LIGHTING OF INDUSTRIAL PREMISES IN THE LOCOMOTIVE DEPO Текст научной статьи по специальности «Электротехника, электронная техника, информационные технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям, автор научной работы — Ablyalimov Oleg, Gayratov Boxadirjon, Ruzimurodov Shaxboz

The results of the lighting calculation of artificial lighting of the department for on the repair of electrical and electronic equipment in the locomotive depot are presented. The numerical values of the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the specified lighting are obtained in the form of tabular data, graphical and analytical dependencies, which are recommended for use in the design of objects of the locomotive complex.

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№ 5 (98)_-V, r - - ._май. 2022 г.


Oleg Ablyalimov

Doctor of philosophy, professor, professor of the chair «Lommotives and locomotive economy»

Tashkent state transpоrt university, Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: o. ablyalimov@gmail.com

Boxadirjon Gayratov

Master student by the chair «Lommotives and locomotive еconomy»

Tashkent state transpоrt university, Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: bgayratoff@gmail.com

Shaxboz Ruzimurodov

Master student by the chair «Lommotives and locomotive еconomy»,

Tashkent state transpоrt university Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: ruzimurodovshaxboz2@gmail.com


Аблялимов Олег Сергеевич

канд. техн. наук, профессор, проф. кафедры «Локомотивы и локомотивное хозяйство», Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет,

Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Гайратов Бохадиржон Икболжон угли

магистрант кафедры «Локомотивы и локомотивное хозяйство», Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет,

Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Рузимуродов Шахбоз Дилмурод угли

магистрант кафедры «Локомотивы и локомотивное хозяйство», Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет,

Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент


The results of the lighting calculation of artificial lighting of the department for on the repair of electrical and electronic equipment in the locomotive depot are presented. The numerical values of the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the specified lighting are obtained in the form of tabular data, graphical and analytical dependencies, which are recommended for use in the design of objects of the locomotive complex.


Приведены результаты светотехнического расчёта искусственного освещения отделения по ремонту электрической и электронной аппаратуры в локомотивном депо. Численные значения количественных и качественных показателей указанного освещения получены в виде табличных данных, графических и аналитических зависимостей, которые рекомендуются для использования при проектировании объектов локомотивного комплекса.

Keywords: lighting installation, luminous flux, lighting, indicators, calculation, department, qualitative, quantitative.

Ключевые слова: осветительная установка, световой поток, освещение, показатели, расчёт, отделение, качественный, количественный.

Библиографическое описание: Ablyalimov O., Gayratov B., Ruzimurodov S. LIGHTING OF INDUSTRIAL PREMISES IN THE LOCOMOTIVE DEPO // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 5(98). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/13653

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For lighting industrial and office buildings, including railway transport enterprises, natural light and light from artificial lighting sources are used.

There are the following types of lighting [1]:

• natural lighting created by direct sunlight and diffused by the light of the sky;

• artificial lighting created by light sources;

• combined lighting, in which natural lighting, which is insufficient according to the norms, is supplemented by artificial lighting.

According to the design, artificial lighting can be of two types - general and combined.

General lighting is used in industrial premises, where the same type of work is carried out over the entire area (foundry, welding, galvanizing shops), as well as in administrative, office and warehouse premises.

When performing precise visual work (plumbing, turning) in places where the equipment creates deep sharp shadows or work surfaces are located vertically (stamps, guillotine shears), along with general lighting, local lighting is used.

Combined lighting - there is a combination of local and general lighting. The system of general artificial lighting is performed by ceiling or pendant lamps placed parallel to the light openings.

According to the functional purpose, artificial lighting is divided into working, emergency and special, which can be security, duty, evacuation, erythema, bactericidal, signal and other types.

This work was carried out in parallel with the study [2] and is due to the study of the organization of artificial lighting at the locomotive repair and linear enterprises of JSC "O'zbekiston temir yo'llari".

The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of the layout characteristics of enterprises (objects) on the

Indicators of artificial lighting of the workshop for the

май, 2022 г.

quantitative and qualitative indicators of artificial lighting on the example of one of the repair departments of the traction rolling stock of the main locomotive depot.

It should be noted that the main task of lighting calculations for artificial lighting is to determine the required power of an electric lighting installation to create a given illumination.

In the future, we will agree on the number of light sources (lamps) N (pcs) and the power of the lighting installation Png.i„ (kW) to be attributed to quantitative indicators, and of the calculated luminous flux Ф^ (lm), which the lamps in each lamp should emit and their actual illumination Eact (lx), to qualitative indicators. In this case, the location of light sources and the geometric dimensions of the buildings (structures) under study will be referred to the layout characteristics of these buildings.

