LIGHT INDUSTRY AS THE DOMINANT SECTOR OF INTERACTION BETWEEN RUSSIA AND CHINA Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Chernyaeva Victoria Aleksandrovna, Wang Dianhua

This study analyzes the vector of Sino-Russian cooperation in light industry, the features of interaction between Russia and China in the field of light industry at a new level of development of the "One Belt, One Road" trend (OBOR). Since 2020, China and Russia are the main partners in the import and export of light industry. To update the format of cooperation within the framework of OBOR, it is important to introduce new standards for the quality of light industry products, regulate the import and export of Russian and Chinese goods, as well as the integration of digital technologies of light industry and environmental safety. The implementation of joint activities within the framework of OBOR is a continuation of an effective bilateral dialogue and the beginning of a new stage of industrial cooperation between the countries.

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Chernyaeva V.A. , Wang Dianhua Email: Chernyaeva1178@scientifictext.ru

1Chernyaeva Victoria Aleksandrovna - PhD, Doctoral Student;



Abstract: this study analyzes the vector of Sino-Russian cooperation in light industry, the features of interaction between Russia and China in the field of light industry at a new level of development of the "One Belt, One Road" trend (OBOR). Since 2020, China and Russia are the main partners in the import and export of light industry. To update the format of cooperation within the framework of OBOR, it is important to introduce new standards for the quality of light industry products, regulate the import and export of Russian and Chinese goods, as well as the integration of digital technologies of light industry and environmental safety. The implementation of joint activities within the framework of OBOR is a continuation of an effective bilateral dialogue and the beginning of a new stage of industrial cooperation between the countries. Keywords: development trend, cooperation, Russia, China, light industry, One Belt One Road.


1Черняева Виктория Александровна - PhD, докторант;

2Ванг Дианхуа - профессор, факультет экономики и менеджмента, Тяньцзиньский государственный университет науки и технологии, г. Тяньцзинь, Китайская Народная Республика

Аннотация: в данном исследовании анализируется вектор китайско-российского сотрудничества в легкой промышленности, особенности взаимодействия России и Китая в области легкой промышленности на новом уровне развития тренда "Один пояс - один путь " (OBOR). С 2020 года Китай и Россия являются основными партнерами по импорту и экспорту легкой промышленности. Для обновления формата сотрудничества в рамках OBOR важно ввести новые стандарты качества продукции легкой промышленности, регулировать импорт и экспорт российских и китайских товаров, а также интеграцию цифровых технологий легкой промышленности и экологической безопасности. Реализация совместных мероприятий в рамках OBOR является продолжением эффективного двустороннего диалога и началом нового этапа индустриального сотрудничества стран. Ключевые слова: тенденция развития, сотрудничество, Россия, Китай, легкая промышленность, Один пояс - один путь.

UDC 331.225.3 DOI: 10.24411/2312-8267-2021-10305

Russia and China have a good potential for developing cooperation in the light industry. Until 2013, China-Russia bilateral trade was mainly focused on traditional areas of cooperation, such as energy and heavy industry. After the implementation of the OBOR initiative, the Sino-Russian trade structure was optimized to large volumes of exchange of light industry goods and equipment, and urban consumption in China and Russia became a new incentive. Breakthrough and innovation

have become the main topic of Chinese-Russian cooperation. China continues to be Russia's largest trading partner, particularly as a supplier of light industry goods. With the continuous improvement of bilateral relations, the future volume of bilateral trade is expected to be high [1, p. 155].

The deepening of Russian-Chinese strategic cooperation and partnership has become a new starting point in the history of relations between the two countries, in particular within the framework of the OBOR project. At the same time, it is necessary to gradually raise the level of Russian-Chinese industrial cooperation and implement the construction of a new "model of comprehensive openness", including in the light industry. Cooperation between Russia and China is effective in the fields of industry, investment, energy resources, science and technology, agriculture, ecology, transport, and culture. Cooperation between the two countries in the scientific and technical sphere will bring Russian-Chinese trade and economic cooperation to a new stage of light industrial dialogue [2, p. 130].

More than two thousand years ago, Eurasian continent opened trade and cultural routes that connected the great civilizations of Asia, Europe and Africa, which were given the common name "The Great Silk Road" by their descendants. This spirit has become a symbol of interaction and cooperation between East and West, and has made up the global cultural and historical heritage of all states. Having entered the 21st century, which has become a new era based on the principles of "peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit", we are faced with a situation of weak recovery of the world economy, a difficult global and regional situation. So, the inheritance and transmission of the spirit of the great Silk Road became even more important and valuable [3, p. 25].

