical norm, but indicate the inappropriateness of this increase: in this case, the average rate is necessary for a specific goal - favorable weather conditions for gardening. In addition, the modal-contextual norm can be double, that is, it implies the existence of two necessary conditions for certain purposes. We explain this type of norm with the following example:

He watched where it stopped, and went there and looked. But it must have fallen too short or gone too far; so he tried twice more. The last repetition was successful. The two marbles lay within a foot of each other. (Mark Twain, The adventures of Tom Sawyer);

Avtomobilning nihoyatda keng ichki xajmi 1577 litrlik o'ta ko'p darajagayetdi. (gmuzbekistan.uz). In this way, the same amount is judged to be insufficient for one goal (stimulating the economy) and at the same time excessive (weakening the economy). Neither falling short of the norm (too little is equated with not enough) nor exceeding it is acceptable. The norm itself is double, that is, in one case it predicts a lower norm than necessary, and in another case it predicts a larger norm.

Another type of norm based on the pragmatics of speech is distinguished - the norm of expectation (prediction, hope), according to which the speaker evaluates a certain quantity as less or more than expected. There are two types of indicators in relation to the

standard of waiting. The first type provides indicators that exceed expectations, which indicate an amount that exceeds expectations: I shook my head. I'd fantasized about going out of town with Vijay - he traveled often, for conferences and drug-company sponsored retreats, usual y held at some fancy golf resort or at a beach. We could go out to dinner, in a town where nobody knew either one of us. We could hold hands at the table and spend a whole night together in some plush hotel room. (Jennifer Weiner, Best friends forever).

Mulla Jahongir, dilning ikkilamchi ma'nosini siz ayting.- Hazrat G'azzoliy shunday zikr etibdilar: "Dil - Parvardig-orning o'zbandalariga ato etgan ruhoniy ne'mati bo'lib, uning jismoniy dilga aloqa-si bordir. Bu ne'matinsonningaslmohiyat-idirki, inson butun ilmu ma'rifatga uning vositasida erishadi va barcha xitob, azob, itobvatalablar unga qaratilgan bo'ladi: Ruhoniy ne'mat bilan jismoniy yurak o'rta-sidagi mustahkamaloqaning haqiqiy surati-ni ko'pchilikanglabyetmaydi..." - Balli, mul-laJahongir, endi qissadan hissani ayting. (Tohir Malik So'nggi o'q).

The second type shows indicators that do not reach the expected norm, they record a smaller amount than expected: At the same time, the proposition he was now offering - as thrilling and intriguing as it might be from one point of view - was likely to cause him endless trouble - was it not? In the first place he had no money — only fifteen dollars a week here so far - and if he was going to be expected to indulge in such expensive outings as these, why, of course, he could not manage. (Theodore Dreiser, An American tragedy).

Onalari boshqa edi. Ammo opalari ona-day mehribon edilar. Jahongirni bu yerlar-ga anna shu mehr tortib kelgandi. Odamn-ing xotirasida ko'proq so'nggi uchrashuv, so'nggi eshitilgan so'zlar qoladi. Hozir Ja-hongirning quloqlari ostida faqat bir nola jaranglaydi: "Eson-omon diydor ko'rishay-lik, ukajon!" Diydor... endi qiyomatga qol-di...(Tohir Malik So'nggio'q).

We distinguish three groups of static indicators in relation to the limit (end) point of the scale (the limit of increase / decrease of the level of the sign): 1) indicators that record the limit, maximum (minimum) possi-

ble level of the sign in a specific context and thus connect to the limit point of the scale; 2) indicators of the sign that do not predict the limit; 3) indicators recording the zero level of the sign (in this case, the limit is the absence of the sign at all, the zero limit is considered). We call the distinguished static indicators borderline, non-borderline indicators, and zero-level indicators, respectively. Depending on the direction of movement of the sign, the threshold static indicators indicate the maximum level (growth limit) of the sign: the maximum level of strength and power, absolute evil, absolute stupidity, extreme radical views, the most painful issue, the most important matches, the peak of fame, the limit of speed, the peak of perfection. etc., or indicates the minimum level (reduction limit) of the sign: minimum costs, least reliable agreements, very small hole, smallest doubt, etc.