To achieve this goal, based on the method of calculating the illumination, taking into account the coefficient of use of the luminous flux [3], we determine the quantitative and qualitative indicators of artificial lighting according to the condition of the problem [4], varying the area of the department for the repair of electrical and electronic equipment of locomotives by changing the length department, leaving its width constant.

The luminous flux utilization coefficient K„s is the ratio of the actual luminous flux Фа^ to the value of the calculated luminous flux Ф^, necessary to ensure normalized illumination En, that is, Кш = Ф^ / Фасл-

In the table 1, using the calculation method and recommendations [4], omitting intermediate arithmetic calculations and reasoning, we present the final results of lighting calculations for incandescent lamps of the G125-135-200 type.

Table 1.

repair of electrical and electronic equipment of locomotives

№ p/n Geometric dimensions of the department Indicators

Quantitative Qualitative

А, m В, m S = A B, m2 N, pcs Plig.in, kW lm Eact. lx

1 12 12,0 144 12 2,4 3393 94,3

2 18 216 20 4,0 2948 108,5

3 24 288 28 5,6 2772 115,4

4 30 360 36 7,2 2690 119,0

5 36 432 44 8,8 2626 121,8

6 42 504 52 10,4 2600 123,0

7 48 576 60 12,0 2555 125,2

According to Table 1 we build graphic dependences

= fi(S), N = f2(S), Pg. = f(S) and

Eact = f4(S) presented in Fig. 1, which depict the nature

of the change in the quantitative and qualitative indicators of artificial lighting, depending on the area of the department for the repair of electrical and electronic equipment of locomotives.

It can be seen that the dynamics of changes in the luminous flux and illumination with an increase in the area

of the illuminated room is described by a curvilinear dependence, and the number and power of lighting means are characterized by a linear dependence.

Based on the generalization and analysis of the results performed by the authors of the calculations, analytical dependencies were obtained that describe the nature of the change in artificial lighting indicators depending on the geometric dimensions of the object under study, taking into of account of the layout of light sources.

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Figure 1. Quantitative and qualitative indicators of artificial lighting of the investigated repair facility

1. For the number of light sources

N = KS - N.. .

1 itg.tn

when Ki = 0,111 pcs/m2 and Nug.m = 4 pcs.

2. Для мощности осветительной установки

Plis.n = K s - P^n, when K2 = 0,0222 kW/m2

and P,,g.,n = 0,8 kW.

3. For the of calculated luminous flux of the lamp. We divide the graphical dependence of the calculated luminous flux on the area of the illuminated room into three zones (zone I - Si = 114 ... 216 m2, zone II -S2 = 216 ... 288 m2 and zone III - S3 = 288 m2) taking into account the assumption of the linear nature of the change in the calculated luminous flux of the lamp.

Therefore we have:

=-KS + Ф"

Ф..., = -KS + Ф

when K4 = 2,444 lm/m2 and Ф11 = 3476 lm;

Ф n=-KS+Ф

estô 3

when K5 = 0,7535 lm/m2 and ®u\t = 2952 lm.

4. The actual illumination of the lamp in the considered range of areas varies according to a curvilinear law and, with an increase in the latter by a factor of four, it also increases, approximately by 32.77 percent.

Thus, the graphical and analytical dependences obtained by the authors can be used to predict the parameters of quantitative and qualitative indicators of artificial lighting at the design stage of railway transport facilities, as well as buildings of industrial enterprises.

when K3 = 6,18 lm/m2 and Ф1 , = 4283 lm;


1. Belyakov G.I. Occupational health and safety: a textbook for secondary vocational education / G.I. Belyakov. -3rd ed., revised and additional - Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House, 2019. - 404 p.

2. Ablyalimov O.S. On the study of artificial lighting at railway transport enterprises [Text] / O.S. Ablyalimov, I.R. Kayumov // VIII-th interuniversity scientific and practical conference "Young scientific researcher" / Tashkent Institute . eng. railway transport. - Tashkent, 2010. - pp. 85 - 87.

3. Normatov Sh.N., Tulyagankhodzhaeva M.B. Calculation of artificial lighting in industrial premises [Text] / Sh.N. Normatov, M.B. Tulyagankhodzhaeva // Methodological guidelines for graduation design. Part II / Tashkent in-t. eng. railway transport. - Tashkent, 1987. - 31 p.

4. Ablyalimov O.S. Calculation of illumination in the industrial premises of the locomotive depot [Text] / O.S. Ablyalimov, M.M. Topilov // VIII-th interuniversity scientific and practical conference "Young scientific researcher" / Tashkent in-t. eng. railway transport. - Tashkent, 2010. - pp. 71 - 73.

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