Light industry is represented in each economic district, complementing the production profile of the territory, although there are historically developed specialized areas and centers for the development of light industry. The light industry in Russia includes about 14 thousand enterprises and organizations, of which 10% are large and medium-sized. Nevertheless, 70% of the production volume is accounted for by the 300 largest enterprises. The total number of employees in the industry is more than 550 thousand people, 80% of them are women. The share of products produced on orders of law enforcement agencies is about 11% of the total output of light industry products. Production volumes continue to decline. The share of Russian production in the total turnover of light industry goods in Russia is only 20%. To analyze the proportions of the import, the total imports of light industry products to Russia in 2019 shown in the figure (Figure 1).

Fig. 1. Total imports of light industry products to Russia in 2019

According to the data from the table and diagram, the position of the clothes imported to Russia in 2019 year is on first place (more than 45%), the biggest part of such import belongs to China; on the second place is footwear 20.6%, raw-materials 14%; textile 8.5%; leather goods 5.8%, and tech-textile 5.2%, and it shows that import is still so high, especially, in the part of clothes and footwear, so as the forecast this position will be replaced by domestic production. So, that is why it is obvious that Chinese products are so popular in Russian market, especially the clothes sector.

Chinese clothes sector recently is improving quality in accordance with customer demand and social requirements in international market.

The share of light industry products in the Russian market produced in China is high. In the commodity structure of Russian exports to China, the tendency to increase the share of raw materials and products of primary processing in it is increasing [4, p. 158]. The structure of top-10 exports goods from Russia to China, and top-10 imports of goods from China to Russia are shown by the next figures (Figure 2).

Fig. 2. Top-10 exports ofgoods from Russia to China and top-10 imports of goods from China to Russia

According to the data of import-export relation between Russia and China, the summary: on the top of exports goods from Russia to China is mineral fuels and oil, as from light industrial products - is wood; on the top of import goods from China to Russia is electronic equipment; the second position of export from Russia to China belongs to nuclear reactors, machinery; the other positions of export from Russia to China including fish, ores, commodities, copper, pulp of wood, animal and vegetable oil. And the similar positions account of import from China belongs to following positions: vehicles, footwear, plastics, toys, iron and steel, organic chemicals, technical and medical equipment.

From Russia to China the biggest amount of goods exchange belongs to natural materials, such as wood, copper, oil, pulp of wood. And from China to Russia the biggest amount of goods exchange belongs to finished production, such as equipment, clothes, toys, vehicles. As the Chinese side, is ready to increase the volume of investment, especially in infrastructure construction, development of oil and gas resources, scientific and technical cooperation, as well as cooperation in the field of high technologies, communications, transport and deep processing of industrial products. Russia is interested in the experience of China in the implementation of scientific developments in light industrial production.

Currently, the strategic partnership between Russia and China is successfully developing in a new model of regional cooperation-the One Belt One Road is becoming increasingly attractive to many countries around the world [5, p. 97]. The OBOR development prospects are determined by the success of trade and economic relations between Russia and China. Strengthening cooperation between Russia and China in the field of technology is beneficial to both sides.

The countries within particular cooperation region with different economic systems showing the following economic models: traditional economy system, the command administrative economy system, capitalism - economy system, mixed-economy systems are integrated into the scheme of confirmation the unify tasks in regional economic collaboration agreements, with confirmation of common principles. [6, p. 78]. China's high-tech companies are interested in Russia. This is not only the supply of finished products, but also a joint development. At the same time, Russia is interested in China's experience in introducing scientific developments into production. The Chinese partners have a more developed mechanism for commercialization of scientific developments. Russia is interested in their experience of rapid testing of technologies in production on the basis of existing technologies with subsequent implementation.

The priorities of Russian-Chinese industrial cooperation remain two main areas affecting the sphere of economic relations. Standardization of the quality of products and goods imported and exported, as well as technological exchange, modernization and automation of production in the


field of light industry. Bilateral relations based on common interests of the Russian and Chinese

industries to reach a high level of technological development, and correspond to the ancient

Chinese principle: "To follow the good - to climb the mountain".

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