Infinite static indicators can express different levels of the sign as more than the norm: a varied menu at this level, huge responsibility, extreme distance, etc., can express less than the norm: kichik toliqish, bi-roz qattiqqo'l, bir hovuch odam, byudjetning inqirozli taqchilligi, etc. Zero level indicators of a character represent the absence of a character (zero): zarracha ham mehri yo'q, umuman tashvishlanmaslmk, umuman shubhalanmaslik va h.k.

Static indicators differ according to the criterion of the degree of accuracy of the recorded gradualness of the sign. This does not mean a precise numerical expression of the degree of gradation, but a precise linguistic expression that implies the possibility of associating the level of the character with the corresponding point of the scale, which predicts the connection of the level of the character with the corresponding point of the scale, therefore, the accuracy in this case is not absolute, but relative. According to the level of accuracy, static indicators are divided into two types. The first type consists of indicators that determine the exact gradualness of the sign (as noted, accuracy here acquires a relative character). It can be indicators of different levels of gradation, which are more than average, these may be: katta muammo-lar, aksariyat ko'pchilik, ulkan qoniqish, os-hirib yuborilgan narxlar, xo'kiz (novcha) va

h.k., yoki pastroq: birozgina toliqish, biroz kayfiyatsiz, taqchillik, jajji and others.

Relatively precise indicators of the degree of gradation make it possible to associate them with a specific point on the scale. For example, the indicator "big" in the phrase "big problems" can easily be associated with a high point on the scale of the symbol "displeasure" (in the context of the compound "big displeasure" it shows a higher level than the simple lexical unit of unpleasantness, which implicitly expresses the middle level of the scale).

The second type of static indicators indicates the estimated level of the sign. When considering the problem of predictability of naming in the language identified by S. L. Sakhno, it is possible to determine the correlation between the signs identified in the group of designations related to the universe with the estimated names. A characteristic feature of these indicators is that their exact location on the gradation scale is almost impossible to determine, that is, their location area on the scale is uncertain: Mrs Varden was a lady of what is commonly called an uncertain tem-per-a phrase which being interpreted signifies a temper tolerably certain to make everybody more or less uncomfortable. Thus it generally happened, that when other people were merry, Mrs Varden was dull. (Charles Dickens, The Barnaby rudge);

Yo'q kamroq yoki ko'proq muhim uchun organizmning foydali moddalar bilan bio'li-shi shart. (wikipedia).

The indicator "ozmi-ko'pmi/more or less" can be associated with the middle degree of the sign "venerable" in the given sentence, both with the minor degree and with the enlarged degree, thus covering the three regions of the scale. In such cases, it is not the degree of manifestation of the sign that is important, but the sign itself. It is even more difficult to determine the level at which the indicator almost registers:

Here was a real social opportunity knocking at his very door - a connecting link to one of the very best families! And besides was he not young, attractive and probably ambitious like himself - a fellow to play around with if one could? He proceeded at once to make overtures to Clyde. It seemed almost good to be true (Theodore Dreiser, An American tragedy).

Gohkulib, gohko'zyoshi qilib, dag'aki-yimida, mayda qadam tashlab, yo'lovchi kutib turgan usti ochiq mashinaning hay-dovchisi yoniga o'tiri boldim. Yo'llar deyarli ravon. Uch kecha yo'l bosib, Zohidon degan chegara shaharchasidan Hindistonga o'tib oldim. (Sobir Sayxon Bug'doy ekib arpa o'r-ganlar). The "deyarli/almost" indicator is not associated with either a small or a medium degree (a large degree is excluded altogether): almost confident does not mean somewhat confident, nor does it mean sufficiently confident. The study of the estimated indicators of gradualness in the text made it possible to express some opinions. Despite the uncertainty of the location of these indicators, their movement towards certain areas of the scale is noted. A number of indicators show the tendency of the sign to the average, moderate level: ozmi-ko'pmi, nisbatan, qaysidir darajada, deyarli va boshq. Let's consider the following example:

And the fact that for twelve years now -ever since she had been fourteen - she had seen the lives of other youths and maidens in this small world in which she moved passing gayly enough, while hers was more or less confined to reading, music, the business of keeping as neatly and attractively arrayed as possible, and of going to visit friends in the hope of possibly encountering somewhere, somehow, the one temperament who would be interested in her, had saddened, if not exactly soured her. (Theodore Dreiser, An American tragedy).


