LEGAL ASPECT OF INFORMATION SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
information / information society / knowledge society / information technologies.

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Tymoshenko Elizaveta Anatoliyivna

The article examines the concept of the information society through the prism of a multifaceted consideration of its definitions and concepts. The role of information technology in the development of society is especially great today. These are not just changes in technological conditions that simplify production, but about a fundamentally new content of our usual concepts, a serious rethinking of values and a change in the way of life of an individual, namely, the formation of a new specific ethnos of the information society. The topic is relevant, since a single categorical apparatus of the information society has not yet been fixed in the theory of law.

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JURISPRUDENCE / «€®LL®(MUM~J®U©Ma[L>>#3®I®7)),2©2©

UDC 34.004

Tymoshenko Elizaveta Anatoliyivna

Assistant of the Department of Law Vinnitsia national agrarian university Graduate student of the Research Institute of the National Academy

of Sciences of Ukraine ORCID: 0000 0001 6852 6242 DOI: 10.24412/2520-2480-2020-3587-44-45 LEGAL ASPECT OF INFORMATION SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT


The article examines the concept of the information society through the prism of a multifaceted consideration of its definitions and concepts. The role of information technology in the development of society is especially great today. These are not just changes in technological conditions that simplify production, but about a fundamentally new content of our usual concepts, a serious rethinking of values and a change in the way of life of an individual, namely, the formation of a new specific ethnos of the information society. The topic is relevant, since a single categorical apparatus of the information society has not yet been fixed in the theory of law.

Keywords: information, information society, knowledge society, information technologies.

The concept of "information society" came into scientific circulation not so long ago. It was developed and actively used by economists and marketers, sociologists and philosophers, programmers and politicians. Recently, this concept has been actively included in the study of lawyers, who also form their own vision and understanding. This concept is designed to reflect the objective trend of a new stage in the evolution of civilization, associated with the emergence of new information and telecommunications technologies, new needs and a new way of life.

The term "information society" was introduced in the 1960s by the ideologues of post-industrial society D. Bell and J. Masuda, who tried to connect technological aspects with social ones.

In particular, D. Bell put forward the idea of the rebirth of industrial society in the post-industrial (information), in particular, through informatization. In particular, he defined the information society as a process of forming new principles of social and technological organization, based on such features as: the leading role of theoretical knowledge is the basis of technological innovation; new intelligent technology allows to find more effective approaches to solving technical, economic and social problems; the decisive role of "knowledge carriers" belongs to professionals who make up the largest social group; strengthening the role and importance of science in the technical re-equipment of society; formation of the economic theory of information on the basis of replacement of the labor theory of value by the theory of value based on knowledge. So, the focus is on information. [1, p. 45]

J. Masuda had a slightly different vision of this issue and noted that innovation in information technology is a hidden force of social transformation, which is manifested in the progressive increase in the quantity and quality of information, as well as in the growth of information exchange. He called the information society a society that grows and develops in the circle of information and leads to a general prosperous state of human intellectual creativity instead of rich material consumption [3, p. 29]. In his opinion, the information society should be classless and conflict-free.

The concept of E. Toffler's information society is considered classic, which considers the information society as an absolutely qualitatively new stage of social development in comparison with the previous ones; An important role is given to the tendencies of demassifi-cation of production, so the production system is gradually moving from traditional mass production to a complex mixture of mass and non-mass products. [4, p.105]

We can also find critical statements about the prospects for the development of the information society (as, for example, D. Lyon linked the development of information technology with increasing the existing gap between social groups and nations, expanding the state and other institutions to direct and control people's lives and growing economic interests). [2]

So, the main characteristic of the information society is the recognition of information as one of the most important social resources, and the information sector of the economy (production, storage, processing, transmission and consumption) - one of the most important social activities that creates an information and communication base and the development of scientific and technical, socio-economic and educational and cultural progress.

The role of information technology in social development today is especially great. In recent years, the computer network has become a major source of social innovation. It is not just about changes in technological conditions that simplify production, communication, training and other human activities, but about a fundamentally new meaning of familiar concepts, a serious rethinking of values and lifestyle changes, the formation of a specific ethnic group of the information society. In the course of large-scale transformations in all spheres of social life, new moral problems arise and old ones become more acute. As in any other transition period, the confrontation between traditional and innovative values is growing. There are acute issues of indirect communication, computer crime, information security, control over personal life, compliance with the behavior of the individual in real and virtual spaces, the creation of virtual (pseudo) personalities, etc.

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Modern society is in the process of transition to the information (post-industrial) period, a changing industrial society. As the process of value transformation is contradictory and ambiguous, it is proposed to identify the ethical and philosophical characteristics of the global information society by analyzing the values, moral norms and principles developed within those communities that have further advanced the use of high information technology. The ethnos formed in the process of Internet communication of such social groups as information workers, IT professionals, representatives of network subcultures, etc., can be considered as a prototype and basic model for the formation of the ethnos of the information society as a whole.

The formation of the information society creates unique moral problems, including - computer crime, information inequality and information security, the problem of the relationship between copyright and the specifics of the Internet, the creation of virtual personalities, virtualization of real people and more.

Information production and communication are becoming a centralized process. Ultimately, the main resource of the new post-industrial order is information.

Quite often the concepts of "information society" and "knowledge society" are confused. So what's the difference? What is broader and what does the other include?

Due to the rapid development of information technology, when they were ahead of knowledge and understanding of the masses - there was a society based on knowledge. We can assume that this is the next stage in the development of the information society. Traditional material production, which is not focused on the latest technologies and scientific knowledge, is not competitive against the background of the knowledge society, so displacing it and gradually replacing it. In such a society, information technology has certain functions: epistemological, cultural and social. As for the epistemological function, its status and significance in the information society is that the set of information networks allows for operations that provide the growth of new knowledge. Cultural - expands the boundaries of knowledge about the traditions and rules of other countries and peoples. Social - is manifested in the mix-

ing of people and the division into those who own information and do not own it. Other divisions of society that existed before are being erased. In this way, the knowledge society has a number of features:

1. Availability of modern information technologies;

2. Existence of developed infrastructures;

3. Accelerated automation and robotization of production and management;

4. Radical transformation of social structures, which leads to an increase in the scope of information activities and services.

So, the process of development of the information society in all countries will be different, due to differences in the level of development of informatization processes between the most developed countries and third world countries with economies in transition. In addition, even within one country it is impossible to talk about a homogeneous degree of development and implementation of information technology, readiness of both individuals (or their groups) and government agencies to simultaneously change traditional processes to more modern, accompanied by different levels of logistics base, financing, availability of qualified persons, etc. Therefore, we can talk about the existence of several types of information society, where the main thing in determining the type of society will be the degree of equal access of citizens to information, opportunities and desire to obtain new knowledge, information, use them effectively.


1. Bell D. Social framework of the information society. A new technocratic wave in the West. - Moscow: Progress, 1986. - 514 p.

2. Lyon D. Information society: problems and illusions. URL: http://www.philsci.univ.kiev.ua/bib-lio/lajon.html (last access: 20.12.2020)

3. Masuda Y. The Information Society as Post-Industrial Society. Institute for the Information Society. -Washington, D. C.: Pub. WorldFutureSociety, 1981. -171 p.

4. Information society and globalization. Textbook: Current issues of civilization in the digital age. For order. Kharitonova EA, Kharitonova OI - Odessa: Phoenix, 2018.

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