Научная статья на тему 'Lifelong development of professional competencies'

Lifelong development of professional competencies Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Lifelong development of professional competencies»


O.E. Stanulevich

In Russia, the concept of a "competence-based approach" was spread in the early 21st century in connection with discussions on issues and ways of modernizing the Russian education system with a view of improving the quality of professional education. The competence-based approach has replaced the information- and knowledge-based and personality-oriented approaches and is designed to assure the quality of educational services in line with demands of the labor market, which acts as the major consumer. The competence-based approach involves training through analysis and processing of knowledge instead of teaching by transmitting information; collaboration between the teacher and the student in the creation of a system of knowledge instead of mechanical teaching; modern and relevant learning instead of learning strictly directed by the teacher; learning patterns geared to particular demands of employers and determined by learners themselves instead of learning "as a safeguard in case it is needed in the future"; active learning methods instead of purely formal training; and lifelong learning instead of completing training at a certain age. The competence-based approach is not about acquiring disconnected knowledge and skills, but about learning to comprehensively use the knowledge, skills and practical experience gained through training in professional activities for solving specific tasks. In other words, the focus of professional education is shifted to developing competencies. In the context of the Federal State Educational Standards (hereinafter the "Federal Standards"), competence is the ability to use knowledge, skills and practical experience in work.

Thus, as a methodological basis of the Federal Standards, the competence-based approach provides conditions for more efficient management of the quality of professional education and making professional training relevant to demands of the labor market [1].

Certainly, it is impossible to master work techniques inherent in a certain profession (occupation) that are applicable to all possible professional situations within the framework of the educational process. Therefore the task of education is to help students master core competencies that are aimed at self-development and professional formation of an individual, as well as learn work techniques for the most common situations in a profession (occupation). The structure of competencies developed through professional education includes general and professional competencies. General competencies include information, socio-legal, communicative and similar competencies. General competencies are competences that are required for a person’s life and associated with his or her professional success in the rapidly changing society. The development of core competencies is not a one-time thing, because techniques of searching for information and communication are changing, and thus the previously acquired competencies should be continuously adjusted and refined on each level of education and for each stage of development of science and technology.


Competencies (including professional competencies) are developed by training — not only in an educational institution, but also under the influence of family, friends, professional activity, politics, religion, culture, etc. Therefore, the implementation of the competence-based approach depends on the entire educational and cultural environment in which a person lives and develops.

In international educational practices, the term "competence" is the central key concept which influences all stages of the educational process, because the competence of a person: (a) contains both the intellectual and practical components of education; (b) the concept of "competence" reflects the philosophy of interpretation of the content of education which is developed "on the basis of the outcome" ("output standard"); and (c) the individual's competence is integrative in nature because it incorporates a range of similar or closely-related knowledge, skills and practical experience which belong to wider areas of culture and activity (information, legal, etc.). The individual's competence has certain structural components which are associated with his or her ability to solve different problems in daily, professional or social life.

The competence-based approach is clearly forward looking, which manifests itself in the possibility to build your education taking into account successes in personal and professional activities. Furthermore, competence is expressed through the ability to make a choice based on the appropriate evaluation of your capabilities in a particular situation and is associated with motivation for continuing education.

The components of professional competence are as follows: (a) knowledge (a set of facts, scientific knowledge and reference materials that are required for work in a given profession/occupation); (b) skills (proficiency in methods and techniques of performing certain professional functions. A common characteristic of skills is that they are specific); (c) practical experience (mastering of professional techniques in specific situations of professional activity in the workplace); (d) abilities (inborn inclinations for solving certain professional tasks); (e) behavioral patterns (visible forms of action taken to perform professional tasks); and (f) efforts (conscious utilization of mental and physical resources in a certain direction. Efforts represent the core of work ethics and are determined by the sufficiency of motivation for professional activity).

The structure of professional competence can be represented by basic and functional elements. Basic elements are elements of competence that reflect the specifics of a certain professional activity within the framework of the profession (occupation) learned. Functional elements are a combination of characteristics of a particular professional activity that reflect a range of work functions inherent in the particular workplace.

Thus, the key elements (skills and knowledge) of professional competence are those that should be possessed by every worker of the level of qualification sought to be acquired in order to be able to perform a certain professional function and that can be used in various situations. The key elements of competence are prescribed by the requirements of the Federal Standards and their availability is a prerequisite for acquiring certification in the profession (occupation). The evaluation is carried out in the form of self-audit in the educational institution and through evaluation (certification) by an independent organization. Functional


elements of competence reflect the specifics of performing the professional function in a particular workplace and take into account the characteristics of work typical of a particular region and working conditions in a particular enterprise in a given industry. Requirements for this component of professional competence are based on the variable part developed by the educational institution. The evaluation is carried out with the involvement of regional employers. An awarded certificate is important for acquiring certification in the profession (occupation) and employment.

Thus, the outcome of education will be a range of usual outcomes of education plus outcomes of the formation and development of core and functional competencies. The development of competencies is an addition to the usual goals of education which is aimed at continuing enhancement of the available competencies both through education of the selected level and by upgrading it.

Translated from Russian by Znanije Central Translations Bureau


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