As we conclude, we can say that the "ozmi-ko'pmi/more or less" indicator can be replaced by the more or less moderate indicator. However, it cannot be interchanged with low (poor) and high (very good) indicators without losing meaning. "Daydi to'lqinlar hodisasi umuman tad-qiq qilinmagan, vaholanki sunami tabiati, ozmi-ko'pmi, o'rganilgan, biroq oxirga-cha emas." When changed to the indicator "kam/less", the expression means that the tides have been studied, rather than the tsunami, and when changed to the indicator "juda yaxshi", the expression can be interpreted as follows: tidal waves are less studied than tsunamis (although, in fact, they are

not studied at all). Thus, the replacement of the indicator of approximate gradualness with the indicator of the average degree does not change the meaning of the phrase, while its replacement with indicators of small and large degrees does not change the meaning of the phrase, which allows us to conclude that certain indicators tend to the average level of the scale.

Among the indicators of "predictability tending to the average level", on the one hand, there are those that can correspond to the moderate level (ozmi-ko'pmi/more or less, nisbatan/relatively, taqqoslaganda/ comparatively), and on the other hand, there are those that never correspond (deyarli/al-most). Indicators of approximate gradation such as "deyarli/almost" reflect the aspiration to the limit point of the scale: Whether these, and many other stories of the like nature, were true or untrue, the Maypole was really an old house, a very old house, perhaps as old as it claimed to be, and perhaps older, which will sometimes happen with houses of an uncertain, as with ladies of a certain, age. Its windows were old diamond-pane lattices, its floors were sunken and uneven, its ceilings blackened by the hand of time, and heavy with massive beams. (Charles Dickens, The Barnaby rudge).

If it had been but an ugly object, a childish spectre, haunting his sleep, its return, in its old form, might have awakened a momentary sensation of fear, which, almost in the act of waking, would have passed away. This disquiet, however, lingered about him, and would yield to nothing. (Charles Dickens, The Barnaby rudge).

- Kishi hayotida shunday voqealar bo'ladiki, umrbod xotiridan ko'tarilmay-di,- deb hikoyasini boshladi Aziz Komi-lov.- Ularni eslaganingda dam sevinasan, dam qayg'urasan. Bundan yetti-sakkiz yil muqaddam mening boshimdan ham shunday bir voqea kechdi. O'shanda men o'qishni tamomlab, Qishloq xojalik ilmiy-tekshirish institutida ishlardim. Bu institut, bilsangiz kerak, deyarli hamma paxtakor respublika-lar bilan, hatto chet ellar bilan paxtachili-kni rivojlantirish bobida aloqa qiladi, pax-taning yangi navlarini yetishtirib beradi.

(O'lmas Umarbekov, Urush farzandi). Highlighted indicators record the degree to which the symbol is striving for the limit and at the same time not reaching it. Such cases indicate that the subject of speech does not have enough confidence in the specific (threshold) level of the sign.

So, it is worth noting that this confidence, like the level of a semantic sign, tends to the limit: the subject of speech is almost sure that what is reported is true (in this case at the borderline level of the sign), and his doubts are insignificant. Pragmatic conditions for the manifestation of predictability indicators in speech (text) can be used in the following situations. First, these are situations in which the main focus is not on the level of the sign, but on its presence (even if it is little), that is, the exact norm (level) of the sign will not be of great importance. Such situations were considered in the examples given above with more or less indicators.

Second, it is such situations that they are not sure the real level of the sign of the speech entity: The time wore on. The noises in the streets became less frequent by different degrees, until silence was scarcely broken save by the bells in church towers, marking the progress-softer and more stealthy while the city slumbered-of that Great Watcher with the hoary head, who never sleeps or rests. In the brief interval of darkness and repose which feverish towns enjoy, all busy sounds were hushed; and those who awoke from dreams lay listening in their beds, and longed for dawn, and wished the dead of the night were past. (Charles Dickens, The Barn-aby rudge).

Nizomga asosan standardlashtirish va sifatni boshqarishning turlitoifa va dara-jadagi me'yoriy va metodik hujjatlari bor. Nizomga asosan standardlashtirish va sifa-tni boshqarishning turli toifa va darajada-gi me'yoriy va metodik hujjatlari bor. (ziyo. net) see also the examples with the participation of indicators "deyarli/almost"). Accordingly, in these cases, the approximate level indicator of semantic sign is the indicator "the fact that the thing is aware of the speech subject is authenticity" of the discursive icon at the same time.


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submitted 07.12.2023;

accepted for publication 26.12.2023;

published 16.01.2024

© Mahmudova, N. R.

Contact: Mahmudova1076@gmail.com

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