LIFE-LONG LEARNING: LEARNING TO LEARN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
knowledge / competence / continuous learning / lifelong learning / continuing education / professional life. / знание / компетенция / компетентность / постоянное обучение / lifelong learning / непрерывное образование / профессиональная жизнь

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Khusainova, Firuza Toxirovna

Provides information on the essence of competencies and competence of the individual. Lifelong learning is viewed as the basis of the specialist's competence.

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Изложена информация о сущности компетенций и компетентности личности. Обучение на протяжении жизни рассматривается как базис компетентности специалиста

Текст научной работы на тему «LIFE-LONG LEARNING: LEARNING TO LEARN»


Khusainova Firuza Toxirovna, a.a. professor of the Department of General Sciences and Culture of the

Tashkent State University of Law fayruzakhusainova@gmail.com


Provides information on the essence of competencies and competence of the individual. Lifelong learning is viewed as the basis of the specialist's competence.

Keywords: knowledge, competence, continuous learning, lifelong learning, continuing education, professional life.


Хусаинова Фируза Тохировна, и.о. доцента кафедры

Общеобразовательные дисциплины и культура Ташкентского государственного юридического университета fayruzakhusainova@gmail.com


Изложена информация о сущности компетенций и компетентности личности. Обучение на протяжении жизни рассматривается как базис компетентности специалиста.

Ключевые слова: знание, компетенция, компетентность, постоянное обучение, lifelong learning, непрерывное образование, профессиональная жизнь.

We live in a new era of knowledge. Knowledge and competence are becoming the most important competitive advantage. The current pace requires us to constantly update, master new tools and rethink existing ones. Whether we want it or not, the process of continuous learning has become a part of the life of everyone who feels like a full-fledged person.

A person does not have enough knowledge, as well as the competencies obtained in the course of general and vocational education, since there is a rapid increase in professional knowledge, the mobility of the conditions of professional activity, therefore, a person needs to learn and retrain all his life.

Competence is interpreted as the ability of an individual to perform successfully in a social, economic, cultural environment. In other words, the concept

of "competence" has a capacious content that brings together the socio-psychological, pedagogical and moral qualities of a person.

Competence is knowledge in activity (in action) together with forecasting its results and responsibility for them. Competence is impossible without experience of activity and knowledge of their own rights in this activity or sphere of life.

Speaking of competencies, mention should be made of the necessary, key competencies for personal self-realization and development, social integration and employment. They include: systems thinking, cross-industry communication, project and process management, working with IT systems, customer focus, working with people and teamwork, working in conditions of uncertainty, multiculturalism and openness, awareness, important skills when speaking, communication in foreign languages, which allows you to participate in global communication, a tendency towards a clearer understanding of values and attitudes in relation to a specific goal, the involvement of emotions in the process of activity, readiness and ability to learn independently, confidence in self, self-control, adaptability: no feeling of helplessness, independent thinking, originality, critical thinking, studying the environment to identify its capabilities and resources (both material and human), willingness to rely on subjective assessments and take moderate risks, ability to make decisions, personal responsibility, ability to work together to achieve goals, the ability to listen to others and take into account what they have to say, the ability to resolve conflicts and mitigate differences.

In other words, competencies are goals, and competencies are results. And the achievement of the goal always contributes to development, updating their competencies, the personality develops, and his professional competence grows. A competent person has all-encompassing data and comprehensively developed abilities.

For successful professional and social activity, as well as personal realization of a person, the lifelong learning system should help him master a whole set of different competencies. The competency profile formed as a result of training will largely determine the demand for an individual in the labor market, his financial and economic well-being, social integration, health and, ultimately, his sense of human happiness.

A person who wants to stand out from the crowd should present himself as best as possible, show that he has the skills to do the job, and lifelong learning helps him with this.

Thus, the idea of lifelong learning occupies a leading place among the progressive ideas of our time. The social significance of this concept lies in equipping

each person with the ability for continuous development, self-improvement, all-round self-realization throughout life, which, in turn, contributes to the prosperity of the entire society. The main tool for achieving these goals is the introduction of a competency-based approach in education, which is a universal means of resolving both personal and social and state problems.

Training is the most effective investment, the invested resources are returned with high percentages and immediately. The habit of learning will allow you to achieve professional success, remain in demand and live in pleasure.


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