LINGUISTIC AND DIDACTIC BASIS OF TEACHING ENGLISH TO ARCHITECTURE STUDENTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Key words: Linguistic Foundation / Language Acquisition Theories / Linguistic Analysis / Language Skills Development.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Bobokulova D.B.

Annotation. The linguo-didactic foundation of language instruction is examined in this essay. According to research, the linguodidactic theory of language phenomena is significant because it aims to optimise the educational process and includes a methodological idea of the didactic language of the language learning technique as well as the linguodidactic base of linguistic meaning. Its components serve as language didactics' theoretical foundation.

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Bobokulova D.B.


Department of Interfaculty foreign languages

Termez State University



Annotation. The linguo-didactic foundation of language instruction is examined in this essay. According to research, the linguodidactic theory of language phenomena is significant because it aims to optimise the educational process and includes a methodological idea of the didactic language of the language learning technique as well as the linguodidactic base of linguistic meaning. Its components serve as language didactics' theoretical foundation.

Key words: Linguistic Foundation, Language Acquisition Theories, Linguistic Analysis, Language Skills Development.

The linguistic and didactic basis of teaching English to architecture students encompasses the principles and methodologies rooted in both language instruction and pedagogy. Here's a breakdown of these foundations:

Linguistic Foundation:

> Language Acquisition Theories

> Linguistic Analysis:

> Language Skills Development

Language Acquisition Theories: Understanding theories of language acquisition, such as behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism, helps educators tailor language instruction to suit the cognitive and developmental needs of architecture students.

Linguistic Analysis: Analyzing the linguistic features of English relevant to architecture, such as specialized vocabulary, technical terminology, and discourse patterns, guides the selection of instructional materials and activities.

Language Skills Development: Focusing on the four language skills— listening, speaking, reading, and writing—ensures a comprehensive approach to language instruction that addresses both receptive and productive language abilities.

Didactic Foundation:

> Pedagogical Theories:

> Learning Styles and Preferences

> Assessment and Feedback

> Intercultural Competence:

Pedagogical Theories: Incorporating pedagogical theories such as constructivism, communicative language teaching, and task-based learning informs

instructional practices that prioritize student-centered, interactive, and experiential learning.

Learning Styles and Preferences: Recognizing the diverse learning styles and preferences of architecture students helps educators employ varied teaching strategies and methods to accommodate individual differences and optimize learning outcomes.

Assessment and Feedback: Implementing formative and summative assessment strategies and providing timely and constructive feedback support student progress and inform instructional planning and adaptation.

Intercultural Competence: Promoting intercultural competence through exposure to diverse cultural perspectives, practices, and communication norms fosters students' awareness, empathy, and adaptability in cross-cultural interactions.

When teaching English to architecture students, educators integrate these linguistic and didactic foundations to design and deliver effective language instruction tailored to the specific needs, interests, and goals of the learners. This may involve selecting authentic materials related to architecture, incorporating project-based tasks and simulations, and providing opportunities for language use in real-world contexts relevant to the field of architecture. Additionally, integrating technology, promoting collaborative learning, and fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills are key components of teaching English to architecture students within a linguo-didactic framework.

Indeed, understanding language acquisition theories is crucial for educators when tailoring language instruction to meet the needs of architecture students. Let's delve into these theories and how they can inform language teaching:

Behaviorism: This theory posits that language learning occurs through imitation, repetition, and reinforcement. Behaviorists emphasize the role of environmental stimuli and conditioning in language acquisition. In language teaching, behaviorist principles may manifest in activities like drilling, repetition exercises, and positive reinforcement of correct language use. While behaviorism alone may not fully explain language acquisition, its principles can still inform instructional techniques, particularly for developing basic language skills and automaticity in language use.

Cognitivism: Cognitivist theories view language learning as a mental process involving cognitive structures and information processing. According to this perspective, learners actively engage with language input, make connections, and construct internal representations of language rules and patterns. Educators can apply cognitivist principles by providing meaningful input, scaffolding learning tasks, and promoting cognitive engagement through activities like problemsolving, critical thinking, and concept mapping. Cognitivism emphasizes the importance of comprehension, memory, and cognitive strategies in language learning, which are particularly relevant for architecture students who may benefit from understanding complex technical language and concepts.

Constructivism: Constructivist theories propose that learners actively construct knowledge and meaning through interactions with the environment. Language learning, from a constructivist perspective, involves learners' active engagement in authentic communicative tasks, social interaction, and reflection on their experiences. Educators can facilitate language acquisition by providing opportunities for meaningful communication, authentic language use, and collaborative learning experiences. For architecture students, constructivist approaches may involve project-based learning, discussions on architectural design principles, and real-world tasks that require language use in architectural contexts.

Conclusion. By integrating insights from behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism, educators can create a balanced and dynamic language learning environment that addresses the cognitive and developmental needs of architecture students. These theories provide valuable frameworks for designing effective instructional strategies, selecting appropriate learning activities, and fostering language development in a way that is engaging, meaningful, and relevant to the field of architecture.


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